A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 114:

Chapter 114:

The Butcher (3)


A scholar once said that the beginning of civilization is a broken leg bone that has been healed.

In the wild, a broken leg bone makes survival extremely difficult. Most creatures would abandon it.

Even the most loving predators will abandon their offspring if they can’t walk or are deemed hopeless. That’s the harsh reality of the wild.

Civilization, on the other hand, is different. Even with a broken leg, people find ways to protect and care for each other, which strengthens their unity.

In that sense, euthanizing the baby Usk was a natural order. A baby surviving in the wild without its mother has no hope.

Even if it somehow managed to grow up, it could develop a hatred for humans, given that I killed its mother.

Usks are monsters too dangerous for academy students to handle, so it’s better to prevent future risks.

“…Sivar’s actions were correct. It may seem cruel, but it’s better to eliminate the danger preemptively.”

Even Serah, who was initially shocked by my actions, eventually defended me. Coming from Frozen, she likely understood the wild to some extent.



Even herbivores can be dangerous. A large dog can kill a person, after all.

In such cases, the principle is to shoot first, no questions asked. This applies even to beloved pets.

“If the Usk grew up, it would cause significant damage to the academy. Moreover, as a solitary creature, it has no future.”

“But still, killing the baby was too… ”

“Where would you send it? The grasslands where Usks live would take over a week to reach, even if you pass through the interior.”


Serah’s rebuttal left the students speechless. The shock of killing the baby must have been significant.

After all, the baby Usk looked cute, unlike the adult one. Most babies appear cute, to begin with.

‘They say animals look cute as a defense mechanism to avoid attacks.’

I once spared a few before. But those babies grew up and betrayed me.

Since then, I never spared any babies, no matter how cute. There’s a reason they say you shouldn’t raise a tiger cub.

“Right now, what’s urgent is dealing with the Usk. Sivar.”


“Can you drag that carcass? You seem quite strong.”

Serah pointed at the mother Usk with the shattered head. The baby Usk lay beside it.

Usks weigh tons, as far as I know. I could lift it using mana, but that’s too bothersome.

As long as there’s a suitable rope, I could easily drag it. I scanned the Usk before asking Serah.

“I need a rope.”

“Hmm. Got it. Wait a moment.”

Serah started speaking into a communicator device on her wrist, like a watch.

race took mine instead.

It also has a function that shows directions, so everyone can gather here quickly.

“Wow. You caught an Usk by yourself? That’s incredibly difficult.”

“The blade tusk is broken too. Just how strong is he?”

People began gathering shortly. They whispered as they looked at the elephant-sized Usk carcass.

Even the professors were impressed, indicating the Usk’s value. Conversely, it meant the forest’s balance was incredibly shaken.

“Sivar! What were you thinking, running off alone? We were worried!”


While the professors examined the Usk carcass, Ellie scolded me. I had no excuse.

I couldn’t help but run off upon hearing the Usk’s roar, but leaving everyone else was my fault.

Even though Grace and Lee Yeonju were there to protect them, they couldn’t handle a monster like an Usk.

“Are you hurt? Show me your hand.”


“What? Why won’t you show me?”

She would immediately know I was injured from the bloodstains. Then, she would definitely nag me.

I hid my hand as much as possible and ignored Ellie. The more I did, the angrier she looked.

But even her angry expression was cute, thanks to her appearance. Honestly, she looked more sulky than angry.

“Just leave him be. He heals quickly anyway. Besides, it’s weird if he’s not hurt after fighting such a huge monster.”

Fortunately, my savior approached at the right time. Kara naturally put her arm around my shoulder.

Ellie’s frown deepened at Kara’s friendly gesture, but she sighed eventually.

“…Still, I don’t like Sivar getting hurt. Do you want him to be injured?”

“Of course nohters.”


Kara was absolutely right. I nodded in agreement.

Getting hurt is an everyday occurrence for someone in a combat role. It’s almost inevitable.

Ellie seemed to have no argument against this and sighed, her sharp gaze shifting from Kara.

“Fine. But don’t run off like that again, okay?”


“Good. Now, let’s go apologize to Grace and Lee Yeonju.”

Ellie smiled and gently held my hand, leading me to Grace and Lee Yeonju.

“Student Kara! Could you help for a moment?”

At that moment, Marlboro called out to Kara. She released me and walked over to him.

I quietly followed Ellie, prepared to apologize for leaving them behind.

“Ah, here you are. I brought Sivar.”

“Sivar, do you know what you did wrong?”


“I’ll le. You’re my ‘escort,’ after all.”

Grace emphasized the word ‘escort,’ making Ellie wear a slightly puzzled expression.

Grace glanced at me before cautiously suggesting,

“Actually, it might be a good idea to provide some separate training. Do you have any free time?”

“Hmm… Not sure.”

“Then I should arrange your schedule. I’ll adjust it soon.”

Grace began planning my schedule as if it was the most natural thing. As long as it didn’t affect my personal time, it wasn’t bad.

Grace knew this, so she wouldn’t encroach on my free time unnecessarily.

“But during that time, you must stay by my side, no matter what happens, like today. Understood?”

“Is that how an escort is supposed to be?”

Ellie seemed puzzled by Grace’s explanation. It did sound a bit strict.

But that’s how escorts work. Failing to protect their charge comes with grave responsibility.

If an escort gets killed while slacking off, the consequences are even worse.

“Typically, yes. But Sivar is unpredictable. Think of this as developing judgment.”

“Ah, I see. That’s a relief.”

Am I some sort of time bomb? It might be my fault, but it still stings a bit.

“An escort, huh…”

While I grumbled internally, Lee Yeonju, who had been quietly observing, muttered softly.

She seemed to intend for no one to hear, but I caught it. I looked at her.

Our eyes met, and she wiped away her serious expression, showing her usual dumbfounded look.

‘When is the transfer student from the Hwan Empire arriving?’

I didn’t remember the exact date, only that it was mid-semester.

Maybe they’ll come after the exams. It didn’t really matter.

I waved gently at Lee Yeonju. She awkwardly waved back.

“Student Sivar! Come here for a moment!”

Marlboro’s booming voice called for me. It seemed preparations were complete.

I started moving but paused. I needed Grace’s permission.

Grace smiled with satisfaction when I asked for permission and replied warmly,

“You didn’t need to ask for this. But since you did well, I’ll buy you a cake later.”


Just for asking permission, I get a cake? This is an amazing deal.

I silently praised Grace and walked over to Marlboro, who stood near the Usk’s carcass.

There, I saw the mother and baby Usk tied up with ropes, ready to be dragged.

It was convenient that they were tied up as I requested.

“Ideally, we should disassemble them here, but it’s too dangerous. Can you help drag them? The other professors will help too.”


I looked at the tied-up Usks and nodded. There was a rope on the ground for dragging.

It seemed all I had to do was pull it. So, I grabbed the rope without hesitation.


It was a bit heavy, but I could manage alone. I nodded and told Marlboro.



“I can do it alone.”


Marlboro seemed momentarily startled, then looked at the elephant-sized Usk.

He stroked his chin, seeming to question if this was the right decision.

“No, we’ll do it together. It wouldn’t look good otherwise.”

“Okay. I mean, okay.”

Marlboro laughed heartily at my switch from informal to formal speech. He patted my head lightly.

Eventually, it was decided to have the strong individuals, including Marlboro and Kara, pull the ropes.

I could manage it alone, but as Marlboro said, it wouldn’t look right.

“This is my first time seeing an Usk. Is it edible?”

Kara, pulling the rope next to me, asked. I shrugged.

Usk meat is highly praised in Soul World. It’s said the meat is juicy and melts in your mouth.

Even those without butchering skills could grill it and find it delicious.

“By the way, since Sivar single-handedly took down the Usk, he has full rights to it. He can do as he pleases.”

Marlboro spoke while pulling the rope, seemingly worried someone might take the Usk from me.

Usk is top-tier as both equipment and culinary material. It should be auctioned off, as mentioned earlier.

“It seems student Kara should assist him. Have you ever participated in an auction?”

“Is there an auction house in the academy?”

“Of course. It’s held every weekend. Participating should be interesting. Moreover, if word gets out, many will approach Sivar first.”

It was inevitable. Especially those looking to scam me.

To them, I was an easy target, a good prey to acquire the Usk cheaply.

“I heard the Tatars are sensitive about money. I’ll leave this to you.”

“Hmm… Okay. I need to investigate the Usk’s market price this week. How does the tax work?”

I had no idea what they were talking about. I decided to leave the auction entirely to Kara.

With such chatter, we soon reached the safe zone.

The guards patrolling the area were surprised to see the Usk carcass.

Now, all that remained was to report the Usk and perform a simple disassembly.

“What should we do with this blade tusk? It’s broken, so it’s not valuable as a display.”

“Send it to the forge. Let’s ask Sivar first.”

The blade tusk I broke in half. I had already decided its use.

I looked around at the sharp blade tusk, searching for Luna.

‘No, that would make her too reliant on items.’

I wanted to give it to Luna. Weapons made from the blade tusk were at least S-grade.

But giving it to her might make her too reliant on items. Her personal growth was more important now.

‘I can make better weapons later.’

For better weapons, I should seek a place other than the academy. But the academy’s forge was good enough.

For now, I had only one person in mind. I turned to Kara, who was wiping sweat from her forehead.


“Hmm? What?”

She was wiping sweat with her clothes, revealing her toned abs.

I glanced at her abs before looking directly at her face.



“Use it.”


Kara was surprised when I offered her the blade tusk. The others were also taken aback.

It was understandable since I was offering the tusk of a monster I hunted without any compensation.

Kara was probably the most shocked. She hesitantly replied,

“S-Sivar? You might not know, but this is really valuable. It can make great weapons.”

“It’s okay.”

“I’m not okay with it. Even so…”

“Don’t want it?”

That would disappoint me. I pouted.

Seeing my expression, Kara grew more flustered. She hadn’t expected this reaction.

“Take it. It’s a gift.”

“A gift?”



Kara chuckled softly and accepted the blade tusk.



It was heavier than expected, and she almost dropped it. Her unique exclamation was a bonus.

She carefully lifted the blade tusk, her expression indicating its weight.

“Th-Thanks. I’ll accept it. Can I make a weapon for you with it?”

“I already have one.”

“That’s originally my father’s. You’ll have to return it later. I’ll have it engraved too.”

Does that mean I can become a dual-axe warrior? What a romantic combination.

As we shared a warm moment, I overheard whispers.

‘Strange. Sivar seems to get along better with Kara.’

‘Could it be that he’s already drifted apart from Luna?’

‘No, it might just be a gesture of goodwill.’

I had no idea what they were talking about, so I ignored it.

With the gift given to Kara, I walked towards the baby Usk. There was only one thing left to do.


“Why the baby Usk?”

At that moment, Luna approached. Kara was heading to the forge with the blade tusk.

“To eat.”


I asked Luna, who seemed confused.

“Do you want some?”

Luna looked at the baby Usk and replied,

“…Is it good?”


We’ll find out when we taste it.

End of Chapter


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