A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 120: The Siege of New Hope (part-4)

Chapter 120: The Siege of New Hope (part-4)

A mage killer thumped its chest before lunging towards Dasyra who was busy dealing with another but before it could even reach her a large sword cleaved the creature in half before taking the head of the one Dasyra was dealing with.

As Dasyra sat on the ground trying to take a breather Xuelong was busy tearing apart the rest of the creatures that had climbed on top of the wall.

Michalina reloaded her gun as one of the ape-like creature dashed towards her as a severe headache struck her only for the creature to be cut down by Xuelong who in turn was being attacked by one from behind, Michalina would have warned her if not for the fact that Ryan got to the creature first beheading it, before the two apostles stood back to back as they thrust their sword to the right killing another two apes.

'That was really cool, specially brother who slid by Xuelong's side before he dealt with the one approaching from her behind, but how long will I have to deal with this thrice damn creatures, they headache they give makes me want to tear my brains off.'

Ryan took a deep breath, he was soaking wet from not only the blood but the amount of sweat he was sweating, yes he was physically fit in comparison to most, and yes he was way above level compared to many but still running around through the entire stretch of the wall while trying to make sure not to bump into someone or something thereby disrupting their work, but most importantly he was not confident that he would be able to hit any creature, that has climbed on to the wall, with his gun without hitting his fellow comrades.

As Ryan turned to look towards Xuelong he was stunned speechless at what he saw, most of Xuelong's body was covered by an armour that seemed to be made up of bright red crystal, and upon closer inspection, he found the ingredient that was used to create the armour.

'Is that blood? No way, the blood in her immediate surrounding is gathering up to form that wickedly cool looking armor, damn it looks so cool like that kind I would pay money to buy just the chaos such a dangerous terrifying looking armor would cause.'

Xuelong meanwhile felt someone intently looking at her as she such she quickly turned and came face to face with an almost drooling Ryan whose intent stare send shivers down her spine, as such she snapped at him with much heat in her voice, "What are you gawking at?"

As Xuelong's voice snapped out of his thoughts Ryan was by her side in an instant as he spoke in an overly excited manner, "The armor it is so cool."

An uneasy smile came to Xuelong's face as she spoke, "I know but it is something I get from being an apostle to my God, but should you not focus on the enemy."

With a sheepish smile, Ryan spoke again, "Ah you are right, but still your armor is too cool."

As Ryan dashed away Xuelong could not help but be flummoxed by the entire situation, 'What was that Ryan was complementing and drooling over my partially formed armor, the very same armor that many would call it as nightmarish, and yet Ryan was bouncing with joy upon seeing, huh he confused and crept me enough that I broke out of my semi-lucid berserker state.'

Meanwhile, back with Ryan, his eyes widen as he suddenly recalled something in the midst of battle, 'Wait a minute did I not receive the notification that my pistol has finished its upgradation and I have yet to see it.'

As such he quickly willed his pistol back into his hands which promptly appeared but what drew his attention was the small gauge that came attached to it.

'Interesting the gauge is placed just above the grip, and it is divided into four colors, with slices of white, yellow and red, though the green has the lion's share bigger than the other three combined with yellow coming a close second.'

As he stared at his gun, Ryan's mind was slowly being filled with various information regarding his latest inquisition and as he went through his newly acquired knowledge a lump formed in his throat, as he saw the needle in the gauge was situated in the yellow region, he pulled the trigger as the needle went into the green territory, he knew the closer to the red zone the great the impact would be but at the same time if he ventured into the red zone his gun would malfunction and would not be available to use for some time.

A loud roar came from the largest of the ape-like creature, that he had seen since the battle had begun, drew his attention especially since it seemed as if the creature was about to land on him as such he pointed his newly acquired 'Hand Grenadier', as he let go of his finger from the trigger, a pale blue orb shot out from the gun as the needle retreated back to the white area.

The pale orb impacted the ape detonating with such a fury that it vaporized the creature to the point that the only indication of the creature's presence was a blood-red mist that was dissipating fast.

'That is so cool, but unfortunately I do not have the time to admire it.', with that thought Ryan quickly rejoined the fight as he began firing at the creatures.

Hearing another shot fired from Nigella's gun Ryan quickly spoke through his radio, "Nigella the ammo for the special gun is limited not to mention the time it takes to fire another shot so please avoid being trigger happy and use it discreetly."

A groan was his answer that would have made chuckle if not for another roar of a familiar beast that Ylerias had warned them about but this time it was near and amidst the fire and screams and agony he spotted the creature, which was tall enough to reach the top of the wall easily.

Ryan's body trembled under its gaze as his throat dried up, his back was soon coated by his sweat while the weapons seemed to be too heavy on his hands, 'I am going to die, I have to escape, yes escape.'

His thoughts came to a grinding halt as he suddenly came face to face with Maralyn who held his hands tightly while her hand glowed with a purple colour light as she spoke, "Your Holiness please calm down, the creature is using a magic that is causing fear and panic please calm down."

The feeling of fear evaporated from Ryan as he blinked owlishly before he spoke with anger, "That thrice damned God forsaken creature how dare he.", he then turned towards Maralyn as he spoke with a smile, "Thank you Maralyn, you have saved something my honor today, I do not know what I would have done without your help."

"Please Your Holiness I was only doing my job and I am sorry to cut short but others will need my help as well."

With that Maralyn quickly left to dispel the fear-induced state of others who were present on top of the wall behind an angry Ryan who was cursing the beast in anger.

Ryan glared at the beast with immense hatred in his heart, 'How dare it used something that induced fear in someone, it would be embarrassing if I had fled I would have to kill myself to get out of that immense embarrassment, I hate skill like that even back when I used to play various RPGs those skills I would never be able to use properly yet others used to use on me and I would lose the match that was why I played FPS because there was nothing like that in those games, but for now I have a filthy creature to slay.'

His daydream was cut short as a panic-filled shout came to his ears, "It is breath attack."

Ryan's eyes widen as he saw the mouth of the beast was glowing with an ominous psychedelic colour glow, he traced the line of sight of the beast and he found it exactly centred on the wall that was on top of the gate, his pulse quickened as he saw many familiar faces on the line of fire.

'Not good they are in the way.'

Without even noticing his legs began to move as he ran towards the top of the gate hoping and praying to all deities that he would make it, hoping that he would be able to reach and somehow create something that would at least mitigate a portion of the attack as he knew from the energy gathered in the mouth of the creature, the wall will not survive.

The world seemed to slow down as Ryan chanted 'Please make it please make it, oh God please let me make it.', over and over in his head and the reason for it was simple Maralyn was directly in the line of fire and Ryan could not let the woman who had saved his life and honour, also nursed him back to health die, but alas no God listened to his request as he was a good few meters away from her when the beast let loose its breath.

Ryan watched with horror as not only Maralyn but a few including Nigella were caught in the blast as he felt flung back as his entire body screamed with pain and then his vision went black.

Meanwhile, back in Fort Genesis, tension was rising high even if they were a kilometre away from the wall, the lack of other lights outside or any form of pollution made it easier for the occupants to see the happenings on top of the bridge with a few using their knowledge commenting on the happenings on front of them.

"I know what I saw, that light was from phosphorus being burnt, the mortar round was being used with white phosphorus payload."

"But, Akhtar it is illegal to use phosphorus in weapons."

The man named Akhtar shook his head as he spoke, "Smoke grenades used by army contains phosphorus, not to mention it is not illegal per say to use phosphorus based weapons but it is highly frowned upon if used in civilian area because of the nature of damage, but upon saying that who is going to stop them when the world structure has itself collapsed."

Marcel paid half-hearted attention towards the discussion as his attention was completely spent on the happenings on the wall, his eyes widen he saw guns being fired and magic being used on top of the wall.

Marcel felt his wife's grip tighten as she spoke with fear in her voice, "What is happening? Did the beasts managed to climb up on the wall?"

Marcel did not have time to answer as one of his fellow watchers spoke for him, "Damn it, they have already climbed up the wall we are doomed the militia would be wipe and they"

As he began to hyperventilate a woman standing by her side swatted his arms as she spoke, "Those fighting out there are professional soldiers they will not lose to something like this so have some courage."

Her words seemed to be true, as with time more and more fights on the wall ceased as they previous momentum as the fight against the beast tide resumed as many let out a sigh of relief though it did not last long as with a giant explosion the top half of the gate along with a part of the wall above it blew apart.

A silence descended before chaos has again reigned amongst the watchers when suddenly Marcel a weight on his arms turning to look at cause she found Eleanora had fainted in his arms and he could not blame her, after all, he himself was feeling faint upon thinking the horrifying fate of his eldest and youngest.

Ryan blearily opened his eyes as he felt someone pulling him while frantically calling out his name, "Ryan, Ryan open your eyes Ryan."

A faint echo of someone's voice drew his attention as he was suddenly reminded of his current location, he was on a battlefield and the creature had just used its breath attack.

With a gasp, he tried to sit up only for his wounded body to protest making him gasp before he vomited blood.

"Here eat this.", a pill was shoved in his mouth as a cool sensation travelled down his throat Ryan felt his wounds closing and as he looked towards the speaker he found Xuelong looking at him with a grim look on her face.

"You were quite close when the attack hit but it was fortunate you fell on top of the wall where I could reach you."

Ryan gave her a grateful nod before he looked towards the devastation in front of him as he spoke hurriedly, "What about others? Where is healer Maralyn and Nigella, there were others present on the wall as well."

"I am sorry Ryan."

Those words made a lump form in his throat as he looked at the last spot where he had seen them before an immense anger rose in his heart as the tattoo on his face began to glow as it began to release smoke again.


Host emotion is unstable

Applying Emotional Control Measures in 3



Ryan took a deep breath to calm himself while the countdown stopped as the control measures disappeared as he had managed to control his emotions without any outside help.

"Xuelong what is the weakness of a Land Dragon."

As Ryan stood back up on his feet Xuelong spoke with a sigh, "Actually Ylerias was wrong from the roar it seems like a Land Dragon but in reality it is an Iron Dragon, which is an evolved form of Land Dragon."

"I see, so what are its weaknesses?"

"The Iron Dragon's outer body is covered in an Iron armor that is magically enhanced and any weapon or magical attacks are not working at all, if only it did not have that thrice damned armor on its body."

Ryan bit his lips as he sent a look that was a mixture of hopelessness and hatred towards the creature before he spoke again, "Can the iron of the beast used for something?"

"Yes anything made by using its iron is many times better than any normal iron products."

Ryan gained a malicious smile on his face as he spoke while rotating his shoulder, "I see I think it is time I kill a Dragon.", he then turned towards his fellow apostle who shivered at the maddening look on Ryan's face as he spoke, "Xuelong I have a plan."


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