After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 122:

Chapter 122:

Late at night, inside the palace.

Li Er sat behind the desk, his brow slightly furrowed, ignoring the numerous reports before him. He continued pondering the matter involving Tubo.

When the Tubo envoys were received, their attitude was extremely humble, clearly following Songtsan Gampos instructions. From this, it seemed that Songtsan Gampo didnt hold any disrespect towards the Tang Dynasty.

Because of their demeanor, Li Ers initial discontent towards Tubo seemed to dissipate. While Tubos troops reached Song Zhou, it wasnt a significant problem for the Tang Dynasty.

Before the Tang Dynasty, he had limited knowledge of Tubo, but although Li Ers reaction was slow, he gradually grasped some information about Tubo.

Songtsan Gampo was a temporary ruler of Tubo who had achieved success at a young age. His behavior was somewhat arrogant, but it could be understood. At least Tubos actions werent as aggressive as the previous barbarians, who directly invaded the borders. Their lack of aggression indicated Tubos intentions.

Li Er speculated about Songtsan Gampos mindset. When one started seeking justifications, it was often an indicator that they were not keen on being aggressive. Indeed, Li Er didnt want a war.

Even if Tubo was defeated, it would be costly and yield no benefits. Starting a war would lead to hostility between the two nations.

Li Er was proud and held a strong grudge against outsiders. He remembered how audacious the Turkic people had been. They had come close to Changan, compelling Li Er to sign the Treaty of Wei River.

Li Er saw this as a disgrace and sought vengeance within a few years. However, Tubo was different from the Turkic. Tubo hadnt aggressively attacked and conquered cities. Their approach was more respectful.

Li Er believed that the Tang Dynasty could not eradicate Tubo. Songtsan Gampo had brought 200,000 troops this time, but that was just half Tubos capable warriors.

The entire Tang Dynasty had about 600,000 soldiers. This indicated that Tubo wasnt the remote, small nation Li Er had once thought. They possessed some strength.

The quantity of troops was of secondary importance. The crucial factor lay in Tubos remarkably advantageous geographical location. To combat the Turks, it was enough to deploy a substantial force and advance steadily. However, dealing with Tubo required a different approach. Even if the Tang army possessed formidable combat capabilities, the challenge of altitude sickness must be addressed. Reflecting on these matters, Li Er couldnt help but sigh.

Throughout various dynasties, particularly during their inception, there was undoubtedly a profound awareness of the reasons behind the downfall of previous dynasties. Li Er was well aware that if it hadnt been for Yang Guangs stubborn pursuit of his goals, launching three campaigns against Goguryeo and mobilizing over three million people in the process, leading to the depletion of nearly half of the nations able-bodied men, the Sui Dynasty would not have met its demise.

Looking further back, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynastys northern campaign against the Huns was a remarkable feat of martial prowess. Yet, it also displaced half the population and nearly brought down the Han regime.

Emperor Wus action against the Huns was driven by the Huns long-standing desire for the central lands. Not taking action would have left them without a peaceful external environment to recover. When the Tang Dynasty engaged Tubo, what advantages could it truly gain? It was not worth going all out

With these thoughts in mind, Li Er had already made the decision. He was inclined to agree to a diplomatic marriage!

Of course, Songtsan Gampos request to marry a genuine princess was impossible. Despite Li Ers actions, like killing his brother and taking over after his imprisoned father, it might seem like he had an indifferent relationship with his family. However, in reality, he indulged his own children to an extent that could be considered unparalleled among emperors throughout history.

Sending his daughter to such a harsh and cold land was something Li Er truly hesitated about. However, since Emperor Han Yuan selected palace ladies for diplomatic marriages, dealing with these barbarian envoys had become increasingly difficult. The envoys in the Four Directions Pavilion in Changan City knew almost everything about the princesses, their portraits, and their personalities, making deception impossible.

With Songtsan Gampos aggressive actions this time, merely selecting a palace girl and giving her a princess title wouldnt suffice. It could lead to misunderstandings and potential conflicts.

After careful consideration, Li Er finally came up with an idea. He remembered that Li Daozong had an unmarried daughter of marriageable age. Li Daozong was his cousin, a loyal advisor, and a royal family member. Selecting his daughter for the diplomatic marriage would likely leave Songtsan Gampo with no objections. Li Ers face lit up with a smile as he thought about this plan.

More than ten days had passed. In the palace, Li Er met with Li Daozong, the King of Jiangxia, who had been urgently summoned back to Changan by him.

Daozong, have you heard about the recent events in Tubo? Li Er went straight to the point without wasting any words.

Li Daozong nodded, saying, The Tubo forces have reached Song Zhou, showing disrespect to the Great Tang. Is Your Majesty considering sending troops?

Li Daozongs mind was somewhat puzzled. He had returned to Jiangxia not long ago and hadnt even spent a year at home before being summoned back to Changan by Li Er. He was pondering the intentions behind this summons.

Although he was one of Li Ers trusted generals and was highly esteemed among the Tang Dynastys military leaders, he couldnt help but feel perplexed by the situation. The Tang Dynasty was enjoying peace, and numerous capable generals were stationed in Changan. If Li Er intended to retaliate against Tubo, there seemed to be no need to recall him specially.

Li Er smiled and continued, Tubo has yet to launch an offensive, and I believe Songtsan Gampo is waiting for my response. I have a plan in mind for this matter

Li Daozong appeared puzzled, but his expression changed to rapt attention, eager to hear more.

Daozong, Ive heard that Lord Jincheng has not yet betrothed anyone? Li Er inquired.

Li Daozongs eyes widened as he listened, appearing somewhat incredulous as he looked at Li Er. Could it be that the emperor was considering agreeing to a diplomatic marriage?

Furthermore, Li Er suggested his daughter, Li Xueyan, for the marriage. Li Daozongs mind was spinning. He had never imagined that his daughter would be considered for such a proposal, especially not to a place as remote and harsh as Tubo.

Instinctively, Li Daozong wanted to decline the proposal. His branch of the Li clan was already thin in terms of descendants. He only had two sons and two daughters. The idea of sending his daughter away, especially to a place like Tubo, was difficult for him to accept.

However, when he met Li Ers gaze, filled with an imposing pressure, he could not voice his objections. Li Er was not only the emperor but also the patriarch of the Li clan. From either perspective, refusing Li Ers request was simply not an option.

This year, we are experiencing a bountiful harvest of sweet potatoes and potatoes. This harvest will extend throughout the entire Tang Dynasty in the coming year. Given this situation, its not wise to engage in military actions. Daozong, an era of prosperity, is on the horizon. I dont want to miss this great opportunity. We might have to endure some hardship in Jincheng. If you hold grievances, I understand, but my decision is final! Li Ers tone remained indifferent.

Li Ers authority as emperor and clan leader left no room for Li Daozong to refuse. Despite feeling a sense of bitterness, Li Daozong opened his mouth but couldnt utter a word. In the end, he could only let out a long sigh.


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