Alexander The Great Mage

Chapter 112 - Future Queen

To make things worse, they could also see the girls and the dragonlings flying up, away from the mess of mechas and in the general direction of the Starship.

"Damn it." Prince Jolto cursed. There was no denying that this little invasion of his had failed spectacularly. They have lost hundreds of motherships and countless soldiers, and gained absolutely nothing. They have even failed to rescue his sister, Princess Jenny. And now, even his return to his Starship after this little foray seemed to be less than certain.

"Prince Jolto, I will stay behind with Birana and engage the enemy. For your safety, please go back to the Starship immediately." Barako said.

"Come back to the Starship alive, you hear me?" Prince Jolto said to Barako.

"I will do that to the best of my ability, My Prince." Barako replied, a hint of excitement seeping though into his voice. As a powerful warrior, he lived for life and death battles such as this. Add to the mix a noble cause for a 'greater good' such as ensuring the safety of his prince, Barako would die with no regrets if he could get a thumpingly good fight out of this encounter.

"Let's go!" Prince Jolto led the other mechas and burned their mecha cores to gain a powerful burst of speed at the cost of almost all the power they have.

Within seconds, they were out of sight.

Barako nodded in satisfaction and turned around to face the incoming spirits and the girls upon dragonlings. "Birana, this might be our last dance." He said softly.

"As long as I am with you, it does not matter." A gentle feminine voice sounded.

"We have to kill the girls first. Support me." Barako said as he charged his weapons and drew his sword.

Birana merely nodded. She drew both her swords and waited for Barako's command.

Barako would be the sword which would slay their enemies. She would be his trusty shield, deflecting the enemy's counter attack. In most cases though, she would end up killing everybody else while Barako took care of the main target.

She was utterly deadly with her twin blades.


"Those two mechas have a very weird power fluctuation about them. Be careful." Blackfire warned them.

"Liz'An, Shira, Dari, why don't you three try and take them down?" Aleyria offered.

"With pleasure!" Shira cried out.

"Yes Mistress." Kan-Dari replied elegantly.

"As you wish, Mistress." Liz'An said confidently.

The three girls surged ahead and together with their Wyverns, they began to cast their powerful spells. After many battles together, their co-ordination had improved vastly.

A powerful burst of wind energy infused with ice energy shot out towards the two red mechas even as the temperature plummeted around them. Space energy also began to ripple around the mechas. Hundreds of powerful ice spears tinged with swirling green verdant energy also formed rapidly around the girls.

WHOOSH!!! All the spells suddenly activated and formed a powerful barrage that could easily destroy cities.

However, as the spells got close to the mechas, they simply shimmered a little bit and then disappeared.

WHOOSH! The first red mecha burst forward through the disappearing cloud of spells with incredible speed and slashed his thin rapier down with incredible force on Liz'An. Instinctively, Liz'An summoned a bright yellow shield to block the attack.


The sword slashed the shield in two as though it was nothing and grazed Liz'An's shoulder before slicing Wywy's left wing straight off! Although it was a mere graze, the mecha's thin rapier was still very large when compared to Liz'An, and so her arm was almost instantly crushed.

"Aaaaaakh!!" Liz'An roared in pain and surprise.

GRAHHHH!!! Wywy roared in agony as it began to fall. Blood spurted out in large amounts from the stump that was Wywy's left wing.

"Liz'An! Wywy!" Aleyria shouted in horror. She sent out a horrifyingly powerful blast of pure energy at the first red mecha, trying to throw him far away from Liz'An before he could deal more damage to her.

However, the second red mecha intercepted her attack with a powerful anti-magic grenade that immediately dispersed Aleyria's energy blast.


Right behind Aleyria's energy blast, a golden spear shot through the grenade blast and smashed into the first red mecha's anti-magic shield, destroying it completely before slicing his right arm off.

"NOO!!" A shout sounded from the second red mecha.

BAM! BAM! Powerful energy beams erupted with terrifying force from the second red mecha and hit both Aleyria and Flamewing very accurately.

Thankfully, Flamewing had reacted in time and casted a golden barrier around them which easily resisted the powerful energy beams.

Aleyria and Flamewing immediately worked together and launched furious attacks in retaliation on the second red mecha.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The second red mecha went into the defensive immediately as she tried to dodge the golden spears and black fireballs.

On the side, Shira went into a dive and tried to go after Liz'An to catch her before she hit the ground.

Thankfully, Blackfire had immediately blinked down and caught Liz'An, Wywy and her left wing which was sliced clean off. Blackfire quickly cast his powerful healing magic on the two of them.

BAM! BAM! BAM!! Powerful fireballs and golden spears smashed into the second red mecha one after the other, first destroying its' anti-magic shield before damaging its body.

"KYAAA!!!" A high pitched scream rang out from above them.

"DARI!!" Shira screamed in panic.

The first red mecha had immediately turned to attack Kan-Dari after receiving heavy damage from Aleyria and Flamewing. Everybody thought that he was out of the picture, and Kan-Dari was caught extremely unaware. Very thankfully, she had flinched at the last moment, and thanks to that, the first red mecha's sword had missed Kan-Dari's body by mere inches. But Princess Yellow was not so lucky. The first red mecha's sword pierced through its body, killing it instantly.

Aleyria spun and blinked towards the first red mecha.


A massive space energy-infused fireball ripped through the first red mecha's anti-magic shield and smashed into its back. Aleyria had landed a powerful hit on the first mecha.

"Dari!" She shouted. But thankfully, she saw that Blackfire had blinked once more and caught her in a firm bear hug.


Before she could do anything else, the second mecha had sent two powerful slashes at Aleyria's back.


The two thin rapiers connected! They hit Aleyria with incredible power. However, Aleyria's body glowed red upon impact and the two rapiers did not slash her apart as the second red mecha had thought.


A massive golden spear smashed into the second mecha. It could not withstand the insane power brought forth by a Scion Lord of Paladinos and Magius, and it exploded as well.

"Birana!" Barako gasped out as a sharp pain shot through his heart.

"Blackfire!" Aleyria shouted, knowing that the damage she had received was transferred to Blackfire instead in accordance to the blood contract they had signed previously.

"I am fine." Blackfire said as he blinked to Aleyria's side to protect her. Two deep gashes had appeared on his back. However, it was healing rapidly. The regenerative powers that Dragons have are really not to be trifled with.


Another golden spear hurtled through the air and was smashed into pieces by Barako who nimbly sidestepped the spear and slashed down with his sword. However, his sword had exploded along with the golden spear.

Blackfire's eyes glowed red for a moment and then…

BOOM! The first red mecha exploded into pieces, not knowing in the slightest what hit him.

And with that, the short but extremely deadly engagement was over.

It was a devastating experience for the three girls.

Princess Yellow - Dead.

Wywy - Heavily injured.

Liz'An - Heavily injured.

Blackfire - Mildly injured.

In many ways, that engagement was the first real experience of war for them. They learnt that everything can turn around very, very rapidly in war. One minute you're laughing and feeling like you can deal with anything the world throws at you.

The next minute, you're kneeling on the ground, absolutely crushed by the deaths of the buddies you were laughing with mere minutes ago.

That is war.

Friends die.

Some die after a long and hard fought battle, after giving their all. Others die in the first minute, killed by the enemy's opening salvo before they could even fire a single shot..


"Who are you?" Alexander frowned at Regis Darkbane.

"I AM REGIS DARKBANE, DEVIL KING OF THE DARKBANE KINGDOM OF THE BLOODTHIRSTY REALM OF DARKNESS." Regis shouted grandly. He had felt a very sharp sense of danger from Alexander, and had shouted to cover up his fear.

"What the heck are you doing here?" Alexander asked. He had released his power completely and could instantly disintegrate this funkily dressed weirdo with but a single thought.


"Aleyria? Why are you doing this?" Alexander's frown got deeper.

"She is my future queen. Of course I have to clear the way for her. I will sweep away her enemies with a wave of my ha-" Regis began.

Whoosh! Regis Darkbane froze as Alexander released his power of space completely.

"YOUR future queen?" Alexander glowered dangerously.


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