Aether Beasts

Chapter 117 - 117

The elder dodged all three of the impact seeds with relative ease, his smile still plastered on his face as flame kindled around the others, burning them to ash before they could get to him, which offered Misty no help or opening as she closed the distance between her and the elder, her claws swiping, and missing the agile twin horn arcanists, which left me stunned for a moment. I'd never seen anyone dodge Misty so casually.

"You are as fast as I was told," The elder noted, his voice calm, as though he weren't in the middle of a battle. "But not fast enough I'm afraid."

His hand lashed out, a palm pressing against Misty's chest. For a split second, nothing happened, but then the elder's hand flashed with a burst of orange light, and Misty was sent flying back straight into a tree, cracks appearing on the bark.

I stopped myself from changing my direction and going to check on her. I needed to stay in the fight, and there was no way that would put Misty out of commission. She had the greatest regeneration out of all of us.

By this point, Sandra was upon him and a flurry of daggers flew as tendrils shot towards the elder, but the elder showed no signs of worry as a new pattern was formed at a speed far greater than I'd ever seen. Just when it looked like the daggers of darkness would strike him, a blazing inferno formed around him, spinning violently. Sandra barely managed to twist out of the way to dodge the end of a collision with the flame, but that left her open to an overhead strike that sent her crashing into the ground.

"An interesting bloodline," The elder mused. "But your use of it is lackluster and disappointing."

I felt my blood boil and rage simmer within me as I formed two thorn vines.

"Oh, did I strike a nerve?" The elder chuckled. "Don't worry you will all be together soon when you are melded."

My two lashing vines flew out and attempted to wrap around him, but the blazing inferno was too great, and my techniques turned to ash in seconds under the intense heat. I grit my teeth and tried to think of something. This was not a good matchup for me, not in my current state. His fire could eat through any of my techniques. I didn't have Zirani's skill or her wide variety of knowledge when it came to the green. He hadn't even shown his other affinity, not to mention the fact he looked like he wasn't even winded. Was this really the difference between first core and second core or was there something else at play?

Seconds passed as I tried to think of something, and just when it looked like he was about to approach me, a line of red and black shot forth from his left, and I turned to see Misty back on her feet, looking perfectly fine and without injury.

"Ah, I forget you're a vampire aren't you." The elder sighed. "My apologies."

The way he was talking and acting was really getting to me. He was treating us like we weren't a threat, which perhaps we weren't. I tried to shake that thought away and focused back on the fight.

"Misty together!"

She nodded and I used a burst of aether t increase my speed as I formed small bark spikes on my knuckles instead of the usual larger spikes.

"A fist fight?" The elder questioned with a smirk. "Fine, I shall humor you, and demonstrate just how outmatched you are. My master has granted me much power, far beyond that of a normal arcanist at my level."

I didn't have time to think on his words as Misty and I struck out, my right fist aiming for his chest while Misty swiped at his face, her claws extended sleight, and for a second I thought she'd get him, but then an orange glow surrounded him as flame kindled in his eyes.

He leaned back from Misty slash at the same time blocking my fist with a forearm. Before I could even have time to counter or back off, he kicked at my legs with such force that I barely managed to remain standing, not that it did me any good, as he ducked, struck Misty in the chest, and then used that motion to kick me once more. I managed to get a leg up in time, but my whole body shook with the pain as I blocked the kick.

Misty's eyes were now glowing red, and I could tell the beast was beginning to strain at its leash, wanting to come out. Her fangs had elongated, and she charged back at the elder who simply smiled, awaiting her. I sent my support and strength through our bond to help her gain as much control as she could.

I attempted to get back on my feet, but a casual flick of his fingers sent a ball of fire launching towards me at high speeds, I managed to connect my bark-covered hands and form a bark shield just in time, but even so, the force of the impact sent me flying, as the heat seared my skin, even beneath the bark armor.

Pain racked my body, and my ears rang as attempted to get up and failed, falling on my hands and knees, panting with breath. I still had plenty of aether left, but for the life of me, I could not think of what to do. I had no special techniques to use, and it was clear he outmatched me in close-quarters combat, not with skill, but with sheer speed and strength. That kick to my leg had felt like I was being hit with a boulder, and if not for my bark armor, I was certain my bone would have broken. I was reminded of his earlier statement, and how his master had increased his power. How the hell were we meant to beat him?


My head shot up at the sound of Sandra's voice. She looked bruised but other than that she looked ready to continue.

"We need to fight together, we can't just go at him one at a time!" She said, her eyes locked on my own as the elder and Misty fought. I glanced over to see that despite her increased speed, she still hadn't managed to get a solid hit in on the elder.

I checked out bond and cursed. The inner beast was fully attempting to break free, and she was barely managing to hold it back.

"At the same time then," I said to Sandra. "You hit him with as many ranged attacks as you can while I move into back up Misty."

I didn't have time to think up a better plan, certainly not with Misty's life potentially on the line, though from what he'd said, it seemed he wanted to bring us all in alive, or half-alive as he'd stated.

I got back to my feet and used some aether to repair the damage to my armor as I tried to circle behind the elder. He was currently occupied with Misty who seemed to be matching his speed now, and as I approached, I saw one of her claws graze his face leaving a scratch, though the rotting effect didn't occur, instead the small wound lit up with flame and seared shut. Great, he had healing abilities as well. Just how much power had this great master given him?

"Now!" I shouted as I sent two impact seeds at his back, one for his head, and the other to the ground near his feet. If I couldn't hit him, then maybe I could at least get him off balance. My plan seemed to work as he dodged the first, but stumbled as the other struck true, the impact putting him off-kilter, and allowing Misty to carve out a small piece of flesh from his shoulder. The wound seared shut instantly, but his calm mask had fallen.

"You damn bitc—"

His words were cut off as a dark spear struck his leg, not piercing through fully, but deep enough to cause pain. I took the chance and struck him at the center of his back, using a large burst of aether to increase my speed and strength. There was a quiet crack, followed by a pained gurnt. I smiled. Maybe we could beat him if we just worked together, and planned out our attacks as much as we could. He was strong, but it was clear he could focus on everything and if Miyt just kept up with him then we could provide each other opportunities to land a hit, and all we'd need I one decisive hit.

I attempted a follow-up strike to the back of his head, but the inferno of flame formed around him ocean more, burning the dark spear embedded in his leg, away. I shield myself with my hands as I leapt back. Misty wasn't so fortunate as she had been the closest and she hissed in pain as she was burned, but she managed to get away before she could be fully engulfed.

"You think a few lucky blows will do?" The elder's voice had lost its calm tone, and now sounded far more like what I expected of a twin horn arcanist. Pride, and arrogance. "I was willing to humor you, but now I see that the three of you are bad sport so I will put an end to these childish games."

His right leg burst into a bright orange flow and kicked up, shooting into the sky, flame still burning around him. Once he was over thirty feet in the air, the inferno vanished, but to my surprise, he didn't fall. "I did not expect to have to use my second affinity, but I've grown tired of this. You will fall now!"

"Ger ready!" I warned as the glow around him began to intensify. I had no clue what was about to happen, but if he'd been holding back then there was no way this would be good.

Orange glow kindled into white-hot flame that covered him from head to toe and the heat was so strong that sweat began to form on me rapidly. The elder's eyes glowed, and he angled his body so his head was facing the ground, and almost as if gravity was affecting him once more, he began to fall, far faster than normal, the bright white glow intensifying. He looked like a shooting star about to collide with the earth.

The three of us had retreated to the tree line as this pint. With our armor and the tree as shielding, I was sure we could survive the strike, especially since he wasn't aiming at us.

That assumption proved very wrong as the elder struck the ground, and the world went white.


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