Alexander The Great Mage

Chapter 113 - Collision

CRACK! Regis Darkbane broke through Alexander's spatial prison easily.

"Wait! Let me expl-"


Alexander created another spatial prison with a frown.

"How on earth did he manage to break my prison so easily?" Alexander thought.

However, after a few seconds, his frown deepened even more when his new prison disintegrated once more with a loud CRACK!

He had created the new prison with his golden energy. Although it had taken the weirdo a little bit longer to break free, the fact remained that he did break free, and in mere seconds, at that.

"Let me explain! Damn it!" Regis Darkbane shouted.

"Speak.." Alexander coldly replied. A deep and ominous energy swirled around him as Alexander prepared to cast his Scion King power.

Regis Darkbane shivered slightly at the sheer horror that Alexander's ominous energy caused him to feel. To say that it was terrifying would be a gross, gross understatement. Regis Darkbane was no coward, and as a denizen of a Realm of Darkness, it was usually him doing the scaring instead of being scared.

As unique as he was in this realm, he was still very much susceptible to damage by the world's energies, especially potent ones such as Scion Lord or in this case, Scion King energy types.

"Princess Aleyria saved me when she entered the Realm of Darkness a few days ago! I am here to repay the favor… and to win her heart! But mostly to repay the favor." Regis Darkbane quickly emphasized as he sensed Alexander's mood plummeting even further. "I haven't even gotten the chance to speak to her much! The situation was too chaotic! She even forcefully sent me back home to my realm once. Thankfully I managed to return and render great merits in the defense of the city." Regis Darkbane explained.

Alexander's mood improved greatly with those words. "So he is just a suitor. A rather weird but powerful one. I might as well get him to help me." He thought to himself.

"If you allow me, I will gladly help you in your mission!" Regis Darkbane said loudly, as though he could read Alexander's mind.

Alexander narrowed his eyes slightly in suspicion.

"No, I am not reading your mind. I am, however, an excellent reader of moods." Regis Darkbane explained hastily before the scary dude got even more suspicious of him and decided to cut off loose ends.

"I see. In that case, let's do this together." Alexander gave regis a reconciliatory smile and offered his hand for a handshake.

"Alright! I will help you! I will sweep the enemies with a wave of my-"

"Alright, alright. Let's go quickly!" Alexander interrupted him. "But make sure you are not detected by the enemy."

"Avoid detection? POOH! I will do no such thing!" Regis Darkbane declared grandly. "I am a Devil King of the Darkbane Kingdom! I WILL exert my will upon these weaklings and make them bow to my will! GO MY MINIONS! FIND THIS STARSHIP AND TAKE IT OVER!"

Whoosh!! Endless waves of translucent wisps swarmed out with great speed towards space.

Alexander studied the translucent wisps curiously and with a deep sense of whimsy. He had planned to sneak into the Starship and kill the leader, hoping to cause enough chaos to cause them to withdraw from Arcanus 26 without putting himself in too much danger.

However, with Regis Darkbane and these weird translucent wisps, his mission had just gotten much easier. He would get his chaos, no doubt, and at no danger to him as well. But additionally, the chance to actually take over control over the Starship had appeared.

This Regis Darkbane wielded a very strange power that had very high resistance to his magic. And by the looks of it, his 'minions' were immune to physical damage too. Perfect.

All in all, it was the best case scenario for him.

"Well done, Fluff-fluff." Alexander murmured lightly as he praised the little furball who was cozily snuggled up in a separate mobile dimension that somehow attached itself to Alexander.

Alexander and Regis flew up into space together rapidly.

Alexander waved his hand lightly and created a bubble of air which allowed him to breathe in space. Regis Darkbane, however, did not seem to notice anything as he continued to fly without a care.

As soon as Alexander entered space, the Starship came to sight.

It was a fearsome, fearsome sight.

A Starship was the size of a small planet, and thus was slightly smaller than Arcanus 26. However, compared to a mere person, it was more than humongous.

"It may look close, but it's actually quite far away from us." Regis Darkbane remarked. "Would you like me to-"


Alexander disappeared from his position and appeared mere miles away from the Starship.

"Wow! He is so cool." Regis Darkbane marvelled. He waved his hand and he too effortlessly teleported to Alexander's side.


Alexander raised his eyebrow slightly in mild surprise. He didn't expect the weirdo to be able to teleport such a great distance as well! And not only that. He had also brought along with him many, many of those translucent wisps.

Regis Darkbane pointed at the Starship casually and ordered, "Take over the strongest people you can deal with in there and wait for my instructions"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The translucent wisps immediately surged forward.

"Send them there." Alexander pointed at a spot at the base of the dome and at the very top of the upside down axe. "According to my sources, that's the control center."

"Ah, excellent! Excellent indeed!" Regis Darkbane said happily as he redirected his wisps to the spot Alexander had pointed. "It is so great teaming up with a knowledgeable partner like you! Saves me so much trouble! Now our victory is assured!"

Alexander nodded.

"I am assuming that your powers allow you to control a person from his mind?" Alexander asked to confirm.

"Control a person? Nono. Not control. Take over." Regis Darkbane corrected him. "My spirits will replace the spirit of their target and they will BECOME that person, with all the memories, skills and everything else intact."

"Huh?" Alexander was surprised. It sounded very suspiciously similar to his experience. "Elaborate." He instructed Regis Darkbane.

"Elaborate? What is there to elaborate? There's nothing to elaborate! My spirits will enter their target's body, snuff out the target's spirit, and then gain control of all the target's senses and body. And because I control the spirits, effectively I control the targets too." Regis Darkbane elaborated even after he said that there was nothing to elaborate.

"Are you the only race that can do that? Or are there others?" Alexander asked.

"Of course we are not the only race that can do that. In the Realm of Darkness, this is the most common power among Devil Kings." Regis Darkbane explained. However, sensing that Alexander was not satisfied with his answer, he quickly expanded the scope of his answer. "In this realm, however, I believe that this sort of power is unique to a certain group of people. Followers of the God of Death, I believe…"

A deep chill ran down Alexander's spine.

Scions of Zegaro.

And if only Scions of Zegaro controlled this power, then his transfer into Arcanus 26 must be the work of one such Scion!

And the one who placed him in Arcanus 26 was...


'How long till we arrive?" Prince Flario asked softly. He was lying down on his command chair with his eyes closed, reviewing his day and his situation.

"Twenty hours, Sire." Gareth replied.


"All of our drones have been destroyed. Our final tally is six hundred twenty two motherships destroyed, and three hundred fifty three damaged in varying degrees. One hundred twenty five have landed on Arcanus 26 while the rest have returned for emergency repairs." Gareth reported.

Prince Flario nodded in satisfaction.

Although he couldn't get there first, his foresight in planting the ancient and outdated drone defense in Arcanus 26 had bore fruit. Prince Jolto's Starship was very much weakened, and would easily fall to his hands.

"Prepare the Planetary Teleportation Drive. I want to be on top of The Tiger Lord in exactly one hour." Prince Flario commanded.

"As you command, Sire." Gareth bowed.


"Report!" Prince Jolto shouted as he entered the Bridge of his Starship, The Tiger Lord.

"Sir! One hundred twenty five motherships have landed and have successfully taken control over all the major kingdoms and empires. Our men are spreading out to all the big cities and towns to do a complete sweep for Princess Anastasia's whereabouts!" An aide reported quickly.

"Any updates on the Special Forces we sent out to rescue Princess Jenny?" Prince Jolto asked.

"Sir! They have just reported that they have successfully extracted Princess Jenny. They are currently enroute back here. ETA forty minutes!"

A huge wave of relief blossomed in Prince Jolto's heart. "Excellent! Recall the motherships. Prepare the main cannon and get to firing distance once Princess Jenny is on board!"

"Yes sir!"


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