Adolescent Adam

Volume 3, 1 - The Third Angel

Volume 3, Chapter 1 - The Third Angel

Two weeks had passed since Mutsuki had placed the three forces into a stalemate by moving to a home Machina of FeTUS and Lucia the demon knew about.

This changed two things about his life. First, he now lived in a high-rise apartment and had a room of his own, so life was much more convenient.

Second, his bodyguards had grown a little busier.

“Shall we head out, Micha?”

“Yes, yes. What a pain.”

Mutsuki’s angel roommate, Micha, stood up while being urged on by an angel colleague.

Mutsuki was in charge of all the housework, so he stopped cooking to see them off.

“Hi, Fujita Mutsuki-kun. I’ll be borrowing Micha for a bit.”


A familiar young man stood in the entranceway, so Mutsuki’s face stiffened a little.

He was tall, slender, and good-looking. He had a more elegant beauty than the attractive men seen on TV. His unwrinkled cutter shirt and out-of-season long coat only enhanced his mysterious aura.

His named was Rapha and he was one of the angels protecting Mutsuki just like Micha and Ange. Mutsuki had been introduced to him not long ago.

He did not live with the others, but he showed up every so often. Today, he had come to pick up Micha because she had been called in by a higher ranking angel or something like that.

Even if revealing their location to the enemy had effectively stopped any attacks, it was still dangerous.

Quite a few angels had apparently criticized that plan, so Micha had been extremely busy trying to explain herself.

She was so busy that this third angel had been sent in to support her.

“Okay, Mutsuki-kun. I won’t be back until quite late, so go to bed without waiting up for me.”

“Okay. I’ll store your dinner in a tupperware container.”

Micha ticklishly stroked his chin and gallantly left.

Mutsuki’s heart raced and he found himself charmed by her departing back.

But his expression soon stiffened when Rapha bowed and walked up alongside her.


He had immediately made friends with the previous two angels, but he had some difficulty with this third one.

He was not sure why. Did Rapha’s extreme good looks make Mutsuki nervous? Had he simply not spent enough time with the young man? Or…

“Oh, Nii-san. You’re here?”

Ange came across him just as he was leaving.

As soon as she saw him, her usual lopsided frown softened somewhat.

“Yes. But I was just about to leave.”

“I see. Couldn’t you at least stay for dinner?”

“Thank you. I will take you up on the offer at a later date.”

That was the extent of their interaction, but Mutsuki felt some sweat on his back as he watched it.

Ange only hated humans, so she was not as brusque when it came to her fellow angels. Plus, she seemed close to Rapha in particular.

He had apparently looked after her since she was little, so she saw him as a big brother.

Was Mutsuki’s problem with Rapha how Ange always got that cute look on her face when around him?

He quit seeing them off and started fixing dinner again.

With Micha gone, the two of them shared dinner alone.

It was a Western-style apartment, but the three residents tended to eat at the tea table because they happened to like sitting on the floor. The two of them were sitting at that round table like usual.

The dinner was rice, miso soup, ginger pork, boiled spinach, and pickled greens.

“How is it?”


“I’m glad.”

She was a harsh judge of anything related to the human world, so a rating of “so-so” was probably about 75 points. Satisfied, Mutsuki started eating too.

“When you don’t try to invent your own dishes, you’re not a bad cook.”

“What was that?”


Ange continued complaining, but she also continued eating.

This was their third dinner together alone. The first time Micha had been gone, he had assumed they would have nothing to talk about and it would be awkward, but that turned out not to be the case.

For one, it did not feel awkward even if neither of them said anything.

They had been roommates for a little under a month. Ange still had a short fuse, but they got along well enough now.

They had become family.

“Oh, right, right. Ange.”


It did not take any courage to speak to her and she looked up while taking a sip of the miso soup.

“How is that one? I’m most proud of it today.”


She spat it out.

“Pwah! Cough, cough! What is this!? It’s sour! Eh? Or sweet? Which is it?”

“Huh? But I was sure that one would be good. It has nata de coco for plenty of fiber.”

“Wahh! Wahh! Don’t tell me, don’t tell me! I’m scared, I’m scared, I’m scared!”

Ange had let her guard down after the main dish was safe, so tears filled her eyes and the boy could only smile bitterly and wonder if this was another failure.

“This is why…”

“Waaaah! I’m sorryyyy!”

“I told you to follow the recipe!”

She shouted angrily at him and Mutsuki shrank down on reflex, but…


After grabbing his collar, she stopped moving for some reason. She moved her face in close enough for her red hair to strike his shoulders and she frowned as if she was the one having difficulty.

“Be more careful next time!”

She shoved him away.


The boy looked confused as to why he was safe and why she was acting so oddly.

Without speaking another word, she faced down and started eating everything but the miso soup.

Mutsuki did not find the mealtime awkward without conversation, but Ange looked awkward throughout.


If she could shut a door, she could be alone. At the moment, that was most comfortable for Ange, even if it was in the bathroom.

During the hot summer, she only wore cut jeans and a loose T-shirt around the apartment. She pulled down the jeans and pulled up the baggy shirt while sitting on the toilet.

The closed room was stuffy and hot.

Annoyed by the sweat that quickly appeared on her skin, she placed her elbows on her knees, leaned forward, and gently tensed her abs.


A fragrant golden line was noisily absorbed into the water.

She sighed quietly at the sense of release in her lower stomach and her cheeks flushed a little.


She had a complex about this.

For example, her urethra pointed upwards, so she had to lean far forward or it would not go in the right direction. It also seemed to come out stronger than average and she had a feeling it smelled harsher than average.

Also, she thought came out a little too easily.


Even after the watery sound came to an end, she remained seated and held her head.

(It’s definitely…loose. It comes out whenever he does th-that to me.)

Her thoughts turned toward the reason her complex had worsened recently.

Needless to say, “he” was Fujita Mutsuki, the Serpent’s Eye holder she was meant to protect.

Twice now, she had been exposed to his Serpent’s Eye and forced to shame herself. He had groped her body and violated her. And the most humiliating part was her habit of urinating each time.

(This is all Mutsuki’s fault. He has that indecent power…and, well, h-he’s perverted himself. And he…he…)

His face naturally filled her head.

Her bladder gave a sudden growl and released its remaining contents into her urethra.


The unexpected sensation of release left her entire body unsteady.

(He isn’t bad for a human, though.)

He tried to help everyone out.

Ange genuinely hated humans, but she had spent over a month with him. She felt little displeasure toward him, even if she was greatly disgusted by the Serpent’s Eye.

She even knew he was a nice guy. He was kind and patient and he could be brave when he needed to. He had even saved her life before.

He often paid attention to the details. He would always match his pace to hers when walking home from school, he would do pretty much anything Micha or Ange told him to, and he had added miso soup and pickled vegetables to every meal after realizing she liked Japanese food despite her never having told him. His tendency to add in bizarre dishes was a problem, though.

She grabbed some of the Lazy Bear printed toilet paper.

(Mutsuki, hm?)

And she wiped at the dirty place.


She gasped at the strange sensation she felt.

All she had done was press the paper against herself, but a lingering itch seemed to seep to the inside of her skin.

(What…is this feeling?)

She thought she knew, but she did not want to admit it. Filled with this indescribable feeling, she brought her hand back to the still dirty place.

The delta of hair had not grown in enough to be called a bush and she made a snap of her wrist down at the bottom of it.


She bent the fingers pushing in the paper. They pushed apart the two pieces of flesh and reached the salmon pink contents that hurt when they were touched.

She had wiped at the crevice, but she realized it was still wet.

(What…is this? What? What…?)

Tempted, she threw away the paper and touched the seductive flower petals with her fingers directly.

She felt like she was in a daze. She had felt the same way when Micha had let her drink the bitter human world drink called beer. She could not think clearly.


Her slender finger suddenly sank into her nectary flesh. It should have been made of soft flesh, but the tightly gathered folds had a tough, pleasant resilience to them.

(I’m…no…I’m…doing something weird.)

Her index and middle fingers began wriggling around without her telling them to.

A raw, wet sound could be heard as she parted that sexual flesh. All the while, even more sticky juices welled up.

(My fingers won’t stop… Oh, no…I…I don’t want to do this…)

She desperately tried to bring her rational side back into control, but her fingers would not stop, as if she had been hypnotized.

She spread and tensed her legs. The panties around her ankles stretched out to a figure 8.

She had never done anything so embarrassing, but she had experienced this sensation a few times before: Mutsuki’s caress, Mutsuki’s cunnilingus, Mutsuki’s…

“Ahh…ah. Oh, honestly…”

She trembled with her fingers buried inside herself. She found herself covered with enough sweat to plaster her shirt to her skin. The color of her nipples was visible through the white material.

The closed room was stuffy, the tempo of her breathing had broken down, and a somehow alluring tone had entered each breath.

(I-if Mutsuki’s…out there…he’ll hear.)

That thought made her suddenly embarrassed about what she was doing. She wrinkled her brow, but…

“Ahh…ah, ah…ahn. Ah…ahh…”

She could not stop her fingers. She clenched her teeth to at least stop the heavy breathing, but the breaths started escaping through the gaps and they only grew heavier.


The instant she had that thought, her entire body sharply reacted.

The particles of pleasure slipping along her flesh seemed to sink into her head and heart. Her shame and guilt toward this action were replaced with something incredibly carnal as soon as he appeared in her mind.

(No, no. I…want it? I’ve never had sex, but I want his-…)

Her body was filled with the memories of what he had done to her.

Both when he had rubbed medicinal oil all over her body to heal her damage and when he had forcibly penetrated her anus while brainwashed.

She was filled with memories of peeing herself while sobbing from the overwhelming pleasure.

As she touched the flesh garden seeping its plentiful juices and pressed against the sensitive maiden’s bead through its hood, she was merely mimicking what he had done. She was trying to bring back the pleasure he had given her.

When she twisted her belly, her butt spread against the toilet seat below it. As her weight pressed down, the flesh naturally parted at the center.

(Ah…here too.)

The colder outside air licked at her butt and anal flesh.

Ange’s shoulders trembled as her attention turned to the valley running between those soft mounds. The slightly indented dark red winkles at the very center were the source of her greatest and most recent worry.

Mutsuki’ thick penis had opened that area and transformed it into an erogenous zone.

For the past two weeks, she had felt an odd excitement whenever excrement passed through and her heart started racing when she sat on her legs and her heel dug into it.

(My butt feels hot. I haven’t even touched it…but just exposing it to the air…feels so good.)

She wanted to touch it.

(N-no! What am I thinking?)

She had grown used to this desire after feeling it when she used the bathroom for the past two weeks, so her rational side more easily regained control. She stopped her fingers as they toyed with an indecent place.

(I-I am a follower of the holy laws born from a purifying light. I am Ange of the Double Flame. I can’t do anything so…lewd.)

She held her rationality in place with her angelic pride. She had to clench her teeth at the indecent sexual desire still smoldering inside her, but she managed to restrain herself.

(That’s right. I won’t lose. Not to Mutsuki! Not to Mutsuki!)

That had the greatest effect. Her opinion of him had improved lately, but he was still perverted, pathetic, and unreliable when it mattered. Her pride would never allow herself to be entranced by his lingering scent.

And yet…

(Not to…Mutsuki.)

The boy in her mind attacked from a different angle.

“How is it?”

“I’m glad.”

The pathetic, unreliable, and kind smile he always gave flashed through the back of her mind.


Her chest filled with a warm feeling different from throbbing pleasure or sexual desire.

That warmth created an opening in her impregnable pride as an angel. What does it matter? Why do I need to be so stubborn? He’ll make me feel like this, so why be so stubborn?

(Why not…let him make me feel good?)

A hole opened in her heart.

Ange must have touched the panel while squirming because a low sound came from the toilet she was sitting on.

She was too preoccupied to notice and she would not have known what it meant anyway given her poor knowledge of the human world.


At first, she did not know what had happened. The “Butt/Warm/Soft Stream” setting slipped into her butt far too easily.

By the time she realized it was warm water licking at her, the spray was moving back and forth, targeting her crucible of sexual pleasure.

(Wh-wh-wh-wh-what is this!? I…I have to stop it…)

She had a vague recollection of hearing toilets in the human world could do this.

The panicked girl reached for the touch panel, but her ignorance about machines made it hard to find the “stop” button. Especially while the dreadfully devoted anal caress was melting her mind.

(N-no. This…this is like…Mutsuki’s…)

It stroked her butthole with the softness of a tongue. This sensation was close to traumatic for the girl and it reminded her of her most repulsive memory.

(This is how…Mutsuki licked me…ahhhn)

Two weeks before, Mutsuki had licked her like this and transformed her anus into this masochist flesh. She hated that fact without end, but it was now a hole of sexual pleasure that delighted when it was toyed with and desired to be deeply penetrated.

(Ahhhh! No…no, no. I can’t let it feel this good…)

She shook her head, but that only scattered her red hair and twisted her bust back and forth below the sweaty shirt. She was unable to pick up her hips.

In fact, she returned her fingers to her crotch as her skinny eyebrows twitched.

That fleshy hole was so damp she thought steam would rise from it and the plump pink flower petals swelled out to welcome in the returning objects.

“Nn…hhn. Nhhnnn.”

She felt the protrusions and indentations of the folds wrapped around her fingers and her cherubic face twisted in longing as she resumed teasing her throbbing fleshy core.

(This is… This is Mutsuki’s fault. Stupid Mutsuki, this is all your fault…)

As the warm water licked at her butt, she was overcome by the memories of Mutsuki doing the same, so she cast aside her doubts and hesitation and lost herself in masturbation.

With her jeans down around her ankles, she pressed her feet on the ground and leaned forward.

Her virgin hole did not know the pleasure of “insertion”, but she realized it felt good to rub at the harder and more resilient flesh near the entrance. And…

“—————! …Nn…nn.”

She pulled her maiden’s core from its sheath and lightly poked it. She had expected it to hurt, but during the arousal of having her butt licked, it brought a sharp pleasure.

(Yes…and then next…)

Her scarlet lips were wet from the drool spilling from between her clenched teeth and she began seeking this indecent pleasure more and more boldly. Her masochistic moans were now loud enough for someone on the other side of the door to hear.

She reached a hand to the flushed bust faintly visible through her white shirt and she roughly groped at it. She pinched her fully erect nipple. The act was rough enough to hurt, but…

(No. Mutsuki would do it like this.)

She quickly found the perfect level of strength and began rolling it around in her fingers.

She was doing it to herself, but she writhed from the sharpness of the pleasure. Her bust gave a sweet-looking bounce.

She toyed with that springy sensation while thinking back to the time he had rubbed his hands over her entire body and made her cum. She had disliked it at the time, but his extremely soft touch had robbed her of all strength. She had let out an indulgent voice and finally peed.

(St-stupid Mutsuki… You need to grope my butt.)

She could barely think straight and her empty eyes stared up at the ceiling.

(You’re the one…that taught me how good it feels to grope my butt until it hurts…while toying with the hole.)

She could not do it herself while sitting down. She wanted to at least pretend, so she twisted her hips to rub her round butt against the toilet.

Even if she was a healthy teenage girl, she was so prideful that she had been slow to discover her sexuality. More than just a virgin, this was her first time to masturbate.

All of her memories related to sexual pleasure were linked to Mutsuki.

“Ahn. Nnnn.”

Her fingers picked up speed as she lost herself in her sexual memories of him.

Her young and slender shoulders twisted and she pressed her butt down against the toilet until it creaked in order to bring her anal flesh as close as possible to the spraying water.

(Ah…ah…? The water…is going into my butt. It’s gotten so loose…since stupid Mutsuki…spread it so wide…?)

The force of the fountain grew the closer she got, so it finally reached past her sphincter. She could feel the foreign warmth reaching far past that somewhat swollen entrance.

(Mutsuki…I’m…I’m cumming… Hey, Mutsuki…)

She instinctually dug her nails into her virgin entrance.

She felt a warm throbbing at the point between her fingers and her clitoris. That hole was not as noticeable as the vagina and it was almost buried beneath the intricate sea of flower petals, but it swelled out.

Like a volcano, there was a slight indentation at just the very tip.


Like she had been hit by a jolt of electricity, she writhed in extreme pleasure and a mist-like extract erupted from that volcano.

Afterwards, golden urine was released and struck the palm of her hand.

“Ahh? Ahh?”

The urine that had filled her empty bladder over the last fifteen minutes was forced out.

She realized her urethra had a strange habit of reacting when she climaxed, but…


Her cheeks still loosened in satisfaction at the pleasure she had brought herself through his guidance.

“What is it?”


She heard a voice from outside and then a knock on the door.

“Is something the matter, Ange? Did you just call my name?”

He seemed to have been walking by just as she muttered his name in the afterglow.

She could easily have angrily shouted that it was nothing, but her mind was not functioning at the moment. Unable to come up with a proper response, she corrected her posture. Fortunately, the washer had stopped automatically after spraying for more than five minutes. She wiped herself off again, pulled up her jeans, and washed off the sticky fluid on her palm.

“It’s nothing!”

She finally remembered what she needed to say and shouted at him immediately after leaving the bathroom.

He looked a little surprised after faithfully waiting, but he still said “okay” with a smile.

“Hm? Wah, wah, wah! Ange! What happened to you!?”

“Eh? …Wah!”

She had forgotten about the sweat.

Her shirt was plastered to her skin, fully revealing her lolita body type. Her bust jutted out sharply for her otherwise childish proportions and the erect nipples were entirely visible.

Unable to find an excuse, she curled up her body and ran away. A second later, she ran back and slammed the bathroom door shut almost hard enough to break it.

“Y-you’re not allowed in there for the rest of the day! Got that!?”

“O-okay… Eh? But why?”

She fled to her room.

Once she was alone again, she quickly grew embarrassed at what she had done. She jumped into bed, held her head in her hands, and kicked her legs around.

Suddenly, her eyes stopped on the Lazy Bear body pillow she always slept with.


Mutsuki had given it to her before. That present was the first time she had thought he might not be so bad.

With a lopsided frown on her lips, she ended her tantrum and grabbed the pillow.

“Stupid Mutsuki!”

She punched the wall when she felt warmth filling her chest again.


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