A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 63: Cleric (2)

Chapter 63: Cleric (2)

The survival training had ended, and the students each took a break, waiting for their evaluations.

First, there were the teams that had united their strength to try to eliminate Sivar. Their plans had been meaningless in the face of overwhelming power, and they couldn't help but be anxious.

Even though they had cooperated, they ultimately failed to achieve the ultimate goal of survival. Their evaluations would inevitably be docked for various reasons.

However, Luna didn't mind. Whether her evaluation was docked or not, she had achieved her own goal.

That was to have the chance to be alone with Sivar. Opportunities like this were truly rare.

First, it's decided that the two of us will be together, but how can I create a pretext?'

She had thought about it repeatedly since being eliminated. How could she create a pretext to face Sivar alone?

Gloria and Kronos were secretly meeting under the pretense of sparring. But Sivar was different.

He was under close scrutiny from the Academy, more so than Kara. Wherever he went, rumors were bound to spread.

Fortunately, The Principal, Rod, had been covering well for her, but even Rod would have to be deceived in this situation. It was troublesome in many ways.

I can't persuade the cafe. The restaurant is dubious, too. I'd prefer not to have a duel.'

She had been pondering ever since returning to the dorms after the elimination. What could possibly be a valid pretext that would even convince Rod?

Not just Rod, but she also needed to convince both Ellie and Kara. It was good enough that she had fixed an appointment, but there were numerous problems.

The only thing left is to go herb gathering on the weekends'

She had been going to gather herbs with Ellie every weekend. It might be crafty to target that occasion.

In principle, Sivar should be guarding her side, but if Ratatosk does it instead, there shouldn't be a problem.

Ratatosk, an entity with strength on par with Sivar's and sensitive to nature, would be a big help.

Or just the two of us could go without Ellie.'

That would be the best. A situation where she gets an adequate pretext while avoiding any suspicion from anyone.

But as always, the beginning is difficult. Creating that situation naturally is the real challenge.

Luna had no prior experience in such matters and was deep in thought, but coincidentally, there was someone who had gone through something similar.

Precisely, it wasn't that they had gone through it; they were currently in the midst of it. People who hadn't raised anyone's suspicions from the past up until now.

"Oh. Oh. What did you just say?"

"I'm curious about how to set up a meeting without arousing anyone else's suspicion."

Luna and Sivar were learning various magic techniques from their instructors, Gloria and Kronos.

Upon hearing Luna's question, Gloria's blue eyes sparkled with interest and anticipation.

Then she turned her head to look at Sivar, who was currently being trained in martial arts with Kara's help.

Kronos was also involved since demonstrating martial arts required more than one person for proper effectiveness, and everything was going smoothly.

"Do you think Sivar knows about this as well?"

Gloria asked in a whisper, very quietly so that others, especially Kara, couldn't hear.

Kara was so focused on training Sivar that she paid no attention to them, which was the point. Luna looked over at Sivar for a moment as well.

She had managed to fix the appointment. She had told him that they needed to talk, just the two of them. Sivar had nodded in agreement.

It was only the process that led to the outcome that was complicated, but the result itself was assured.

"Yes. I mentioned it during the survival training. Let's talk later, just the two of us."

"During the training?"

Gloria was surprised at the response that it had been during the training. She knew the ins and outs of how the training worked.

So it was highly probable that the professors were aware that Luna had made an appointment with Sivar.

Since the equipment installed in the forest would have captured situations in real-time. However, the spread of rumors would be slow.

By now, the Sword Master must know as well If it's just kept a secret from Kara, then I understand.'

Gloria looked at Kara again. She was teaching Sivar with a refreshing smile.

She didn't know what had happened during the training. She hadn't been particularly interested in the first place.

However, she felt it was necessary to hear about it at least once. What had transpired between Sivar and Luna, and what kind of situation unfolded.

It was thrilling to have a secret affair with Kronos, but it was also exhilarating to help someone else with their secret affair.

"That's right. I'll give you some advice as much as I can help."


Luna's blue eyes widened and shone brightly with joy. Her innocent smile glowed like sunlight, feeling truly beautiful.

Gloria was pleased with the smile, thinking that love certainly makes a person more beautiful than before.

"Of course. You might become my junior someday, right? I have no reason not to help a student for that reason."

"Thank you!"

"Shh, be quiet, will you?"

As Luna greeted him energetically, Gloria gestured for her to be quiet, placing a finger to her lips.

If they unnecessarily attracted attention, the appointment they had managed to secure could turn out to be for naught.

"Oh. Yes. I'm sorry."

Luna also realized her mistake belatedly and showed an oops expression. To Gloria, that seemed even more endearing.

"So you both have fixed a date, and you're having difficulties until the date of the promise"

"Just so you know, Sivar finds dueling difficult, and having a meal somewhere is hard, too."

"Why is that? Then there hardly seems to be a suitable place for"

Gloria started to say something but then stopped herself. Surely, Sivar was very different from ordinary people.

If he had been an ordinary person, various reasons could have been discussed, but Sivar's options are extremely limited.

Then what would be a good idea? She was contemplating a scenario that was similar yet different.

I don't know much about Sivar, so I have to teach big picture thinking first rather than the details.'

Kronos is the most suited to paint the big picture. He has a broad perspective from traversing various battlefields.

Having risen from the bottom ranks to the position of a great general by himself, his ability to envision a comprehensive plan is considerable.

Although it's a bit funny to use that skill in secret dating, it would be difficult without doing so.

"Indeed it's a sticky situation. It might even be tougher than what we're facing?"

"Is it that difficult?"

"Given the limited options. But the least you could do is"

Gloria racked her brain, trying to think of a way to nurture the budding romance of the young student.

She assumed it would be a very difficult trial, with rivals involved, but she was merely an adviser.

Even though she offered advice, the choice always lay with Luna. After all, it's personal choices that shape the future.

"Ah! I've thought of a good way."


"Yes, but if you miss it, it might be difficult to get another chance. Are you aware that a delegation from the Holy Byzantine Kingdom will soon be visiting?"

"That's news to me."

It was a new piece of information, having heard little since the survival training.

Gloria nodded as if she had expected that. The Academy would inform everyone eventually, but having the information beforehand can't hurt.

"The Academy has visitors from Byzantine once every quarter looking for talent. Students at that time perform a ritual that matches their respective religions, a prayer or a sacrifice. It's a time to find their aptitude."

"A sacrifice"

The Life Goddess Gaia prefers prayers, and the God of Destruction Gulak leans towards sacrifice. Naturally, her attention had to turn to Kara.

Most of the Tatars would proclaim their national religion as Gulak, hence they wield lightning freely.

"That's when you can make your move. It's a perfect excuse, especially since Kara is a worshipper of Gulak. You can pretend to go pray to Goddess Gaia and get a chance to be alone together. How about that?"

"I don't think I can do that."

"Really? Why is that so difficult? Don't tell me Luna is also a worshipper of Gulak?"

For Gloria, there was no other conclusion to reach. It was a truly rare opportunity, and Luna was the one drawing the line from the outset.

However, contrary to her thoughts, the problem wasn't Kara it was Sivar. Luna already knew which god had chosen Sivar.

"It's not anything else, Sivar is the issue. He has been chosen by Chaos."

"Chaos? The Chaos I know of?"

"Yes, the god of disorder, Chaos. I've heard he has been chosen by that god."

"That's rare. There aren't many who are chosen by Chaos"

Gloria said so while glancing over at Sivar, who was grappling with Kara, rolling around on the floor.

It was a literal practice session, no frivolous behavior whatsoever.

"What happens to the ones chosen by Chaos? I heard that Byzantine has all sorts of religions"

"Well, I am not sure if a follower of Chaos will come. It's quite an eccentric religion"

The followers of Chaos are famous in various ways, and more so because their numbers are few.

Yet, despite the possibility of being branded as a cult, they are recognized as a legitimate religion for a very simple reason.

"Instead, the Chaos sect is known for having unusually strong individuals. There's hardly any harm done to those around them."

"Are there any prominent examples? I'm not familiar with them."

"Prominent One name comes to mind."

Gloria looked upward in thought. A priest who was bizarre yet possessed a firm conviction.

At the same time, a paragon of justice who never forgot the true duties of a cleric.

"Knight-Lord Rize."

"Knight-Lord? Someone of a level similar to The Principal?"

"Yes. Like Sword Master Rod, he wields the blue magic power."

It sounded incredibly powerful to Luna.

"They also refer to her as Saint Rize."


Luna's face became confused. Coming from a country village, she had at least heard about saints.

Priests occasionally traveled around on pilgrimages, spreading their faith, often mentioning the name of a saint.

But a combination of Knight-Lord and Saint? She couldn't understand this bizarre combination.

"She could be considered the face of Byzantine and the embodiment of its power. She's also the most favored by Chaos."

"Um It doesn't really hit home. What exactly does she do?"

"You might not feel it. But her conviction is very well known."

Luna was curious. How could such a combination be linked to one person?

What exactly is her conviction that makes her so favored by Chaos?

Meanwhile, Gloria informed her about the peculiar hybrid, Rizes conviction.

"A true cleric is not someone who just heals the damage. A true cleric seeks out the source of harm and eliminates it. That is the quality a true cleric must possess."


"It might sound heretical, but if the source is not addressed, it's like pouring water into a sieve. She takes the lead in action, and hence she is held in high regard. Do you get a rough idea of what kind of person she is?"

Luna succinctly responded.


It felt as if all sense was shattered. She didnt understand how that could be any kind of cleric. Perhaps more like a demon crusher.

Gloria nodded, seemingly understanding that feeling, as she first felt the same way.

"You don't need to delve too deeply. She's quite a busy person and unpredictable. Besides, it's unlikely she'll attend such events."


Something felt unsettling.

Especially the fact that she was favored by Chaos.


Holy Byzantine Kingdom.

A nation with the greatest authority globally, based solely on religion.

While each nation has its own state religion, Byzantine is a city built solely for the gods.

Understandably, the unique colors of different religions are prominent there, and there are many followers of the god of destruction, Gulak hence, the country's great power.

The most distinguishing feature of Byzantine is that it is a neutral country. A stance of neutrality can't be maintained without strong backing.

In that sense, the influence of Byzantine on the world is countless. It is the place that produces the most clerics, and it even houses a holy site.

"Please reconsider, Lady Rize! Why suddenly decide to go to the Academy?"

However, at the moment, Byzantine was noisy internally, a stark contrast to its usually serene exterior.

"Chaos has spoken. Go there and find your fate. I merely follow the words of Chaos."

A womanhardly replied to the pleading of a man who seemed to be a Paladin.

Although her voice was delicate, her appearance was fiercely overwhelming. In plain talk, a behemoth of muscles.

Biceps and trapezius that were more developed than those of an average man, and thick legs like pillars supporting a building.

On the outside, she looked more like a man than a woman, with a grim appearance. No one would think she was a woman.

Yet, in her overtly exposing outfit, she covered only her chest rigorously. It was confusing in many ways.

"Are you implying you won't follow the gods' orders?"

"Goodness, no! It's just too sudden! The others will be in turmoil if you go without warning!"

The Paladin responded in a desperate tone. If she were to head to the Academy, it would be chaos.

Having the head of the order go there would be noisy enough, but the presence before him would cause even more upheaval.

"Please, go as Saint' and not Knight-Lord'! If you go looking like that, it would feel like you're going to judge heretics!"

The crux of the issue was her current appearancea muscular behemoth.

Heading to the Academy looking like this? It practically screamed that there were problems to be solved.

Therefore, please go to the Academy as a Saint' and understand our position.

Could the near-desperate plea of the Paladin be ignored? Or was there a reasonable argument?



As the woman sighed deeply, a small explosion occurred simultaneously. Exactly, a bang! Followed by a wisp of smoke spreading.

The Paladin, as if accustomed to such occurrences, showed no reaction to the explosion and quietly waited for the Saint' within.

"This form isn't favorable, but it can't be helped."

Her tone, stiff just before, had now softened immeasurably.

Within the hazy smokescreen, a figure flickered like a shadow.

A much smaller figure compared to the muscle mass before. The Paladin felt relief upon seeing the silhouette.

No, why am I feeling relieved.'

Even less so than Knight-Lord', Saint' too could cause considerable turmoil. The Paladin suddenly lifted his head to look towards the dissipating smoke.

Just in time, the smoke cleared, revealing the figure inside.

Her presence was.

"It doesn't really matter."

Unquestionably, she was worthy of being called a Saint'.

"Chaos said it would be interesting."

Her smiling face was unspeakably beautiful.


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