Adolescent Adam

Volume 3, 2 - Playing with Oneself in the Dead of Night

Volume 3, Chapter 2 - Playing with Oneself in the Dead of Night

Mutsuki had been having trouble sleeping recently.

Half the night had passed and he was alone in the living room.

He would lie in bed, but sleep would not come. It felt like gravity had been inverted. His head was burning up and he was exhausted, but his body would not accept the rest.

He needed to calm himself down, so he was now sitting in a recliner with a glass of hot milk in one hand. He never got tired of the view from the top-floor apartment window at night.

After leaving the bathroom all sweaty for some reason, Ange had not left her room and Micha had yet to return. He was not in the habit of watching TV, so the room was quiet. Earlier, he had called his little sister and asked how the family was doing, but it was too late to do that now.

He had nothing to do but patiently wait for sleep to reach him.

A great number of thoughts washed over him when he was alone.

(The Serpent’s Eye, the angels, the demons, FeTuS…Black Cat-san, and Rapha-san.)

Those last two weighed heaviest on his mind because they had only appeared recently.

Black Cat was a high-ranking member of FeTUS, just like Machina. She was known as Miss C and she far surpassed Ange in combat, although that was partially due to poor compatibility on Ange’s part.

They had escaped safely last time (even if he did not remember what had happened), but she could attack again at any time. He felt nervous being a target like that.

He had similar feelings about Rapha.

(He is an ally…isn’t he?)

He knew the young man was, but he still brought an unpleasant feeling to Mutsuki’s heart.

Mutsuki had only a vague understanding of the conflict between the angels, demons, and humans.

The Serpent’s Eye inside him could be the ultimate weapon, so many of the demons and humans wanted to get their hands on it. The angels were defenders of the holy law, so they wanted to protect it.

Among those enemies, Lucia and Machina had become allies.

Mutsuki simply wanted to get along with them, but the appearance of this new angel had given him a bigger picture view of the situation.

The angels were his allies. That would not change because Micha and Ange would protect him even without a reason.

However, that was only in relation to him and they would never become allies of those enemy groups.

It was possible the angels would attack the humans or demons eventually.

(What even is the Serpent’s Eye anyway?)

He linked his unpleasant thoughts together and arrived at the foundation of his worries. He pressed the cup of lukewarm milk against his right temple to warm the area around his right eye.

The Serpent’s Eye was a mysterious change that had suddenly come over his right eye less than two months before.

When it appeared, any woman in his field of vision had their strength taken away. It forcibly brought them to a state of arousal and robbed them of any means to harm him.

At first, he had thought his enemies would pluck it out and use it as a weapon, so he had let Micha and Ange protect him in order to protect his own eyeball.

But after the few incidents he had experienced, it seemed the demons and FeTUS were actually after him and not his eye. He was beginning to think there was some importance to “Fujita Mutsuki, owner of the Serpent’s Eye” and not just in the Serpent’s Eye.

Both groups had had a few chances to pluck out his eye, but they had not.

He had even asked why, but neither Micha nor Machina had given him a straight answer and both Ange and Lucia had insisted they did not know. He knew none of the details.

They would not tell him and he had no way of investigating, so he had no clues.

Except one, that is.

“The Serpent’s Eye holder….Adam. The final objective of FeTUS.”

Those were the words of Black Cat.


He could generally predict that word was the key to something.

“I’m back.”

Mutsuki looked up when he heard an alto voice carrying through the apartment.

The sluggish footsteps of course belonged to Micha. She must have expected Mutsuki to be asleep because she smiled in surprise when she saw him in the living room.

“Welcome back.”

“Thanks, but you’re still up? You need to get to sleep. You have school tomorrow.”

While sounding like a responsible adult for once, she pulled a beer and her dinner from the fridge.

She closed the fridge with her foot and opened the beer as she walked. She leaped into the sofa, lay down, and used her fingers to munch on the cold pork.

“Sigh… Honestly, annoying bosses are the worst things about work. I can only assume they’re trying to kill off any work ethic we might have.”

“Ah ha ha. Sounds like you had it rough.”

“If they’re going to act so self-important, couldn’t they at least give me the money to buy a new motorcycle?”

She had deep-cut facial features and perfect proportions. She looked like a model, but she was complaining like an office worker exhausted from a long day of work.

It seemed out of place, so Mutsuki smiled bitterly.

“Our report only took two seconds. Two seconds! All we had to say was ‘nothing’s happened’. The rest was nothing but bitching on their end. Rapha made the actual report, so I think he called me there just to get chewed out.”


Mutsuki’s expression stiffened at the mention of Rapha…or rather, at the mention of the other angels.

“I mean…I understand why they’re so on edge with what’s coming up tomorrow, but still.”

Micha did not notice as she washed down her final complaint with some beer.

After finishing off the can, she pulled out a bottle of brandy being used for interior decoration.

She apparently wanted to drink something stronger to match how much stress she was feeling, so she decided to drink the brandy straight today. She had apparently had an extremely unpleasant time.

“I was standing the whole time, so my legs are exhausted. …Hey, give me the usual?”

“Sure, sure.”

She lay face down with her glass of brandy and container of pork, so the boy circled around to her feet.

She sometimes asked him to gently massage and stretch her surprisingly muscular calves.

She sipped at the brandy at first, but as her eyes started melting from the younger boy’s loving massage, she decided she did not need the drink and set the glass down.

She had the body of a model, so her legs were pretty too. Mutsuki’s eyes were glued to the lines running from her well-developed thighs down to her slender ankles. He also looked to her toenails that were glossy even without a pedicure.

She had worn her boots for a long time without socks on, so the soles of her feet were sweaty. She had the perfect curves of a sculpture, but the sweat made them seem much rawer.

“~~? Oh, come to think of it, where’s Ange?”

“She’s already asleep. …At least I think she is. She went to her room at about nine and I haven’t seen her since.”

He thought back to what had happened. What had she been doing in the bathroom for so long?

She had looked captivating when she had come out and a somehow alluring aroma had surrounded her.

“Nine is pretty early. Did you get into another fight?”

Micha turned her enchanted face his way.

“…I don’t know.”

That look was enough to get him to speak his mind. If Ange was a born fighter, then Micha may have had natural talent at getting others to open their hearts to her.

“Nothing really happened, but for some reason, she got really mad. If I did something wrong, I’d like to apologize, but…”

“Is that so?”

“She’s been acting weird lately. She gets mad at the drop of a hat. Well, she was like that before too, but it feels a little different now.”

“Were you too worried about that to get to sleep?”

“Eh? Well…maybe. Or that’s part of it at least.”

He left that last part vague because he could not exactly say he was suspicious of her colleague Rapha.

Micha gave a depthless laugh as if she could see through it all.

“It may be about time.”


“It’s nothing. You don’t need to worry about Ange being so angry. …You could say it’s because she’s entered adolescence.”

She buried her face in the cushion she was resting her chin on.

It almost looked like she wanted to hide the look in her eyes.

“Have I ever told you how angels are made?”

“You know angels are made from fire, right?”

“Yes. That’s why Ange is so bad at swimming, right?”

“No, that’s just her being a bad swimmer. …Anyway, an angel’s body is composed of fire. Ange’s is, mine is, and Rapha’s is. So what do you think forms our core?”

“Your core?”

“A human soul.”

She spoke so calmly that Mutsuki missed his timing to feel surprise. His massaging hands came to a stop.

With angels and demons existing, he was willing to believe in something as occult as the human soul, but he still tilted his head a little.

Micha giggled and turned onto her side.

“Soul isn’t the perfect word for it, though. The spiritual foundation of a human is a fragment of the Fruit of Knowledge. When a purifying light applies flesh to that foundation, it becomes an angel. To put it simply, Ange and I were originally human.”


“You’ve read in manga how good people are reborn as angels when they die, right? It’s like that.”

The boy was dumbfounded, so she continued with a smile. But adding “Although for us, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a good person” gave it the opposite impression.

“It’s only used as a component, so we don’t have any of their memories. If you take a screw from a car and use it to make a TV, you can’t drive the TV around, right? Ange and I know nothing about our time as humans. However…”

Her smile remained motionless, as if it were glued to her face.

“Even after being reborn, the soul will remember any experience powerful enough to seep into the Fruit of Knowledge.”

She paused there. Mutsuki did not quite understand what she was talking about, but they both turned toward Ange’s room.

“Ange’s hatred of humans comes from an experience back then.”


“You could say…she wasn’t loved by her mother. Don’t ask too much about it.”

Mutsuki gulped.

He had grown up in a happy household, so abuse was a term he had only seen on TV.

“Anyway, her hatred of humans is on an instinctual level. That’s why she’s been so irritated lately. She’s been feeling an internal contradiction whenever she’s around you.”


When she summed it up, it only confused the boy further. What did it mean for Ange to get irritated when around him, a human?

“Now, then.”

Micha ended the conversation and sat up.

“If you don’t get to bed soon, you really will have a hard time tomorrow.”

The alcohol must have kicked in because she was flushed around the eyes, making her look shockingly sensual.



“You might have a little trouble sleeping with this thing so hard.”

After setting down the glass, she reached for his crotch over his sweatpants. It happened so suddenly that Mutsuki let out a cry. The area was already full of blood and itching.

“How long has it been like this?” the young woman teasingly asked.

This had actually been the primary reason he had been unable to get to sleep.

His body had been filled with heat ever since he ran across Ange by the bathroom, seen her careless state of dress, and smelled her strong scent of sweat. That had kept him up.

“I know boys are horny when they’re young, but you need to learn how to deal with this on your own. You know how to masturbate, don’t you?”

He did, but he had barely ever done so. He had not done it even once since getting his first taste of the female body almost two months before.

A lot of guys preferred masturbating even after learning what sex was like, but Mutsuki was not one of them.

With a body like Micha’s, it was hardly surprising that the young boy was obsessed with it.

“Heh heh heh heh heh? Your helpless without me around, aren’t you?”

He fell silent in embarrassment, but she gave a happy nasal laugh.

This younger boy was too aroused to sleep, but he wanted to have sex with her enough to choose not to masturbate.

The adorably embarrassed boy’s face stimulated both her maternal instincts and her desire to tease him.

“Try doing it now. You don’t want to run into this problem again, do you??”

The puffy corners of her eyes had risen in a cruel smile.

Micha remained seated in the sofa and instructed Mutsuki to kneel on the floor.

He did so and pulled down his sweatpants to reveal the mostly erect object within.

“C’mon, get to it.”

“Eh? …On my own?”

“Of course. It wouldn’t be masturbation otherwise.”

She smiled in satisfaction and poked at his thigh with her toes.

She had touched him a good distance away, but his penis still responded with a twitch. The corners of her mouth loosened even further.

“Heh heh. If you stay up like this when I’m out of the house for too long, you’ll collapse from sleep deprivation. C’mon, get started. I’ll even give you something to look at?”

She grabbed her deep purple miniskirt and lifted it. She had one leg stretched forward, so he could easily see her black thong.

Even if he knew what it was like to indulge in that flesh directly, her body was more than erotic enough to masturbate to. But…

“Th-that’s too embarrassing.”

He blushed and shook his head.

They had slept together several times already and they no longer worried about the other seeing them naked, but things were different when it came to masturbating while she was watching.

“Do it. Or are you saying I should just go to sleep?”

With the daring smile of a fox, Micha easily rejected his complaint. Being older gave her the edge in these situations.

Mutsuki gave in and grabbed his shameful body part.

He began playing with himself in front of the roommate/lover he had lost his virginity to.

He was relatively fine with her seeing him naked, but this game he had not played in three months was embarrassing in a different way. He felt horribly inadequate and the shame seemed to create a drafty hole in his body.

“I see. So you use the foreskin.”


“Nothing. Keep going, keep going.”

He massaged the shaft with his preferred strength and rubbed the head through the foreskin.

It was a strange feeling that both felt good and did not. His testicles reacted to the stimulation and he felt the perfect level of pleasure for himself.

But that was all. He did not feel the greater pleasure leading to ejaculation, so he continued hesitantly yet roughly stroking his erection.

“I see, I see. You’re skill at pleasuring a woman is superb, but you have room for improvement here.”

Micha grinned as she watched.

“Here’s a little help?”


Her outstretched foot touched his face and her somewhat sweaty toes reached the top of his nose.

She was stepping on his face and giving him a pig’s nose, but the object down below grew in his grasp.

“Heh heh. You’re such a fetishist, Mutsuki-kun. What do you think of my smell?”

“Ah… Nnn. Y-you smell great.”

“I smell great? Heh heh. Are you sure I don’t stink? Even though I was standing in those leather boots for six hours without any socks on and I haven’t taken a bath?”


“Oh, you’re such a cute little pervert? Just a quick sniff and you already look like you’re about to cum.”

After being smoked inside the leather boots, the woman’s foot had a uniquely sexual aroma similar to old cheese. Any guy would be turned on by the foot of a woman as beautiful as Micha.

The humiliation of having his face stepped on and the fetishistic aroma tickling at his nostrils filled him with a masochistic ecstasy.

He had simply been moving his hand up and down before, but now he seriously worked at stroking his penis. He squeezed at the shaft with a ring formed by thumb and middle finger as if trying to squeeze out the contents.

Precum was practically dripping from within the foreskin.

“…Heh heh?”

An obscene smile covered her lovely face when she saw the youthful energy of his masturbation.

She too grew bolder and stuck her first two toes into his nose.


The boy trembled at the smell from between her toes where the sweat had gathered.

His breathing grew heavy. The more he breathed in through his nose, the more he breathed out through his mouth, tickling at the bottom of Micha’s foot.

Mutsuki had never been too interested in this fetishistic side of women, but that was quickly changing.

He had only been a child who was plenty aroused just by seeing some jiggling breasts. The most he had been interested in was the anus and the flavor inside the woman’s mouth when kissing. He had often thought of Micha’s legs as pretty, but he had never sought any eroticism from them.

But this sexual smell filled him with a strange arousal, like insects were flying around inside his body.

(I-I might be a pervert…)

He did not want to admit it, but he could not find any other explanation. And if it meant surrounding himself in this obscene smell, part of him was completely okay with being a pervert.

“Nn…fwah. Micha-san.”

Without even noticing, he had lifted his hips and gotten up on his knees to press his face against her foot.

Her mature toes had sharply maintained nails and he brought those toes into his mouth without even being told.

He licked at the sweat producing the smell.

“O-oh, honestly.”

Micha gave a somewhat aroused sigh when the boy pursued her filthy body part with an entranced look that seemed as defenseless as a baby.

His member had already grown large enough to naturally escape the foreskin. He had not even noticed that he was now directly massaging the fleshy head of the manly erection.

Thick veins bulged from the penis and it twitched in unison with the thorough licking of her feet. If this continued, he would likely climax before long.

“Stop that.”

Micha pulled her foot back.

Mutsuki’s eyes widened and he looked up at her with a sad look. She smiled bitterly at that look of an abandoned dog wanting some love.

“I never said you could lick it. I ordered you to cum on your own, didn’t I?”

She had been the one to let him smell her foot, so Mutsuki frowned at the selfish demand. However, he could not complain given their mental hierarchy.

“You broke the rules, so I’m not giving you any more help. Do the rest on your own.”

She laughed coldly and stood up.


The boy clung to her when she turned her back. If she left now, he felt like he would be horny for the rest of the night no matter how many wet dreams he had.

The woman stood still and the boy clung to her on his knees. They looked like a dog and his owner.

Micha smiled sweetly.

“Aren’t you going to apologize for breaking the rules?”

“I-I’m sorry.”

“Heh heh. Very good.”

She turned around and rubbed his head as he bent his eyebrows worriedly.

“I was only kidding. I would never do anything to upset my cute Mutsuki-kun, would I?”


That alone filled him with so much joy he thought all of his blood was going to boil.

He gave her a look of adoration with his blank, empty eyes. He seemed to have awoken to the pleasure of being dominated by an older woman.

“Like I promised, I’ll give you something to look at. Make sure to cum all over me.”

She turned around again and pulled up her skirt, revealing the lines of the butt adorning the top of her beautiful legs.

The brown roundness was right in front of the kneeling boy’s eyes.


She had the fit body of a model, but her plump butt was one of the few areas with some fat remaining. The black silk material hiding just the center was more suggestive than if she were naked.

The boy resumed his self-play without being told.

At just a few centimeters from his nose, he sensed a lovely aroma, even if it was not as strong as her foot.

As he focused on that valley that squished and rubbed together with every movement she made, he detected the sweet smell of sweat and oils only found on an adult woman. The strong and sexual smell surrounded him.

“Heh heh? I understand.”

Micha gave a look of ecstasy to the boy who was entirely focused on himself.

“A dirty boy like you needs more than this, right?’


She gave the cold, domineering smile and brushed back her wavy blonde hair while the boy gave her the look of a frightened puppy.

The sweetest fruit lay before his eyes, but he could not dig into it. She would not allow it.

The woman saw that he was so desperate he was on the verge of tears.

“Once I’m done with you, you’ll never be able to live without me?”

Her expression was filled with satisfaction.

It was a mixture of nearly shameful sadism, satisfaction with the boy’s adoration, and maternal instincts.

At the same time, she reached behind herself and grabbed the back of the boy’s head.

“Here you go.”


She bent her hips and leaned forward. Her butt lowered without warning and enveloped the boy’s shocked face with warmth.

After glancing between her legs to see the thick object at his crotch twitch wildly, she continued sadistically leaning forward and began a wiggling dance with her butt.

(Wah…ah… Micha-san’s…Micha-san’s butt…)

His face sank into the soft valley and a stiflingly strong smell enveloped his nose and mouth.

The intense sensation of her plump butt provided a tremendous impact.

His face was crushed by her soft flesh and his lungs were filled with her scent. He knew it made him a pervert, but no young boy could resist this kind of treatment from a young woman.

“Ahn…wah, ahh, ahhh!”

Mutsuki’s hips shook more from the fetishistic aroma caressing him on the inside than from the masturbation.

“Heh heh. Ah ha ha ha. Well? Do you like this?”

“Ah… Yes, yes…”

“You can lick it if you want. Go ahead and do whatever you want?”

Now that he had permission, the boy attacked her crotch.

It was somewhat damp and sour, but when he put it in his mouth, it filled him with the strongest scent of a woman’s body.

He wanted to taste even more, so he pressed his face against the butt as it swayed on its own.

“I’m…cumming. I’h…I’h cuhhing. Mika-hyan… I’m cumming!”

He squeezed his flesh cannon and pulled the foreskin as far back as it would go while his hips twitched.

“Go ahead… Cum. Use me…use my butt to cum.”

When she saw the head spread out almost like an umbrella, the woman gave a sadistic smile and pulled even harder with the arm on the back of his head.

His face pressed painfully hard into her elastic butt, and…

“~~~! …Nh!”

Bullets of semen fired from the shaft that he had been stroking as if trying to polish it.

Being able to time the climax himself allowed the milky liquid to fire out with all the more force. Mutsuki tingled from the unique sensation of unreserved ejaculation only achieved through masturbation.

The semen flew more than two meters and splatted onto the leg of the tea table.

“Ha ha?’

Micha smiled bitterly when she realized this was the torrent normally filling her womb. She could understand why her womb had taken a liking to this ejaculation and would bring her to orgasm whenever he came.

“You’re getting the room all dirty. What a naughty boy.”

She moved away from him and sat in the nearby recliner, leaving the boy in a daze as he indulged in the remaining intoxication filling his testicles and lungs.

He looked up at the young woman with a blank look.

Micha’s face melted sadistically once more when she saw the adorable indulgent look on the young boy’s face.

“Come here?”

“Do you like how I smell?”


“What about it do you like?”

“Um, well… It’s sweet and sour and it…uh…it’s smelly and really arousing.”

“Hmm. I’m not sure that’s a compliment.”

“Sorry. But I can relax when I remember that it’s your smell.”

“Heh heh. That’s okay then.”

Micha moved to the recliner and comfortably lay back while stroking the head of the boy waiting on her.

Mutsuki happily poured appreciative kisses and caresses across her chocolate skin.

He kissed her neck, her shoulders, her upper arms, her fingertips, her chest, her navel, her thighs, and her calves.

Like a puppy obsessed with its master, he primarily buried his nose in the stronger-smelling areas such as her hair and armpits.

“This is the Mutsuki-kun I know.”

Micha leaned calmly back while laughing quietly toward the boy who would not hesitate to stick his tongue in her anus if she lifted her legs.

“You’ve gotten a little full of yourself after getting better at sex, so I was just thinking I needed to teach you a lesson?”

“Full of myself? When?”

“Oh, I think you know. …Heh heh heh.”

Just as he prepared to place a love bite on her collarbone, she tugged up his chin and placed her lips on his.

It was better described as petting than a kiss. It was a raw action. She shoved her pursed lips inside his mouth, pressed them against his gums, and let her tongue slide around.


Sweet saliva spread through his mouth and she licked indecently at his tongue as if performing fellatio on it.

The boy narrowed his eyes at the pleasure of his head melting out through his mouth.

“You’ve gotten a lot better at kissing lately.”

Micha took the initiative and overwhelmed him with this preemptive and obscenely deep kiss because he would use his own tongue skills if she let her guard down.

“And the other day…you toyed with me using this hole, didn’t you?”


She tilted her glass toward his defenseless butt.

The 80 proof brandy poured into that generally untouched location. His eyes widened as the heat and chill assaulted his anus simultaneously.

However, he was not allowed to cry out or resist. His lips were still sealed by hers and she controlled his body.

Her lewd saliva, the smell of her mouth, and her extended tongue all stickily violated his mouth.

“Neh heh heh heh? Surely not even a masochistic pervert like you would like it here.”


Her flexible fingertips gently crawled around his anus as it squirmed from the heat.

Her caress was really only a greeting, but a brand new sensation welled up inside him. His eyes opened wide and he writhed in seeming agony.

“Oh? It’s pretty soft. I bet it’ll open right up?”

Micah enjoyed observing the boy’s reaction as she gradually pressed in on the anus she had numbed with the direct alcohol attack.

She seemed to hold a grudge against him for pleasuring her with this hole in the bath.


She was leaning back and he was leaning over her, so the jerking movements of his hips naturally brought him to a crawling position.

He wrinkled his brow as the treatment hurt his pride as a man.

But he could not deny the unfamiliar pleasure filling him as she sometimes gently stroked at and sometimes forcibly jabbed at his anus that burned from the brandy.

Her finger violated his massaged flower bud. Goose bumps rose across his spine and the intensity of his jerking convulsions caused his enlarged rod to sway heavily like an ear of rice.

“Ahh…ahhh…Micha-san… Not…not there…”

“Relax. Don’t worry. I know it’s scary when you’re a virgin, but it looks like your ass already likes it.”

She stuck her finger in up to the first joint and rubbed the inside of the sphincter with the bottom of her finger.


That was enough for Mutsuki to give into the strange sensation and cling to her body with his hips lifted into the air.

It felt like she was directly touching the base of his balls, bringing a pleasure he could never feel from the penis.

It scared him, yet it felt good. He looked up at her with teary eyes.

“Heh heh. You’re so sensitive here. Like a girl.”

As Micha continued loosening up his anal flesh, she turned her gaze toward his manhood.

Her weighty breasts jiggled as she skillfully removed her panties with one hand and then placed her legs on the armrests while still leaning into the seat back.

As she spread her legs, her lower lips also spread. Sticky threads connected the two lips and the dark pink interior was exposed below. She raised her palm a little and placed it against his hot male flesh.

“What do you want me to do? Don’t you want me to play with your cock while I play with your ass?”


“Heh heh heh. I’ll stop if you aren’t honest with me. Tell me your asshole feels so good that you also want me to milk all your semen with my pussy.”

That embarrassing request made him feel a little faint and his teary-eyed face collapsed.

It was pathetic, but Micha was right on the money. The stimulation to his anus was already sending a sweet tingling throughout his lower body.

He would never be able to satisfy his erection with his own hands now, but how amazing would it feel for this aesthetic feminine flesh to pleasure it instead?

He was no match for the young woman who laughed confidently and looked him right in the eye. As if obeying the command of those red eyes, he nodded.

“I want to put it in,” he said while clinging to her chocolate skin. “I want to put it inside you.”

“Very good?”

She welcomingly lifted her hips. She had trained him to the point that he could not do anything without her permission, so he finally and delightedly slid his hips forward.

The inside of the sweet crevice was lighter than her brown skin and looked more lovely than one would expect from her mature body.

Countless flower petals were folded over each other like a rosebud. No matter the situation, he was hesitant to just roughly penetrate it.

Mutsuki’s impatience was increased by the sensation of the finger inside his backdoor, but he suppressed it and carefully stuck the head in.

The flesh was not as damp as it might have been, but as soon as he touched the mature flesh, the entrance widened for him. No matter how cruelly she teased him, her body was that of a kind young woman.


“Ah…ahh. Your pussy…really is amazing.”

The tip arrived in her soft depths and his cheeks loosened in indescribable pleasure.

The damp, sticky tunnel learned the invader’s shape after only a few gentle pumps and it wrapped around him in the way only an adult’s vagina could.

He embraced her body which was unbelievably soft and she gave off a sensual aroma that was sweet both in his nose and on his tongue.

She had an incredible body. It was hardly surprising that he was no longer satisfied with masturbation after getting a taste of it.

“Heh heh… You act like a spoiled child, but you’re still a boy down here?”

His fierce rod seemed to fill her lower stomach, so she gave a small bitter smile.

The boy had been an unreliable puppy not long ago, but he had become a dog in heat before she had known it. He made deep thrusts to dig deep into her elastically soft flesh.

She must have loved that gap more than anything because the corners of her almond eyes narrowed lovingly and she wrapped her arm around his head. She also raised her own hips to deepen their union, and…


She gathered strength in the finger behind him.

That forbidden hole had already loosened up and it readily swallowed her long middle finger.

“Ah…No…I can’t, Micha-san…I…”

His pleading voice sounded somehow empty.

“Heh heh heh. What’s this ‘can’t’ nonsense. Your body is telling a different story.”

She whispered to him with a bewitching heat in her eyes. As he tightened painfully down on her middle finger, the object applying pressure inside her grew all the harder.

“You-… Ahh, ahhh, ahhhhhh.”

Mutsuki moaned in a low voice while shaking his hips to escape the frightening pleasure welling up from that hole.

It felt like she was stroking the base of his penis. Her finger was rubbing at the sexual core that could not be reached from the shaft. It felt like she was directly squeezing the semen tank inside him in order to hasten his desire to ejaculate.

At the same time, her vaginal folds seemed to lick at his pillar of flesh. Two distinct forms of pleasure filled him from the front and back and they seemed to collide at the center of his hipbone. The shaft felt like it was going to burst inside her.


It felt good, but it felt so good it was agonizing.

The unfamiliar sensation and fearfulness from behind got in the way and prevented him from climbing the stairs to climax.

Normally, he would have already released his seed and the pleasure would have passed critical, but he never seemed to arrive at that destination. The pleasure of his fully erect penis was now making him suffer.

Sweat and tears covered his face and he looked up at Micha to plead for mercy, but the young woman seemed to find the look adorable. Her lovely eyes sparkled, she dug deeper into his hole, and she made his lower body wiggle around madly.

“Don’t give me that look. C’mon, be honest and tell me it feels good. Say both your cock and your ass love this.”


“Why are you worrying about this now? You’re already a masochist that loves having his ass toyed with? Hm? Or can you honestly tell me you aren’t?”

She added another finger. Her index finger spread his anus even wider.

She spread the two fingers to the left and right, creating a gap in the tightly closed sphincter. She picked her glass back up and poured the rest of the contents in.


The hot liquid poured inside.

The boy tearfully cried out because it felt like the base of his penis was burning.

“Heh… Nn, nnn… Heh heh heh. Don’t be scared.”

With a mischievous laugh, Micha realized he was at his limit.

She was behaving so sadistically because she wanted to tease him, not because she wanted him to suffer. She set down the glass and embraced his struggling body.

“Cum all you want. Don’t worry. I’ll take it all inside?”


He had been in the palm of her hand from beginning to end. As soon as he heard those words, he relaxed his agonized body.

His hipbone was trapped between the pleasure from the front and back, but it now felt like being stroked by a horribly soft hand. He rapidly grew accustomed to the pleasure that seemed to be slipping upwards inside him.

“Ah…Micha…Micha-san…I’m cumming…I’m cumminnnngggg!”

“Uuh. Go ahead. Cum all you want… Cum like a girl while I finger your ass…”

Waves seemed to run through the vaginal folds wrapped around his erection. She accurately loosened up his anal flesh and her fingertips massaged the area from his prostate to the sphincter.

It was the even kinder hand stroking the back of his head that pushed him over the edge.

“Ahhhhhhhh! Ahhhh, ahhhhhhh!”


He thrust his stake so deep inside it reached her cervix.

She reflexively pushed her shapely hips up, so they rubbed up against each other at the point of contact.

Her nectar-covered flesh wriggled in surprise and the stickily wet folds wrapped around his solid rod. They wrapped around the head, the thick shaft with bulging veins, and even the very tip.


The pleasure felt like having the contents of his urethra vacuumed out and it happened to coincide with the tip of her middle finger pressing in from the anal side.

The pressure to his prostate caused an even greater reaction, pulling the trigger in his testicles even more harshly than usual.


If fired outside, the milky liquid would have shot out like a bullet, but it instead straightened out her undulating vagina and flowed into the deepest depths.

Micha could not keep her cool either when his ejaculation was pounding directly into her womb like a hammer. Her entire body was overcome by an intense orgasm that felt like the floor had melted away, dropping her into an abyss. The toes of her spread legs stiffened and a seductive hue filled her wild facial features.

Mutsuki’s mind was too foggy from the intense ejaculation to notice her defenseless expression, but…

“Ah…nhah… Th-that was amazing…”

Hearing her voice trembling from the powerful climax was enough to satisfy him.

His body went limp and he clung to the young woman below him. Micha continued to twitch from the vestiges of the orgasm, but she gently embraced him as the older one.

“You really are…a cute little pervert?”

“Now get to sleep. You’re going to have a hard time at school tomorrow.”

“Probably… Yawn.”

After cleaning up in the bath, he went to his room and got in bed. It was nearly two in the morning, so he was getting pretty sleepy.

His butt still tingled, but he was pretty sure he could get to sleep once he closed his eyes.

Micha walked in, prepared a small plate, poured some oil inside, and lit it.

That was an angel’s special aroma. Mutsuki did not entirely understand, but it hastened the healing of an angel’s body and helped a human get to sleep.

“Good night.”

“Good night. Sweet dreams.”

He shut his eyes as a warm, chocolate-colored hand gently stroked his hair. Micha kissed her adorable lover’s sleeping face, turned out the lights, and left the room.

Mutsuki’s thoughts naturally turned to her as he gave himself into the comfort of sleep.

She had been a little mean today, but that was likely because he had teased and embarrassed her before. She was fairly prideful as the older one.

Still, sleeping with her felt good and helped him relax.

His worries about Black Cat and Rapha had faded a fair bit.


But he now had a new worry about that girl.

She had instinctually hated humans from the moment she had been born.

She seemed to be opening her heart bit by bit, but could that really fill this seemingly hopeless gap? And…

(Micha-san pretty blatantly changed the subject there.)

He recalled another worry.

She was a horny woman and she often nearly forced him into sex, but something had been off about her today. She had forcibly seduced him when they really should have gotten to sleep.

Almost as if she had been trying to hide the fact that she had let that comment about Ange slip.


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