A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 113:

Chapter 113:

The Butcher (2)


As I mentioned earlier, the deeper parts of the Forest of Chaos are akin to high-level areas in Soul World.

With abundant food, a variety of flora and fauna are distributed there, including many predator species.

Especially when you first enter, Porori warmly welcomes you—by kindly knocking you out with a steel fist, warning you not to come any further.

Moreover, predators from the outer regions frequently make their way inside. When I lived in the forest, intruders constantly invaded my territory.


In that sense, the Usk I just attacked is the same. I aimed for its head, but it didn’t penetrate well due to its tough outer shell.

The Usk, resembling a creature from a famous space war game, has an exterior that’s not easily pierced.

Especially for characters focusing on ‘slashing’ rather than ‘striking,’ the Usk is a hard counter. Its slash resistance is an astounding S.

To cut through the Usk’s shell, it would be impossible unless one was Rod. Even a professor couldn’t kill it without aiming for the head.

‘It came a long way from the grasslands.’

I observed the Usk, which had gone berserk with an axe stuck in its head. The Usk is a monster that inhabits the grasslands.

Just like how elephants are called the true kings of predators on Earth, the Usk holds the elephant’s position in this world.

There are real elephants in this world too, but the comparison signifies how threatening it is.

Just look at those blade tusks and tough outer shell. It would be terrifying to even think of fighting it.

‘Seeing that there are only two of them, they must have been expelled from their herd.’

I opened my hand to retrieve Ragnarok and started walking. As soon as I retrieved the axe from its head, the frenzied Usk glared at me.

Seeing a small baby Usk next to it, it seemed to be a female. Given that they were roaming alone, they must have been expelled from their herd.

Originally, Usks live in groups like real elephants. Males wander alone unless it’s mating season.

There’s only one reason to be expelled from the herd—losing a rank fight within the group. It’s similar to human political battles.


While thinking about the Usk’s lifestyle, the mother started charging at me.

Upon seeing the axe in my hand, it seemed to realize I was the culprit. I threw the axe first to divert its attention.

‘I heard it’s really tasty.’

As I watched the charging Usk, I had another thought. Usks are said to be especially delicious in Soul World.

Unlike the tough meat of elephants or other animals, Usk meat isn’t tough and barely has any hide. It’s a result of investing solely in its tough outer shell.

Even in Soul World, simply grilling it provides buff effects, and it’s extremely expensive in the market.

Moreover, those sharp blade tusks look like they could cut you just by seeing them. They are top-tier materials.

‘Killing it in advance isn’t a bad idea.’

Usks are too unbalanced if they stay in the outskirts. Even if they stray from the herd, they would cause significant harm to students.

Just being crushed by those heavy legs would turn smaller creatures into pulp. Most attacks wouldn’t even scratch it.

As much as I feel sorry for the Usk, it needs to die here for the greater good. It’s fine if it lives in the interior, but not the outskirts.

‘It seems to have chosen the relatively safe outskirts because of its baby…’

But what’s not allowed is not allowed. Seeing the Usk charging at me, I planted my feet firmly.

The axe had been casually thrown to the ground a while ago.


The massive Usk collided with me. Our eye levels were almost the same, making it easy to grab onto something and hold my ground.


The momentum of the charge pushed me backward, but my legs didn’t buckle, and I stood firm.

Though I was only preparing to defend, it meant my strength was not inferior to the Usk’s.

Moreover, the distance I was pushed back was minimal. I used mana just in case.

“Watch out!”

Serah’s warning reached my ears. As soon as I heard it, I felt a chill on my right side.

Turning my head, I saw a sharp blade tusk approaching to cut me.

Usk’s blade tusks are known for their sharpness. I wondered if they could even pierce my body.


I grabbed the approaching blade tusk with one hand.

Simultaneously, I felt a sharp pain that went beyond a mere sting, as if I had been cut by something. It was a stinging pain I hadn’t felt in a long time.

How sharp must it be to even cut my body? This was yet another reason I couldn’t leave the Usk alone.

If I let it go now, people would try to hunt the Usk, leading to more casualties.


Grabbing the blade tusk, I clenched my other hand into a fist. As I did, red lightning flickered.

Normally, I would just use mana, but I used lightning just in case. Given how sharp and sturdy the blade tusk was.

My counterattack was ready. I struck the part of the blade tusk I was holding with my lightning-imbued fist.



As soon as I struck with my fist, the blade tusk broke cleanly in half. The Usk screamed in pain.

I momentarily checked my stinging palm. Seeing its condition, I was slightly surprised.

It wasn’t just cut but was shredded. It could have been severed entirely.

‘No wonder they call it an elephant.’

In the game, this blade commands a high price in the market. It looks cool and has incredible effects.

Of course, it’s not poached like elephants on Earth. Hunting an Usk means risking your life.

Skilled hunters who can easily hunt Usks usually choose to hunt something else instead.


Thanks to my regeneration ability, my nearly shredded hand quickly healed. As soon as it did, I moved to the next action.

Before the Usk could regain its senses, I squeezed into the intact blade tusk.

Apparently, the mother couldn’t respond because her vision was obstructed. She was busy trying to figure out where I had gone.

Taking advantage of that, I climbed onto her back. As soon as I did, the Usk went berserk again.

‘Time to put my training to use.’

The mother Usk bucked wildly like a bull. I balanced myself as much as possible and clenched my fist.

Although it was combined with red mana, I knew how to use it. I used the ‘condense’ technique I learned from Chronos.


I struck the Usk’s head hard with my condensed fist.

Even a tough outer shell isn’t unbreakable. Particularly, the shell on the Usk’s head is relatively thin.


The creature thrashed in pain as if struck by a blunt weapon. The spot I struck was where the axe had been embedded.

I barely managed to hold on, nearly thrown off. I grabbed the Usk’s head with my free hand to pull myself back.


Another strong strike made the Usk writhe in pain. I did my best to control it so it wouldn’t head towards Luna.

Smash! Smash! Crack!

I relentlessly pounded my fist down. Each time, the Usk thrashed wildly, destroying everything in the forest.

From thick trees to solid rocks, it slashed with its blade tusks or rammed into everything with its massive body.

Even just the Usk’s thrashing was devastating the ecosystem. It was the right decision to deal with it.



It seemed like it was time to finish it. Judging by the quieter screams after each punch, it was clear.

I opened my hand to retrieve Ragnarok. Then, I struck its head with both lightning and mana.



Before it could finish its scream, it fell. I pushed down with the axe embedded in its head.


The Usk, as large as an elephant, collapsed helplessly. Having taken repeated blows to the head, its brain must be mush.

I pulled out the axe from its head and struck it again with all my strength.




As the axe hit its head, the Usk trembled and then went limp. It was dead for sure.

One blade tusk was completely broken, and its head was utterly shattered. It wasn’t as difficult as I thought.

Given its size, it was slow, especially lacking agility. Its turning ability was particularly poor.

‘Even disposing of it will be tough.’

I roughly wiped the blood off my regenerated hand and looked at the Usk. I could carry it.

But I didn’t know where to process it. Although the academy had a forge, the Usk was a high-quality monster.

It deserved to be auctioned rather than processed at the forge. Just those blade tusks would fetch a high price.

‘I only need the meat, anyway.’

I didn’t care about the blade tusks or the shell. I just needed to ask the butcher to process the meat well.

So, I should take it quickly. Meat loses freshness the longer it’s left alone.



A faint sound reached my ears. Turning my head, I saw the baby Usk crying beside its mother.

Did it know its mother was dead? It cried sorrowfully.

Even a fierce-looking beast is cute when it’s a baby.

“What should we do with the baby?”

“Shouldn’t we leave it alone?”

“But even a monster like that can’t survive alone.”

The students watching murmured. They seemed to pity the baby Usk.

I listened to them and looked at Luna. She was staring at me and the Usk’s corpse in awe.

Serah was no different. She could deal with an Usk but would take a long time and suffer significant damage.

‘I should send the baby away first.’

With that thought, I walked towards the baby Usk.


As expected, it was impressive. Luna watched Sivar, who had single-handedly defeated the Usk.

Sivar had previously taken down a Manki in less than five seconds. So she thought he would quickly handle a monster like the Usk.

But whether the Usk was tougher than expected or stronger, Sivar initially seemed to struggle.

Of course, he only struggled until he found an opening, then relentlessly beat its head to subdue it.

He finished it off with his signature axe strike. It was nothing short of impressive.

‘I’m glad I wasn’t born an animal.’

She thought. If she had been an animal and entered the Forest of Chaos, Sivar would have killed her.

Feeling grateful to be born human, Sivar walked towards the baby Usk.


The baby Usk, crying over its mother’s death, took a defensive stance as Sivar approached.

It seemed to instinctively know that Sivar had killed its mother. According to Serah, Usks are highly intelligent.

‘Is he planning to let it go?’

She had read about it in books. Predators sometimes feel guilty after hunting a parent without knowing about the baby.

It meant they also had emotions and felt guilt. She had found it quite touching.

“Professor, what will happen to the baby?”

“Even as a baby, an Usk is still an Usk. It has a good chance of surviving in the outskirts.”


Should they just let it go? Luna pondered.

Meanwhile, Sivar approached the baby Usk and slowly knelt on one knee. He then reached out to it.


The baby Usk immediately bit Sivar’s hand. Since its blade tusks hadn’t grown yet, it used its teeth.

Although Sivar’s body was inherently tough, the Usk’s bite force was formidable. Blood trickled down his hand.

The sight startled Luna and the others, but Sivar remained expressionless. He appeared utterly calm.

“Shh, shh, shh—”

Sivar responded as if it was okay for the baby to bite his hand. He even seemed to reassure it by offering his hand.

The Usk seemed to sense something from his reaction. It gradually loosened its grip and lowered its defenses.


Feeling the pressure on its jaw ease, Sivar slowly extended his other hand. The Usk flinched but waited quietly.

Eventually, Sivar gently patted the Usk’s head. It seemed like an apology for killing its mother.

‘…Does Sivar feel guilty as well?’

Luna watched the scene unfold, deep in thought. Despite the simple interaction, it was deeply moving.

Sivar had lived in the wild, so he was used to such interactions with animals.

Moreover, despite having fought with Ratatoskr, they were living peacefully now. Perhaps the baby Usk could be similar.

“Is everything settled?”

“Yes. But let’s wrap things up quickly. The commotion might attract other monsters. Let’s call it a day and head back.”

Serah smiled faintly at Luna’s question and issued instructions. While this was happening, Sivar continued to pat the Usk’s head.

The baby Usk would survive in the wild and grow up well. That was what the students thought as they watched.



Sivar, who had been patting its head, covered the baby Usk’s eyes with his hand. The Usk seemed puzzled as its vision darkened.

But it didn’t end there. As soon as his free hand was released, Sivar slowly began to wrap his hand around the baby’s neck.

The process was so natural that Serah and the students wondered what he was doing. But the result soon became clear.





Shock and horror. There were no other words to describe it.

Sivar had wrapped his hand around the baby Usk’s neck and snapped it. Mercilessly.

Even an Usk has joints. So if you break its neck joint, it will die instantly.


The baby Usk went limp and collapsed just like its mother. Sivar set it down gently and stood up.

Despite its cute appearance, there was not a speck of mercy in his actions.

While everyone was reeling from the sight, Sivar turned around, feeling their gazes.

His expression was serene, his red eyes calm. It was as if he had simply done his duty.


Sivar tilted his head, puzzled by the stares. It was as if he didn’t understand what he had done wrong.

Luna looked between the dead baby Usk and Sivar. The contrast was so stark she didn’t know what to say.

Still, she managed to find her voice. She couldn’t suppress her curiosity.

“S-Sivar? Why did you…?”


“Why did you kill the baby? Couldn’t you just let it go?”

It was a question everyone was curious about. Why kill a baby that could have been spared?

Sivar blinked, a habit of his. He seemed to be thinking hard about why he had done it.




Finally, Sivar spoke.

“I sent it with its mother.”


His words made them seriously reconsider his ethics.

End of Chapter


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