A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 142: NHASC-001(Part-4)

Chapter 142: NHASC-001(Part-4)

Marcel ran as fast as he could with his wife following closely behind the reason for it being the news that his daughter Ileana had brought a few minutes ago, his youngest child and his only son was leaving to parts unknown and no one knew if he would ever return.

'It cannot be happening it is too soon, I have yet to earn my forgiveness and repair our relations.'

Unfortunately they as well as many others who had panicked after hearing the person whose powers had to help them to recreate the city was leaving, and as such they had all wanted to persuade him otherwise.

Ciara's brow twitched at the sight of the mob that had formed, she had wanted to send off her children with a smile on her face even if her heart was being ravaged by anxiety and sadness, but now because of the presence of the mob she was feeling intense rage.

"Would you lot shut the hell up!"

Her intense shout had an immediate effect as a pin drop silence reigned in the area as she continued her spiel, "My Son is leaving today on a mission that would take him days if not month to complete and it seems that you lot have already forgotten that if it were not for a similar mission you would not have found shelter here, so now shut up."

Ciara's shout had managed to make the mob looked a bit ashamed while making her way towards the aircraft which was being loaded with the last of the supplies while many soldiers of the Black Wolves regiment became busy trying to manage the crowd.

Ciara approached Ruby who was going through her long checklist as she spoke, "Is everything alright Ruby?"

Ruby gave a nod as she replied, "Yes Major, we have loaded all their supplies, the plane has finished fueling, and now they are ready to depart."

Ruby winked at Ryan as she added with a teasing smirk on her face, "Captain Ryan, I think you can depart anytime you want to."

Ryan simply huffed, while Ciara simply smirked, while Ruby's face gained a serious look on her face, "Ryan take care out there and remember how important you as such no matter what you will have to survive, for us to flourish you have to survive and return back alive and in one piece."

"I know and you do not have to worry I will return safe and sound."

Ruby's smile returned full force as she spoke, "Well then I will be off and if you decide to die make sure I can get your body to dissect as I lack some fresh corpses to experiment on."

Ryan's brow twitched at Ruby's words while Ciara drew him into a hug as she spoke, "Take care Ryan."

Before she repeated the same with Michalina and then she departed down the ramp, while Michalina approached him as she spoke, "Brother we are ready to depart."

Ryan sighed as he could almost hear the countdown of the clock he had managed to get everything ready and they are about to leave at least five hours earlier than the deadline and that brought him a sense of relief.

He watched the rest of his companions waiting patiently for his orders which he spoke with a small smile, "Since we are all ready I think it is time to run all final diagnostic and then we will leave."

His words were greeted by a chorus of 'Aye Captain', which made Ryan groan as he hid his face behind his hands.

As soon as Ciara left she made a beeline towards Fort Genesis only sparing a slight glance towards Marcel and his family, her pace slowed slightly as she spotted the pleading eyes of Marcel and Eleanora, but she had other duties to attend to.

Ryan meanwhile had occupied the pilot's seat with Michalina taking over the Radar and Communication control, Siora and Ylerias were manning the turret while Xuelong and Shakidra were busy with various other parameters including pressure, engine conditions amongst many other things.

The leading edges, the flaperons, ailerons and the stabilizers all moved before the engine gave a low hum, and the screen in front of Ryan came to life displaying various information as Ryan spoke, "Diagnostics complete all systems seems normal on my side."

"Radar and comms are okay."

"Front Turret is working properly."

"Rear Turret is working properly."

"All system is working normally on my side."

"Mine too."

Upon receiving a good diagnostic report from others, Ryan proceeded to contact the Fort Genesis as he spoke out, "NHASC001 requesting for takeoff."

The radio crackled a bit as a feminine voice belonging to Zhan came loud and clear, "Permission granted Captain Ryan have a safe trip."

A plethora of giggles came from the other side while Ryan's brow twitched upon being referred to as 'Captain Ryan'.

Ryan then pulled back the controlling stick lightly by his right hand, while the throttle on his left was pushed forward.

Eleanora watched in amazement as the large craft seemed to jump up from the ground as it began to rise at a steady pace, when the aircraft was sufficiently high in the air it moved forward gaining speed as it began to climb up becoming smaller and smaller.

"Hey sis how is the marker working."

"Fine bro, for now it seems that no matter how far we are we would be able to return back following it though should we do a flyby."

Ryan grinned as he replied to her, "Of course you just took the idea from my mind."

The aircraft took a sharp turn as it banked down towards the left before it made a complete turn dipping down it began to move towards New Hope, and upon reaching it Ryan slowed it down as he circled it twice before once again moving up high into the sky.

Meanwhile, back inside the cockpit the passengers except for Michalina and Ryan were no longer facing the front as their sits turned to enable them to face their respective stations.

It would be a couple of minutes later that Ryan would speak again, "There is no need for all of you to seat in the cockpit if you want you may leave, and if anything happens I will call you."

Ylerias stretched as she spoke, "Well then I will take my leave, though Ryan will we have to do the diagnostic check every time we have to fly this aircraft."

"No no, we did that because the plane was about to fly for the first time, though there is nothing wrong to do the diagnostics every time if you want to."

Meanwhile, Michalina was looking at Ryan with concern on her face, "Is there a problem brother you looked a bit tensed."

Ryan looked at Michalina as he spoke with a wry smile on his face, "Ah, about that I know how to fly this plane like I have flown it all my life yet my body does not know how, a weird feeling I do not think I can describe such a weird feeling."

"I see."

Ryan was looking in front of him when suddenly his vision blacked out as he found himself in front of a familiar campfire.

"Ah, I see you are airborne now with all of your preparations complete."

Ryan immediately kneeled in front of the flickering flame as Avtis continued to speak, "Now I have a list of task that you need to complete amongst them the first one that you have to fulfill is to sink a ship."

Ryan tilted his head as he spoke, "Sink a ship?"

"Why yes, a ship that is not any ship but an Aircraft Carrier one of the largest and advanced in the world belonging to the US, a nuclear powered one to boot, Hull number CVN-83 or otherwise known as USS Murphy,  one of the larger Ford Class Aircraft Carrier."

"Wait, wait are you saying they have a CVN-83? Last I heard that CVN-81 was under construction, so where did the 83 pop up from?"

"You are fool if you think a giant superpower like that would show all its cards for the whole world to see, every time they make something new they show it to the world and the other world leaders salivate upon seeing the military tech, then what do they do? They say that the tech is not for sale and yet after a few years they sale it to someone for exorbitant price and a lot of restriction and then shortly after they show to the world an even more advanced piece of technology, and the cycle begins anew."

"I see, may I ask something?"

"Go ahead?"

"I know it might sound disrespecting and rude, but is there any reason except for the fact that you ordered me to venture into an irradiated zone where my companions and I would die a very painful and horrible death."

"Of course there is as you see the ship, which is currently floating endlessly, will be brought to the shore three months from today by a storm, and the ship would end up near a small town that has been created by the people of the magical world, they will investigate and end up causing a meltdown in the reactor which would cause the death of about fifty thousand people, as well destruction of the surrounding area."

"I see."

"Also if you are worried about the reactor then fret not, those who designed it had taken into account of the reactor suffering from critical power failure as such in case of power failure the control rods would automatically fall into the reactor core stopping any and all reactions."

Ryan's eyes widened as he spoke with disbelief, "It worked even after everything had stopped working, it still worked."

Avtis scoffed as he spoke, "Do not be daft, the mechanism of the control rod was created in a manner that its insertion can be controlled when there would be power but the lack of power would cause it to be under the mercy of gravity which would bring it down."

"I see."

"Now, if you do not have anything else to ask you may leave."

"Ah, actually before I leave I want to ask you about fate of the crew of the aircraft carrier, are they alive?"

"Maybe maybe not, it does not matter as your job is to sink the ship, now leave."

Ryan blinked as he found himself staring at the open sky with clouds floating in front of him as he spoke, "I have received my task shall we move towards it?"

Michalina frowned as she spoke, "I see then please move forward."

Ryan nodded as he spoke, "Alright since we will reach in a few hours time if you want you can take some rest sis."

Micha deadpanned at him as she spoke, "We left not even an hour ago and I would need rest, though I believe we should start discussing on our objective."

Ryan simply spoke with a sigh, "You are right sis, I think we should start making plans."


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