A Soulsborne's Traveler System

Chapter 23: Doubt

Chapter 23: Doubt

After gesturing I didn't forget the fact that Solaire was literally running on fumes so I dropped down to help him get to a bonfire because that man looks like he could fade into ash any second.

''Thanks friend.''

After laying him next to the bonfire I moved to the Drake corpses side and put it into my inventory. Although Solaire was there I didn't really care.

I mean, why should I even bother to hide my ability? What would he even use the knowledge of the fact that I had an inventory for even if he wanted to harm me? And for fucks sake this was Solaire, the man doesn't have a bad bone in him.

''What happened to Drake's corpse? Why did it vanish?''

''Eh, It's a spell something I was thought by an old guy.''

He lied as naturally as he breathed.

Though Solaire knew my answer wasn't convincing one bit he didn't call me out on it. For him, it was fine if I didn't want to answer his inquiry everyone had their own skeletons in their closets.

After resting alongside him for a while, making idle conversation I asked Solaire after he fully recovered;

''So, Solaire, where do you plan to go now?''

Hearing my question he scratched his helmet in thought.

''Hmm, I think I will head back to the Firelink Shrine, I have had more than enough action for one day. And I have to mend my armor as well. Oh, and before I forget, take this.'' Saying that he handed me a sunlight medal, which was oddly warm.

''It's a tradition among sunlight warriors.''

''Well thanks, Solaire, meet you at the shrine.''

Now that Solaire had left it was time to check the ungodly amount of notifications I had muted. I was a bit fearful of checking through all of them in fear of the rewards not being worth fighting the Drake for.

But then something caught my attention.

It was the souls gained from the Drake.

I definitely remember the drake giving considerably fewer souls than that. That might mean that knowledge from the game could be even less reliable than before. But it made sense for how strong the drake was. After all, the Drake dropping any fewer souls for its power would be ridiculous.

Anyway, with bated breath, I opened my notifications.

< Your skill {Heal lv.3} has leveled up!2x >

< Your skill {Deadman's Blow lv.4} has leveled up!2x >

< Your skill {Focus lv.6} has leveled up!3x >

< Your trait {Elementary Fire resistance lv.4} has leveled up!4x >

< Your skill {Critical lv.8} has leveled up!1x >

< Your skill {(Basic) Swordsmanship} has leveled up!2x >

Huh, that was a sweeter haul than anything I expected to be honest. But that wasn't all because besides the level-up notifications there were some new ones. One of them made my dopamine skyrocket and one of them made me kinda miffed and one of them was... well... I don't know how to describe it.

< You have accomplished the hidden achievement {Drake Hunter}>

< You have acquired the title { Drake Slayer } >


< Drakeslayer >

Effect: Boosts all capabilities(minor) when up against an opponent of draconic nature


< You have acquired the item {Hellkite Cape} >


<Hellkite Cape>

A cape sewn from the hide and scales of the Hellkite Dragon who was taken down by the Deranged Hollow. It is durable and highly resistant to wear and tear. Thanks to the characteristics of the Hellkite Drake, its wearer's resistance against flames raised.


-{(Intermediate) Thermal Fluctuation Resistance}

-{(Intermediate) Fire Resistance }


Honestly, this was the best piece of equipment I have ever laid my hands on. And its craftmanship, if something on this level could be called that, can basically be summed up as perfect. Perfectly symmetrical, with no weak points no flaws, none that the eye of a neanderthal can see at least. And I can also wear it over armor.

But now there were the more concerning news.

< Your {Blue Tearstone Ring} has broken. >

< ??? has ??? the ??? >

< You have acquired {???}(restricted) >

Honestly, I had nothing to make of this. Sure blue tearstone ring had served me well and its breaking certainly sucked the highest of balls. But the other part...

Just what the fuck was going on? I couldn't even remember what I did to get this. All can assume is that since the message was right after the ring breaking I guess that caused this _somehow_. Still had no damn idea what it did though.

But the presence of an unknown thing happening to me, while unnerving didn't make me feel even an ounce of fear. I mean at worst it could kill me for real. And that was the worst of the worst-case scenario of which the chances were abysmally low but...

/At this point would I/You even mind true death?/



Beyond satisfied with my gains, now there stood two sets of imaginary choices before me. One was trudging on forward to the Undead Parish. And the other was heading to Firelink to lick my wounds.

I should probably head back to Firelink Shrine, shouldn't I?

I kinda want to talk to Solaire and all and get some spells and miracles too. Maintain my gear and all that stuff. Plus cooking this drake would probably be really delicious(if I get to taste it) and level up cooking a bunch too.

So I did, though I kicked the ladder to the shortcut back to upper burg. Even though I didn't need to, the stairs were basically completely intact anyway.

Seriously how did the chosen undead not jump up those stairs? How can someone supposedly a few times stronger than me not be able to jump more than two feet in the air!?

It really did not take me long to get back to Firelink. I could run faster than a bike and hit harder than a drunk stepfather. I made a new record while getting to Firelink. As at this point I could probably fight most hollows naked and barehanded.

When I got to Firelink Shrine I was met with the amusing sight of Solaire repainting the tunic of his armor with that goofy sun face. I nearly let out a chuckle at the sight, thankfully my mostly dead emotions made me unable to do so.

Or should I say, unfortunately...?

Whatever, when Solaire saw me he gave me a goofy smile(don't ask how I knew he did that under his helmet) and waved. After chatting and bit and exchanging pleasantries I breached the topic.

''Hey Solaire do want to help me cook the Drake we hunted?''

He smiled(Still wearing his helmet, I genuinely do not have an idea of how I understand his facial expressions when he is wearing a fucking helmet what the fuck is wrong with me? Has Lordran fucked me to extent that I am delusional? I mean I already am delusional but like not the kind that makes you be able to know the expressions of people under their helmets you know? Maybe it's a figment of my imagination? But like it's not an assumption it's like I somehow know Solaire has a smile under his helmet even though it's covered up. It's like seeing without seeing, I can like hear? his smile, no that's not it. It's like I am seeing a vague feeling that tells me he is smiling and is happy. But how does that even work when did even get or learn something like that I never received a notification about it before either maybe... )

''Sure if it means I can get my share.''

''How about you Gerald?''

Surprisingly my words actually drew a small smile from the normally hyper-depressed man.

''Alright, alright I'll help. If the Taurus steak was anything to go by this might actually taste pretty good...''

Then us, the three musketeers of the Shrine went to the area of the shrine inhabited by the hollows and I released the beast inside of me(The Hellkite Drake) much to the shock of everyone present(excluding me of course).

After the shock subsided we got to skinning the giant ass thing with absurd difficulty. Even 3 people with (barely)superhuman physiques couldn't really get the hide off the drakes corpse easily. But after a few hours or so we finally separated all the meat from the bones and hide(which went into my inventory for later use). And after setting a portion of meat aside I got cooking while Solaire tended the flame and Gelato helped me manage the massive amounts of meat.

< your skill {Cooking lv.4} has leveled up!3x >

< {Cooking lv.4} -> {Cooking lv.7} >

''I must say friend! This is surely one of the best meals I've had!''

''I have to agree with the sun lunatic, on this one. This is rather nice... ha ha ha...''

Well, I'm glad those two enjoyed the meal, but that is not something I can focus on right now. Because when I ate the meat I actually received a notification from the system.

< You have consumed Drake meat, +1 level in strength and vitality! >

I don't think I need to describe how unusual this is right? I quickly checked my status and there it was. My soul level had actually risen by two for eating drake meat. This day was just getting weirder and weirder by the minute.

But nonetheless, I was very satisfied with this development. But at the same time, it put a pit in my stomach. Because with the feeling of my strength and vitality getting boosted, it pushed a reality I had avoided closer.

I had noticed in my fight with the Hellkite Drake but my swordsmanship was pretty lackluster, to say the least. I mean it wasn't really bad per se but with a sword, you only need your edge alignment slightly off to cripple the effectiveness of your attack.

Now, although with the absurdly heavy blades like the Demon's great Machete and the Zweihander edge alignment didn't matter as much. But it sure as hell helped. Because without edge alignment a sword was just a shitty, thin mace.

But that could be fixed, it could be worked upon and improved but what couldn't be improved further were my stats. Once they reach 99 that was it. And I could tell in my fight with Drake that even if my stats reached 40 I don't think it would be much easier to take it down by myself.

And that is just the hellkite drake. A beginner boss figure that is no harder than the Iron Golem sitting atop the Sens fortress. How much would my stats have to be to kill him? 50? 60? To fight a gigantic human figure made out of solid supernatural iron that could shoot blades of wind?

What after that? If I'm struggling against the hellkite drake this much even with the help of Solaire who was a veteran, then what could I even hope to achieve against Ornstein? Who hunted beings who towered over the hellkite drake by himself. And him with Smough who could probably give god himself a concussion with his absurd strength.

I don't think even with my stats at 99 I can get past Smough and Ornstein easily even with help. I needed to raise my skills. My system is my only chance at evening the field and closing the gap between them and me.

I need to get more weapon masteries. Because I can't use a sword for every fight. There are just more effective alternatives depending on the opponent and I need to be able to switch between them without a major drop in proficiency.

After all, trying to use a sword on the Iron Golem might earn me another trait of insanity. And maybe, just maybe my mastery skills could fuse. That would be the absolute best.

And I also need magic. The system should, in theory, help me in pushing magic above its natural limits which maybe be the key to closing the gap between power.

Alright, let's get to work.


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