A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 141: NHASC-001(Part-3)

Chapter 141: NHASC-001(Part-3)

Ryan sat on his favourite spot in all of New Hope which was at the top of Fort Genesis as he looked at the small party that was going on, while his legs dangled from the edge.

As he watched them his eyes felled on the singer, a woman, who was once heavily pregnant and Ryan had helped her out during the food rush, and as it happened the woman turned out to be the lead singer from a band, and it seemed her songs are quite popular, most of them being folk songs that had been converted into the metal genre.

Now the once heavily pregnant, who was now a proud mother of twins, decided to cheer up the crowd by singing various songs, and obviously, a certain Apostle was happy to provide speakers and microphones for them.

'They look so happy down there, partying to their hearts contents after the ordeal they had to suffer this is the least that they had earned.'

His eyes then went towards his latest creation as a small smile seemed to tug at his lips at the sight.

'Micha would be so disappointed at the sight, at first she might have thought that this craft was a combination of a Trimaran and a Concorde, but now it is like a mixture of Trimaran and Concorde aong with a dash of some fifth gen stealth fighter.'

'A clipped delta wind with Flaperon, Aileron and Leading Edge, not to mention the vertical and horizontal stabilizers, the parts of some fifth gen stealth fighter and not parts of the fastest commercial airplane to ever exist.'

Ryan's eyes slowly drifted towards the group of people that had been drawn towards the group that had been drawn towards what seemed to be an alien-looking craft when he felt someone approaching him from behind.

Turning his head slightly Ryan gave a small smile towards the person while he suddenly felt his heartbeat increase.

"Everyone is out there enjoying themselves in the party and here you are sitting all alone."

Ryan shrugged as he spoke, "I prefer solitude to rambunctiousness."

"I see then I hope I am not disturbing you."

Ryan shook his head as he spoke, "No no you are not disturbing me at all."

Xuelong gave a bright smile as she sat beside him as she spoke, "So have you finished your preparations?"

Ryan gave a nod as he spoke, "Almost, tomorrow I have a few more things left for me to work on and then by noon we would be ready to leave."

"I see."

Xuelong then kneeled behind Ryan as she hugged him, making Ryan go ramrod as he could feel her breath trickling on his ears.

"Since that day you kept a distance from me, did I gross you out? I know I am a bit more muscular than most females and many male prefer females to be a delicate and soft."

"No you do not gross me out it only shows that you are fit and healthy, and I was afraid that would be mad at me."

Xuelong immediately replied to Ryan's words with a lick to his jaws and nipped on his ears as she spoke, "If that were true I would have gutted you the moment you touched me like that, consequences be damned."

"I like you Ryan, otherwise you would have been dead, and also do you wish to continue where we left off."

Ryan simply turned his body as he held her tightly in his arms as their lips interlocked and a furious battle with their tongue commenced as he slowly moved away from the ledge.

Meanwhile, Michalina simply looked up towards the top of the fort as the grip on her cup tightened crushing it a bit startling others near her.

The next day as the sun rose up high in the sky, its rays woke up Ryan, as he opened his eyes he felt someone hold him tighter, a familiar smell came to his nose as well as his vision was filled with bluish hair.

Ryan suddenly recalled the happenings of the previous night as a blush formed on his face, he still remembered how they made out with each other, how he bit and kissed her neck making her whimper before she returned the favour in full force, he remembered how he made her quiver as he cornered her weak spot.

'The night was filled with trying to dominate each other, though I am glad that I did not have sex with her at the end, the last thing I would want is to become a father so young not to mention bringing my child when world is in such a state is not ideal.'

A soft moan drew his attention as Xuelong opened her eyes as she murmured low, "Morning", before drawing him into a heated make-out session once again.

Later during the day, Ryan was giving a tour of his latest creation to his mother, who was inspecting the aircraft with intense scrutiny.

"Mom I have created two bunk beds that have been placed on either side with the lower berth can be morphed into a seat for two."

"I see, it is made quite well, from the rear cargo door to the medical station and kitchen area and then the bed, though the space looks a bit cramped up when compared to the outside."

Ryan gave a smile full of embarrassment as he spoke, "Because of various instruments that had to be fitted to the aircraft there is not enough space."

"I see though it is quite warm on the inside."

Ryan gave a nod as he spoke, "It is, I was afraid even after using every precautions because of the material that I have used the inside of the airplane would still be cold."

"It is a good think that it isn't, now show me the cockpit."

Ryan gave a nod as he stood by the side of the door which then slid open for Ciara to enter the cockpit while Ryan followed shortly after her.

"This is the cockpit mom, it has a six seats placed in two rows with the pilot and radar officer facing the front, with the turret control seats back to back facing either sides as well as the two auxiliary officers' seats following the same suit."

"I see and also about the radar is it the large structure on top?"

"Is it is similar to the AWACS aircraft?"

Ryan gave a nod as he spoke, "Yes, mom it is similar to that."

"All of these seem extremely nice, and I know many countries would kill to posses this type of aircraft, with such designed to maintain stealth as well, so what is its flying envelope?"

"I can easily reach a maximum speed of over a thousand kilometers per hour, with a minimum speed of hundred and eighty also it has a flying ceiling of sixty three thousand feet, and its vertical takeoff ceiling is a thousand feet."

"I see that is impressive."

"It is mom, also if push comes to shove I can make it reach near mach speed, but because of the edgy design it makes the aircraft a bit unstable when reaching mach speed."

Ciara simply gave a nod as her eyes fell on the pilot seat and the controls in front of it as Ryan spoke with a smile, "This aircraft uses HOTAS for controlling the aircraft."

"I understand but it has side stick?"

Ryan gave a nod as he spoke, "Yes, it has as such it enable the pilot to have much better view of the instruments at front of him as the controlling stick in between legs made it cumbersome."

"I see, but from what I have seen can I safely conclude that this place is a software driven?"

"Yes mom."

"Did you write the codes?"

Ryan sighed as he spoke, "No mom, I do not think my coding knowledge is advanced enough as such my Patron God provided me with the codes, which I had uploaded in the system."

"So did you take a look at the code?"

Ryan's shoulder slouched as he spoke, "I could not even recognize the language the code was written on, to me the language looked like a series of scratches as apparently it is written in some kind of alien language."

"I see, I do not know if Micha will be able to fly it may be you should have approached Jessica, she has knack of flying anything that is flyable.", her eyes then fell on Ryan as she spoke with a twinge of regret in her voice, "If only if we had time I would have taught you how to fly which I would rectify as soon as you return."

Ryan simply smiled at her as he spoke, "There is no need for you to worry mom, my Patron God has already made sure to teach me how to fly and I feel like I have been flying for decades."

As Ryan suddenly gained a haunted and older look on his face Ciara could not help but ask the million-dollar question, "And how did he teach you?"

"He shoved a bunch of memories of others flying their aircraft with most of them dying a rather grisly death."

An uncomfortable silence descended amongst them as Ciara quickly spoke, "Ryan if you wish to share anything remember I here for you, you can tell me anything and I will help you."

Ryan simply gave a nod as he spoke, "I know mom.", a large smile formed on his lips as he spoke with a cheery attitude, "By the way mom, is there something else that you wish to know?"

Ciara gave a nod as she spoke, "Yes, for the VTOL what kind of system you are using, because if you are suing propellers or rotors it must have a powerful engine because from the design it looks like the propellers has to be very small."

"Ah, about that I am not using propellers I am using Cycloidal rotors or as otherwise also known as Cyclorotor and along with thrust vectoring."

Ciara blinked owlishly before she spoke with a shake of her head, "Sorry but I do not recognize the term."

"Well then follow me I will show you."

With that Ryan literally dragged Ciara off towards the wing section where he opened another door as he spoke with a smile, "This is an emergency door and now let me open the cover of the rotor."

As he spoke a small hiss came to Ciara's ears as the cover slowly moved as multiple cylindrical structures with blades in them appeared.

"Mom, these are Cyclorotors they are called as such because of their unique shape."

"I see, so are they any good?"

Ryan gave a nod as he spoke, "Of course mom, they not only consume very less energy but also as you can see they also do not need too much space."

"Interesting, so with this everything is ready?"

Ryan once again nodded as he spoke, "Yes mom, I am just waiting for the fuel tanks to refill."

Ciara suddenly drew him to a bone-crushing hug as she spoke, "Ryan I do not know when you will return but take care of yourself, listen to your sister but keep a cool head on your shoulder with your wits sharp, moreover please return back to me alive and in one piece."

As Ciara spoke her voice broke as Ryan hugged her tighter and the mother-son duo stayed like that for a moment before Ciara let him go with her eyes red before she placed a small kiss on his head.

Ileana's eyes narrowed as she looked at the interaction between Ciara and Ryan from a distance as a frown formed on her face, 'Why are they suddenly acting as such? So strange maybe I should chat up with some girls and maybe I will then learn a few more things about this strange aircraft that Ryan has created so fast.'


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