A Story of Evil

Chapter 139: A Warning

Chapter 139: A Warning

As soon as the green flames lighted up in the sky Sol and Alice got an idea of who was in the domain. There were, after all, only two known persons who wield the green flames. And since it was unlikely for King Nova to visit the Void, both of them came to the same conclusion. Thus they left Miss Olivia to herself and ran towards the direction of the flames.

"First Hendrickson and now Jade? Do they miss us that much?"

"Well, for one ting he's not the type to be flashy about his powers. I'm sure there's something that happened there." Sol explained.

"Yeah you're right about that."

Both of them had a good idea what probable places would be in the spot of the fireworks. Just like the earlier deduction they made, they also realized that there was only one place where he could actually be. That is, the festival marketplace.

However, even before they could reach far, they already encountered the person in question. Holding food with both hands placed in disposable containers and, speaking with Eve who walked beside him.

"Ah there they are." Eve said recognizing Sol and Alice who just appeared and pointing at them.

"So its you guys huh." Jade said, a bit surprised that the little girl was connected to the paladins.

"What was with that display of green flames?" Alice asked right away as the two groups stood at talking distance.

"Did something happen?" Sol further inquired.

"Well, I just wanted to test out if it could be seen in the morning." Jade said in reply. Lying so that Eve will not get embarrassed by what happened.

"Honestly man you're gonna get us in trouble. You know we're in the middle of a festival right?" Alice rebuked.

"Don't worry about it too much. Let's just get back and have our snack." Sol said, knowing that Jade was intentionally hiding something. And that, it wasn't something that could cause any harm.

With this, Jade was able to get one of his objectives done. It wasn't in the proper order since he has yet to see King Jubilee yet, it was fine for him nevertheless. Thinking that it wasn't possible for him to get near a person of such a high standing right away.

The group went back to Miss Olivia who waited patiently for them. Already setting up the blanket she brought and placing it over the freshly trimmed grass. Ones which were only able to grow because the land has been cleansed of impurities.

Hungry, Eve ran towards her mother. With the food she was holding being transferred to Sol as Alice ran after the child.

"Sol, there's actually something I need to tell both of you." Jade suddenly spoke in a deep and serious tone.

"You sound a lot like we're gonna get ourselves in trouble."

"Maybe. I'm hoping not."

Eve and Alice waved at them. Motioning for the two to walk a bit faster which they did.

"Let's talk about it after we eat." Sol said, waving back with a smile on his face. With Jade agreeing as they finally reached the Miss Olivia and the girls.

One by one, they spread the food placed on their containers. With cheese dipped treats; the yellow substance melting even at that moment, Then there were caramelized apples; having a kind of candy like shine which made it an enticing treat for children. There were also ham sandwiches, pilled together with tomatoes and lettuce, and a slice of cheese. Aside from these are fruits and a few pieces of appetizing bread.

The group ate heartily; delighting themselves in the mix of tastes that went inside their mouth. Savoring the food and enjoying the moment. With people passing by from time to time, also in a lighthearted and happy demeanor.

Minutes passed by quickly and, soon enough the group was finished with their meal. Eve in particular slept soundly on her mother's lap. Unable to stay awake after having her tummy filled with so much food.

Alice on the other hand, began cleaning up the spot. Placing the trash together in order to dispose of them. This was the perfect chance for Jade to make his move; nodding at Sol as the boys decided to move away.

"What? Are you going to leave all the cleaning to me?" Alice complained, thinking that Sol and Jade had something fun in mind.

"Well it's only fair right? I'm the one who paid for the food after all." Sol said, cornering Alice who finally realizes her fate.

"You little...fine! I'll remember this day Sol." Alice said in defeat.

Jade and Sol immediately left. With Jade specifically asking Sol if they could go to a public area with no persons nearby. Sol said that this was a "strange request to make" but nevertheless followed. With the two of them going to a cafe, far away from the main areas of the harvest festival. There were tables set just outside the cafe itself, allowing them more room to converse without having to worry about being heard by the employees of the shop.

The sides are filled by nothing but plants. Freshly watered, with flowers growing as a sign of gratitude for their constant care. Trees also grew from every side of the shop, cushioning the sounds of the busy streets and giving a calm that cannot be disturbed.

"This place usually has a lot of customers. But because of the festival it's almost an empty shop for the whole day." Sol explained, with Jade looking around and making sure that there was really nobody nearby.

"Dude if you want to act secretive about this then you should stop looking around ever so often. Just relax, we're only here for a cup of coffee okay?" Sol said, ordering from the waiter who wrote down what the two needed.

"Just making sure." Jade said.

"Right. So what is it that you need to tell me about?"

"It's your king. I want you to be careful around him."

Suddenly, there was nothing but silence, Not even the blowing of the wind on the trees dared disturb this silence. Jade was simply staring into Sol's eyes and, the genius did the same. It was like time was frozen in place. Until the waiter finally came back, placing the ordered coffee on the table. And just as this person went back to the shop, Sol began asking.

"Jade, I'm not a person who can be easily swoon over." Sol held his cup of coffee, without any added milk or sugar. Just the way he wanted it. The boy took a sip and placed it back on the table before speaking again.

"Unless you can explain what you meant by that, I'll have to cut ties with you."

It would be an understatement to say that Sol admired King Jubilee. The boy idolized this figure to the point of almost worshiping the king. Everything that the Void King did. All the methods he used. All the plans that he put into motion as well as, all the hope he brought. These weren't things that Sol could simply disregard. Not after he has taken an active part in all of it staying right beside the king through thick and thin.

"I knew it might come to this. You see my green flames, no, my flames in itself are living inside of me. My passive skill [Living Flames] not only regenerates my body and my mana through the use of fire but, also has a strange function." Jade held the cup of coffee with both his hands. Feeling the gentle heat being emitted by it.

"The flames inside my body either get warm or turn scorching. That all depends on who I focus on at a moment. Making it possible for me to use it even in a crowd."

"So when the king showed up during our mission, is that when you used it?" Sol said, able to piece together the information.

"Yes. I focused it on him and, I didn't get any kind of warmth. Not even a tiny kindled fire. It was the first time my body turned cold; sub-zero cold Solomon. That is the reaction my flames gave towards your king." Jade said, without any hint of lies in his voice and in his eyes.

"I believe you." 

"Really?" Jade said, surprised by how quickly he was able to turn Sol to his side.

"Yeah. But just on some parts."

"Some parts?"

"I used one of my skills on you right now. One which lets me see through a person's data."

"So you saw the passive?"

"Of course. However, there's no information on that coldness which you felt meaning either one of two things. One is that King Jubilee is an isolated case or, you're trying to defame the king."

"Sol, I know that it's hard to believe. But think about it. I'm sure you've also noticed some shady things done by the king."

At that moment Sol's mind raced through everything connected to the king. He remembered how the pregnant woman was squashed flat without any hesitation. He remembered how things were kept from him on purpose. And, he remembered the reminder of the woman in the library. How the king has been stacking up lies right at his face.

"I won't force you to believe." Jade said, drinking from the whole cup at one go and finishing his coffee.

"But, you should try using that same skill on the king. Then you can see if I'm lying." He said, standing up and taking his leave. Finished with the mission he set for himself in the Void.


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