All Time Marksman

Chapter 143 - It Was A Test Of Abilities

After Jin said those words, he turns around and then walks out. And while they were all walking in the hallway, "You know, sometimes I thought I need to put my high standards so that I can produce people like you guys. And consideration for this kind of job must not happen," Jin exclaimed, and he put his hands on his back.

[1 week has passed]

Inside the simulation dome, and outside of the field of battle. Jin was in front of the two candidate squads "As of right now, we are not going inside of the field of battle. But we are going into a strict menu of strengthening your bodies and mind and all of you will need to endure is a 6 month physical training and we will call it as the hell months. The hell months will help your body to strengthen, adapt and increased any such stats you have right now."

And all of them were listening, their hands were on the side, their faces were looking straight, "And for the observers of each of you, all the senior squad members of the 29th will look at each of you. So don't dare cheat on others, because cheating won't help you survive the harsh environment outside."

After that, Jin raised his hand while he clenched his fist. "HOORAH!" and then all of them raised their hands and clenched their fists and replied "HOORAH!" after that the training began. "MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!" Fang Shirong shouted. After that command all the candidates run 6 laps around the Dome.

While they were running for laps, the Dome simulation suddenly change, as the Field of battle suddenly goes under and an unfamiliar terrain with obstacle course appeared. And Jin looked at the control officer, and he nodded.

The candidates were sweaty and exhaling while they were running in cadence. "Keep it up, we are behind schedule!" Jin shouted, as he saw each of the candidates were running to their full strength."If you want to excel, have determination. Because passing this test will mean that you as a candidate can handle strict training schedule from a SQUAD member," Jin added as he shouted.

"HOORAH!" and Li Xiaosheng goes to the front to increase the morale of the people behind him. "We are still in the 2nd lap but my body is falling on the ground." Zhong Zian whispered to Li Xiaosheng, and then Li Xiaosheng replied, "We are not losing on this battle, buddy. We can do this."

[After 3 more laps],

"This is our last lap we are going to finish this training." Li Ye tries to increase his pacing because he is slowing losing behind, and then he saw how Li Xiaosheng was running continuously without resting or sudden reduce of speed.

"Someone is being left behind! Dont let your teammate loose track, and no one is to be left behind or else you all will redo the 6 laps that I have ordered to." Jin shouted as he saw that Dai Lanfen was at the further back, as if she was losing focus and her body was already surrendering.

"As of now, you may use abilities to increase your speed or to remove the stress on your bodies. But by using this will also generate more ability power.

"We can do this!" Zia Tengfei whispered and then she clasped her hands while she tries to get to the pace of the run from the front. "Holy Blessing!" Zia Tengfei shouted and all of them almost stopped "HEY WHY ARE YOU STOPPING DO YOU WANT TO REDO ALL THE LAPS!" Fang Shirong shouted luckily they only slowed down a bit. And with that holy blessing, they healed some of their fatigue and they were all able to finish the laps.

And Jin looked at each one of them. "You guys will redo the laps because you left someone behind!" Jin pointed at the dropped body of Zhong Zian and Dai Lanfen. After that "I want all of you to eat 3 and half bowls of rice and some vegies and carbo"

[1 month has passed of the 6 months]

The candidate squads could adapt to the increase of pacing of their runs and laps. And now that they enter the 1st month they were all gathered.

"Now that, as you can see on your character sheet that the training has affected your agility, which has increased by 30 points. And now we will increase each and everyone power. And how will that happen is by introducing fighting with type 2 monsters and these monsters scrambled and the spawn is depending on the control officer? Get your gear and head here!"

And all of them stood up and then turns around, before running back to their barracks. Where they quickly wear their gears, each one of them has taken 20 minutes to wear their gears and because of that it gave them a punishment of 2 laps around the dome simulation. ``damn if only I know we are taking too much time to wear our uniforms.`` Li Xiaosheng thoughts. After that they were all run back to the simulation Dome.

"All of you enter the field of battle," Jin shouted, and when all of them entered, the door closed and then the slides from the side opened so that the viewers may watch what is happening on the inside. "We are here again! We are here to fight monsters once more. Let us show them we can fight!" Li Xiaosheng shouted and Li ye nodded and then the first monster that appeared was 7 Lone spiked wolves.

And because they are 8, Li Xiaosheng turns around and said "The support healer will not fight but she is to be protected from each of the monsters that will try to attack. So everyone be vigilant as monsters attack the support healer first." and Li Ye nodded. "Well then, shall I start, the dance to the monsters" Li ye added as he dashed forward while his palm was bursting with cold smoke.

After that, Li ye raised his hand and then aimed at the first Lone spiked wolf that charged forward. "This lone spiked wolf is nothing to me! I feel this dog is like a puppy for my abilities" and then he added "Floor support!" and half of the floor of the Field of battle is slowly being covered in thick ice and after that Zhong Zian also moved.

After Zhong Zian Cai Dinxiang and Dai Lan fen also move to their flank. After that Wen Xin moves towards the back for further support of the healer. After that, Qin Shanyuan and Li Xiaosheng was also in front of Li Ye.

"ATTACK!" and with Li ye Furious emotions. An ice spikes pierced all the Lone spiked wolves, two ice spikes pierced each of the Lone spiked wolves. But the simulation doesn't finish there and continued to test their capabilities. As one of the lone spiked wolves vanished as it dematerialize.

The second to be spawned was a Magma Golem. And when Jin saw that golem, he smiled as if he was like a crazy man. "Sir, are you alright?" Fang Shirong asked and Jin replied, "I remember something about Golems." And after that both of them go back in being serious.

The Golem have reached around 17 ft and its built were bigger than expected. "Alright, Qin Shanyuan and I will take the aggro, Li ye and Cai Dinxiang take each flank and attack we are going to destabilize its movement first before we attack. That is my suggestion." And Li ye nodded "Well then that will be possible let's see if we can beat the magma golem.

But as Qin Shanyuan and Li Xiaosheng was charging the front to take the Magma golem aggro, they failed as the Magma golem raised its hand then release a ton of magma on the floor and, because of that, the ice floor melted and turn into water. And with that even Li ye ice spikes could not support the two tanks at front.

"Shi- that was a suprise right there." Dai Lanfen after that Cai Dinxiang throws 4 consecutive demonic fiery flame. *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM* the 4 consecutive fire balls could disable the left arm of the magma golem. "Only 1 month has passed, but this is their skills they are quit impressive what do you think, Squad leader?" Fang Shirong asked while Han Zian is behind him.

"They don't have tactics, and they don't have that kind of coordination to begin with, but if this continues, that kind of hindrance will soon vanish," Jin exclaimed as he crossed his arm. And then suddenly when he closed his eyes, after that he opened his eyes and he can only see the dark pitch void that he was floating on.

And then an image appeared in front of him, the image of her mother smiling, and then followed by his father that was at the side smiling. "Father! Mother!" Jin shouted top of voice, but he cannot recognise that the picture itself was still real, his tears drip from his cheeks and then another image flashed. It was the image of his father, but his father was different. It was the picture of the wolf of the Wolf pack guild.

"Where am I! I don't want to see this RAHHHH ARHHH!" Jin shouted and then the pitch black void brings him back to the reality in which the battle was all ready to be finished as the candidate squads was about to win.

"RAHHHH! take my swords IRON SLASH!" Li Xiaosheng shouted, and he swings his squad and the swords were able to damage the left foot of the magma golem and because of that the golem became unbalance.


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