A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 129: The rescue (Part-3)

Chapter 129: The rescue (Part-3)

The sun had already sailed down the horizon as Dusk had finally settled in, and the residents of the 'City of New Hope had begun to settle down in their new homes as the day came to an end, but amongst them was a certain person who was pacing furiously like an angry lioness inside a cage.

The person was none other than Ciara, and the reason she was acting as such was simply because of her son Ryan, even if the storm had hit them full force, they managed to return back so long ago that they had managed to make it during lunchtime, but there was no sign of Ryan and as such her anger had given way to extreme worry.

And she was not the same many amongst them had been worried about Ryan, who had gone missing especially when the news of his disappearance had spread amongst the populace fear and anxiety had hit them full force, the entire place of their refuge had been spawned because of Ryan's power.

Meanwhile back with Ryan, he was taken aback at the large community that was over twelve thousand strong, he watched men women of various ages, races were busy and upon their arrival, they had managed to immediately draw their attention.

"Welcome back I hope the meeting was fruitful.", the person who asked the question frowned as he sent a distrustful look towards Ryan as he spoke, "Where is Misa and who is he?"

At the question by one of the Elven male Ondrea gained a look full of anger on his face as he spoke, "No we were betrayed by Misa, he sold us out to those degenerates.", he then turned towards Ryan as he spoke, "The younger brother here saved us, and also he is a scout from the other party we had tried to establish contact with."

"I see."

"Why don't you gather others so we can all have a quick discussion about it?"

As the Elven man left Ryuu let out a sigh of relief and the reason for that being the fact that Elf had yet to recognize who he was and as such was treating him normally and for that, he was incredibly grateful, after being treated as a priceless treasure in New Hope it was a refreshing change for him.

'I hope they do not realize that for a long time.'

A few minutes later Ryuu found himself sitting inside one of the largest huts made of mud as more and more people filed into the room, from normal humans to dwarfs to elves and a few looking a bit exotic.

Most of them were simply speaking amongst them while sending a wary look towards Ryan who was bored to death.

'Next time I meet My Lord I will have to ask him if there is any magic or power that would allow me to skip an event like this boring meeting, or at least fast forward the entire thing, it is so boring.'

A few minutes later, Ondera began the meeting by reporting the happenings of the day which would include their timely rescue by Ryan's hands.

"So you are representing your leader."

Ryan looked at the speaker as he spoke with a shake of his head, "No I am not I am just a scout."

As Ryan replied back the same person spoke with distaste in his voice, "Then what good are you in any way."

Ryan looked at him as if he was an idiot as he spoke, "Hello me scout, I advice on whether there is danger or not, with my words they might welcome you or they might not now tell me if I am useful or not."

The person in question growled as he spoke, "We can simply make you disappear and pretend we never met you."

Ryan snickered at his words as he spoke with a smirk, "Are sure you wish to proceed into that direction, I know you would easily outnumber me by many times but are sure you all will escape unharmed I am not an easy prey just ask Ondera how dangerous I can be."

The person turned red but before he could retort a large wooden staff came hard on his head causing him to collapse hard on the ground before he shouted at the attacker that was an extremely and dainty old lady who came barely above Ryan's waist, the woman rained down a few well-aimed blows making the person cower completely in front of her.

"Children always so unruly and impatient.", her words seemed to have an instantaneous effect as the tension that had bled into the room completely disappeared as everyone found the floor to be incredibly interesting.

'Damn, that old woman looks so ancient it was as if even the dinosaurs were a baby to her, but even then the strength on her blows and the way she commanded everyone is nothing to scoff at.'

The woman seemed to be able to hear his words Ryuu suddenly gained her undivided attention as the woman spoke with a bright smile on her face, "Thank you for helpi"

The old woman's looked as if she had received a shock as she collapsed on the ground prostrating towards Ryan startling everyone as she spoke with deep reverence, "Please forgive this lowly ones insolence, Your Holiness and I also beg of you to forgive this stupid child as he did not know of your true identity."

The person whom she had brained hard was quickly by her side as he spoke, "Grandma, what are you doing, why are you"

His question earned him a hard pull to his ears as the woman shouted out, "You idiot watch how you speak in front of His Holiness."

Ryan spotted those from the other world go ramrod hearing her exclamation while those of Earth were greatly confused while Ryan could not help but voice out his question, "How did you know?"

The old woman gave a bright smile and Ryan noticed quite a few of her teeth missing as she spoke, "This old lady may not be able to see much but even then I would still be able to recognize someone of your stature, Your Holiness, as I have met with many apostles over the year, not to mention I used to be the companion of one before a very serious injury forced me to retire."

The old lady seemed to reminisce about the past for a brief moment before she snapped into reality as she spoke, "I saw sorry Your Holiness I ended up reminiscing about the past, oh how rude of me this lowly one's name is Amellantha Stormborne, may I enquire of your true identity your Holiness."

Ondera had a dumbfounded look on his face as he stared once towards Ryan and then once towards Amellantha.

'What is going on the people of the otherworld are groveling at Ryan's feet is he a King or something? But he is from our world so why are they acting like that?'

Ondera watched closely as Ryan's posture changed as he suddenly looked dignified, his back straight while a gauntlet suddenly materialized over his hands and the tattoo that was beneath his right eyes began to give a dim glow as Ryan began to speak.

"My name is Ryan Von Ruinesca, apostle of the God of Creation and Destruction, God Avtis."

As he spoke Ryan noticed the people of the otherworld prostrating before him while his fellow Earthlings were all dumbfounded.

Amellantha raised her head as she spoke, "It is an honor to have you amongst us Your Holiness."

"The honor is mine."

Upon being greeted back Amellantha spoke with a smile, "How may we serve you, Your Holiness?"

Ryan frowned for a moment as he spoke, "Amellantha Stormborne may I call you, Amellantha?"

"Please call me whatever you wished to, Your Highness."

Ryan was silent for a brief moment before he spoke with a smirk, "If you are giving me free reign then what if I call you Granny Ame, is it alright with you?"

Amellatha simply flashed him a bright smile as she spoke, "Of course it is Your Holiness."

Ryan sighed as he spoke, "Actually I am on a quest from my God, he has some task for me to fulfill and while fulfilling those tasks that I met with Ondera and his group, who then led me to you all, so after meeting you all I want to know, how are you all? Do you have any immediate problems?"

Amellantha gave a tired sigh as she spoke, "We have many problems Your Holiness, too many to count from the cold to dangerous beasts, food, clothing we have many problems and a few days ago one of our came across another party, whom I believe you might be acquainted with, we had thought of joining their group as a few members of our community suggested, after seeing her kart, that they must be in a better condition."

Ryan gave a nod as he spoke, "It is true that we are in much better condition that your group and I hope you all will be able to join as well, after negotiating with the leaders of the group."

"Your Holiness can you not order them to accept us."

Ryan looked at the speaker as he spoke, "Sure I can but therein lie the problem that it would not only be a serious abuse of power but, because of my position and status most of the time I am away from the camp as such I think it would be better for you all to meet with the leaders of the camp and come to an agreement as it would do good in the long run."

The man simply gave a nod as Ryan spoke with a smile, "But that does not mean I will not put in good words for you, after all I believe that we can overcome the troubling times but working together."

A look of relief passed through the face of the people from the otherworld as Ondera voiced out loud, "Excuse me", as he garnered undivided attention Ondera continued, "Can anyone tell me, why are you all bowing in front of Ryan I am confused."

His words were supported by nods of other Earthling as Ryan spoke with a soft smile, "You know there world has many Gods and Goddess.", as Ondera nodded Ryan continued, "Now Gods and Goddess cannot directly interact with the world because their presence is so great that it would wrap up reality as such they choose people to act on their behalf and those persons are known as Apostle, and I am one of them."

A hint of disbelief ran through the group of Earthlings as one of them spoke out loud, "You are joking?"

Ryan had a look of amusement as he spoke, "If I were joking then I would say that a Priest, a Vampire and a Werewolf walked into a bar together."

"How were you chosen?"

Ryan simply shrugged as he spoke, "Luck of the draw I guess."

Ondera frowned as he spoke, "Ryan I want to ask you something but please answer me truthfully."

Ryan gave a nod as he spoke, "You have my word that I will answer truthfully to the best of my abilities, though if I believe that it would jeopardize my loved ones safety I won't."

"Fair enough, then Ryan can you tell me why was our world merged? Surely your God has told you something, and what of those Gods that we used to worship what about them."

Ryan was silent for a moment before he spoke with a serious look on his face, "I am not privy to much as my God told me that I am not ready for such knowledge and has set a bar for me to reach before he would reveal me more."

Amellantha frowned as she spoke, "Your Holiness, but you know something."

Ryan gave a nod before he spoke, "Yes I do but problem is can I trust you with the revelation, can I trust you not to tell any random Tom, Dick and Harry about what I am going to reveal to you, knowledge can be deadly and sometimes ignorance is bliss."

Everyone looked at each other before Amellantha spoke with a sigh, "This place is not a good place for this kind of discussion where we can be eavesdropped easily maybe we should have this talk after we have joined with the other group."

Ondera nodded as he spoke, "You are right elder Amellantha you are right, though I hope you could tell us where or how did you managed to get that bike working."

Ryan smiled back at Ondera as he spoke, "That works because I created it, and I created it using the powers granted to be by My God."

"Will you try to convert us to your religion?"

Ryan's eyes travelled towards the person as he spoke, "As long as your religion does not require you to kill others, rape others, cannibalize I have no problem what so ever with you, in the camp there are various people who follow religion of some kind or do not follow any religion at all, be respectful to them, and do not try to force your views on them."

"My God does not like the worshipping part of the religion too much as such I know nothing of that sorts as it is not required by me, upon saying that if for example you anyone wish to convert from Christianity to Islam or to any religion or vice-versa please remember the state of the world, we are forced to starve more often than not, there are food items that before the apocalypse I would not touch with ten foot pole but now I might even fight for a small bite of that."

Ryan took a deep breath as he continued again, "The reason I am saying all this is because every religion has different believes that might clash with one another as such please try to tolerate the person next to you, and that is all I ask."

Ondera released his breath as he spoke, "Fair enough, I think something like that is okay for everyone."

Ryan gave a small nod as Amellantha spoke, "Your Holiness you said something about a task, is there something we can help you with."

"Well my task is a solo one so there is nothing you can help me with though it would be a great help if you can tell me about the location of certain place."

Amellantha gave a nod as she spoke, "Of course Your Holiness please ask us and if we know the location we will surely help you."

"Do you know the location of 'Whispering grotto'?"

Hearing his words made everyone extremely pale especially Amellantha which made Ryan, in turn, groan inwardly seeing the shocked look nearby, 'Ugh another of those chores, I hope I return home alive and in one piece.'



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