A Story of Evil

Chapter 141: Final Night

Chapter 141: Final Night

The remaining days of the festival passed by quickly for Sol. With his head preoccupied by Jade's words, he was spacing out for a lot of days. Something which worried Alice who was almost always with him.

Yet Sol never told her the truth. He still kept it to himself. Thinking that this was the best course of action until he clears everything out.

With this they reached the last day of the harvest festival. No other problem was caused for the Void and, the symbolic evening was also marked by an event which the Void didn't need to worry about anymore. That is, the Culling.

On that very same day, the Titans were supposed to be deployed. Sent to another area chosen by the runes within Mercury. Yet none of that will happen anymore. Not with King Jubilee siphoning all the runes left by the Seraphims.

They were freed from the horror that came each and every year. They were freed from having to watch the hopelessness of fighting against those with powers. They were freed from the starvation brought by this same defeat.

That is why, on the last night of the Harvest Festival, a ball was arranged by the king. A grand one. Showing that even the Void was finally capable of such luxury. Everyone was invited to come and, the venue was none other than the castle grounds.

This event was made even more special by the fact that, the monarchs from every domain also joined the event. With their sons and daughters and, some of their knights tagging along. These were the only visitors allowed to actually enter the castle but, nobody minded this.

The ambiance on the castle grounds was, after all, heavenly. The smell of midnight roses mixed with the air. Together with this were the scent of plants which are freshly watered forming a calming sensation to the bodies of all those who breathed it in.

Lanterns floated everywhere. Suspended mid-air through the use of a wind core which blew regulated and controlled winds. This gave much needed illumination for everyone to see their surrounding clearly just enough of it. Blending well with time of day when the event was held.

Waiters served the people with appetizers. Meanwhile, a musical band was there to provide music. Using nothing but stringed instruments which created acoustic and mellow sounds. Completing the perfect vibe for the ball.

"This is quite the feast Jubilee." Queen Aqua said, wearing an evening gown of deep ocean blue. With the end of the long dress seeming like a real wave, flowing with her every movement. Her hair had soft waves of their own which made her look more stunning than she already was.

"I'm glad that it is to your liking." The king politely replied, with Queen Aqua shifting her attention to the young paladins. Standing at his sides.

As the king's personal security, the two only wore their uniforms as paladins. However, it wasn't like they disliked it. Alice for one preferred the black-clad attire more than any dress which, as she said, looked too "girly". A comment which Sol didn't understand because Alice was a girl.

Aside from their almost all black attire, the two had dark brown leather belts and dark brown leather boots. With the sole part made of pure steel in case they needed to give someone a good kick. Sol's hair was trimmed for the occasion while Alice had her long hair tied into a braid.

"So these are the infamous Titans who has won you the Culling. To think that I'd live to see the day that I'd meet you in person."

"It's a pleasure to stand in your presence your highness." Sol said, bowing down with Alice who followed his cue.

"My, and their conduct is also impressive."

"You're flattering them too much Aqua, anyway let's discuss about those water cores." King Jubilee said, walking away with the water domain's queen.

Aside from the paladins and king Jubilee, there was no other member of the Void present inside the castle at that time. Queen Lilia was supposed to be there but, because of a splitting headache she got from her husband, she needed to stay at her "nest". A term she uses to refer to a small thinking room she has for herself. One where stacks of papers and blueprints are piled up, with Lilia using them as a makeshift foam in order to sleep.

Meanwhile, Sol and Alice watched the fierce competition of the sons and daughters of the monarchs. They freely interacted with each other and, wore clothes as extravagant as their parents. The paladins didn't even need to get close in order to understand that, each spoke of their accomplishment.

"I have the strongest blue flame amongst my siblings."

"I've learned the art of war from an early age."

"I've mastered the short sword when I was ten."

All the achievements they spoke of were heightened in greatness. All in order to assert that they are better than everyone else. This group of princes and princesses believed each other's words at face value. Making them look even more stupid than they already were.

Sol and Alice however knew that everything they said were bluffs. Alice couldn't help but smile a bit from this while Sol refrained himself from doing so. It was just the right entertainment they needed in order to escape boredom.

Unfortunately, a prince from the lightning domain was able to catch Alice's smirk. Without any achievement of his own, he needed to shift everyone's attention to something else. And so he spoke:

"Hey, what are you smiling about?" The other children of the monarch followed his eyes. Also wanting to break away from the conversation of fake achievements that they were each slowly losing.

"Forgive me my lord, I just remembered an old joke and couldn't help myself from smiling." Alice said, remembering to act courteous when speaking with the nobles.

"Well how about we hear it then?" The lightning prince, Zap, ordered.

The kings and queens were too busy with their talk to notice this. All they saw were their children huddling together without any actual trouble being brewed. Adding to the fact that, they were also busy adoring the castle of Jubilee while enjoying the company of their fellow monarchs.

Meanwhile, Alice finally had a crowd in front of her. A sizable one with the discriminating stares of silver-spooned and prideful braggarts.

"Forgive me sir but, it is a joke made in the slums so I doubt you would get the humor." Alice furthered, her smile remaining on her lips.

"Are you saying that we're dry and humorless persons?" Zap concluded.

"Yeah, who are you to tell us that we cannot understand commoner jokes?" Another prince added.

"Oh I never mentioned anything about your comprehension being low." Alice said in reply, her voice still being respectful.

"What did you say?"

Sol wanted to step in but, he knew Alice could handle herself pretty well. Normally she is a hothead but, when it counts, she could also keep her temper. Maintaining the smile on her face face. And with her temperament being this way, Sol knew that there was no way Alice would be cornered.

"I am sure that you are all pleasant beings who have been well educated. However, I'm sure that you aren't well versed when it comes to human intestines, cutting of body parts and eating of insects. How juicy an eye is when you use your fingers to gouge them out."

Alice began saying a litany of her firsthand experience as a thief. Making sure that her words were as vivid as possible. Making the nobles feel their legs giving up on them as Sol simply watched at the side with a smile on his face.


"However, if you still wish to hear the joke, I'd be more than happy to say it right now."

"No thank you."

"Yeah I think we've had enough." Zap said, backing away with his face flustered red. Humiliated, without having any reason to get angry at Alice.

"That was a very smooth play." Sol said, grinning at his partner whose smile was never withdrawn.

"I learned from the best." Alice said in reply; referring to Sol.

There was another reason why Alice needed to keep her temper. The main event for the evening was yet to come. She wasn't going to be the cause for it to be ruined. Not after all the hard work exerted by everyone just to reach that point.

Besides, this same event was about to start. With the lights finally dimming out, taking everyone by surprise as they began speaking among themselves. In low and almost inaudible sounds.

Within the castle grounds, three image cores appeared. All of these flashing what was happening inside the castle at that very moment. With the focus none other than King Jubilee himself.

The Void king floated from among the other monarchs. With this same power, he began lifting the other monarchs to the air. Not in any careless or aloof manner but, in a way which almost seemed like the other kings and queens also knew how to fly. The display didn't last long however as, king Jubilee made them all land on the top of the long staircase.

Standing in the middle was the Void King himself. Each monarch had an air of dignity surrounding them, one which demanded respect. And the people did. They kept quiet, waiting for Jubilee who began speaking at that moment.


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