A Story of Evil

Chapter 142: Uninvited Guest

Chapter 142: Uninvited Guest

"Everyone, I would like to have a few minutes of your time." The people on the castle grounds turned silent in that instant. All of them staring at the [Image Core] that floated in the air; giving them a live feed of King Jubilee.

"I know that all of you are aware of one fact, that the Culling was supposed to happen today." It was a fact, nobody has forgotten about the Culling. Not after all the years which passed that embedded the event into the very being of the citizens.

"We were supposed to send our children into a pit of hell. Forcing them to fight one another as if this was the natural state of our being. We would have seen treachery, deceit, brutality, hopelessness. We would have witnessed the worst of what a human could do to his fellow." King Jubilee said everything as matters of fact. Things which were undeniably true for everyone.

"We would've seen another change of ownership of the plantations, from the most bountiful up to the most desolate. We'd mourn the dead while the religious would simply call these poor souls as necessary sacrifice. In short, nothing would have changed."

The same feed being broadcasted in the castle grounds was also done so on all the domains. Of course this came with the agreement of the other monarchs who willingly agreed. Because if there was one thing they were sure of, it's that their citizens respected Jubilee more than them.

"All that nightmare ends today!" Jubilee stated. One which he needed everyone to realize.

"With the first day of the Culling almost over, we can finally place everything behind us. We can start anew! With a future full of hope for all our citizens!"

The people began cheering for king Jubilee. Not only within the Void but, across all the domains. Waking up the night, as if its darkness wasn't a cause to slumber. Nobody dared sleep on such an event.

However, fate was not that kind to them. Not to the same humans who have been robbed of a decent world to live in. The gears which Sol started was far from stopping. It continued moving, one and on. Taking away the rust from the bigger cogs that have long been forgotten. Whether this is for the best, whether this is for the worst they were far from realizing the whole truth.

But one thing was made clear that evening. That things were far from over as, lightning struck into the castle.

Suddenly all the festivity halted. There was a loud ringing that came after the boom of thunder and, smoke rose from within the castle. The guards immediately responded to this, running towards the scene and slamming the doors open. Yet they were only met by flames; coming from the center of the strike. The poor guards would've been burned if not for king Jubilee shielding them with a wall. Pushing them away and closing the doors shut as, the feed was then shared by the monarchs and whatever it was that came at that moment.

The people would've run away if not for the immense amount of fear and pressure they felt at that moment. Even though they were simply outside the castle, the people felt a strong bloodlust. Coiling itself around their bodies and paralyzing them.

Sol and Alice also waited. Taking up the role of protecting all of the price and princesses who were undoubtedly frightened. But Sol wasn't sitting idly by, he also activated his [Analysis]. Hoping that he could make sense of what was happening as he directed this skill to the enemy.

"I see that you humans have been playing house." The figure from within the smoke said.

Nova didn't waste any time. He released a torrent of green flames towards the direction of the voice. He wanted to end everything before their enemy could gain the upper hand. However, his attack proved to be futile as the silhouette simply raised his hand to chest level and, began absorbing all of the flames.

"Hey Jubilee." The fire king said. 

"Yeah. I'm working on it." The void king immediately replied, watching carefully just like everyone else as the figure finally dispersed all the smoke. Revealing a figure clad in black. His features covered by a long robe and a cloak which hid his face.

"What do you want from us?"

"For you to even assume that you can provide what I need, isn't that too bold of you human?"

The other monarchs were attempting another attack at that point. Waiting for the right time to release their spells. However, the hooded figure felt this stretching out both his arms and releasing a surge of lightning that covered the whole castle in a matter of seconds.

Even queen Electra was in awe at how much mana was used in the attack. The lightning wasn't just for show. It was thick, strong and, sharp. Something which would only be possible through the combined powers of a hundred lightning users.

Even the other monarchs noticed this. They noticed how the lightning was on a level that far surpassed what any human could create. This was all it took for them to realize who was at a disadvantage. It was them.

The enemy wasn't locked in with them. They were locked in with him.

"We have been keeping watch of you from afar. We've witnessed your despair and hopelessness; enjoyed it even. But now that you've gone against our will, there is no reason to hesitate."

"Who are you?" The void king asked. But this fell on deaf ears as the hooded figures simply continued speaking.

"One year. That is the amount of time you have to live. Not any longer than that nor any shorter. On this same day...on the start of the Culling, we will come to annihilate all of humanity."

It was only at this point that Jubilee took action. Activating his [Reverse Analysis] and breaking the whole prison of lightning. The monarchs didn't need any cue. They attacked as soon as the threat was disabled. But, just like everything else they did at that point, they were too late.

A few seconds too late.

The enemy flashed a blinding light on them and released an overcharged amount of electricity from its body. Jubilee focused all his power into stopping the lightning from hitting anyone. Both inside the castle and on the castle grounds. Meanwhile, Sol focused on protecting the sons and daughters of these same monarchs.

The attack lasted longer than they expected. A solid one whole minute of it being released. Laying waste to everything around it. Like a wild blade or the claws of a hungered bear. Ruin and destruction was all that it brought, creating a deafening amount of noise which scattered.

Everyone thought that they would die at that moment. They thought that it was the end for them and that, all hope was lost. Many citizens screamed desperately for help, yet the only thing that was offered to them was more of the lightning.

Another minute passed before this ended. A duration which almost seemed eternal as everyone waited for it. But as soon as it came, there was also a deafening silence, with a ringing in everyone's ear that was just as loud. Their eyes were slowly adjusting to the evening's darkness yet again.

Meanwhile, within the castle, Jubilee went down to where their enemy was. Or rather, where he should've been.

"Jubilee what happened? Where is he?" Nova mentioned, following the Void king who was still using [Analysis] on the surroundings.

"This is actually a perfect timing, why don't you smell the surroundings?"

"Smell the " Nova was familiar to all scents related to burning. He was a flame user after all. One who has burnt even his family members in order to ascend to the throne. Hence, he knew the smell of burnt corpses quite well. Something which his nose caught at that exact moment.

"He burnt himself?" Nova said with certainty but also with confusion.

"Yeah." Was all that Jubilee said as the other monarchs also went down the platform.

With the sudden rush of developments, the Void King decided to inform everyone at the same time. With the same [Image Cores] that were giving a live feed on all domains at that moment, Jubilee began to speak.

"This is definitely a declaration of war from our enemies! The first generation which I spoke to all of you about have begun making their move. They have invaded our land and have set a time for our deaths." Everyone was nervous of course but, with Jubilee speaking, the normal citizens were at least able to calm down a bit.

"I won't be mincing words. We need to hasten the development of our lands. Agriculture. Medicine. Technology. Weaponry. Military. We need to drastically improve all of this within the amount of time that creature has set. This is my second decree as the Supreme King." He faced all the other monarchs. They were still a bit confused but, allowed Jubilee to say what he pleased at the moment.

"We cannot continue this festivity for the moment. They ruined it for us so, let's pay them back in full. Let's destroy them and make the next Harvest Festival, one without any room for fear!"


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