Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 271 - Could Not Afford To Slack Off

Raul hurriedly confirmed what he saw inside the Young Miss' tent. However, even before he could finish speaking, Ban and Rila had already peered their eyes towards the inside of the tent. 

Rila produced a wry smile upon seeing the scene but Ban did have any reaction at all, as if he expected that from the first place. 

Inside the tent, Ciera has already woken up from her sleep. Her eyes were deep red as her neck was bulging, probably due to an intense struggle or maybe suffocation. Blue veins could be seen or neck and forehead as she tried her best to crawl towards the door of the tent with her body reeked of sweat. 

Ban knew of the reason why she was acting like that. It was probably because of the smell of the food that Raul was cooking or it might probably be due to his cooking, but one thing was for sure, she was acting that way due to the smell of food. 

The worm inside her body must have smelled the food's fragrance, making them riled up all of a sudden. The same must have probably happened to the other students of Yakob as well. 

Her body was not tied with something but for some reason, her actions looked like she was tied tightly by an invisible rope that only leaves her for small movements. 

If only that was the case, there would be no problem at all. 

However, seeing the bulging veins on her neck and forehead, Ban knew in an instant that something could go wrong if nothing was done. 

Ban did not hesitate for a second as he dived directly towards Ciera. 

Raul reached out his hand to stop him but Rila was fast enough to stop him on time. Though, even without Rila, it was still a question whether Raul could stop Ban from what he's going to do. 

Arriving right beside her, Ban immediately pressed his two fingers on Ciera's neck. The moment he did so, Ciera's troubled and tense expression immediately relaxed as her whole body started to loosen. 

"It's alright now!" 

As he said that, Ban went outside the tent and proceeded towards the other two infected and proceeded to do the same thing. 

Rila and Raul could only watch on the sidelines as Ban managed to fix the problem in an instant. 

"I only pressed a calming accupoint around their neck. Your teacher might've done the same thing previously but the problem is that the accupoint he pressed was one that suppresses the patient and does not calm them down, which is bad if the worm gets agitated by something." 

Ban explained after seeing their bewildered look. 

The two only nodded but did not ask anything. Aside from being speechless, they actually just don't know what to ask as they weren't knowledgeable about such things in the first place. 

"What I did is only temporary, so while they are still calm, it's better to feed them food and let the worm inside them get satisfied for now to avoid it from wreaking havoc." 

Raul nodded his head and went towards the food he cooked. Only a little bit more and it would be ready. 

Seeing that though, Ban could only shake his head by how unappetizing it looked. It's not that it looked like poison but Ban was just really spoiled by Kuys recently and paired with the food knowledge he gained from the System, it would be quite worrying if Ban still looked at 'normal' food like it was something delicious. 

As the food Raul cooked was only enough for three people to eat moderately, he requested for Ban to share a little bit of food for Ciera. And because he would be occupied feeding the two other students, he also requested for Ban to feed Ciera. 

Ban cooked a lot so it was not even a problem for all of the people around to be fed, so he agreed to Raul's request. He was also worried that the worm would act again if Ciera and the other's were not able to eat on time. It was also sort of his fault so he was willing to do such a simple task. 

It also happened that the food he was cooking was already ready. They no longer wasted any time and started eating breakfast. Ban served everyone food while he went to Ciera's tent to eat and spoon feed her at the same time. 

Fortunately, with them getting subdued by Ban's acupuncture techniques, nothing went wrong and their breakfast went smoothly. 

It was also visible that the worm inside them had calmed down a lot after eating Ban's cooking. At least, they no longer look like they are struggling and it seems that they are also slowly regaining their reason. It does not mean that they are getting cured though, it means that the worm inside them is currently satisfied, and currently doesn't have any desire to consume their host. 

After eating breakfast, Ban informed Rila that he would go out to hunt and practice. Of course, his real reason was still to collect some cores and meat for the Unknown Egg. He knew that he could not afford to slack off. 

Surprisingly, Rila did not object to it. It also surprised him that she didn't want to follow him, instead, she chose to stay and guard Ciera and the others. However, she did say that her Summon must accompany him, and reminded him that he should not go far away from them so that in case that something happens, they could still inform each other on time. 

Ban did not have any objection to it either. Summon's could not properly communicate with their masters and could only do so through feelings and gestures. He was not afraid of the Ostrich reporting his secrets to Rila. And besides, Rila must've already been aware of some of them by now anyway.

She did not call him out about it, so Ban guessed that Kuys must've already been aware of his secrets already but chooses not to expose him. Though, he shuddered at the thought of someone stalking him everyday. 

After everything was done and prepared, Ban and Eva finally departed from the small camp, on their way to their chosen target. 


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