A Story of Evil

Chapter 129: The League of Thieves

Chapter 129: The League of Thieves

The harvest festival is scheduled for a whole week. With this, king Jubilee also decided to be the first to allow other citizens to enter his domain. Permitting any and all types of citizens to go inside the Void domain. Something which stirred up the other nine domains once again as, the monarchs had no choice but to quickly set up temporary ground rules in order for citizens to leave their domain and take a visit to the Void.

Of course the number allowed per day was still controlled. Ensuring that the Void would not swarm with too many people. However, soldiers and guards still needed to be more vigilant. Ensuring that no harm will come to the visitors and, to their own citizens.

Sol and Alice were placed into this division. However, they acted independently. Not being bound by the same rules set by the king on every other soldier and military force. Hence, Sol and Alice stood on top of the wall dividing the slums and the nobles. Watching small waves of people move, categorized by the color of cloak they wore.

"So far nobody seems suspicious." Alice said, using binoculars to have a closer look.

"It's not the outsiders we should be worried about Alice. It's those inside our own domains."

"Yeah you're probably right. Knowing the people in the slums, they'd surely try and steal from the rich nobles who also came to pay a visit."

It was already the third day of the festival. Sol and Alice weren't even able to enjoy their rewards that much as, they went back to work right away. Yet they weren't complaining. Both of them felt more alive in the field and, although their one day of rest was much appreciated, they still loved being up and about rather than just staying idle.

"MY LORDS!" A soldier shouted from down the wall, making Alice jump from on top which surprised the soldier even more. It was a solid thirty feet wall after all. What he didn't see however was the rope which Alice was actually pulling. Already tied to a pillar on top. Allowing her to swing down which was faster than using the elevator or the stairs.

"MY LOR " Alice covered the mouth of the soldier immediately.

"We already heard you the first time dumbass. Don't shout like that you're gonna make the people panic." Alice said in a low voice, motioning for the soldier to look around him.

Sure enough there were eyes that focused on them. Most with a look that suggested they were a bit frightened. With parents even holding tightly to their children making sure that they would not be put in harm's way.

"Forgive me my lord." The soldier immediately said. Bowing down before continuing his report.

"It's just that we have two visitors who are causing a ruckus in the slums."

"Well that's bad news." Alice said as she watched Sol finally finish descending down the elevator.

"What's the situation?" Sol asked right away.

"A steel user with a giant chainsaw blade and his attendant are causing trouble my lord." The soldier reported in deep and rugged breaths. Entailing that he ran as quickly as he could.

"A chainsaw sword?" Alice looked at Sol nervously and, there was no doubt in Sol's mind as he gave a sigh.

Both paladins knew of only one person who'd wield such a weapon. And judging by this same individual's personality, Sol and Alice knew that he was the type to cause commotion wherever he went. Especially in a place such as the Void's slums.

"That's Hendrickson right?" Alice whispered.

"Definitely Hendrickson." Sol said in reply.

"What do we do?" The soldier asked, with a look of nervousness written on his face.

"Get us to him, we'll take care of the situation." Sol assured, patting the shoulder of the soldier whose face finally gleamed hope.

"Understood my lords."

The soldier gave the location to his superiors. With both Sol and Alice being basically street rats, they knew every landmark and every street within the slums. Thus, with only the mention of the place, the two immediately went off. Giving the soldier the instruction of guarding at the top of the wall momentarily in their stead.

"What stupidity do you think is running through that big oaf's head this time?" Alice remarked.

"I'm not sure. But he's definitely gonna get himself in trouble if things continue like this."

Sol and Alice jumped from roof to roof and ran through the small alleyways. They made sure to avoid the paces where a lot of people would notice them. Primarily because they didn't want to raise any alarm. Not with the festival still on its third day.

They continued moving and, soon enough they saw two hooded figures running the opposite direction to where they were headed. Alice recognized their movements and their attire right away. Moving so as to restrain them and, with Sol following her.

The hooded figures didn't hesitate. They brought out their knives and tried to slit the necks of the paladins. Yet both Sol and Alice were no amateurs. Not after all the real battles they went through.

Alice held the arm of her assailant. The same one which was holding on to the knife. Dodging to the side as she gained some footing on the roof. Putting all of the force of the assailant against him as, the paladin threw him to the ground. Making him crash to a pile of garbage as the girl went down to follow through.

Meanwhile Sol was a bit more subtle in his attack. He ducked down and grabbed the edge of the cloak. Pulling it up just as quick so as to take away his opponents vision. He then swept the feet of his enemy. Making him lose balance as he met the same fate as his partner in crime. Crashing down to where Alice and her prey already were.

The hooded figure began groaning in pain as Sol pointed his sword on this person's neck.

"Yours is still alive?" Alice asked, as if sure that hers was already dead.

"Yeah. I figured your guy would be knocked out with how you dealt with him." Sol said in reply.

"Sorry. Just a force of habit. The League of Thieves is a rowdy bunch after all." Alice said, confirming Sol's hunch on the identity of their assailants.

"What are you doing Alice? You are going against the bylaws of the league." The thief said in a confident voice. With Alice coming close to him.

"Oh shut up Bodur. The league is already disbanded. Go get a life."

"The League of Thieve will never end we will " Alice punched the thief in the face finally knocking him out cold as his nose bled.

"Was that really necessary?" Sol asked.

"No. But he was getting on my nerves."

"Right. Getting on your nerves." Sol said, remembering that he needed to be a bit kinder around Alice.

"Well at least we know what Hendrickson is facing."

"Yeah no doubt." Alice said as the two restrained the thieves and continued to their destination.

With the domain continually getting better, there was no room for thievery anymore. In fact, with the slum dwellers finally getting humane treatment from the government., crime rate connected to stealing rapidly went down. With a lot of other illegal activities also going down along the way.

However, there were those who refused to end their nightmare. They refused to act like normal citizens. Staying true to their ways. Like an addiction which has entered their very bloodstreams.

Part of this are some members of the League of Thieves. The group itself was already disbanded yet, there were those who carried on its banner. And because Alice already knew of their hideout, these remaining members had to consistently be on the run. Changing hideouts one after the other. Not having any permanent location.

"Hey if you think about it, this is like a family reunion right? A very dysfunctional family that is." Sol commented.

"Seriously Sol?" Alice said, her eyes squinting.

"What? I think it's a good pun. I placed a lot of consideration while formulating that."

"You formulate a pun?" Alice asked, still a bit irritated with her partner.

"Not really, that was also a pun." Sol said, smirking and making Alice smile along the way.

"Look, I can feel you're getting a bit too tense for your own good. I know that you have a lot of bad memories with them and that, they made you do some very despicable things. But we're gonna get through this Alice. You have me and, I won't let anything bad happen to you." Sol furthered, flashing the warmest smile he could offer.

"Couldn't you have just said that from the start?" Alice said, blushing from the remark. With her cheeks flushed.

"I could but that would take away any room for my pun." Sol said again.

The boy was right however. Alice was not comfortable confronting the league of thieves. That is why the king didn't put her in the division in charge of capturing them. But there was no escaping it that time.

As if fate itself wanted it to happen, Alice was about to confront her old demons. And while thinking about these things. They heard a loud boom nearby. Speeding up their movement to try and control the situation.


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