A Soulsborne's Traveler System

Chapter 24: A Travelers Resolve

Chapter 24: A Travelers Resolve

When I decided to commit jolly cooperation with Solaire I realized something I had been missing out on. I don't have to struggle alone, I'm not the only person in Lordran after all. I could ask for help from other ''people''. And now that I decided to give my skills a little polish before ringing the first bell of awakening, how about I ask for some actual formal swordsmanship training?

And who better to ask than a veteran? ''Heyyy, Gerald if my memory serves me right(it doesn't most of the time) you were a swordsman right?''

''I... Do not remember ever mentioning this to you but yes, I was a swordsman before I decided to hang up my sword and settle down here. Why do you ask?''

''Oh, perfect! You see I'm kind of dogshit at sword-fighting. And I thought maybe... You could teach me.''




''Hah, hah, hah! Do you truly desire a useless and broken fool of a warrior who gave up on his duty to teach you swordsmanship?'' Weirdo.

''I mean... Yeah? How does you giving up even factor into this? I know full well the horrors that dwell in Lordran and I don't blame you or anyone else for giving up on the Fate of the Undead. After all, you either have to be completely mad or hollow to challenge a seemingly indomitable unknown.''

Damn now I feel kind of embarrassed because it's starting to feel like an inspiring speech. Whatever just roll with it, John.

''Besides, I wouldn't really consider you useless. After all, you yourself try to at least help others even though you have given up. Which is miles better than our resident cleric stooge. And even when you try to put others down and discourage them, you don't do it out of spite but rather out of mercy.''

''And even if you don't believe I can accomplish it and discourage it. I won't give up. Even if you think I'm a fool I'd like to be a fool that tries than a sage that never does. So Gerald, will you at least help me stand a chance?''

I seriously want to crawl into a hole in the ground, that was so embarrassing. But when he heard my words he actually gave me a rare genuine smile that wasn't laced with self-depreciation but rather the slightest trace of hope.

''You... You really are deranged aren't you?''



Your mind is twisted and irregular.


-Increases your mental resistances


''Objectively so, I wouldn't be standing here talking to you if I weren't.''

''Heh, that's true. Alright, I guess it's time to stop moping around while sitting on my ass all day and do something isn't it? I will try to impart to you what I know about swordsmanship. I was no slouch before I became crestfallen you know? Although I might be a little rusty I am still better than a novice. Don't go thinking I'll go easy on you.''

''I wouldn't have it any other way.'' We started with him giving me a lesson about stances and showing me some proper ones which I had close to no idea about. Gerald was a surprisingly competent teacher. He was patient, clear, and concise. He also taught me how to better align my edge in the heat of the situation.

Which in all honestly was basically all situations in Lordran.

After getting the basics down we got into the actual meat of things. It was time for sparring. And needless to say, I got my ass beat like a drum.

The difference between our stats wasn't that large and relying purely on swordsmanship alone I was quickly overwhelmed. Every one of my hits were either blocked, parried, or evaded altogether.

Now, sure I could probably beat him with relative ease if I went serious and abused my skills but this wasn't about winning or losing. This was about raising my swordsmanship in the most efficient way. And for that, I don't mind getting beat much.

We spent hours and hours sparring. With each spar, I was getting better as my proficiency increased. Sure the training was hellish since we, as undead needed little to no break other than to recover our stamina. Even if one of us were to get injured there was a bonfire next to us to recover.

We spent at least a few days training. I say that because there isn't really a proper way to tell the time in Lordran. Even the sun itself is inconsistent here. Sometimes it will be daytime for what seems like days then suddenly it goes from midday to night in like an hour.

The world is truly going down the shitter, isn't it? I wouldn't give it more than a few years before Gwyn truly burns out. Now one might think Gwyn's fading would directly lead into the age of dark and men but that might not be the case.

Gwyn disturbed the cycle of nature. His age of flame is unnatural and must either be snuffed out or prolonged. I would compare his age of fire ending versus snuffing it out, to stopping a damaged car by either parking it or letting it break down fully.

One might be salvageable as the cycle would probably slowly fix itself over time. But I don't know what will happen if Gwyn's age of fire ends without interference. It may just end up as the age of dark but I don't want to take the gamble. So on top of everything I also have a time limit.

While a few years may seem like a long time especially considering the fact that I have a system. But taking into account the limitations of the undead with the stat cap of 99 per it looks pretty intimidating. After all, it took me more than a few months to defeat the Asylum Demon.

The Asylum Demon who is pretty low on the food chain.

Even if I get my stats to 99 I will still be outclassed by the lords. My skills are the only ladder to bridge the gap between the raw power.

But what happens when the gap is too big?

How far could I even go?

I want to see it.






...I don't know why I keep challenging the world...

From an objective standpoint; Why should I even care about the fate of the undead? It's not like I am the only undead in the asylums. In fact, I know but didn't want to acknowledge it but Solaire is fully capable of fulfilling the role of chosen undead with some help.

After all, he did it in one timeline.

So why am I trying to challenge fate still?

Instead of torturing myself, I could relax and just act like an NPC, so why don't I? I keep pushing myself with the idea of the chosen undead even though I don't need to so then why?

What am I doing in Lordran?

Why am I doing this?


I want to get stronger.

I never want to feel the helplessness I felt in the Undead Asylum ever again.

(''/You blindly follow a path set for you by the gods like a pathetic slave because you know./'')

Because I didn't know.

I didn't know what I should do.

What I wanted to do.

But now I think I have a small idea.

I want to find that reason.

I want to see how far I can go.

How far I will be able to go.

Then maybe, by the end, I will find something... a reason...

Alright then, It's time to level up. I have collected a massive sum of souls and have not died in a while. And I think I will level something I am lacking in.


Solaire showed me how powerful miracles can be. And that was without the system. I already know useful miracles can be thanks to the heal spell. I can also cast them without a talisman. And the system makes up for their lack of malleability.


[Souls: 58,090] [Humanity: 3]

[Soul level : 33] -> [Soul level : 40]

{Vitality : 16 }

{Attunement : 11} -> {Attunement : 14}

{Endurance : 15 }

{Strength : 21 }

{Dexterity : 15 }

{Resistance : 15 }

{Intelligence : 11 }

{Faith : 11 } -> {Faith : 15}

<[ Required Souls: 57,648 ] Confirm: Y/N >



This time the transformation of souls into power was more... subdued. I felt something inside me become warmer. It felt indescribable, what was describable was my pool of focus expanding more. Giving me more to spend on miracles and spells if I get them.

Now it's just a matter of acquiring the miracles. I think Solaire could definitely help with that. Though I'll have to grind more souls to do so. I also would rather face Solaire any day than Petrus.

Thankfully Solaire had been chilling in the shrine for a while now. Sometimes he left to pray to the sun or hunt hollows but he seems to have settled in the shrine as well. Making the lower part close to the firekeeper his spot. So I went up to him to ask but before I could...

''Hmm? Did something happen to you?''


''Oh my, please mind my manners I did not mean to offend. It is just that you seem awfully... Calmer.''

''Eh, sometimes that happens. Anyways, Solaire do you think you can teach me some miracles?''

''...Do you want me to share with you the way of sunlight?''


[You have joined the covenant {Warriors of Sunlight}]

''Hahaha! My friend, I am always happy to share the teachings of lord Gwyn and his Firstborn! I would be glad to impart their teachings to you as well as the miracles I know.''

''...So how much?''

He looked genuinely puzzled at my words.

''Oh, oh no. I could never ask compensation for spreading the teachings of the Warriors of Sunlight, especially from a friend. For me, helping teach these miracles to you is payment enough.''

He then took out several tomes out of his bottomless box and laid them in front of him then took a comfortable seated position and I sat in front of him.

He started talking about the history of the sunlight warriors and how they are watched over by the firstborn son of Gwyn who was stricken off of the records and forgotten to time. He also narrated some of the miracles in front of him and described their effects and history to me.

Unlike with Petrus, it was actually very enjoyable to discuss the history and significance of miracles as well as how they work with Solaire. He also told the stories of the respective miracles in a very engaging and patient manner. Along with his peaceful voice and easygoing attitude, this was one of the very few moments in Lordran that I felt actual warmth.

After picking up a relatively easy and simple miracle, that one being homeward. Solaire started teaching me all about it, its origin, its epic, and the method to execute it. By the time he was done, I was thoroughly immersed.

<You have learned the miracle {Homeward lv.1}!>

At the end of our lesson Solaire did something I didn't expect.

He just gave the tomes to me.

''Solaire arent these like, valuable or something?''

''Do not worry about their value friend, I have already memorized every one of them down to the very last detail and can recite them from beginning to end. Besides, I have multiple copies so it is of no inconvenience, please take them. And if you want to learn any more miracles from me you need only ask, I am always happy to assist a fellow warrior of sunlight.''

I bowed my head ''Thank you Solaire.''

Now it was time to get back to training.


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