All Time Marksman

Chapter 199 - Predator Get Prayed Upon

*BOOM* The fiery flames engulfed the first floor of the communication building as the rocket exploded upwards towards the ceiling. Followed by the fiery flames was the thick, black smoke that almost covered the entire floor.

Because it's an anti armored rocket. the ceiling collapsed where the rocket hits, but it's not that strong to collapse the entire first floor of the building. Jin smirked as he saw that the first floor was actually burning.

Jin put his head inside the APC and ordered, "Hey, gunner fired at the glass window to make those people go down so we don't need to climb the stairs or go inside the elevator just to eliminate them one by one."

The gunner smirked when he heard those words, he tightened the grip at the handle of the machine gun because he knew that once he pulled the trigger those hands of his will surely numb because of the vibration that he will receive from the recoil and power of the machine gun. And like that, the Red Blood Armored Knight that was manning the machine gun pulled the trigger.


The bullets pierce through the window glass, which kills a few communication officers that were running for their lives. Jin looked at Qi Meili and said, "Communicate with the other 2 APC and let them move forward while we raid the building once the fire is out." Qi Meili reply with "Yes, Sir" she quickly tapped the comm on her neck.

[Radio: This is T2 I call on the standby force to get inside the compound of the communication building over]

[Radio: Copy that T2 we are going in]

After that order, the driver of the 2 APC that were on standby outside stepped on the gas. Once they enter the gate of the compound, they opened fire at the location where the first APC was firing, which was the glass window wall of the communication building. Soon enough, the glass window wall shattered and falls to the ground.

Screaming and crying for help were the voices that they heard, but the Red Blood Armored Knights didn't care with those feelings and emotions, so they continue. They never had shown mercy even if the armed loyalist soldiers were raising their hands.

"Alright, cease fire!" Fang Shirong ordered as he tapped the leg of the gunner of the APC. Same with Qi Meili as he tapped the comms on her neck and ordered a ceasefire. Jin walked towards the open, coming out from the back of the APC. "Give me a single team of Red Blood Armored Knights and let's burn this entire building and collapse it down. So that we can move towards the next objective.

"Alright 2nd fire team let's move!" the 2nd fireteam leader of the 1st Squad shouted. While he was walking towards the slowly dissipating fiery flames. "Raise your rifles stay alert those armed loyalist soldiers are known to be sneaky!" Han Zian shouted as he was commanding from the back. The 2nd fire team moves in their rifles were all raised and from the black smoke bullets came out.

"Drop!" it was not too late when their front man shouted. They all drop down but the bullets hits the front of the APC *CLING* *CLING* *CLING* *CLING* but the bullets did not pierce the armor of the APC. "Return fire!" the front man of the fire team shouted. And they all pulled the trigger to return fire.


[On the other side of the smoke]

"We need to-" the armed loyalist officer guard that was about to say something when suddenly a bullet pierces through his neck which halted his way of speaking. He dropped to the ground and the blood gushed out from his throat and mouth.

"What the heck! Its raining bullets from the other side!"

shouted by one of the armed loyalist guard that was hiding on the pillar of the building. "I surrender! Please!" while the other armed loyalist guard was shouting a cry of mercy. Soon the black thick smoke has already dissipated.


"Fang Shirong and Han Zian go to the Depot and take it down we are going to follow. We are just going to wait for those armored knights to finish their job." Jin ordered as he slung his FXR-Raven. While looking at the first floor and observing the movements of the 2nd fire team that was moving up the first floor.

"Yes, Sir!" Han Zian replied, While Fang Shirong nodded. They then walked towards the two APC that were at the entrance of the compound. "1st and 2nd Squad on me 2nd fire team remain." Han Zian then turns around and goes inside the APC. The rest of the Red Blood Armored Knights that were on standby followed him.

"Check your left and check your right!" the front man of the 2nd fire team they then saw the two last armed loyalist guards. "We surrender please! Have mercy please!" the front man of the 2nd fire team.

Pulled the trigger *RAATATTATAT* *RAATATTATAT* the bullets then pierces their bodies. The front man then said, "Plant the explosives!" and the other member of the fire team rush to each of the 4 pillars of the building. They then pulled out the explosives that was given to them by Jin.

They then set the explosives and slowly retreat to the APC. They then looked back and there they saw Jin standing.

The front man then handed the detonator. And Jin, with no doubts, pushed the button of the detonator. *KABOOM* the explosion creates another thick black smoke and a fiery explosion which tilts the structure of the building and continuously collapsed the communication building.

"Alright, get inside. We are going to the depot," Jin ordered, but when he was about to turn around, Qi Meili was walking towards him and when he stopped and turn around, they almost bump to each other luckly he step back before their bodies collide. "Sir, the Eastern Sector has surrendered and we are being recalled back to the base. I have already recalled Han Zian and Fang Shirong"

"Alright, and who's base are we going to go?" Jin slightly got confused for a second as he doesn't know which Forward Operating base they are going because there are two commanders on the ground.

"Well, we are being called at the Black Armored Knight commander Forward Operating Base. As the Black Armored Knight commander was the one that made the Southern loyalist commander surrender, same as the eastern commander."

"Well, that wasted our time a bit, but luckily we did not suffer any casualties. Let's move," Jin ordered they then walked towards the APC and gets in.

[After 1 hour]

They entered the Forward operating base of the Black Armored Knight. "Whoa, so this is how they build a compound in a city, huh they are quite nice. Their engineer are geniuses outstanding defense lines. Sadly, they are the second wave of reinforcement this kind of compound would of use it's from the first wave. Simply building a compound with an impregnable defense could hold enemy forces back," Fang Shirong dismayed by the flexibility of forces.

After that, the APC stopped, and the doors opened they all step out from the APC. While all the Black Armored Knight was staring at the new armored Knights. Jin was the last one to step out from the APC after he step out from the APC Wen Bao. Hu Gui and Gao Jie all rushed towards him, begging while they were wearing their Black Armored Knights.

"Sir, please let us be one of the Red Blood armored Knights. Why have you not told us you have a support unit dedicated for you, Sir!" their faces were like begging for mercy and Jin smiled at them.

"Well, you guys are being merged into the main force. I cannot take you because that will breach the protocol over the forces commander."

Jin answered the question of Wen Bao. And then a rough, low voice also joined in. "Well, luckily you know those terms Squad leader Ru Jin" the Black Armored Commander walked towards Jin while his launcher gun was on his shoulder.

Jin looked at the Black Armored Knight commander.

"Built body as expected with a fearsome gaze because he does not want to get insulted, but he surrounds himself with his lieutenant as expected of a leader. Careful analyzation of this commander. He takes the credit for other's work. What a pathetic officer. I guess the higher you go, the more lazy you become,"

Jin said those words in his mind while gazing at the Black Armored Knight commander.

"Of course, Sir, why would I not know that. I entered the Officer School to become a squad leader of a SQUAD how come I will not know the basics. That will be child's play, sir?" Jin, with his tone of being sarcastic, trying to provoke and bait the Black Armored Knight commander if the commander will get tilted by his gesture or not.

With those words, Jin had already expected of the outcome of what will be the reaction of the Black Armored Knight commander.

The Black Armored Knight commander's veins showed on his forehead when he heard those words. His furious eyes change like it was a glare of a predator trying to stalk its prey.

But as the Black Armored Knight commander shows his aura. The SQUAD and the rest of the group were not even afraid. Meanwhile, on the other side, the forces of the Black Armored Knight commander have already been saying to Jin that he should apologize.

"Sir we are here for discussion are you just going to glare at me?" Jin said with his serious tone of voice as he has unleash his authoritative side. While the Commander's gaze was burning fire, Jin's cold eyes have frozen the soul of the commander.

"What the heck is this squad leader that gaze… I saw that once from a woman back in DELTA dammit" the commander thoughts as he keeps looking at Jin.

After a few seconds, he then calmed down as Jin did not yet unleash his oppressing killing intent and aura.

"Well then, we should conduct a debriefing, from what I know. The Purple Armored Knight Commander will also come here. Please Lieutenant, guide the Squad leader to the briefing room. While his group will stay at the barracks," the Black Armored Knight commander ordered.


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