A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 121: The Siege of New Hope (part-5)

Chapter 121: The Siege of New Hope (part-5)

"Micha focus things like that happens in a battlefield, our first priority is dealing with our enemies."

Michalina bit her lisp as she spoke back with a growl, "I know major I know."

Ciara spared a glance towards the destroyed part of the wall before focusing on the enemy.

'I hope Ryan is alright.'

She watched at the rampaging beast in front of her, the beast that caused the destruction and she knew in her heart as long as it was alive they would fail as such she quickly relayed her next set of orders.

"Everyone focus fire on the big bastard, tear it apart at any cost otherwise we might not survive and any one of you turn back and run I will kill you myself."

The next few minutes turned into despair for everyone as no matter what they used it did not have much effect on the creature because of its iron armour.

The bullets bounced off no matter what kind it was or what kind of weapon it was fired from, the mortars were useless as were the RPGs that Ciara had Ryan make, and as the second passed a sense of despair began to settle in everyone's mind.

While the various attacks rained on it, the Iron Dragon was not bothered by it as it lazily strolled taking insight the of various threats on top of the already damaged wall, when one of the threats had dared to harm it came into its view, as such opening its jaw wide it bit into it hard destroying it.

Ravenna swore out loud as her auto-cannon was destroyed by the creature and with its destruction, she could no longer help those who were fighting hard, when a new set of orders came to everyone's ears.

"Focus on the other beasts, do not let them cross over and leave the big dragon to me, oh, and please note danger close so watch your fire."

The voice was unmistakable Ryan's and before anyone could react a screaming voice was heard and a few of them felt their heart stomach as they saw as screaming Ryan was being flung hard against the creature hitting it hard while barely being able to hold on to it.

A few minutes ago Ryan stood by Xuelong's side as he spoke, "Hey you are pretty strong right?"

Xuelong looked at him with a frown as she spoke with a nod, "Yes, I am."

"The creature is almost fifty meters from my position can you throw me at the creature."

Xuelong gawked at him as she spoke with disbelief, "Are you mad? Or did the explosion addle your brain too much."

Ryan immediately glared back at her as he spoke, "There is nothing of sorts but tell me can you do or not, my powers will be enough to deal with it."

Xuelong frowned hard as she spoke, "What if your plan fails? What if you fail to deal with the armor?"

With a serene smile on his face, Ryan spoke while pointing towards the sky reverently, "My powers are blessings from my God surely you are not suggesting that his blessings would fail, it is a Heresy."

Xuelong was stunned upon hearing that while Ryan gave him a mental pat on his back for a job well done, ever since the apostle business began, he had always wanted to say that to someone and now Xuelong provided him with the chance.

'Damn if only I could play it once more, the manliest game in the Universe, the game that even made women sprout out beards.'

Xuelong closed her eyes before she spoke in a sombre tone, "I will help you but if you die please make sure you do so quickly I do not wish to suffer another horrible nightmare."

Ryan snorted at his words as he spoke, "Please like you would survive the horde after I fall, the dragon would tear apart the wall and you all would be overwhelmed."

Xuelong let loose a loud bark of laughter before she spoke, "Then if it happens that you are about to die take down as many of the bastards surrounding you."

Ryan gave her a mock salute as he spoke, "Aye aye ma'am."

Xuelong closed her eyes as she spoke, "It will take a few seconds for me to get ready, if you wish to abandon the idea this is the last chance.", that she let out a deep breath while her body let out an orange glow.

Ryan looked towards the creature as his face went blank, 'This is the only way I can think off, the creature has to die, the weapons are meaningless as long as it has that tough armor and it seems unconcern about any attacks raining on it.'

Ryan closed his eyes as he offered his prayers to his patron God Avtis, 'My God if you are listening please bless me so that I can fulfill my quest and slay the dragon.'

With his prayer being finished Ryan took a deep breath he could feel his legs shake a bit as he mused with a bitter chuckle in his heart, 'I am stupid so stupid I am using a plan where if I miss everything is over, how stupid I am to fight against a beast who is over twice my level.'

"Are you ready Ryan?"

Xuelong's voice came to his ears which sounded a bit gruff as he spoke, "A second please.", that he quickly used his radio to relay his words to everyone.

"Focus on the other beasts, do not let them cross over and leave the big dragon to me, oh, and please note danger close so watch your fire."

Ryan took a deep breath as he spoke with a nod his eyes focused on his prey, "Yes I am ready and sister Xuelong please do not miss."

A grunt was heard as Xuelong gripped Ryan by the belt on his waist before she began to spin with him as an athlete does in the 'Hammer Throw' event of the Olympics.

Ryan's vision turned blur as he clamped his hand over his mouth to avoid throwing up, 'I made a huge mistake, is that how the hammer in the 'Hammer Throw' feels like, now I hate the sport.'

Were his last thought before he found himself rocketing towards the dragon fast, he barely had time to create a small shield before he slammed onto the beast.

He then quickly dispersed it as he held on to the many protrusion on the creatures back before he pales considerably as he spotted one of the spikes too close to his bits, so close that if he had move slammed onto the creature even a few millimetres lower than this spot he would have been castrated.

'I will have some choice words with Xuelong about this.'

Ryan then noticed something that made him extremely angry, 'Did it think I am so low of threat that it is not even bothered by the fact that I am clinging to it.'

He quickly climbed on top of the beast holding its many protrusions as he stood up on top of it he could clearly see the monster horde from top of the beast, as well as he got a clear view of the damage that the beast was wrecking on the wall.

'Damn I have to plug that hole on top of the door as well as repair the door itself, a few of the creatures have passed through the large hole by jumping through it.'

His thoughts came to a halt as one of the bullets came too close to him hitting the creature before breaking off and then embedding into his right shoulder making him nearly lose his grips.

Ciara had a look of horror on her face as she caught sight of her youngest landing hard on top of the beast, the beast that was currently well in midst of the rest of its godforsaken brethren and then the unthinkable happened Ryan got shot.

"Focus on the other beasts danger close, I repeat danger close and if I find whosoever shot Ryan I will kill him or her myself."

Michalina's anger-filled voice came to her ears as Ciara relayed her orders, "Focus on other creatures slaughter them and remember not to fire near the large Godzilla lookalike."

Ryan eyes became teary as the pain hit him full force, 'Damn it the runes on those bullets if only I had worn better armor.'

He quickly poked his finger through the bullet hole, and then using his power he vanished the shrapnel before ingesting another pill to heal him and within a minute his hand was as good as new, but then another problem arose as he could suddenly feel his hairs rise in a manner akin to that when someone feels they are near a charged piece of metal.

A horrible realization came to his mind, 'Is it going breath again?'

And his realization came to be spot on as the creature's mouth began to glow in a rather familiar manner, and Ryan did not waste any more time as he clambered towards the head of the creature as fast as he could.

Ciara looked at the glow forming in the mouth of the creature, mouth that was directed towards them as she shouted out loud, "Everyone run.", but her warnings were in vain as the hellish breath descended upon them for the second time since the starting of the battle.


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