Aether Beasts

Chapter 118 - 118

Zirani had not expected to wake up to this, to find Aiden, Misty, and Sandra half-dead, with severe injuries and depleted aether reserves. She had been confident that they could handle themselves against anything that came their way as they made it to the entrance to the next floor, but apparently not, as seconds after she'd been woken by the large burst of pain and shock from her bonded she had sensed another presence, far stronger than should naturally exist on this tower floor. It was an arcanist, a two-core arcanist at the fourth level of infusion to be exact, though the power of his aether spoke to something more. There was a foreign presence that had latched itself onto him, deep within his soul, like a parasite that had been welcomed.

She tried to send a message to her bonded, but it was no use. He was covered in severe burns and had a few broken bones, not to mention a mild concussion. Whatever the arcanists had done, it must have been quite the attack, not just because of the injuries, but the surroundings. She didn't need to use Aiden's eyes to look, not that she could, since they were closed, her arcane senses were far beyond that of Aidens, and she was able to see the fire aether covering the nearby land, and hints of gravity aether. No wonder they hadn't stood a chance. The twin horn arcanist's power alone was dangerous, but with a combination like fire and gravity, it was even more deadly.

For a few seconds, she contemplated what to do, even though she already knew what she had to do. Aiden would not be waking up, nor would the others. Misty had amazing regeneration for her current level, but she looked in even worse condition to Aiden.

Ever since they'd bonded, Zirani had been adjusting constantly, going from a powerful jungle queen to the partner of a newly made arcanist. It had been hard at first, though she'd tried. She knew, however, that her lack of experience had shown as she'd treated him like a lesser at times. It had changed of course, as they'd gotten to know each other, and now she was truly thankful they'd met. They were partners and lovers know, something she hadn't ever expected, not from a human at least, but perhaps it had been due to the fact that they'd been so close at all times. She'd never allowed any as close as Aiden, no male at least. She'd never revealed insecurities to anyone before but her mother.

Things had changed which was why she was certain that Aiden would understand what she was about to do.

Their bond gave Aiden far more power over her than it did for her over him, not that she needed power over him, not anymore. In normal circumstances, she would have to ask and explain to Aiden and even then it would be a difficult process as no one willingly gives over control of their body, but with Aiden passed out and confused, she knew she could do it, and what choice did she have. If she didn't act then they would all be taken, and most likely turned into one of those flesh abominations, which was something she had no desire to let happen.

"A shame I lost my temper. I..."

The enemy's voice sounded apologetic and annoyed, but Zirani ignored him for the most part, focusing on the bond with Aiden. It was wide open as it always was. Aiden had never realized that the trust they had was special. Most people with mental links never kept them open at all times, in the courts it would be suicide both for position and power. It wasn't like life in the plains or so she surmised. Things over here weren't as cutthroat and while power mattered it wasn't the end all be all as it was beyond the great scar. She had never understood, but having spent so much time here she now understood why they called it peaceful lands. Compared to the raging ocean that her lands were, the plains were a serene and placid lake.

She focused and began forming a complex and intricate pattern as she gathered all that she was. If their bond had been only mental then this would have been far harder and most likely wouldn't work at least not in the desired way, but their souls were bonded, at a level far deeper than most ever did thanks to Aiden's archvein bloodline.

She released the pattern and allowed it to form. In an instant, she felt a stretching sensation and she allowed herself to merge with Aiden in a way that normally would not be possible. the pattern she was using was a modified version of a traditional pattern, due to the fact that she was Aiden's aether beast and not some human friend.

To her relief, it worked perfectly, and like donning a set of armor, she felt a wash of sensations and feelings. Pain, burning pain, numbness, and lingering emotions of regret, anger, and self-loathing. Anger bubbled within her, and she took a deep breath as she let the technique finish.

The town horn arcanist was still talking, with other voices, it seemed, so she needed to hurry. The moment the technique was done she pushed herself to her feet, not needing to use her hands or anything but a slight excursion of aether. Their core didn't have much left so she would need to do something she hadn't done in a long time, not since she'd left her aunt's court.

The voices quieted and Zirani moved her eyes across the first core disciple until she got to what she assumed was the elder, the one who hurt her friend and love. She met his bright orange orbs with Aiden's violets eyes.

"Still awake?" The elder said with a raised eyebrow. "I was sure that would have put you out. I can see why my master has taken a liking to you, but please don't struggle. You could not best me with your friends, what makes you think you could…"

His words trailed off as Zirani began to pull most of her remaining aether into a complex and wide pattern that she let flow into the ground like roots reaching out and encompassing the nearby green. Her days in the court of thorns had taught her much. Their techniques were banned in the verdant court, mostly because of their darker nature, which she had never understood. It wasn't like it was unnatural and the green court often spouted just how wide the green was, yet they could never accept the teachings of the dark court. Well, she had, she'd left to learn, and though she had returned, by that point she'd learn most of what she needed.

"You are a fool," It was Aiden's voice, but different as though her own was speaking over it. "You're arrogance will be the death of you."

The trees, grass, and all other plant life began to wither as Ziraani drained their lifeforce and aether from them. She felt them die, but she shed no tear as she had the first few times. She remembered the beating her aunt had given her when she'd dared shed tears in front of others. Power and life surged through her, through Aiden's body, and her core was full in seconds then bursting at the seams. Still, she did not stop. Taking the still coming aether and weaving it into patterns which she sent back into the ground.

"What are you…" The elder's eyes had widened with shock and fear. "It's you! The jungle queen."

Zirnai ignored him as armor of wood, a charred black in color formed over Aiden's body, intricate symbols, and swirls covering it, along with thorns and spikes that added a sinister cast to the armor. Bitterblack armor or Igni armor as some preferred to call it.

"You cannot beat me,'" The elder hissed. "No matter what you are, you do not have enough power. Your just a single core!"

Zirani used three fingers and drew them down the helmet creating opening for her eyes. "A single core? You speak so highly of your master, yet it seems he has failed you."

The withered plant life around her gave way to scarlet roses and black igni roots which shot up from the ground. A single blade of yellow grass spouted in front of her and extended until it reached her head, changing its shape until it was a long spear and blade, as hard and sharp as any steel. It parted from the ground and she spun it around so fast it was nothing but a blur before bringing it up to point it at the elder.

"Here my words filth, I am Zirani Atmore, daughter to queen Atmora, and niece to queen Zafira. Lady of thorns and verdant princess, jungle queen and blade of Kyorlin, granddaughter of Yggdrasil."

Aether had begun to surge around the elder, and Zirnai scoffed. His patterns while better than any she'd seen in plains were far too basic and crude to pose any threat to her.

"So your master has granted you knowledge?" She smiled coldly. "He must not hold you in favor, for it is nowhere near enough to defeat me."

Streaks of yellow bioelectricity began to appear around her blade as she walked towards the elder at a sedate pace.

"Burn!" The elder shouted as two balls of fire, larger than Aiden's body shot towards her. At the same time, she felt him trying to form a pattern to weigh her down and lock her in place.

"To slow." She took a single step and was before him. He didn't even have time to blink before she brought her blade down from overhead to take his left arm, and then up and rising to take his right. He had panicked, and like a fool had not used any enhancement techniques or even considered that she would be so fast.

He screamed but she did not move as flame burst to life and blazed around him. Her igni armor protected from any of the weak flame and heat. To her surprise, however, when the flame dispersed he had new arms, though a pale white in color, similar to that of the abominations she'd seen.

He must have taken her curious glance for fear as he grinned. "A gift from my master, you lowly beast, now die!"

She suppressed a sigh and dodged his strikes, one after the other. He had no skill and was trying to rely on his sheer speed and brute strength, which was useless. She had formed a number of enhancement techniques when she'd been absorbing aether from the green around her.

'If the arms won't work then perhaps the head will.'

She waited for him to overextend once more, which he did in a foolish way. He was still trying to form patterns but every time he got close she just disrupted them with a burst of her own aether. It was a beginner technique, but apparently not one he knew how to block. Her blade came around in a blur of motion and the look of frustration and anger was still clear on his face as his head flew from his body.

With a single thought, one of the igni roots extended and morphed into a hand to catch it. She waited but the head did not grow back, instead, the body toppled over.


Ziraini frowned and turned to the voice, which was coming from the head. "Still alive?"

The head smiled. "No, he's dead."

'He? Oh, then this must be…'

"The great master I assume?" Zirani questioned in a cold voice.

"Indeed," he replied in an excited tone, and to her shock, the body jumped to its feet and bowed. "A pleasure."

The voice had changed. It was smooth yet had a nails on chalk quality to it. A normal person might have not have been able to pick it up, but with her senses it was clear. He was masking his true voice.

"I must say, I did not expect this outcome." The head sighed. "I knew you'd show yourself, but I had no clue you were this powerful. A shame, say, why don't you join me, not as melded or stock, but as a partner, I could use a servant like you."

"And what of Aiden." There was no way she was ever going to be joining him, but any information she could get would be useful.

"I need the boy," The head said with a vicious and eager smile. "His body is… perfect. His true bloodline remains dormant, but its power calls to me. The seals placed upon him are strong, but I can destroy them easily enough given time."

Now that was something she hadn't known. "Seals?"

The head quirked an eyebrow. "You don't know, do you?"

He burst out into uproarious laughter, even the body shook. "Oh this is brilliant, and here I was thinking you'd chosen him because of it, oh you are in for a surprise, or you would be if I wasn't going to take him from you."

Zirani gave the head a cold smile. "You won't be taking anything from me. He is mine as I am his, and we'll be putting a stop to your resurrection soon enough."

The eyes grew cold. "We shall see, jungle queen, or is it princess now? Such an odd—"

Zirani didn't let him finish and brought her blade around to slice his head in two then four, and then six just to be sure. Even so, the voice echoed around her for a few more seconds before it faded along with the pieces of the head and the body which turned into white ash.

"I await our proper meeting. Do not keep me waiting."

Zirani sighed as she glanced at her surroundings. The disciples had retreated into the gate and while she wanted to follow, she had more important things to do. Misty and Sandra needed to be healed as did Aiden's body, properly at least. The life force had done well, but it had been a rushed job.

As she got to work, she couldn't help but wonder at just what this great master was because she had a feeling they might be finding out very soon.


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