Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 113 - To Hell!


With a faint sound of cracking, small cracks and fractures appeared on the magic-circle in the sky. Although the sound was faint, everyone could hear it clearly as the bright light, the blinding light of Beast I's ring of light became slightly dim.


The cracks continued to expand like spider webs across the sky as the magic-circle started to drop shards from the sky. More and more fragments of light dropped from the ritual as it made a shower of light particles on all the planet while burning at the Ozone layer.

It was a magnificent scene for everyone. Awe, fear, surprise, confusion, a lot of emotions filled everyone while looking at the sky.

At the temple of time, Solomon was stabbed by the lance as blood was following from his body. The lance didn't have any mercy as it shone with a bright light and destroyed his body from the inside, especially his core that was already weak from using it in the previous attack.

"Can't you just… Shut up?" Hearing an annoyed voice, yet a tired one, Solomon knew its source, but he continued looking at the sky, watching his ritual crumble to pieces.

The ring of light behind him lost its foundation and balance as the sword of flames pierced it like nothing. The beam that reached the sky was cracking like the magic-circle in the sky and turning into fragments, but Solomon was able to see a tunnel inside of it. The tunnel that Beast VI used as a weak point and a flaw to crush his ritual.

Even so, Solomon just looked at the bright light falling from the sky without a word.

"Finally awake?" Solomon heard the voice again before he looked at his enemy, Beast VI, and said one word " Yes"

Leo wasn't in his 'best' shape for the moment. The injuries varieties into two sides, left and right. His left side was filled with burns and his dark blue eye was bleeding, even if the blood was dry from the heat, but the shocking scene was his right side.

The right side of his body was completely burned. His right hand was beyond disfigured as it looked like a burned piece of wood, it was almost blown off completely with his right shoulder. Most of his right-wing was burned, which left at least 30% of it smoking with heat.

The right side of his face was also touched a little as he was closing his right eyes tightly, which was surrounded by burns marks. Although they were healing a little by little, the pain should be enormous.

His clothes were glowing with several runes that Solomon recognized as ice-based or heat and fire resistance, which protected him a little in his mad rush.

Feeling the pain from every corner of his body, Leo struggled a little before he pulled his lance away. After losing the mana source, the purple flames sword vanished with the wind as Solomon's body lost its support and he fell to the ground.

Leo wiped the blood from his mostly okay left eye while supporting himself with the lance. Not only his body was burned, even his brain was burning from the Boost and the rush of calculations powers that flew towards his eyes, which made them bleed.

Did he have the red-eye disease of Uchiha or what? Maybe this can explain why Altera was always trying to poke his eyes.

While Leo was treating his injury while thinking about this very important question, he heard Solomon's voice " You don't hate… me now?"

To Solomon, Beast VI should hate him a lot for this ritual, which surprised and left him in confusion to see that he doesn't care about him during their second meeting.

"The ritual, the Original Sin, all these struggles to change humanity for the better… You don't hate me even after this?" Solomon said with a tired voice as light particles started to float around this place.

The temple of time, which is Solomon's reality marble, was vanishing and turning into light particles slowly.

Leo lifted his eyebrow. He thought this guy only woke up from his ridiculous dream of using magic to solve problems in this world, but why does it sound more than that?

"You're not Solomon…" Shaking his head, Leo glanced at Solomon's rings, especially the cracked one on his right-hand middle finger before he said " You're just an idiot, an idiot that joined a group of massive idiots"

From looking at him once, Leo knew that the person he's facing wasn't Solomon. To be honest, he really doesn't know this person in front of him, he's not even Romani Archaman.

The true Solomon won't have emotions, feelings, wishes, dreams, or anything that'll cloud the so-called perfect judgment of the king.

The perfect king was great in everything about the kingdom, but he never understood the sorrow and joy of people because as a puppet, he never had emotions. Like following a script in a play, this is how the perfect king works, which is an inhuman thinking that'll reflect its true nature when something beyond expectations of the script will happen.

As for the man lying on the ground? He's just an idiot like many more that tried to save the world in their own ways. Clearing the evil, becoming justice partners, or even trying to create paradise on earth, those types of idiots that'll appear once or two in an era. Frankly, if they didn't appear, Leo won't believe this is Type-Moon.

"I see…" After a short silence, Solomon said those words before looking at his magic-circle becoming fragments and collapsing completely.

In space, the magic-circle that was made from countless light belts was broken before the light belts scattered around the place, trying to form the Beast I's ring of light, even if they were much, much weaker now.

"Good deeds might generate evil, yet evil deeds sometimes help and do good. Hehe, I was bound to fail, aren't I? In your words, who did… ask me to save them?" Solomon smiled, a ridiculing smile at himself and his actions before his body was becoming transparent as he said "The burden of omniscience is really beyond human capabilities"

Looking at Solomon smiling, a weird expression appeared on Leo's face, even if that caused him pain. Did this guy achieve some sort of enlightenment or what?

{Maybe I hit him too hard, but I didn't attack his head} Leo kept thinking while watching Solomon's enlightenment.

"… Is this why you'll become like me when you use most of your powers?" Solomon looked at Leo, who was slightly shocked by his words before he continued " The Ten Rings impersonate me, and the Ten Crowns gave you freedom"

Staring at two different places and ending up in the previous location of each other. Destiny can be very ridiculous, which made Solomon smile again before a golden light particle from his cracked ring floated towards Leo.

"This?" Leo looked at the golden grain of light before his expression became very weird. He had one idea in his head, which is... this was so cliche!!

"According to this era, this should be called cliche, and apparently, you won't like it…" Solomon grinned slightly, which made Leo scream " You!!"

Solomon didn't care about Leo's expression as he looked at the sky outside the reality marble and said " My name is Jedidiah… The son of King David and the wishful boy that prayed to God… Not Solomon or Romani Archaman, just Jedidiah"

His body and core were now broken completely as Jedidiah almost vanished, but he kept repeating his name over and over, like he doesn't want to let go of this moment. A moment he's truly free to be himself and not the destined king, a moment without any chains on him, even the Spirit Core from holy grail.

"I see…" Leo stopped as he sighed and looked at Solomon, or should be called Jedidiah, disappearing into the air in the form of light particles as the Grand Caster exited the war.

With his exit, the temple of time turned into particles of light and disappeared into the air, which made Leo lose his footing, but a pink platform of space appeared under his feet.

"Hm? Thank you, Palkia" Leo saw Palkia rushing from a distance while Gugalanna walked slowly before he sighed.

Shaking his head to clear the somehow heavy mood, Leo looked at the golden grain in his hand as he felt that destiny is indeed ridiculous before he heard a voice in his head {Pardon me, my lord. But why didn't you use the 18 runes?}

Looking at the damage that his Lord took, Venom couldn't help but say {That should be able to get more advantage without you receiving these injuries! Even if we just invoked Odin with the 18 runes and threw him at the attack!}

"As much as it's tempting, I still need you and those prepared 18 runes for something very important" Leo said before Venom asked {What is it?}

Looking at the sky, Leo spotted Nero and Fou falling from the sky before a portal appeared as they vanished in it. This made Leo lift his eyebrow because he knew the owner of that portal.

"Well, if we look at the condition of this reality marble, I'd give it… three seconds" Leo started moving his right hand that recovered a little although it's still filled with burns, but not completely charcoal.

In the next three seconds, a voice echoed all around the reality marble " My third order! My Truth will be this reality and this reality will be my Truth!"

A pillar of light appeared around the reality marble as everything started changing. The giant hole in the reality marble was filled immediately before the reality lost its meaning.

The sky, ground, everything vanished as they left a black void filled with white lines drawing around it like a huge map of textures.

Palkia made a huge platform of space to support Gugalanna, even if he doesn't like it, he won't just let it fall to death.

In Leo's bored eyes, all the values and energies left from the battle were gathering into one point above before Shinji appeared.

Shinji was floating there with a huge stone gate behind him. The gate had cracks all over it, but a white energy was flashing on top of it and recovering those cracks slowly.

"Imaginary numbers space? Couldn't you find something better?" Leo blankly looked at Shinji and his reality marble.

Looking at his hand and feeling all the information in his head, Shinji smiled as a firm expression appeared on his face. Finally, even if it almost cost him his life, his reality and truth became a world, which gave him the ability to bear this energy and knowledge.

From the time he learned the real form of his cheat in FMA, Shinji wanted to achieve this state once again. Yes, this isn't the first time Shinji raised his Gate of Truth to the rank of God.

A cheat is a cheat, even if it isn't practical at first, but after a lot of struggle, Shinji became a strong Alchemist. Using his knowledge of the plot, knowledge, cheating, and alchemy, Shinji was able to steal God from Father's gate when he was weak from its burden.

However, his goal was to exchange knowledge of God with something even higher! He wanted to destroy his cheat and gain freedom, but his action made him enter a place he shouldn't be in the world. Truth, who shouldn't attack someone or break the rules, actually raised his hand and attacked him.

Even in that form, the attack was much stronger than he expected and almost destroyed his gate as it released a white energy before everything vanished and the last thing he knew, he was in the body of Shinji Matou.

In those ten years, he did everything he could to recover his gate, but it was useless, however, he learned more and more from the energy, even the way to surpass the world and leave it!

After the battle with Beast VI and Solomon, Shinji gathered a lot of rules, laws, and knowledge. Imaginary number element of Sakura, Medea's knowledge in magecraft, Altera's existence as an alien giant that crossed the universe, even some of Leo's Venus and Solomon's ritual.

Even if their strength and energy are stronger, they can't instantly escape a full order from his world's authority with the special energy, especially when they become very weak now. Their power became his source of strength as Shinji clenched his fist.

"After all these years, I can leave this world… " Shinji felt his current power as he smiled. Although he can't fight or move a lot because the gate is recovering, he can prepare his 'Ship' for now, but then, he met Beast VI's bored eyes.

"Hmph!" Shinji didn't care as he waved his hand and a black-red hole appeared down at the dark void. Curses and evil were escaping from the hole as Leo raised his eyebrow.

That was the gate, which led to the inside of the holy grail where all the World's Evil is swimming. That gate also leads to another place, which is called the Roots, however, it shouldn't be possible to open it like this unless someone had the lesser grail, even Shinji needs to absorb it into his reality for this to happen.

"Did you actually steal the loli killer title from Gilgamesh?" Leo said as he looked at Shinji in the sky. The Lesser Grail is also Illyasviel von Einzbern's heart, so this Shinji had done Gilgamesh's feats and killed a loli for her heart!

"I don't need to answer you, Beast VI, or whoever you are '' Shinji said with a cold voice as he was controlling the hole to the Holy Grail. For the ship to move, it needs fuel, so Shinji is planning to use the World's Evil as his fuel and let his ship leave this world with his sister, Medea, and maybe Medusa if she agree.

When his ship starts sailing, he'll be able to regain control and kill Beast VI, who is very weak from the fight with Solomon.

"Hmmm… I see, although you're so predictable and boring, I'll give you points for using the Origin power with your cheat. You're really an Outer God wanna be parasite" Leo stretched his hand as his body that was filled with burns is much better now.

Despite everything, Leo still feels shocked by Shinji controlling the power of the World's wills and what the Outer Gods steal and use. Although its usage and quality is much worse than them, Shinji was able to harness it. Leo really wants to see the face of the Outer God that messed up this badly and allowed Shinji to steal his system and Origin power.

"Origin power? Is this the name of energy? And… Outer Gods?" Shinji was surprised to see someone knowing this formidable energy that he found in his Gate.

"Yeah, yeah, but I've to say that's a cool Gate of Truth you got there. Is that Kabbalah on it? Very cool" Leo said with a grin that gave Shinji some chills even at his current state.

"It'll be a shame if something were to… happen to it" With a grin, Leo raised his head as his halo glowed.

Shinji was trying to move, but he couldn't because his gate was getting fixed.

Catching the golden grain of light in hand, Leo pushed what was left from his mana before he said "**3, 2, 1! The total is 6! Gimel, Beth, Aleph! Thee saw, mist! Thee heard, whisper! Here for thy, gazing at the unknown, greetings as silent curses!**"

The air vibrated with Leo's voice before Shinji heard his spell. Strangely, he could understand all that Leo was saying, but that was his doom.

Suddenly, Shinji's eyes become bloodshot before he held his head and screamed " AHHHHHH!!!!"

He felt his brain was about to explode! Countless whispers that he couldn't understand were echoing in his head and filling him with a weird and sinister type of knowledge.

The Gate of Truth behind him, in its first three positions, a red demonic glow appeared on them as the demons' whispers filled Shinji's brain and reality more and more! It didn't stop there as the red glow was moving towards the rest of the tree, which made Shinji howl in pain while losing control over all his powers.

Leo raised his arm as a small flame, which was the core of Lizard's soul appeared in his palm.

Leo pushed the flames towards Palkia and said " Spread the coordinates in this core to space. He should be able to get it"

Palkia nodded before he put the flames at the orb in his shoulder. Glowing with a pink light, Palkia roared as waves and waves of space spread to the surroundings.

Outside the reality marble, Zelretch, who was trying to locate the coordinates using Alex, frowned. This might be harder than he expected, especially with all these world-ending events happening around him!

Those old fools of governments must be freaking now and trying to dig their graves with their little toys(Nuclear weapons). If they send those bombs, not only they won't affect anything, they'll just kill innocents and pollute the environment, which will anger Gaia.

He just sent Nero and Fou to help those guys inside of the reality marble core, even if the ship started to take shape and might start sailing at any moment.

However, he suddenly spotted a weird wave in space. The waves were carrying weird coordinates while their energy reminded him of the walking disaster magnet.

"If you had it, why didn't you use it from the start?" Feeling all his efforts were useless, Zelretch sighed before he recorded the coordinates with his Jeweled sword.

A kaleidoscope bloomed with all colors around Zelretch before he activated the 2nd true magic and connected the whole reality marble of Shinji to the coordinations place.

The Jeweled sword was releasing Ether like no tomorrow as sweat appeared on Zelretch's forehead. Even with his almost infinite amount of mana, he's still having trouble connecting a space to another, which is something he never thought he'll face as the 2nd True magic-user. However, after a few seconds, he managed to link it at the cost of a lot of Ether.

Inside the reality marble, Shinji was feeling like his head was about to explode! This is a completely new source of knowledge, not less than his Gate! The whispers were driving him mad, even his body was refusing to listen to his command.

If he can describe it, then it'll be like his Gate was knowledge from Heaven and those whispers were an Abyss of knowledge trying to drown him completely.

"Although you were able to use Origin power, that's it. It's like driving, you can drive a car without knowing how to make it, but if you try to use that logic in magic and conceptual battles like these, then…" Leo looked at Shinji suffering from his simple spell before he said " You really have some sort of a death wish"

Yes, what Leo used was just a simple spell from the Tree of Evil, Qliphoth. By calling upon the first three positions and their paths, Leo, as a good angel, opened a path of knowledge for Shinji, like a friendly greeting.

Shinji's Gate was absorbing all the knowledge and information around him, so it welcomed Leo's path with open arms as the Abyss unfolded in Shinji's mind. It even pushed beyond Leo's spells and made Shinji suffer by the greetings of demons.

Qliphoth tolerance is much less than Sephiroth as Shinji, who struggled with the tree of life, was bombarded by the tree of evil.

In the middle of the suffering, Shinji clenched his teeth and waved to attack Leo to stop these whispers, even if it meant to break his Gate again, but then, several flower petals appeared in this place.

His ship, his reality marble was losing control and the source was from the core! This made Shinji scream " Sakura, Medusa, Medea!!"

In these conditions, he can't feel his connection with them at all, so he assumed the worst!

Without caring about his own safety, Shinji tried to rush as the Gate behind him was cracking again.

"Merlin is working fast, I think I should pay him for this" Leo felt that Merlin, even with his annoying habits and questionable gender, is a very, very reliable guy! He should try to be nice to him in the future.

However, he also raised his eyebrow at Shinji's words before he said " Sakura? Medusa? Medea?! Did you make a harem?!"

"Oh, boy. It seems that the day has come for me to become a harem king slayer!" Leo's eyes shone with a bright light. Although he doesn't care if someone made a harem or not, it's a different story if it was an enemy! Leo shall raise his lance and claim this kill for his title of harem king slayer!

However, he suddenly stopped. He just remembered that Solomon, even if he was in the emotionless mode, had a massive harem of 700 wives and 300 concubines!

In a short silence, Leo figured out that he became a legendary harem king slayer as he didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, the reality marble started shaking again before the surroundings began to change quickly. After some dizziness, the reality marble seems to be moving? Palkia sensed that the space was stretching to who knew where before it connected to a weird place.

In the dark imaginary numbers space of Shinji, a giant tower appears. But maybe calling it colossal is better because this tower is bigger than Venus that Leo made in the battle.

It had a black metallic color that reflected some sort of weird light, even in this dark space while several while lines were drawn on it. To be honest, it looked like some sci-fi tower, which is a high tech device.

"So, this is the 'Hook', huh? Hold on, I think I saw this before…" Leo frowned as he remembered a picture that he saw in the Chat Room. His brain was hurting very badly, especially when looking at the 'Hook', however, he found that the 'Hook' resembled what Misaka showed him, except it was much, much bigger.

"I might need to tell them to not mess up their mission as soon as possible" Leo reminded himself before he heard a scream.

"AHHHHHH!!!!" Even if his mind was almost exploding, Shinji was struggling to control his power back. He pushed the Origin power trying to clean his Gate from Qliphoth's knowledge, but that was very, very hard.

Like Leo said, he only used his Gate as a tool and never understood how it really works. The Gate always absorbed knowledge and he didn't question how it did it, which made Qlipoth's demons play him like an idiot.

Regaining a silk of control, Shinji wanted to make his ship leave this place and rush to the core! But he felt a strong sucking force trying to drag him back.

Like it was a heart, the 'Hook' started beating as white Origin power was being absorbed from Shinji. The white mist and light was moving with the air and entering the lines on the 'Hook' as the absorption speed increased.

"Palkia, leave this place and take Gugalanna with you" Leo looked at the two divine beasts as he was still slightly surprised by Gugalanna, who was listening to all his orders.

Palkia looked at Leo for a second before he opened a portal big enough for Gugalanna before they left the ship.

Leo took a deep breath as he felt his current condition. His body recovered and he was able to open his right eye, all that was left was small burns on it, which will heal quickly by his high Endurance, however, his right-wing was taking a lot of time and might need a lot of energy to recover. His brain was almost burning up and he probably lost some brain cells, which will grow up again later, so it means that his duration for keeping the angel mode is almost reaching its end.

Even so, his mana is very little. Calculation power, very low. This is not even enough to drop a star heat nuke! Much less if he wants to perform the biggest finale of Type-Moon's special!

{It seems that I need to maneuver around it a little} Leo glanced at the hole of the World's Evil before he let go of himself.

"Yo, Wakame, take care of the 'Hook' for me, I just need to go to hell to get something!" Leo in his free fall said to Shinji while going towards the Holy Grail hole.

Wrath and anger filled Shinji's mind, especially when he saw Leo giving him a friendly smile while falling down the hole, but he couldn't do anything against this giant tower.

"I'll be back!" Leaving those words, Leo vanished inside the hole before he appeared in a dark red space.

The hole he fell from became an eclipse in the sky as Leo stabilized himself before he landed in the middle of a sea of black mud. Curses and more curses!! Six billion curses of humans gathered here as the black mud eroded everything, even the holy grail system! This place is no less than hell!


Suddenly, the black mud started shaking before a shadow flashed and appeared behind Leo. A creature with the shape of a completely black werewolf waved its claws at Leo's defenseless back.

His eyes were shining a sinister red light as they carried a huge hatred while waving his claws against the angel. But suddenly, Leo turned quickly as something flashed in his hand.


The werewolf only saw a bright light before a thick book hit him to the head as he felt his skull cracking. He was sent rolling as the impact made him dizzy.

Lowering his strongest weapon, which is the Book of The Law, Leo looked at the werewolf and said " Well, Angra, want another hit?"

The werewolf, which was Angra Mainyu, glared at Leo with hatred while standing up from the mud.

Two Evil of Humanity met face to face as one was just tapping a book on his hand and the other one was staring with hatred while being wary of the book.


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