After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 123:

Chapter 123:

In Changan City, Jiangxia Palace.

After returning from the palace, Li Daozong secluded himself in the study. Li Ers decree came as a complete surprise to him.

In the palace, Li Er spoke to him extensively. Being a skilled general himself, Li Daozong fully comprehended Li Ers worries.

The Tubo people held a geographical advantage. Even repeated losses could not weaken them significantly unless someone invaded their homeland and annihilated Tubo in one decisive battle.

But was such a thing feasible?

Li Jing openly admitted that he lacked certainty in defeating Tubo if he were to lead the battle. Li Daozong considered himself somewhat inferior to Li Jing when it came to commanding troops in combat.

Could Li Daozong achieve what Li Jing couldnt?

Since the Tang Dynastys inception, constant warfare had prevailed. Now, it was time for recovery. Moreover, the Tang Dynasty followed a government-military system, integrating civilian and military forces. The primary armies consisted of government troops who also engaged in farming during peaceful times.

It would inevitably disrupt the planting season if they chose to initiate war. Furthermore, Tubo wasnt a significant threat to the Tang Dynasty, making it unworthy of a large-scale military operation.

Li Daozong also didnt deny that resolving the issue through marriage alliances would be the best option for the Tang Dynasty.

However, if the chosen person was his own daughter, that was a different story. Li Daozong was feeling downcast. He didnt know how to break this news to his daughter. After a while, the outside gradually darkened.

The door was knocked, and Li Xueyans voice came through.

Dad, its time for a meal.

Outside the door, Li Xueyan looked at the pitch-dark study with a worried expression. Just this morning, she returned to Changan with Li Daozong and hadnt had the chance to tell anyone. Of course, there were many people Li Xueyan wanted to meet. However, she was more concerned about her father.

A prince generally didnt leave his domain without a specific reason. Due to holding multiple positions, Li Daozong wasnt heavily restricted by Li Er. However, this time Li Er urgently summoned him back to the capital, indicating something significant.

Since he came back, Li Daozongs mood had been visibly off, greatly worrying Li Xueyan.

Ever since she could remember, she watched her father head to battle multiple times. But no matter how dire the situation, she had never seen sorrow on her fathers face.

What did the emperor say to make her usually upright and cheerful father appear so downcast?

Li Xueyan started feeling restless and lost in thought.

While she was lost in thought, the door suddenly opened. Seeing her father, Li Xueyan was shocked.

The usually stern expression on her fathers face was now filled with sadness as if his spirit had been drained in just one afternoon. So much so that in just half a days absence, Li Xueyan felt like her father had aged several years.

Father Li Xueyan looked at him with a heartache and a hint of disbelief. Seeing his daughters expression, Li Daozong couldnt help but feel a pang in his heart. His already reddened eyes felt even more swollen and sore.

Dad, whats wrong? Li Xueyan asked with concern.

Li Daozong remained silent, waving his hand at her and gesturing for his daughter to enter.

Once seated, Li Daozong let out a long sigh. Then, he said, Today, His Majesty summoned me to the palace to discuss the Tubo border situation

An uneasy feeling grew stronger in Li Xueyan. She didnt speak, just looked at Li Daozong silently.

The Tubo forces pressuring the city is an old issue being brought up again, and they are seeking a marriage alliance with the princess for Songtsan Gampo. His Majesty His Majesty has decided to agree to the peace proposal with Tubo

Suddenly, Li Xueyan felt a heavy blow to her chest, and her face turned pale. She finally understood where her underlying uneasiness came from.

Tubos Zanpu seeking a marriage alliance had caused a lot of commotion a few years back. The people of the Tang Dynasty had laughed at this unheard-of foreign countrys audacity.

Among the noblewomen, Songtsan Gampo had been the subject of mockery. Mentioning him caused all the refined ladies to scorn him. This year, Tubos movements had escalated, pressuring the Tang Dynasty to achieve a peace agreement.

And the emperor had agreed

Thinking of her fathers demeanor since his return, it instantly became clear to Li Xueyan.

The emperor had chosen her for the marriage alliance!

In a moment, Li Xueyans mind roared, her vision blurred. She heard her fathers voice in her ears, sometimes distant, sometimes close, an ethereal whisper.

My daughter, its because Im incapable. I couldnt protect you

His Majesty has made up his mind, and the Tubo envoy has been summoned for detailed discussions

At the upcoming court meeting, His Majesty will announce this news

In a daze, Li Xueyan didnt know how she ended up back in the room.

Late at night, a flash of lightning suddenly illuminated the sky. Followed by a massive clap of thunder that rattled the windows.

Li Xueyan, sitting in her room for hours, finally snapped out of her daze. The imminent downpour hit the doors and windows, creating a crackling sound.

Li Xueyan lit a candle with an expressionless face. Ever since she had heard the news from her father, she had been in this state. She had always believed she was a resilient person with a strong inner self.

No matter what challenges came her way, she firmly believed she could overcome them. When she was young, when facing a question she didnt understand, she would study until she grasped it, even if it meant burning the midnight oil.

She excelled in piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting. Even the Empress Zhangsun had praised her, considering her a model lady. Her most significant hurdle before had been an unrequited love experience. Because of that, she left Changan slightly awkwardly the last time she was here.

During her time in Jiangxia, she had deliberately avoided everything related to that person. Later, she felt she had moved on completely.

Occasionally, thoughts of him arose, but she felt she could handle them with indifference. Upon her return to Changan, Li Daozong had mentioned finding a suitable marriage for her, and she hadnt objected.

After all, she was of marriageable age. At least her father was understanding and allowed her some degree of choice. However, she hadnt expected that she would be hit with such shocking news upon arriving in Changan.

You are of royal blood, have enjoyed wealth and prosperity, and now its time to give back. I cannot refuse His Majestys decision Her fathers words echoed in her mind again.

Li Xueyan let out a bitter laugh.

Indeed, to gain something, you often have to lose something. It seemed to be the fate of someone like her. But why did that someone have to be her sacrifice?

For some reason, at this moment, that figure that she had long stopped thinking about resurfaced in her mind


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