All Time Marksman

Chapter 142 - Acknowledge What Is Best

[Underground base Infirmary]

``I guess we failed again`` Li Xiaosheng thoughts as he grips the handle bar that was beside his bed. He tried to get up and to stabilize his position because his back hurt. The medication that each of the candidates has taken is healing magic from the Healers. And because of that, their injuries were slowly getting healed.

``I failed the people around me and I failed as the squad leader because of my incompetence to lead them to victory. We need to think outside of the box. We need to grow where should we take this fight to`` Li Xiaosheng thoughts as he was looking at the ceiling.

``it was not skills that was lacking it was numbers`` Li Ye whispered through the wind, as he looked across him was Li Xioasheng. The infirmary was quiet as it became peaceful and there were no nurses that were on duty. And so Li Ye said "Hey Squad leader of the Player squad." And Li Xioasheng replied "Yeah?"

"Well, you see I have something here in recommendation, and I don't think it will work but I want it to try for the sake of this exam and for the sake of our comaraderie." Li Ye stated, as he tried to get up from his bed, but his body was still a thing in pain so he did not dare to move more. And Li Xioasheng replied with "Well fire it what is it?"

Then Li Ye replied with "Well I thought that if you are about to redo the exam mind if we join you as part of the User squad. As we really need a tank and you guys are need of support fire from the outside. If we can join forces together, it will really be excellent tactics. So if you agree we can try it out by a few more weeks if all us can get a faster recovery."

And after those words Li Xiaohseng was convinced that Li Ye has an excellent strategy for recommending that strategy. But then it will also be a problem if their coordination and teamwork will not work but it will soon go toe to toe. "Well, we agree on that joint practice training hoping that we can beat any monsters that the field of battle will throw us."

[Outside of Jelkala Airspace.]

After a few minutes, an announcement pops out from the bar at the front. [We are now out of the Jelkala airspace everyone well done in doing your best. We are now going home.]

After that Jin felt relaxed for the time being and then he grips his FXR-Raven he looked at it checking if there is dirt and he finds dust on the main body frame of the FXR-Raven and so he started cleaning it. And then Jin looked at Qi Meili and said, "Give me a status report on each of the performance of the Squad and User candidates and how are they in the infirmary."

Qi Meili responded, "As of now Sir two of them have regained consciousness and both of them are the squad leaders of each of the group. I guess you have picked the best and suitable candidate for squad leader questions sir."

Jin replied with "We need to, or else it will be a matter of life and death and especially we need to trust those people. Tell them we are going to cancel the training mission and rather they are going to a 6 month long hell training" And Qi Meili nodded and so she stood up and walked towards her communication box and put his finger at the scanner and an artificial intelligence voice sounded.

[Acess veryifing]

[Access granted, T2 Qi Meili]

[Communication being established]

[Communication established changing channel]

After that Qi Meili relied on the new mission after that he goes back to her seat and then waited for the Eagle Bird aircraft to land easily. But that is when they heart bullet shots from their tail. The Left pilot tried to look at the mirror and there he saw a handful of enemies air-to-air fighters.

"Left Pilot what is happening, I think we are getting fired by enemy aircraft fighters, but our escort the Vectors are not suitable for those kinds of Aircrafts" And as he said those words, he was holding the handle of the plane."

And so the Right pilot replied with, as he also looked at the Left pilot. "What should we do they are likely to give us a warning, and we are already outside of Jelkala airspace? Or they are following a direct order for code 4, "And as it is said that code 4 was that all unknown aircraft that does not satisfy the grounds of international air space will be taken down"

"I am going to contact the control tower and then we are going to send a distress signal for the activation of each of the turrets that is surrounding the entire Maskara City. And that is the defense measure we must ensure or will this aircrafts will retreat," The Right Pilot said as he grips the handle that was in front of him.

[Radio: Vectors this is Eagle 1, I want the two of you to lead forward to avoid further casualties.]

[Radio: This is templar copy that Eagle 1]

[Radio: This is void copy, that Eagle 1 we are heading forward]

And both of the vector helicopters moved forward, and as expected they were the first one to safely landed on the halo pad that slowly goes down and down.

[Jelkala City Cross road]

*RATATATTATAT* *RATATATTATAT* *RATATATTATAT* *RATATATTATAT* "IRON SLASH!" one of the hooded figure swordsman swings his sword, and it was so devastating for the revolutionary forces because they have that can kind of person alone. "We need someone to help us or we are all going to die here," one of the revolutionary officers said as he looked at his colleague, who is also clueless what will happen to them and why they were all activated. "But one thing is for sure, we are going to fight them even though they have such firepower."

"ARGHHH my HANDS!" one of the revolutionary soldier shouted while the swordsman easily cut his hands off, and then the 4 more hooded figures that could fire arrows at them. And then one of the revolutionary soldier saw a single arrow being fired to the sky and from that moment he knew, and then he shouted "VOLEYY FIRE! Take cover!" And then it was too late: the arrows were like raining from the skies, bodies were getting shot one by one.

"Hey- get over here!" one of the revolutionary forces soldier said to his commander that was finding a cover, but as his commander was about to run back to the soldier, an arrow struck him from above, the arrow pierces through his skull and across his whole head to his face.

"You going to be kidding with me! This kind of fight is unwinnable if this kind of massacre will continue we are going to be dead!" the soldier shouted with feeling of anger and then he goes out as he thought of the arrows that were fired finished already. He did not know that the archers were just waiting for the people who were still alive to voice out.

And when he pops out from his cover and stood up an arrow that was engulfed with a red and orange aura. Hit him The arrow pierces through his belly and soon enough the soldier exploded.

[Maskara City landing zone]

[radio: Right Pilot I think they have already vanished, because if they cross that air space I am sure they are going to get shut down by ours. And they won't be liking the dungeons we have.]

[Radio: Left Pilot I agree on what you are commenting we should take this as a lesson for now to take risk even it's our life cost]

After that, the Eagle Bird 1 landed on the pad circle and the pad of the landing goes down to the underground slowly. And when they reached the underground. The door from behind opens, and Jin looked at the door that was slowly going down and they hearing a ruckus of metal dropping on a hard rock. They all stood up the first one to leave was the White armored Knights, and as they were going down the ramp door. All the personnel were looking at them.

"So those are the knights that were part of the convoy that was got ambushed?" and the murmurs started, "squad let's go we still need to teach a few candidates for our group." And Jin looked up as he saw Han Zian and Fang Shirong smiling, while behind them was Qi Meili, who was smiling.

And Jin looked at them and smiled, "We are going to do some hell training for those schmucks and they will see how unlucky they are," and Jin grabbed his FXR-Raven. And then they all entered the room and as they entered the room.

It was a bit of a mess because there were no higher ups that will order them to clean the room. Now that all the squad is back the candidates are now going to see the how extreme the hell training is.

After all of them have freshened up and soon wear their uniforms. They all headed towards the infirmary to check on the fatalities when they were not present.

Jin opened the door, as he sigh and when the door opened, the first one he saw was Li ye and Li Xiaosheng laughing while their beds were far apart.

"The Squad leader! Attention!" Li ye shouted and all of them goes into attention. And Jin walked in the middle and looked at each of the candidates that were wounded.

"You guys look like a mess. You know, when I was still under the training i have never been in the infir- nevermind.. Now we are going to enter the Hell months, so prepare yourselves. That is all take rest"


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