A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 128: The Rescue (Part-2)

Chapter 128: The Rescue (Part-2)

Jarousek took a large bite from the large piece of roasted meat in front of him while his men were busy doing the same along with drinking, when one of them spoke with a burp, "Hey boss, can we not play with those two sluts we have caught, those back in the base are used up diseased slabs of meat nothing more, they are fresh meat and I sure many of us would appreciate."

Jarousek sent a curious look towards his men as he spoke, "I don't know we were told to capture and bring them unharmed."

"But leader how cold it is today all because of the snowstorm, and since we were told to bring them unharmed is it not good if they caught cold."

Jarousek frowned as he spoke, "You know what Viktor you are right, maybe you should go and warm those men that we have captured."

A burst of laughter came from the rest of the men as Viktor let out a small while and when the laughter finally subsided Jarousek spoke with a smirk, "But what you have said has some merit, please escort those lovely ladies so that we can warm them up and better yet escort their male companions I am sure they would appreciate the great sacrifice we make.

His words send a round of cheers from his men as two women and four men were dragged in, each of them suffering various cases of injuries bereft of their warm clothing shaking from the cold.

As the group of men and women were dropped on the floor hard Jarousek spoke while mustering a charming smile that could very well be passed as the smirk of a devil.

"Greetings I see you all are cold but do not worry we are got the perfect solutions for that we are going to sacrifice ourselves to warm up the lovely ladies."

********** Intense parts ahead, the reader may skip ahead into later and safe part of the story**********

Group quickly realized the horrible fate that was about to befall the girls of the group as they tried to struggle against their bindings as Jarousek grabbed the hair of the nearest woman as one of the men shouted out, "Release my wife or I will butcher you two pieces."

"Leave me or I will bite my tongue and kill myself."

Jarousek shrugged as he spoke, "Nobody dies by biting their tongue most importantly I will simply cauterize your wounded tongue."

The woman's husband tried to reach them as he shouted out, "Leave her alone.", only to be rewarded with a kick to the jaw.

As the woman screamed while whatever cloth she was wearing was torn by Jarousek as one of his men spoke out loud, "Boss I think he is jealous of us as such he is screaming so why don't we be the gracious host and let him clean his wife with his tongue after we are done."

Jarousek looked at him for a moment as a grin formed on his face as he spoke, "You know what I think you just earned the right to use her mouth first.

Both the women twisted and struggled but it was for nought their clothes were torn apart while the men got ready to penetrate them when the sound of something similar to a can dropping on the ground came to their ears, before they could understand their vision went white as their ears began to ring.

Jarousek shook his head and as his vision came to normal he was greeted by another flash and he knew no more.

Since the day the Apocalypse took place, Nina Cerna's life had gone from good to worse, she had at first felt relieved that the military had stepped forward to help them but then she saw the real face of greed and corruption, after the coup they had managed to flee to preserve their life and dignity, but many of her acquaintances and friends had failed.

She had seen new sights met with new beings but now everything will end, she was about to be raped by these degenerates, no matter how she struggled she could get herself freed from her strong grasp, she recoiled in disgust as one of them began fondling and licking her breasts, then her eyes widen with horror as another straightened up his genitals to penetrate her, while another held his near her mouth.

'I might be raped but I will make sure to make one of them eunuch here and now.'

She was about to bite off the person's genital off when the sound of a pair of cans hitting the ground came to her ears before they detonating with a bang, her ears were ringing, while her vision became white, but she came back to senses she found herself covered in the blood of her would-be rapists as they lay dead around her.

************ Okay safe to read from here on****************

Ryan stared briefly at the women who were forcibly stripped of their clothing by  rapists, as he mused inwardly, 'I do not have any clothes to cover them up, but for the time being let me free the male members of the group.'

Teenagers are hormonal, and with puberty hitting them hard they begin to take notice of the fairer gender, even more, Ryan was the same as any normal teen except for the fact he held them in much higher regard especially as he was practically raised by his aunt while being surrounded by the 'Black Wolves', as such instead of gawking at them he quickly made a beeline towards the bound male members of the group with the intent to free them.

'I hope being consoled by some friendly faces would do something good for them.'

As such he quickly freed them as he spoke out loud, "You all seem to lack some serious warm clothes especially the ladies so please quickly scavenge from the dead what you need and then those who are able to help me carry those bodies out so that I can cremate them."

Group were suddenly startled by his words not that he could blame them had to suffer from such horrifying ordeal and then they were saved by a man who was covered in ghillie, it was intimidating for them.

"Who are you?"

Ryan looked towards the one who had questioned him as he spoke, "We can introduce ourselves later on but at the moment, please get dressed properly or you would catch cold and in our situation it could be fatal."


Ryan raised his hand to stop the man from speaking as he spoke, "Mister I do not like being around dead bodies but if you all like then who I am to judge but at least try to dispose them before they turn to zombie."

His words seemed to draw one of the woman's attention as she shouted out in panic, "Get off me, get their blood off me."

While the other quickly held her as she spoke, "Big sister we are safe we are safe, we can clean the blood off of us, please calm sister.", she turned towards her brother-in-law as she spoke, "Big brother help me clean my elder sister."

With that, the woman and his brother-in-law quickly left to the privacy of the nearby room while Ryan sent a look of appreciation at the woman.

'I might not be an expert on psychology but the woman even after such a horrifying experience stood up to help her own sister, that shows immense strength.'

As his eyes then fell on the remaining three as he cleared his throat drawing their attention while he spoke, "Since they are busy then should you not tidy the place up, I think those two ladies would appreciate."

A few minutes later the bodies of the rapists were thrown outside in a pile, stripped of their clothing and all belonging, and not too gently by the trio as Ryan stood in front of the pile of dead bodies, he then clasped his hand in prayer as he began to recite his prayer out loud.

"The sinners who fell by my hand, I pray for them to be ferried to the Kingdom of the Goddess of Death,

I pray they be judged and punished for their sins, 

I pray they feel the torment of their victims, 

I pray to the God of Justice to relieve their victims of their pain,

I pray their loved ones to not cherish them, to hate them and despise them,

I pray for the eternal torment and damnation,

Never should they find rest, never should they receive mercy,

Let them suffer their victims' agony, their pain, their humiliation,

I pray their ashes to be scattered in the winds, Fire of Judgment."

As he finished reciting his prayer he touched his forehead with his middle and index finger before dragging down passing over his nose, while a small circle seemed to form over his forehead and then a bright golden orb of fire formed over his index finger which he threw towards the pile of corpses which immediately burst into flame and turned to ash.

As he turned towards the small house that the group had taken shelter he could easily spot the wariness and distrust in the eyes of the trio and he cannot blame it on them, after the ordeal when they had been caught and had been forced to watch helplessly an unknown person barged in slaughtering their captors, they might not have seen the fight because of the flashbang, but the aftermath was enough to send a shiver down their spine.

As Ryan entered he closed the door behind him as one of them tossed a few logs at the fire that was lit in the fireplace, it had become a bit dimmed but the fresh fuel made it roar with intense fury.

Ryan took a seat at the corner while the farthest was occupied by the trio and soon the rest filed in sitting near their group.

The two groups sat silently while the storm holed mercilessly outside and the temperature fell even more, and as a shiver went down his body Ryan stood up startling others as he changed his position to near that of the fireplace.

Upon sitting close to the fireplace, Ryan quickly removed his ghillie suit as he stored it inside his inventory as well as his tactical helmet and his facemask.

Nina watched Ryan closely and as she watched his face she was slightly amazed as well as saddened and the reason for it being Ryan's age.

'If I am not wrong he should not be more than fifteen years old and he was forced to slaughter people what has our world become.'

Her eyes then travelled towards Ryan's eyes as she recoiled at the sight, 'Those eyes is he human or a machine they are so cold and without any feeling, like some lifeless machine.', as the thought passed through her mind she could not help but blurt out loud.

"Are you human?"

Ryan did not even look away from the flame as he spoke, "No I am a Martian that came to earth to borrow some sugar from my next planet neighbor."

Nina blushed at his retort as her brother in law quickly spoke, "I am sorry, Nina can be a bit blunt sometimes seeing your eyes"

Ryan shrugged as he spoke, "No problem, you are not the first to recoil in fear and disgust because of how my eyes look and you will not be the last."

Nina's brother-in-law gave a wry smile as he spoke, "A where are my manners my name is Ondrea, the woman on my arms is my wife Olivia, the bald one is Jovan, the one with large moustache is Eugene, the younger one is Milovan, while the other woman is my sister-in-law and you have already heard her name."

Ryan simply tipped his head slightly as he spoke, "My name is Ryan, and it is nice to meet you all.", and while he spoke his brow twitched slightly as his quest updated, and he received a new set of instructions.


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