A Story of Evil

Chapter 128: Rightful Rewards

Chapter 128: Rightful Rewards

"Sol hurry up we're gonna be late!" Alice remarked, wearing her uniform from when she was in the domain expansion team.

"And whose fault do you think that is genius?" Sol said, also donning the same set of clothing.

They tried their best to look formal for the event. Even fixing their hair before they left. But all of that didn't matter as the wind was running in the opposite direction. Hitting them as they rushed towards it nevertheless.

"This isn't any time to argue." Alice commented.

"Says the one who started it." Sol remarked as the two continued in a hurried pace.

Within the ten domains, a lot of talk was going around especially after King Jubilee finally announced what happened in the meeting with him and the rulers from the other domains. Stating that, he was the King of Kings, and the Monarch standing on top of every other monarch.

Unsurprisingly, the other domains took this well. With only a small portion of the population being displeased with this announcement. Specifically, those who were hell bent in having powers hated him. But that was before the things that king Jubilee said next.

After announcing and demonstrating his powers, there was not much conflict left. Everyone gladly accepted Jubilee's role in the ten domains.

Meanwhile within his own domain, King Jubilee finally held the ceremony for Solomon, Alice, and Queen Lilia. With citizens from both the outer and inner wall gathering at the site of the event.

It was a cumulative festivity. With the king ensuring that the first ever harvest festival of the Void would be scheduled during that time.

"How can we be late for our own awarding?"

"We're not going to be late. Just keep running and we'll manage."

Banners hung on top of houses in bright colors. Various candies and pastries were offered to both young and old. With stalls of these being abundant in the event. With candy apples, and mango pies. With blueberry cakes as well as chocolate ones. With other caramel coated fruits. With cotton candies and many more.

"Alice you can eat later. Come on!" Sol said, tugging his partner who was tempter to stop in the midst of the sweets haven.

A marching band together with trained animals and clowns also passed by the streets. Firing confetti after confetti. While also loudly making lively beats and tunes to which both young and old danced to.

People also soaked themselves in water showers.

This was the liveliest the domain has ever been and, they had a reason to of course. In fact, they had a lot of reasons. First of all, they finally won in the Culling. After years of humiliation and defeat, the Void came out on top and, in an overwhelming victory.

Then there was King Jubilee's introduction of the [Core Seals]. Making soil rich and arable. Cleansing the air. And also providing clean water. Together with these was the king providing enough electricity for the whole Domain.

Next there is the harvest which finally began getting bountiful. The people had to wait for these to be ripe of course. Yet this wait was considerably short compared to the seeming eternity they had to spend without any proper food.

Then there were the recent victories. The expansion of the lands. The setting up of the barrier. The warding away of monsters. And lastly, King Jubilee's rule over the ten domains.

Nothing could compare to the festive spirit that was present at that time. And, nothing would probably be ever to do so. That is why it was of utmost importance to arrive on time. Something which the awardees themselves were struggling with.

"BIG BROTHER! BIG SISTER!" Eve shouted, waving from a distance and making the two knights turn to her.

"THIS WAY!" She continued, with the two following the child's lead. Despite her appearance, Eve actually memorized all the streets in the inner walls. Allowing her access to all the proper shortcuts which the two followed.

Into thin alleyways. Up a flight of stairs. Eve guided the two through the sea of people. Making sure that they would not be stuck in the human traffic.

The girl was successful in fulfilling her duties. Making the two jump through a window. Alice and Sol each grabbed to a banner, swinging down as one by one they removed the triangular banners from its string. Landing in the middle of the stage, with people screaming and cheering in praises.

"That's quite an entrance you've got there." Colonel remarked, with Onyx chuckling beside him.

In front of the wide stage was King Jubilee and Queen Lilia. Both of which offered their hands to the orphaned knights who dashed to grab it.


The people continued shouting even more. Creating tremors in its intensity. With fists being raised to the air as the names of both Sol and Alice were being screamed.

"Sol, why does this feel scarier than monsters?" Alice said with her voice shaking.

"I don't know, feels pretty normal to me." Sol said, smirking at the girl who got pissed off right away.

"Oh I wish I could claw out your passive right now."

The crowd continued screaming their name over and over again. Saying both "SOL!" and "ALICE!" joyfully until the crowd was finally shushed. With the king also raising his hand to the air.

"Everyone, I know that this has been long overdue. But like I said, I will take you out of your nightmare. That comes true today!"

It was finally the moment which both Sol and Alice longed for. To trod the path of knighthood and serve the purposes of the king. Bringing a better future even for those whose fate seem to have been sealed.

"We still have a long way to go. There are still a lot of reforms that needs to be done. Nevertheless I know that all of this is possible with all of us working hand in hand. With all of us working towards the same purpose of creating a better Void!"

Genuine smiles were on the peoples faces. They looked at both Sol and Alice with reverence and, also held the same for the king and queen. Nobody dared destroy the festive activity. Nobody dared rob the people of their happiness.

"I know that a lot of you here want to continue making merry so I won't be taking much of your time." King Jubilee announced with both Onyx and Colonel walking up, each holding up a black box.

"We have never held a ceremony to honor our champions because there has never been any. We have no reason to award medals of honor because we have never gone to war. But these two have accomplished both these things and more. For that don't you think they deserve the highest of honor?"




These were the screams of the people. Approving the awarding that was taking place at the moment. With the general populace agreeing washing over the voices of discontent made by some high nobles.

King Jubilee finally ordered the boxes to be opened at that point. With each containing three medals stacked. The design had a dragon in the middle. The insignia of the king's household and, the black linings mixed with the pure silver design made the medals something every Void would want. The dragon's eyes as well as its middle scale had bright purple diamonds embedded on it. Making the creature look alive. As if it could get out at any second.

King Jubilee and Queen Lilia backed away a few steps. With Solomon and Alice placing themselves in a half-kneel position. Their heads bowed down in respect to the monarchs. The crowd also turned silent at that point. Not wanting to ruin the most sacred part of the ceremony.

"Solomon Pendragon and Alice Pendragon. For the services you have rendered to the Void Domain. For all the accomplishments you've made and all of the sacrifices you had to offer for the sake of the greater good, I offer you the highest honor I could grant." As King Jubilee said this, Queen Lilia began placing medal after medal on the two. With her own awarding already being finished before the two even came.

"I raise your ranks to Paladins." Jubilee furthered, shocking the crowd which began whispering among themselves.

The only paladin who ever existed in the Void died a few years ago. He also the last Grand Knight, a seat which has been left empty ever since he disappeared. And, although Sol and Alice's status wasn't exactly the same given to this knight, it was nevertheless close in reverence.

Through this rank, Sol and Alice were also effectively in the same league as the nobles. With houses and properties and attendants being part of the title. They weren't informed of this beforehand so, both of them were actually surprised.

"You are from this day forth, the youngest knights and the youngest paladins. The orphans who bear the king's last name. The conqueror of the Culling. The sole awakeners of the SEED. You are the present and future of our land." Jubilee proclaimed, with his sword's blunt side being placed on Sol and Alice's shoulders, one after the other.

"Now rise and face the people." With this the two finally stood up and, King Jubilee gave both one last pat on the shoulder.

"I'm proud of both of you." He said, pushing them forward as the cheers of the people once again shook the area.

On that day. Solomon Pendragon and Alice Pendragon, became the Void's beacon of hope.


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