A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm

Chapter 931: Sudden Calamity

Chapter 931: Sudden Calamity

"We've just killed one, and now there's eight! Is there no end to them?"

"All of them must have a death wish!"

"With City Lord E and City Lord Sha on our side, it doesn't matter how many of them come after us!"

"Hold on, this thing looks a little familiar..."

All of the people on the flying boat erupted into chatter at the sight of the eight giant heads.

However, given how easily E Kuai and Sha Xin had dealt with that earlier scaled beast, there wasn't much panic, and some of the cultivators on the boat were looking to E Kuai for instructions.

However, neither E Kuai nor Sha Xin were saying anything, and it didn't seem like they intended to take any action, either.

At the same time, the four subsidiary city lords of Profound City and Zhuo Ge and the others were also looking on with grim expressions, and a sense of foreboding immediately welled up in Han Li's heart upon seeing this.

Right at this moment a thunderous roar rang out as another head emerged from behind the flying boat.

However, this head was far smaller than the other eight, and there was a layer of white coloration over its surface, as if it had only recently sprouted. On top of that, there was also a clear dark red mark on its neck.

This was the very same head that E Kuai had just decapitated!

"Those aren't individual creatures, it's a Nine-headed Wyrm!" E Kuai exclaimed, and Han Li's expression instantly changed slightly upon seeing this.

He had heard of this name before, but most mentions were from unsubstantiated legends, and he had never actually seen the creature before.

It was said that his creature had a gargantuan, elephant-like body, with necks that were long as pythons, as well as nine heads and one mouth. It was capable of devouring all things, and it was extremely aggressive. The only way to kill it was to decapitate all nine of its heads at once. Otherwise, any lost heads would simply be regrown indefinitely.

As for this "one mouth", that didn't mean that all nine of its heads shared a single mouth. Instead, that was referring to an enormous, all-devouring mouth on its back, which was rather similar to Xiao Bai's abilities.

Right at this moment, the Nine-headed Wyrm raised all nine of its heads at once before ramming them against the Star Falcon Flying Boat from all directions.

Its nine gargantuan heads filled the entire sky, and even the starlight shining down from above was kept out.

The Star Falcon Flying Boat shuddered as the starlight barrier around it began to thin out even further, and everyone was looking up at the sky with despair in their eyes.

E Kuai and Sha Xin naturally weren't just going to resign themselves to their fates, and they exchanged a glance with each other, then launched themselves up from the flying boat in unison.

The surrounding space was trembling violently as if it were on the verge of shattering.

The black veil on Sha Xin's face was flapping audibly in the ferocious wind, revealing her stunningly beautiful features, but at this moment, there was a grim look on her face as she swept both hands through the air to release a pair of balls.

One of them released radiant white light and transformed into a giant figure that was over a thousand feet tall amid a burst of formidable starpower fluctuations.

The giant figure was wearing a regal purplish-golden crown and a suit of rainbow scaled armor. Its entire body was giving off a metallic gleam, as if it were forged out of metal, and as soon as the transformation was complete, it reached out with one hand, upon which the other ball transformed into a giant, silver umbrella before falling into its grasp.

Even from the flying boat, Han Li could sense the tremendous aura of the armorclad giant, and he was stunned to discover that its aura wasn't inferior in the slightest compared with E Kuai's.

Sha Xin twisted around in mid-air before flicking her fingers through the air in rapid succession, and the armorclad giant held the shaft of the umbrella in one hand before raising it upward.

The umbrella released a burst of radiant white light that formed an enormous light barrier up above.

The surface of the light barrier was riddled with countless specks of starlight, as if it were reflecting the starry night sky.

All of the stars on the umbrella seemed to be connected to the stars in the sky, and they were able to draw upon boundless starpower from the heavens.

A string of devastating blows were dealt upon the light barrier by the Nine-headed Wyrm's heads, causing the light barrier to tremble violently, while the star designs on its surface dissipated one after another.

The armorclad giant began to tremble under the tremendous pressure, but it was still supporting the umbrella with all its might.

"Allow me, Fellow Daoist Sha Xin!" E Kuai yelled as all of his profound acupoints lit up, and a layer of hazy starlight appeared over his body as he threw a punch at the bottom of the umbrella's shaft.

Right at this moment, the body of the Nine-headed Wyrm began to rise up from the black vortex down below.

Its back was so incredibly massive that it filled up virtually the entire eye of the storm, and it was covered in scales, with a thin mark running down its center.

Mistress Liu Hua looked down with a grim expression, while Gu Qianxun asked with tightly furrowed brows, "What do we do, Father?"

"No matter what happens, do not leave my side!" Mistress Liu Hua instructed in a serious manner.

Before Gu Qianxun had a chance to reply, an earth-shattering roar rang out from down below.

It was like the sound of a volcanic eruption, instantly striking everyone with a rush of dizziness.

Han Li was able to regain his mental faculties after channeling the Spirit Refinement Technique, but as he looked around, he discovered that everyone aside from Mistress Liu Hua and himself were swaying in an unsteady fashion.

Mistress Liu Hua pressed a hand down onto Gu Qianxun's shoulder to help her stabilize her soul, and a surprised look appeared in his eyes at the sight of Han Li as he praised, "The stability of your soul is quite remarkable!"

"I don't think this is the time to be discussing something like this, Senior Liu Hua," Han Li replied as he cast his gaze toward the front of the boat, where Shi Chuankong and the woman in purple had both fallen to one knee, and they were only faring slightly better than everyone else.

Right as he was about to approach them, he suddenly felt the ground give way beneath his feet, causing him to plummet involuntarily out of the sky.

Without anyone to man the Star Falcon Flying Boat, it was rapidly falling out of the air.

A gargantuan mouth had already opened up on the back of the Nine-headed Wyrm down below, and black light was churning incessantly within it.

An urgent look appeared on Han Li's face as all of the profound acupoints on his legs lit up, and he was able to stomp down onto the space below to send himself flying up several feet, but it was all in futility as he was immediately sucked back down again.

Cries of panic were ringing out from all directions as everyone made futile attempts to escape.

E Kuai and Sha Xin had already noticed what was happening down below, but it was too late for them to do anything.

A resounding boom rang out as the tail end of the Star Falcon Flying Boat fell into the giant mouth on the back of the Nine-headed Wyrm, and it was instantly destroyed by the strange power inside.

Cries of despair rang out as Han Li looked on with tightly furrowed brows, but in this moment, he was extremely calm.

He rummaged around in the chest of his robe for a moment before pulling out the leaf-shaped jade pendant given to him by Shi Pokong, then began scouring the surrounding area for Shi Chuankong and the woman in purple.

As long as he had the jade pendant, he would be able to take the two of them back with him to the Devil Realm.

After a quick search, he failed to spot Shi Chuankong, but he did see Daoist Xie about a thousand feet away.

"Come over here, Brother Xie," he hurriedly called out through voice transmission. transmission

Right at this moment, he spotted the purple-robed woman from Puppet City, who wasn't all that far away, so he hurriedly channeled his Wingform Ascension Arts to rush toward her.

As Han Li approached the woman, he couldn't help but wonder if she actually was Violet Spirit.

Right as he was about to grab onto her arm, Mistress Liu Hua's voice suddenly rang out in his mind.

"I'm going to set off an explosion that'll create some spatial rifts, go into the largest one. Make sure you don't die!"

Han Li immediately turned around to discover Mistress Liu Hua standing outside the giant mouth of the Nine-headed Wyrm roughly thousand feet away, and he swept a sleeve through the air to release a palm-sized white disc, which fell into the center of the mouth before exploding violently.

A string of incredibly violent explosions rang out as the space within the Nine-headed Wyrm's mouth shattered like a mirror, creating massive spatial rifts that extended outward in all directions.

Bursts of formidable suction force erupted out of these newly opened spatial rifts, and many of the cultivators of the two cities were sucked in before they even had a chance to react.

Some were fortunate enough to have entered a spatial rift with their bodies intact, while others were not so fortunate and were instantly torn to shreds.

Han Li immediately sprang forward to make a grab for the purple-robed woman, but a spatial rift just so happened to have appeared between them, and Han Li was sucked in before he had a chance to dodge.

Upon entering the spatial rift, Han Li arrived in a pitch-black space, and he could feel immense tearing force sweeping at him from all directions, while the entire world spun around him.

All of the lights and sounds instantly faded away, and he was struck by a splitting headache, while his consciousness also began to blur.

In his final moments of consciousness, his thoughts continued to linger on the purple-robed woman, and even though there was a veil over her face, he was convinced that she was Violet Spirit.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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