All Time Marksman

Chapter 198 - Strike Them Down

Jin waited for a second to check for the consistency of the guards at the checkpoint. And when he saw the consistency was sure enough, he tapped the comms on his neck.

[Radio: T2 engage, engage]

[Radio: copy that T1]

She let out a soft sigh and aim at the first machine gunner on the right. She pulled the string of the bow and whispered "Bow Master Arts" and her bow let out a soft glow of pink, which gives her a lighter and more impactful arrow added damage when she let loose of the arrow.

After that, she draw an arrow from her quiver and whispered "Silent Arrow," her arrow that she used is slowly being engulfed with wind like flow swirling into the wood of the arrow's body while it emitting a soft glow of orange. She then let loose of the arrow.

*GwoosH* as the arrow fired and fly, there was no sound to be heard as it was in midair it like being camouflaged by the wind that was swirling with it.

After a few seconds, the arrow pierced the forehead of the machine gunner. There was no sound of the metal piercing through the skull. Even the machine gunner did not notice that there was an arrow heading towards him.

The only thing that he felt before he dropped on the ground was the blow of the strong wind that making him feel he was being hugged. And then his vision turned blurry, and it was his death.

Qi Meili then draw another arrow from her quiver and aimed at the other machine gunner that was on the left. She step slightly to the right and then aimed the bow towards the window of the machine gunner.

She whispered once again, "Silent Arrow," and, like what happened earlier to the arrow, it has the same characteristics. She let loose of the arrow and the fired through the air and silently pierced the head of the machine gunner. And Qi Meili tapped the comms on his neck.

[Radio: Take down I repeat, take down]

[Radio: Support gives them hell]

[Radio: Copy that Squad leader]

The two support gunners that were positioned inside the room that were aiming at the check point pulled the trigger.


After that suppressive fire, the other team that will cross has made it on the other side because of the suppressive fire. And because of that, the other team positioned themselves and also pulled the trigger. Now that the bullets were flying, it was time for Fang Shirong to take down the incoming reinforcement and for Qi Meili to support him.

Fang Shirong smirked and dashed forward, jumping from the edge of the building and then landing on one of the APC that was parked behind a wall of the checkpoint. Because of the suppressive fire at the front gate.

All the focus of the armed loyalist forces were at the front gate. The suppressive fire had dealt with a lot of casualties and fatalities. Which the support gunners killed 7 armed loyalist soldiers and 15 more wounded because of the surprise. And the enemy did not expect that machine gun positioned got easily taken down.

Fang Shirong goes down from the APC and hides at the side. He saw that there were 4 armed loyalist soldiers that were rushing towards the front gate. Fang Shirong whispered "Death Terror" and with that his dual poison daggers let out a dark glow of pink his eyes turned dark void black and his retina change into a bright red.

As if he has a vampire eyes of death. Fang Shirong then dashed out from where he was hiding. First, he stabbed the armed loyalist soldier on his left chest and then he twist his body to slit the right armed loyalist soldier's neck. With that swift movement, he could take down two people at the same time.

The poison easily spreads throughout the body and so he quickly pulled dual poison dagger from where it got embedded. After that, he turned around and kicks the gun up as the 2nd armed loyalist soldier that was standing on the left was about to fire at him. And the bullet fired at the sky. Fang Shirong follow up the kick with another right kick and the 2nd armed loyalist soldier let go of his rifle.

Fang Shirong now changes his view to the other 2nd armed loyalist soldier to the right. But the armed loyalist soldier on the right has already raised his rifle and was about to pull the trigger. But suddenly an arrow struck the armed loyalist soldier on the forehead. Fang Shirong also looked at the other armed loyalist soldier and that also got struck by an arrow.

Fang Shirong tapped his comms that were wrapped around his neck.

[Radio: That was a nice shot there T2]

[Radio: You are welcome as always T4]

And with that, Fang Shirong hinders the reinforcement that being called to the front gate. Fang Shirong continued to take down armed loyalist soldier while Qi Meili is guarding his back. Jin tapped his comms and ordered.

[Radio: All units, this squad leader, we are moving in. I repeat, we are moving in.]

And with that, the forces that were not in a part of the support gunners walked out from the road, but they then the Red Blood armored Knights continue to fire their weapons at the gate. Jin once again tapped his comms that were on his neck.

[Radio: suppressive fire on halt, I repeat suppressive fire on halt join with the main force. Over and out]

[Radio: Copy that Squad leader]

[Radio: Copy Squad leader]

So the two teams of support gunner move out from their position and join the main force that was moving in the open. They all reached the front gate and there they saw a lot of bodies lying around there were some trying to cry for help. But some Red blood Armored Knights that saw some of the Loyalist soldiers still able to hold weapon but can't pull the trigger.

They aimed their pistol and pulled the trigger, killing those who got wounded so that they won't try to go suicide attack or blow themselves. After a few moments, the team secured the checkpoint. Jin tapped his comms and ordered.

[Radio: All units, you have 15 minutes of rest and then we are going to regroup. Communications, I want you to contact the two commanders and tell them we have occupied that the western-eastern 2nd checkpoint.]

[Radio: Copy that sir, we are going to do that now]

[After 15 minutes],

"Alright Let's move out we are behind a few seconds at our ordinary schedule," Fang Shirong shouted as Han Zian was healing some of Fang Shirong wounds because of the skirmish battle with the armed loyalist soldier. Jin then checked the APC that was parked at the side.

"Hey, I want you guys to check the 3 APC if they are working if they are working. We are gong to ride those towards the damn communication building and to their depot so we are going to cripple their forces." Jin ordered as he pointed at the three APC that were parked.

When 3 Red Blood Armored Knights heard that order, they started running towards the driver's seat of the APC. They all started the armored vehicle when they sat in the driver's seat.

The 3 APC starts their engine simultaneously after that Jin said, "Alright, all of you hop on the APC and we are moving out of here." After that Jin was the last one to enter the 1st APC.

The Red Blood armored Knight was kinda nervous because he was driving for the Squad leader and he doesn't want to give a grim look on himself, so he was trying his best to drive and lead the whole convoy towards the enemy's location.

"T2, can you check how many hours do we need to travel to reach the communication building of the eastern sector?" Jin ask as he was cleaning his FXR-Raven. And Qi Meili answered with "Sir estimated around 1-2 hours of travel time as we have an APC on our side.

[after 1hr and 29 minutes],

The first APC stopped as the Red Blood Armored Knight stepped on the breaks. Jin mounts on the machine gun turret of the APC and looked at the crosshair of the machine gun turret and there he could see the communication building front gate there were no armed loyalist guards.

So Jin ordered, "Driver go ahead at the front gate and try if we can pass through that heavy gate if not crashed into it" and the driver replied "Copy that Sir" the driver then stepped on the gas. But before the driver stepped on the gas. Jin tapped his communication.

[Radio: 1st APC will move first and then the other two will follow over and out]

The APC is now moving and heading towards the gate of the communication building. Then it stopped as the gate did not open, so the APC reverse and the driver stepped on the gas once more and the APC crashed into the gate of the communication building.

Jin ordered, "Hey use the mounted turret" after that one Red Blood Armored Knight mounts on the turret and pulled the trigger, annihilating the guards that were standing at the entrance.

The bullets easily pierced their vest as they did not build it for such defense of a turret machine-gun bullet of a APC The guards dropped to the ground. It then shattered the glass wall that was covering the entire first floor of the communication building into pieces. Even the reception table inside became a target dummy as it was fully of bullet holes..

After that, Jin opened the back door of the APC and step out the then aimed at the one guard that was about to shoot a rocket at the APC, but Jin press the trigger and the bullet pierces through the chest and goes through the heart.

The guard then dropped on the ground but he accidentally still pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher and the rocket fired, but they were lucky because the guard dropped the launcher but it is aimed at the ceiling of the 1st floor.


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