A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 64: Saint (1)

Chapter 64: Saint (1)

The Soul World is teeming with various professions, and there's even the possibility of changing to a different job mid-career.

Just as mentioned before, a knight can advance to become a paladin or switch to a completely different profession altogether.

Perhaps the most intriguing of all is the fusion of magic with science. Fulfill certain conditions and you might even transform into the Iron Man' from the movies.

Magic is manifested through language, and if one transitions to Iron Man, spells are cast automatically depending on certain probabilities.

The AI is not too shabby either, its only flaw being its low peak performance. It's a style known for high baseline performance but lower peaks.

This is how it is in the Soul World; a multitude of professions exist, leaving it entirely up to the players to make their choice.

And the class change event that's about to happen is deeply connected with clerics'.

Occasionally, unpredictable events also pop up.'

Class change events related to clerics, which start appearing from the early stages, are nothing out of the ordinary.

It's somewhat akin to adopting a religion just for the pleasure of enjoying a choco pie at the training centerall from a player's perspective, of course.

In this world, the power wielded by religion is immense, in a reality where even devils actually exist. It's a system where their standing cannot help but be elevated.

The moment you insult a deity, they'd sentence you as you, a heretic', or you, a devil'. These types of situations occur rather frequently.

Fortunately, if there's no one around to hear, it's considered okay to curse at a god, even by royalty, as long as it's done in secret.

The gods themselves are well aware of the harsh and unfair nature of this world; hence, they tend to overlook such blasphemies.

Though such leniency doesnt exist with chaos.'

Specifically because the slightest profanity grinds your faith to the ground. Thus, even in my heart, I find it hard to curse.

In any case, clerical events occur once every branch. Hence, related jobs to clerics can be obtained at any time.

To upperclassmen, this feels more like a regular festivity, while newcomers see it quite differently.

"Does this mean if we perform well, we might become clerics?"

"That could be. But becoming a cleric isnt exactly easy."

"Once you become one, the treatment you receive changes. Holding onto hope isn't so bad."

Clerics, to be precise, the faith-based profession lineage itself is rare. Historically, clerics have always been valued.

Gulak, who can use one of the corrupt abilities Thunderbolt' goes without saying, and Gaia, the typical supporter, is even more notable.

As for chaos let's skip that for the moment. Though most believers are strong individuals, they all have eccentric natures which make dealing with them quite a headache.

As such, clerics are exceedingly rare and thus receive treatment of a different class. Merely being ordained a priest warrants your immediate consideration as a combative asset.

High-ranking officials from every nation are well aware of the power of clerics, and they spare no effort in attempting to draw them in.

However, clerics tend to devote themselves more to religion than to the state. They are not easily swayed by money or honor.

Most of them end up belonging to Byzantine unless they are patriots.'

Even the best treatment is no match for what Byzantine offers. And, of course, only Byzantine houses the temples'.

Most importantly, becoming a cleric isn't feasible with just a moderate level of faith. Even when considering just the stats, a minimum faith score of 70 is required.

For a well-balanced knight, even the faith score at the time of creation is known to be around 20, which should give you an idea of the intensity required.

Chaos, which chooses its believers purely out of amusement and fascination, is an anomaly of sorts. Just by looking at Kara, you can tell she has quite a high level of faith.

"Luna, where do you plan to start visiting?"

Grace, a beauty with fierce eyes, asked Luna elegantly.

Grace, who had, at some point, taken a seat beside Luna, with the astonishing presence of Yeonhwa sitting next to her.

"I'm not sure. I'll probably start with the Gaia denomination But I havent decided yet. What about you, Grace?"

"Im planning to visit all of them. Opportunities like this are rare, you know? Yeonhwa, you feel the same, right?"

"Yes, yes!"

Yeonhwa stammered out a reply to Grace's question, a slight discomfort noticeable in her demeanor.

It's not surprising, given the fact that she unintentionally became the focus of attention by sitting next to Grace.

For her, who must try her utmost to deflect attention, this situation must feel more than just uncomfortableit must be stifling.

"And what about you, Sivar? Are you planning to go with Luna?"

Following Luna, it was my turn to respond. Seated in the order of Grace, Luna, and then me, I had no choice but to lean in.

I shrugged under her gaze, shining with curiosity. My response clearly implied that it didn't matter to me.

I just need to find the magic circle.'

Opportunities used to be hard to come by, but not anymore. With opportunities at each branch, I have to be strategic.

I'll probably get some flak for it. Coupled with the likelihood that Rod, too, might be distressed by this.

Pre-emptively apologizing internally, I plotted out my future course of action.

"Grace, Sivar doesn't have to worry about where to go since he was chosen by chaos."

Luna answered on my behalf. It was a fact that I was chosen by Chaos, unlike anyone else.

Grace looked at me with wide, astonished eyes after hearing this.

"Chaos did you say? Sivar was chosen by chaos?"

"Yes. Not certain, but thats what Sivar said. That he was chosen by chaos."


Grace gazed at me as if she found it fascinating. Her reaction was the expected one.

Unique as clerics are, a follower of Chaos is even rarer. That's because they don't choose; they are chosen.

Whats more, each believer is extremely strong in their own specific niche while also having an overflowing personality. They're what you could call eccentrics.

"It makes sense The followers of chaos are all somewhat eccentric, aren't they?"

"As far as I know, yes. But since freshmen need to be taught a variety of histories, Im planning to take them along to expand their understanding."

"That figures. Being a follower of chaos, you might even draw the interest of the saint herself."


My body involuntarily twitched as Grace mentioned the saint'. Currently, she's the person I most dread encountering.

Players call her Saint Lize', a figure with a unique character within the lore.

She even seems stronger than Rod, perhaps due to being so favored by Chaos. The evidence lies in her youth.

Though of an age similar to Rod, having undergone Sorcerer's Rejuvenation, shes at a higher tier of strength.

I hope she doesn't come around.'

Like clerics who visit every branch, she appears sporadically based on certain probabilities.

The probability of her coming has skyrocketed after the collapse of the academy, but that's an understandable circumstance.

Despite the probability of her appearing at the first class change event being close to zero, one can never be too cautious.

Its near zero, but as a believer of Chaos, its never completely zero.

Overflowing with Chaos' love, nobody knows when or where she might unexpectedly show up.

"Grace, do you know anything about the saint? Well, anything about her?"

"I only know what Ive heard, so not much. Only that she holds unique beliefs."

Typically, saints play a supporting role from the backlines, characterized as gentle and mild-mannered.

However, Saint Lize is a different story. She steps up to the plate directly, much like a certain bald supporter from somewhere.

Preventing harm at its source is the true mark of a supporter, or so the saying goes.

Having the power to put such philosophy into action makes her rather conspicuous.

Like a warrior saint yet with the magnanimity of a saint. Thats the personality of a follower of Chaos.

"Kara, do you know about the saint?"

"I do. But Ive never had a connection, so I dont know her face. What's interesting is how some describe her as terrifying while others say she is beautiful. It's hard for me to imagine what she's truly like. To begin with, coupling a warrior with a saint is odd in itself."

Just as Kara says, one would indeed wonder how a warrior and a saint could be combined.

The term warrior naturally evokes the image of a muscle-bound colossus, while a saint suggests a gentle and delicate woman.

But Saint Lize is endowed with tremendous powers that defy imagination. Without witnessing her powers directly, they are almost too extraordinary to believe.

Would you believe it if someone could freely switch between the physique of a muscle-packed giant and the form of an ordinary woman? Rize can.

"It's not that strange, is it? Just look at you; you're incredibly strong. Rize could just be a similar case."

"I battle with thunder, not fists. Besides, rumors say that her fists can cause earthquakeswouldn't she need at least the strength of Sivar for that?"

No. That individual is uniquely strong within the world's context. That's what I'd like to say.

If my physical capabilities fall just short of endgame specs, Knight-Lord Saint Rize has surpassed even that.

Just her strength alone is in the upper 150senough said. She might even hit 160.

Her form at that level is frankly, astonishing. But to be clear, not a spectacle but astonishing.

"But hey, is that Knight-Lord or saint coming this time? It doesn't concern me since Im a follower of Gulak, but I'm curious."

"Given her busy status, she probably won't come, right? What do you think, Grace?"

"I'm of the same opinion. Although shes Byzantine's representative, shes usually not interested in these kinds of events."

She wouldn't be interested for now, at least not until the Academy collapse I just mentioned.

Unless ordered by Chaos or a demon, she doesn't bother with worldly matters.

A person of her stature as a Saint wouldn't be free from political constraints, but Rize is an exception.

In this world, force translates into power, hence freedom like Rods is possible.

That's the main problem.'

With such freedom, who knows what capricious acts she might engage in, especially as a follower of Chaos.

My reasons for worrying are simple. Suppose a player was chosen by Chaos.

The moment they come into Rize's view, they would be abducted. No exaggerationliterally abducted.

Followed by a forced level-up.'

The advantage of Chaos is that it's okay if faith is low, and the disadvantage is also that it's okay if faith is low.

It means regardless of the player's faith level, Rize will forcibly level them up.

Of course, the player endures all kinds of suffering and cannot enjoy the various events.

If the results were poor, one would naturally avoid it, but that is not necessarily the case.

A short-term explosive stat increase poses a dilemma for the player.

Not me, though.'

Already boasting near endgame-spec stats, I have no need for Rize's tutelage. For me, technique trumps stats.

The same holds true for events. I'll be too busy locating the demon's magic circle with this class change event.

"Attention everyone. As you all know, the archbishops sent from Byzantine will be visiting soon. Choosing which religion to visit is up to each individual, and its not mandatory for those uninterested."

Marlboro updated us on the schedule after a while. The clerical event would take place over a total of one week.

This includes the weekend to accommodate those who are busy during the weekdays.

To change to a clerical class, an individual must commit to visiting one religion for three days.

All I need to do is accompany Luna on her visits here and there. As for Gulak, I can entrust that to Kara.

"If you decide to attend, a variety of snacks will be provided, and"

Knock knock knock

As Marlboro continued explaining, someone knocked on the classroom door, prompting both Marlboro and the students to look that way.

Considering the knock, it must be someone with no relation to the course. Marlboro moved towards the door, looking puzzled.



Without inquiring who it was, Marlboro immediately opened the door, showing an astonished reaction.

Due to the layout of the classroom, it was impossible to see who was at the door, but judging by his reaction, it must be someone extraordinary.

"Am I interrupting a class? If so, I will return later."

A woman's alluring voice seeped from beyond the door, enchanting as if by magic.

"No, no That's not the case, but why No, I did hear something but"

I've never seen Marlboro ramble like this before. He certainly didn't do so when he first met me.

In the meantime, Marlboro glanced between the students and the person behind the door before politely making space.

The person behind then thanked him while slowly entering the classroom.


"She's beautiful"

"Who is she?"

The students' exclamations altered the atmosphere, with even Kara expressing admiration.

The womans beauty entering was beyond simple descriptions. What if this was the embodiment of all beauty in the world?

Silver hair shining with a radiant glow. Eyes like a cat's, though not quite as much as Grace's. And finally, those sapphire-blue eyes.

What about her figure? Like Ellie's potion pouch, it seemed to contain immense strength.

She wore a snug nun's habit, but paradoxically, it seemed to enhance her allure.

"Hello, students. Perhaps I should introduce myself first? My name is Rize Martina. Just a humble servant honoring Chaos."

Knight-Lord Saint Rize appeared unexpectedly. Truly, without any hint, her presence left me astounded.

The other students felt the same: Rize's arrival, known in the world as both Knight-Lord and Saint, caused widespread bewilderment.

Even Grace, who likely had sources, was surprised. It was really too sudden.

"Lady Saint, why?"

"No, was there any word that Lady Saint was coming?"

"I had no clue"

Understandably, the room turned into a hubbub. Did Rize predict such a response? She only offered a gentle smile.

After the commotion subsided, Rize glanced over the students.

Irrespective of gender, some blushed or deliberately turned away, captivated by her beauty.

"But that's not right. No muscles and with such a large chest for a Knight-Lord? Does that make any sense?"

Only Kara voiced her bewilderment. Indeed, something seemed amiss for a Knight-Lord.

Yet that's merely her Saintly appearance; were she to assume her Knight-Lord form, the story would change.

Those gigantic pouches would all transform into solid pectoral muscles. Circumference perfectly the same.

"I intend to show my face here often, but today, I will just say my part and leave. Is there anyone here chosen by Chaos?"

After scanning all the students, Rize spoke with a smile, an expression full of anticipation on her face.

I turned my head, trying to ignore her. Even as she surveyed the room, I kept my head down, feigning ignorance.

To encounter her here meant being kidnapped. That would leave me unable to fulfill any events properly.


"Ah! Are you a follower of Chaos?"

"No, not me, but"

The ways of the world do not turn according to my will.

"Sivar has been chosen by Chaos"


Luna spoke up on my behalf, stating I was chosen by Chaos.

I couldn't blame Luna; she didn't know anything about Rize.

Being chosen by Chaos isn't wrong. Luna must have thought it was safe to say.

"Sivar? Who is Sivar?"

Rize, who seems indifferent to anything other than worshipping Chaos and slaying demons, appeared not to know who I am.

I tapped Luna discreetly with my foot, indicating for her to say no more.

However, Luna lacked tact, giving me a look of What are you doing?'

In contrast, Rize caught on quickly. As soon as she saw where Luna's gaze was directed, her expression shifted as if she had discovered prey.

"There you are."

She then took a couple of steps. To an observer, it would have seemed like just a few steps.

But in the blink of an eye, she had moved right in front of me. Just a couple of steps.

"Dim Mak?"

I could overhear Yeonhwa murmuring to herself, almost a whisper. Rize performed a feat akin to teleportation.

But at this moment, my current predicament was Rize, who had approached me. I tensed up and looked up to her.

I could see her face beyond the vast reservoir of divine power, her expression full of curiosity.

"Your eyes are red, yet they hold an endless purity. A mixture of innocence and savagery an intriguing combination."


"Your name is Sivar, is it not? Mr. Sivar."

What followed from Rize was:

"Dont you feel like following me?"

I felt fear for the first time in a long while. Shivering though it wasn't cold.

Rize wasnt emitting any intimidating aura; my body was trembling on its own volition.

My primal instincts were screaming, telling me to get away from Rize immediately.

Being involved with her would entail suffering all sorts of ordeals.

Heeding Kara's previous advice, I blurted out:

"I, I refuse!"

It was a clear rejection.


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