Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 114 - Trap Card.

When the battle royal between the conceptual haxs holders was destroying everything in the reality marble, the space and time continuum twisted inside of the inner area of this 'ship' before a portal appeared.

"..." Two masters and two servants were thrown from the portal like rag dolls before falling into the ground because of the space push. The portal closed immediately like Zelretch telling them it's useless to try and slip away, probably it was only for Merlin.

Raising their heads, each one of them breathed a sigh of relief when they didn't see a world-ending battle in their faces before they stood up.

"Hisss…" Sucking a cold breath, Rin rubbed her back before she stood up slowly while observing where Zelretch sent them.

It was a wide place like a tunnel, which was slightly dim and had a lot of white lines running across all its walls. The while lines were illuminating the place with their light while flashing now and then.

Even if Rin didn't understand what they meant, she can guess they are a part of a huge ritual and from their number, length, and this place size, she can only assume that the ritual is massive.

Moreover, Rin doesn't know how this will end. After all what is happening, the magic association and church eyes will go straight to Fuyuki. She doubts, even if she somehow got Zelretch's help, the situation will change unless all magi lose their memories.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, finding her sister in this mess is the most important goal now.

"Hmmm… There's a core to the reality marble in addition to its user? This is impressive, yet it'll mean more problems" Merlin touched the wall as he sensed Avalon's mana and textures, which made him put his hand on his chin.

"No time to waste" Ritsuka removed the dust from her hair before she looked at Merlin and said " Merlin, do you know this place and… what are we supposed to do?"

Zelretch threw them without any explanation into this place while telling them to be useful. What are they supposed to do if they don't know anything?! Ritsuka's head started hurting more because of these clairvoyance users and mysterious mages.

"Of course, Ritsuka-chan, let's talk while moving because I don-..." Merlin wanted to say something, but then, the reality marble started shaking, so he said " Because of that"

Merlin moved towards a path, which had the highest levels of Avalon's mana while that little mana he got from Medea was also reacting this way. The group followed him quickly while Archer took the lead while holding his bow, which made Rin's eyebrow twitch for this melee archer.

"Here we're in the second core of the reality marble, no, this is much higher than a reality marble" Merlin shook his head while changing directions with the mana reactions. He has a feeling that a trap might appear at any moment because this place has the signs of a magi workshop.

"....." Archer looked around as he felt that he wouldn't be able to materialize his reality marble completely in this place, which made him frown.

Whoever made this place must be a crazy genius or something, but if only the new Shinji has left, does that mean he owns this place? Archer felt more weird about his ideas.

"The first core is the user and the second one is the ritual that spreads across this place! Our goal is to go and destroy or nullify the second core and ritual… Probably" Merlin sounded very confident before the last word, which made everyone look at him with helpless eyes.

Suddenly, Merlin lifted his eyebrow before pointing with his staff forward. Several pink shaped mana orbs appeared before they were launched like bullets.

Leaving a shrieking sound in the air, the bullets flew like homing missiles before hitting several spots in the walls and ground.


The bullets exploded with mana normally, but what followed was a huge explosion of flames that made everyone cover their faces.

Merlin didn't stop here as he started shooting all the area in front in different positions. Like a chain reaction, spells and difference traps were flying everywhere, which turned this calm tunnel into a warzone instantly.

"It seems we are receiving a very warm welcome, everyone. Em-... Archer-kun, do you mind shooting at the front" Merlin stopped calmly as he looked at Archer before pointing at several traps that were summoning skeletons soldiers. Those were Dragon Tooth Warriors, which means they are close to their goal.

Archer frowned when he saw the entire tunnel filled with traps before aiming with his bow and started shooting quickly. He had to admit that Merlin's capability to spot all these traps easily is very impressive and they'll definitely have a lot of trouble without him. Rin and Ritsuka, who covered their faces, were also impressed by Merlin's feats.

However, they didn't know that everything except the first bullet was just a guess. How in the hell should he spot all those traps this quickly? He just shot bullets with Avalon's mana randomly and hoped for the better. Merlin wanted to pat himself on the back for his great wisdom. He really deserves to be called a Grand Caster candidate!

Archer pulled the strings quickly as the arrows(swords) turned into blue flashes before they hit all Dragon Tooth Warriors and destroyed them easily, however, more and more warriors appeared like an endless tide. He didn't wait for them to gather before he detonated all the mana in his arrows(swords).


The entire place became a sea of flames, which would have hurt them if this place was like a normal tunnel, but this area was very strange.

"When I give the signal, we'll all run to the front!" Merlin's staff was shining with mana before he shot several bullets at precise(random) locations on the ceiling before he triggered some traps.


The spells that were supposed to stop the intruders blocked the advancement of the warriors that were activated before their time while Archer charged a few arrows and shot in the middle of the pack.

Another explosion sent the Dragon Tooth Warriors flying before Merlin said " Now!"

Archer projected his two blades and Merlin grabbed Excalibur before they rushed forward. Rin and Rituska activated their magecraft, which was reinforcement mystic code and gem spells while rushing behind them.

Excalibur in Merlin's hand turned into a golden flash as he was clearing all Dragon Tooth Warriors while Archer took care of the sides and the enemy that escaped Merlin's slashes.

Throwing some gems with restaining and slowing down magecraft, Rin assisted Archer before a warrior appeared with his sword behind her, however, its head flew off because of a punch to the jaw.

Looking back, Rin saw Ritsuka will her mystic code shining before she delivered high kicks and straight punches to Dragon Tooth Warriors. Under the reinforcement magecraft from her mystic code, Ritsuka cracked those cheap cost familiars before she nodded at Rin.

"...." Looking at the punches and fighting style, Rin, even if she knew some martial arts, felt like those would be very painful to take, which made her wonder again about the combat capabilities of his weak magi.

In less than 10 seconds, the group crossed the big tide of Dragon Tooth Warriors before Merlin and Archer turned back. Merlin shot a few Avalon's mana bullets at the ceiling as Archer followed his aim before throwing his blades.


A trap was activated as several lightning strikes and flames storms rushed at the warriors. The group didn't wait as they continued running in the tunnel.

The reality marble is shaking more and more, so they don't have time to waste on these minions.

After a few seconds of running at high speed, the white lines on the walls became brighter and brighter before a shadow on someone appeared at the front.

At the end of the tunnel or how it looked with the heavy gate on the wall, a man was standing there calmly.

He had the appearance of a samurai swordsman with long indigo hair tied into a ponytail and indigo eyes. He wears a traditional light purple umanori hakama and kimono.

"Oh? I never expected to see someone after that woman left me here" the man's tone didn't have ups and downs as he said calmly, but there was a slight surprise in his eyes.

Assassin, Sasaki Kojirou, looked at Merlin and Archer as his eyes flashed. He was summoned by the witch as Assassin and ordered by command seals to guard this gate. In fact, he should be bound to the mountain because of the summoning spell, but this place is built on top of the mountain, so it counts.

In addition to that, Kojiro was forced by command seals and planted with a spell that might kill him at any time the witch wanted, but even so, he didn't care nor gave a damn about her offer to him to become the true Sasaki Kojirou.

He isn't the true Sasaki Kojiro, he's an existence similar to a wraith, but he didn't mind that, he was just waiting here to have a battle these days. Even if his opponents aren't true swordsmen, it's better than nothing.

"Servant…" Archer frowned while looking at the samurai at the gate.

He couldn't feel anything. The man seemed to be completely normal, but his danger avoiding mind eye was stinging slightly, like there's danger just by standing here.

He swept his gaze to Merlin, only to see Rin and Ritsuka standing with wide eyes and Merlin disappeared.

However, before he said anything, a loud scream filled the tunnel as a black shadow rushed.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Screams filled with rage and anger echoed in the tunnel as a black knight looking servant sprinted from the corner of the gate and rushed to the side.

Merlin, who was sneaking away in an illusion, heard the scream before turning his head and saw Lancelot, rushing towards him like a homing missile, even if he was hidden in an illusion.

Despite Merlin's helpless eyes, Lancelot, who was filled with madness, raised his sword and slashed without any hesitation. With a quick wave, Merlin blocked the attack with Excalibur.


The demonic and holy swords collided as sparks flew in the air, but Merlin didn't wait as exploded a bullet in Lancelot's face, which allowed him to slip away. Lancelot, who had his head knocked by a mana bullet, recovered quickly before chasing after Merlin.

Everyone looked at this development as they didn't know what to say, although Archer and Kojiro were amused by this play.

"What the hell! Do I look like the King?! If you feel this sorry about yourself, why don't you go after king Gilgamesh, he's the king's enemy!" Merlin looked at Lancelot trying to stab him from behind.

His words seemed to ignite more flames as Lancelot's speed increased, but even so, a Berserker wasn't able to chase a Caster in running, which shone a new light about how short-lived the rules of the Holy Grail War are.

Kojirou, who was watching the show, saw Merlin running towards him with Lancelot. Lifting his eyebrow, Kojirou put his hand on his sword while waiting for Merlin to arrive.

He can see that Merlin is a great swordsman after the clash with Lancelot, even if he doesn't pay and put much of his heart into swordsmanship.

However, Merlin changed his direction again, leaving Kojirou in confusion and his confusion increased because he was Lancelot stopping while staring at him.

Although everything looked normal for others, Lancelot was a whole different story. In his eyes, there was no Kojirou, but a knight in bright armor. She had bright blond hair and green eyes that looked at him directly while holding the golden sword in her hand.

The whole scene changed as it became a magnificent city behind the knight as Lancelot almost dropped his sword.

"Sir Lancelot…" His king, Artoria Pendragon, said in a calm voice and severe eyes as she raised her sword.

Those eyes, the sword, Lancelot's body trembled. Can he finally get it? Finally, the king will judge him for his crimes. He might have regained some sanity at this moment as Lancelot closed his eyes, but he didn't notice his sword, which had the fairies protection, was pointing at the side.

Waiting for the sword to claim his life, Lancelot didn't feel anything as he opened his eyes to see Artoria lowering the sword.

"No, Sir Lancelot, I forgive you… " Artoria said with a smile as Lancelot froze in his place.

"You're always my knight" Artoria said as Lancelot clenched his sword tightly while his eyes were glowing red.

"And no matter what, I'll never punish you for something like that" Those words were the last straw as Lancelot felt a volcano erupting in his mind.

In the other perspective, Merlin just ran back to the group as Lancelot stood there, looking at Kojirou without moving.

Kojirou was slightly uncomfortable by Lancelot's eyes before his sense of danger went off, which made him pull his sword immediately.

"AAAAAAAARRRRRRTHHHHUUURRRRRR!!!!!!!" Screaming to the top of his lungs, Lancelot rushed like a madman towards Kojirou while his sword was flashing with a dark-red demonic mana.


Kojirou frowned as he was pushed down by Lancelot's strength before he counter attacked, aiming at the neck with a swift wave.

Lancelot didn't bother blocking as he pushed forward, which made Kojirou change his attack and block the mad sword.


Like releasing all his anger, Lancelot didn't care about defenses at all. He just slashed and slashed at Kojirou(Artorria), giving him no chance to counter-attack!

Rin and Ritsuka looked at this before they turned to the calm Merlin, who smiled and said " What? I didn't do anything"

The smile and words made them shudder a little as they looked at Lancelot smacking Kojirou despite getting injured.

Archer with a blank face raised his free hand while channeling his mana. Red mana and electricity flashed before a huge sword in the shape of a drill appeared in his hand.

Putting the sword on the bow, Archer pulled the string as the sword became slender and suitable for shooting like an arrow.

Wind and mana blew Archer's coat up and made Ritsuka and Rin cover their eyes before he aimed. Merlin tapped the ground with his staff as flower petals flew in the air and made a shield.

Kojirou felt danger as he wanted to escape, but Lancelot didn't let him leave, even if he stabbed him.

"Hmph!" Letting go of the string, the arrow turned into a rocket of mana that twisted the space in front of it before reaching Lancelot and Kojirou instantly.

Behind the gate, Medea, who was busy with the ritual, sensed her traps being activated. The quick change in battle made her worried about Shinji, but she still checked. She didn't find anything until she felt another mana source from the gate, even Medusa and Sakura felt it.


Without any warning, the gate was blown away by a raging explosion. The impact made Medea deploy her shield spells and Medusa to protect Sakura before two shadows flew from the impact.

Kojirou and Lancelot were shot like missiles towards the room as they hit the walls before stopping.

"*Sigh*... This is really… Unfortunate" Kojirou sighed without losing his cool before he turned into light particles and vanished.

"Aaaaarrrttthhhuurrr…" Lancelot, who took most of the hit, said with a weak voice before his already frail Spirit core lost its power. Turning into light particles, Lancelot exited the war, leaving Medea, Sakura, and Medusa wide-eyed. Is this a double kill?

"Magnificent work, Archer-kun" a voice appeared from the blow gate before several figures appeared.

"Ah, although your illusions are strong, it isn't enough to finish the job" another voice was heard as the figures finally became clear.

Merlin and Archer walked in the front followed by Rin and Ritsuka, who witnessed the unhonorable double kill.

"Now, can I ask you to leave that ritual and give me that scabbard?" Merlin looked at the ritual and saw Avalon stabbed in the middle of it.

"Those useless bunch!" Medea said with anger as two servants lost without even injuring the enemy!

"....." Sakura looked at a figure behind Archer as she lowered her eyes before they became firm.

"Sakura!" Rin spotted her sister as she couldn't help but scream.

"Hello, Tohsaka Rin" Sakura said those words calmly while standing up from the ritual and Medusa followed her.

"Sakura…" Rin saw Sakura's eyes as she didn't know what to say.

Although she had a feeling in her heart, she didn't want to be her sister's enemy. She knew after joining the Holy Grail War, they'll become enemies because these are the ways of magi, especially between the three families.

However, she thought they at least won't fight to the death, but after looking at Sakura's eyes, Rin realized that may not be possible, which left her in a dilemma.

Glancing at his master, Archer took a step forward and projected his blade while Medusa grabbed her chain blade.

Ritsuka sighed while looking at Rin's situation before he looked at Merlin, who was still and watching the show. She wanted to ask him something, but then, she noticed that her hand passed through his robe.


Suddenly, the whole place started shaking violently. The walls cracked and the ritual started going out of control as Medea screamed " Shinji-sama!!"

She lost all connections with the reality marble battlefield! Her observation magecraft all have been shattered and worst, her connection with Shinji vanished suddenly! This almost made her lose the strength to stand up.

"Brother??!!" Sakura snapped when Medea screamed, however, no one waited for them to be ready.

Archer, who saw the chance, charged immediately with his blades towards Sakura, which made Rin pale, but Medusa blocked him.

He didn't stop as he continued to aim at Sakura while attacking Medusa. Whenever Medusa tried to counter-attack, Archer would just aim at the panicking Sakura, which left her helpless and at a big disadvantage.

"Archer!!" Even if she saw his plan, Rin couldn't help it, but she clenched her teeth.

However, without any warning, flower petals started flying around the place before Medea felt that she lost control over her ritual.

"No matter how skillful the magus is, panic and unexpected situations are very deadly things" A clear voice appeared from the ritual as Merlin grabbed Avalon and stabbed his staff on the ground. The other him near Ritsuka turned into flower petals and vanished.

"You! How dare you!!" Medea, who was still thinking about Shinji, flew up in rage after seeing Merlin ruin the ritual.

Merlin just shrugged his shoulders at her actions, she can't hurt him in the middle of ritual as he took a breath and said"The inner sea of the planet. The platform of the watchtower. From the edge of paradise, you shall hear my words. Your story shall be full of blessings. Let only those without sin pass...Garden of Avalon!!"

The sea of flowers exploded from Merlin's feet and drowned the ritual and the whole place, which turned it into another paradise-like place before the area was shaking again.

Medea didn't care anymore as her lips moved quickly and several magic-circles appeared around her, but then, the ceiling was broken.

A white fluffy creature and a woman with a red dress fell from the ceilings as there was a portal behind them.

"HA!" Nero, who just passed the portal and her head was hurting, glanced at the place before determining what was happening and slashing Medea directly.

The red sword cladded in flames pierced her defenses easily and knocked her away. Medea wasn't able to regain her balance and fell on the ground like a shell!


Hitting the ground, Medea left a pothole on the ground as Sakura widened her eyes and Medusa felt this situation was very difficult.

Meanwhile, at the interior of the Holy Grail, two Evil of Humanity stared at each other as one was holding a book while the other didn't like the book at all!

What is that book made from anyway?! Angra felt his head almost cracking as he didn't understand how a book could hurt him this easily, especially inside the Holy Grail.

"Birdman" Angra said while glaring at Leo with his red eyes.

"Village boy" Leo said with a calm face while holding the Book of The Law.

Looking at the werewolf in front of him, Leo wondered what happened in this world.

In his original state, Angra possesses no personality and no appearance. It is only by possessing others as his shell, he'll be able to acquire an appearance and a personality based on his host.

"What with your look, fucker!" With a hoarse voice, Angra said while raising his claws.

"Okay, hear me out" Leo didn't care about those words. The Book of The Law was attached by a chain in his hand before he clapped and said " This might sound weird and beyond crazy, but we need to save the world"

Silence, an awkward silence filled the interior of the holy grail as Angra stared at Leo with a gaze that sent one message 'Are you retarded?'

"I might have lost some brain cells, but you know that for us, the soul and core are the only important parts and everything else can recover" Leo shook his head while looking at Angra, who had a weird expression despite his current form.

"You… a Beast, want to save the world?" Angra said as Leo thought about it before nodding.

"And you… want me to help?" Angra said with a more hoarse voice before Leo said "Yes"

More silence filled the place before Angra lowered his head and spit on the ground, although it was just more mud.

"FUCK OFF!!! YOU MOTHERFUCKER CALL YOURSELF A BEAST?! DO YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE IT?!" Angra exploded as he started to throw every insult he can find in the World's Evil at Leo.

"Well, I won't deny that I want to shoot Wakame and the 'Hook' down, which is more important than saving this world, honestly, let it burn" Leo sighed while looking at the World's Evil around.

"And? Why do you think I'll 'help'?" Like hearing one of the best jokes in his life, Angra looked at Leo while waiting for an answer.

"Not being turned into fuel for a ship sounds good to you? Or do you actually prefer to be sacrificed" Leo said casually while glancing at Angra with a gaze that said 'Are you an M?'

"Grrr…" a low roar came from his shadow werewolf shape as Angra said " Look who's talking. The guy with those Ten Crowns that are more of dead weight! Did you see your old self in Solomon, so you had this battle? This is funny!"

"Don't remind me…" Leo looked at the golden grain of light in his hand as he didn't want to remember it.

That guy pulled a cliche on him, and a strong one! It wasn't even a Ceaser type of sacrifice, instead, it was 'when a villain died and left some of his power to the protagonist because a bigger threat appeared' type of cliche!

The grain of light was a shard from Solomon's ring and a key to control Beast I's ring of light and use the remaining energy, even if it was low.

Solomon, even if he was defeated, won't go like this, nor will do the crazy act of leaving power to a Beast. He was gambling, and a very big gamble that made Leo doubt if he is wise or just crazy in a wise way.

During this period, and the fact Leo is protecting Ritsuka, he knew that Leo is protecting the world and at least won't destroy it now. So, he placed his bet on giving Leo his last power and some mana to save the world because even if he lost and became free, his morals as a human, won't allow him to leave the world to die.

"Look man… wolf, I had a 'shower' from the Anti-Original Sin ritual and my Edge levels are very low now, so let it stay like that, and let's get over with this!" With those words, Leo's necklace shone with green light before several threads started moving around.

The threads were slow at first, but like sensing something in this place, they exploded from all sides of Leo.

"Grrr…" Looking at the green threads, Angra had a very bad feeling. He knew that no matter how much strength he has in the Holy Grail, he can't defeat Beast VI because of his 2nd Noble Phantasm. In this world, there won't be anyone more vulnerable to that Noble Phantasm than him, it doesn't even need a lot of mana to activate if the target was him!

Without talking, Angra rushed forward as the whole sea of mud started to rise behind him. All the World's Evil and curses gathered at this moment as Angra's claws were flashing.

In mere seconds, the mud became a hundred meters tsunami rushing towards Leo, even several waves and mud tentacles flew towards him from the ground.

Frowning at this sight, especially the tentacles, Leo didn't move as several threads from his necklace touched the mud and ignited on fire. Like forming a shield around him, the mud wasn't able to move one millimeter past the green threads and strangely, the mud seemed to want to burn under the lines.

As the area around and under Leo became a sea of flames, he just raised his arm slowly.

The green lines exploded around him again as they filled the place before he closed his eyes and said in a small voice " Qliphoth Ophis: Records Engraved on a Hollowed Tree"

From a deep place beyond the material world, a river of destiny was flowing before a snake made from countless green threads opened its eyes.

Above Leo, the green lines made the shape of Qliphoth before they started gathering again. Like crossing space and time, a green snake made from green threads appeared on top of the Qliphoth before moving around it.

When the green snake appeared, Angra cursed while looking at the mud burning at a higher speed, but weirdly, his eyes didn't show much emotion.

The snake above the Qliphoth didn't stop as it moved across it. From a position to a position, the snake drew all the 22 paths across the tree before stopping above Leo.

This is Leo's 2nd Noble Phantasm, Qliphoth Ophis. The snake of wisdom that crosses the 22 path of Kabbalah. Everyone did something in this world, it can be good or evil. Yet, no matter what you do, you'll always negatively affect something. It can be something that you didn't know about or never heard of, but it'll be recorded by seven ropes and seven knots that means the virtues and sins.

Yes, this is completely unreasonable, but it happened, and you participate in it one way or another, so it was partially your fault. This is the thinking of destiny and records that watch over humanity. The same applies to Qliphoth, which is the tree of evil, yet, it's not absolutely evil.

The Noble Phantasm uses those records or archives and weaponizes them. Be it to make the sins appear on someone to judge themselves or manifest physically like when Leo created the whole fleet of battleships, the meme sniper rifle that can shoot words, or even the servants summoning ritual. This is a similar feat to 4th true magic.

To be honest, this Noble Phantasm links Leo's power, which makes it important, yet useless. Strong, yet weak because of the conditions on it.

The amount of mana needed to use is enormous if the conditions were not achieved because destiny isn't an easy thing to use. It can easily cost more than ten times the mana for using all his other Noble Phantasms.

There are two conditions to use it freely, which is humanity and agreement. This Noble Phantasm can only affect humans on the large scale and the power to use sins will become very weak on someone with divinity according to their rank.

This Noble Phantasm also requires a play on words, which destiny loves a lot. By making someone admit they can truly carry their evil or sins from their hearts, even better if it's the whole world's evil, this Noble Phantasm will directly get the ability to use the river of destiny and summon sins like rain without costing Leo a lot of mana. A Noble Phantasm that plays on words is really fitting for the Devil and father of lies.

Now Angra, who is literally the World's Evil, is the best target as this Noble Phantasm wanted to activate on its own, even without an order from Leo.

Strangely, and funny enough, Ddraig's domination is very useful with this Noble Phantasm because it can pass those restrictions, even by a little bit. A dragon dominating destiny, that sounded funny for Leo, which made Ddraig glance blankly at him.

Like getting a signal, the threads exploded from the Qliphoth drawing the rushed everywhere. First, they burned the mud on the ground before the tsunami ignited. Even Angra's shadow body was getting burned by the fire, but he didn't stop rushing.

In a few seconds, most of the World's Evil became an ocean of flames, but Angra passed it before he reached Leo and waved his claw. However, he was stopped by several threads that tied him in the air.

"You piece of shit…" Angra said with his hoarse voice that carried hatred, yet it didn't sound that angry this time.

"Look who's talking, a being made from black mud" Leo looked at Angra burning in flames before he said " I can at least know you want to shoot them down too, no?"

"Tsk… I hope you burn in hell" Angra clicked his tongue, even if his tone became less and less hateful.

He won't lie, he prefers to tear Solomon and especially Shinji into shreds. Solomon might just want to sacrifice him, but Shinji? If Angra didn't receive his other self from another timeline when The CounterForce tried to protect the world, he'll be just a philosopher stone by now! Only because Shinji didn't want to alarm the CounterForce, he didn't come to fight him here or do something big.

"You need to come with something better" Leo shrugged his shoulders while Angra just ignored him as he just closed his eyes before vanishing in flames, like those flames didn't bring pain, only peace.

After Angra vanished, a dim white orb was left in his place as Leo reached with his hand and waved. The dim orb flew closer to him before the ocean of flames moved.

Like experiencing a huge attraction force, the flames, which were the energy from the World's Evil flew towards the orb and started merging with it.

In a few seconds, the flames vanished into the orb, leaving only a black void in this place and a red-black eclipse hole in the sky. The orb became very bright with flames flashing inside of it before it floated to Leo's side.

"....." Looking at the orb, Leo didn't speak for a moment before he sighed and said " So, unlike being sacrificed as fuel, you want to leave or be used like you should… A scapegoat for this world"

Originally he was a good-natured young man before he was randomly chosen to be the 'source' of his village's evil and tortured until death. His hatred for the world became his very nature, but he forgave humanity and accepted it. And now, if he'd choose between turning into a fuel and becoming something to save the world, he'll choose the latter. Although he won't help, he'll not refuse it.

Leo sighed a little while looking at the bright orb, which was all the energy from the World's Evil and what eroded from the Holy Grail that can be called now, the ritual for the incomplete Heaven Feel.

"Goddammit this world and all these chunni actions and feelings, yet I don't think these feelings can be expressed without these actions" Leo shook his head while looking at the gate in the sky.

Solomon, who tried to save the world in his own way at the first moment when his emotionless return. Angra, who can easily accept being sacrificed for the sake of the world, of course, only if he didn't see a chance to win. Gilgamesh, who chose to let go of immortality and become a heroic spirit because as long as his legend continues, his role will never vanish. Everyone is fighting and struggling to a certain future, even if it is a dim path.

A lot and a lot of feelings and ideas showed in a weeb and edgy way according to this modern era, honestly, Leo thinks if they weren't like that, these feelings will never shine, even if he still doesn't like that.

Looking through the gate, he saw Shinji struggling to escape the 'Hook', but that tower would never let him and that easy to get Origin power go. All his attacks and efforts didn't even scatch the 'Hook'.

"Well, although I'm still in my main objective, which is to finish this mission and leave the world, but… I can put some heart into doing it, even if it's one time" Leo waved his right hand as the Book of The Law moved with the chain and landed on his palm, but there was something that flew from it.

Reaching with his left hand, Leo caught a completely white card that doesn't have anything on it. This was his first award from the Gacha on the first mission, Blank Card, which is an empty gift box. Its usage is simple as the user can only fill it with something, but it has to be something owned by the user.

Honestly, when Leo got this card, he thought about storing a big attack then throw it or filling it mana, but as the crazy great genius, he can't follow these normal steps and thinking! Being inside the Book of the Law without getting destroyed showed that this card can do more, even much more after being affected by the knowledge in the book.

Glancing at the white card like he could see his reflection, Leo sighed while closing his eyes and saying " I just hope the reward will be at least something useful in exchange for my brain cells, Root"

This will probably be his last event and big action in this world, so he wouldn't mind to go and give it all and end it in this Type-Moon spacial.


A clicking sound appeared from Leo's body before something awakened. Leo guided that think directly towards his hand as the Blank Card started changing slowly.

Raising the card while holding it between two fingers, Leo opened his eyes that shone brightly before he said " I'm not gonna lie, I really wanted to say this in a long time…"

The Blank Card in his hand changed completely. It had drawings and borders made from black color, which was about a black figure of a jester laughing while being very close to a cliff. The gaps between the black drawings were filled with a rainbow color as the card shone brightly. However, it didn't end as platinum color flashed on the bottom of the card. A text and a number appeared there, they were 'The Fool' and number '0' flashing with platinum color.

At this moment, Leo felt the card became connected to him, even deeper than the Book of The Law and his Ten Crowns, it even became a part of him before he opened his eyes and said " You've just activated my trap card!"

Under the light from Qliphoth Ophis, Leo waved the card as the Fool Arcana shone brightly in his hand.


Second Noble Phantasm:

Qliphoth Ophis: Records Engraved on a Hollowed Tree.

Rank: A++

Type: Anti-Sin

Description: The snake of wisdom that crosse the 22 path of Qliphoth. Moving like a spiral of time across the whole river of destiny and keep track of everything that happened.

This Noble Phantasm represents all that humanity has done, be it good or bad, by using the concept of seven sins and virtues.

It has two forms, the first one to manifest the sins in a conceptual way from destiny and crush the minds of others, or in its second form, which allows a physical manifestation of sins.

However, this Noble Phantasm requires more mana and effort than all other NP because it need necessary conditions.

There are two conditions to use it freely, which is humanity and agreement. This Noble Phantasm can only affect humans on the large scale and the power to use sins will become very weak on someone with divinity according to their rank.

Also, it requires the opponent to has admitted that he can carry or hold the Evil from his heart with no lying in their words. When the two conditions are achieved, the Noble Phantasm can work easily and won't cost a lot of mana.


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