A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm

Chapter 930: Crisis Averted

Chapter 930: Crisis Averted

Right at this moment, a faint crack rang out, and Han Li could see that the shoulder of the golden puppet had already caved in significantly, indicating that it wasn't going to be able to last much longer.

Right at this moment, five pillars of white light erupted the night sky above the canyon from the front of the boat.

Countless rays of starlight instantly began to cascade down from the stars in the sky, connecting together with the starlight barrier around the flying boat to generate bursts of powerful upward tugging force.

The Star Falcon Flying Boat shuddered violently, following which it completely ceased in its descent, then began to slowly elevate again.

After the boat had been elevated by about two hundred to three hundred feet, the tugging force from the stars seemed to have finally been exhausted, and it was only just barely able to keep up with the suction force coming from the abyss below. With its altitude stabilized, the boat flapped its wings and began to slowly advance onward.

The four golden puppets beneath the boat seemed to have also been sapped of all of their strength, and the beast cores all over their bodies dimmed as they plunged straight down into the depths.

The two puppets on the left were instantly frozen solid after falling into the glacial winds, while the two on the red were melted into molten fluid by the crimson flames, following which all of them vanished into the black vortex below.

Thanks to the combined efforts of the golden puppets and the stars above, the Star Falcon Flying Boat was able to safely cross the eye of the storm to the other side.

Thanks to the prior experience, everyone did a much better job stabilizing the boat upon re-entry into the storm.

Even after the entire boat had entered the storm, there were no significant tremors or deviations, and all they had to do was make it through the storm to reach the glowing white continent on the other side.

However, the boat had only flown onward for a short distance when a burst of violent spatial fluctuations erupted up ahead.

Han Li looked up to discover that a fragmented spatial rift had been caught up in the storm, yet instead of dissipating, it was moving toward the left side of the flying boat.

Before he had a chance to raise the alarm, Mistress Liu Hua had also noticed this, and he hurriedly diverted the boat away to the right, but to compound their woes even further, a thunderous roar suddenly rang out, following which a burst of tremendous force crashed into the flying boat from behind.

The starlight barrier around the boat was almost shattered upon impact, while the boat itself also involuntarily accelerated forward, crashing toward the dense mass of spatial rifts up ahead.

Han Li sprang to his feet and grabbed tightly onto the side of the boat while reaching out with his other hand to support Gu Qianxun, who had been sent stumbling toward him.

He then turned around to discover a gargantuan dragon-like head that was covered in spikes, glowering at the flying boat from afar with a pair of pitch-black eyes.

Attached to the head was an incredibly powerful serpentine body that was covered in rhomboid scales. The body was thousands of feet in length, and it was extending out of the black vortex in the abyss.

Somehow, the creature seemed to be completely unaffected by the tremendous suction force released by the vortex, and it was swaying its body from side to side as it prepared to ram its head into the flying boat again.

In the next instant, the boat was dealt another heavy blow, and the starlight barrier around it almost completely fizzled out, while everyone was staring at the gargantuan creature behind the boat with horrified expressions.

Right at this moment, a loud voice rang out from the front of the boat.

"All of you, focus on guiding the boat, Fellow Daoist Sha Xin and I will take care of this imbecile!"

As soon as the voice trailed off, both E Kuai and Sha Xin vanished from the spot, then reappeared in unison behind the flying boat.

E Kuai clenched his fists tightly and adopted a peculiar fist stance as he swayed his body from side to side while swinging his arms through the air in a series of rather strange-looking gestures.

At the same time, the profound acupoints on his body lit up one after another, giving off a tremendous aura, and all of a sudden, his fist stance wasn't looking so comical anymore.

Even though E Kuai's movements were quite slow, his robes were billowing around him as if there were strong winds blowing through them.

Meanwhile, Sha Xin reached a hand into her own sleeve, then casually swept her sleeve through the air to release a streak of black light, which contained a fist-sized ball.

The ball was clicking incessantly as it flew through the air, as if there were countless gears rapidly revolving within it.

Before long, a series of cracks had appeared on the ball, and it transformed into a four-armed ape-like puppet that was close to a thousand feet tall.

As soon as the giant ape puppet appeared, it almost began to plummet out of the sky under the suction force from the vortex below.

However, the puppet then reached out with one hand, and it detached itself from its body at the wrist before flying through the air. The hand was still connected to its arm by a thick, black chain, which wrapped itself around one of the spikes on the gargantuan creature's head.

The ape puppet then tugged violently on the chain, sending its own enormous body flying up into the air, following which it came crashing down onto the creature's head with mountainous force.

At the same time, each of its other three hands was holding a pillar-like giant iron pestle, and it swung the three pestles down onto the dragon-like creature's head as well.

The creature let loose a thunderous roar as its body was forced down by the puppet's formidable blows.

At this point, countless profound acupoints had already lit up over E Kuai's body, and starlight was pouring out of the profound acupoints on his arm, forming a thin mist of starlight around him.

With all of the preparations complete, he focused all of his power into his fist before launching it forward, with the timing of his punch perfectly corresponding with the lowering of the dragon-like creature's head.

All of the starlight radiating from his fist converged toward a single spot before exploding with devastating power, shattering layers upon layers of space up ahead to forcibly create a black hole that encompassed the entirety of the creature's head.

After the starlight faded, the black hole also disappeared, having already claimed the creature's head. Its headless body was still writhing from side to side, while vast volumes of blood gushed out of the wound on its neck.

All of this had taken place within a span of less than twenty seconds, and in the meantime, the Star Falcon Flying Boat was already about to crash into the mass of spatial rifts up ahead.

Veins were bulging on Mistress Liu Hua's forehead as he pressed his hands tightly against the array on the deck of the boat, and he was tilting his body to the right with all his might, but despite his best efforts, the turn radius of the boat simply wasn't small enough for it to avoid the hazard up ahead.

The front of the boat was able to just barely avoid the mass of spatial rifts, but the side of the boat was not so fortunate.

The wing on the left side of the boat was the first to crash into the spatial rifts, and it was instantly torn to shreds. As a result, the giant boat was immediately tipped off balance and began tilting to the right.

"Qianxun!" Mistress Liu Hua called out in alarm as he sprang to his feet, abandoning the flying boat to rush to Gu Qianxun's aid, but it was already too late.

With the flying boat completely careening out of control, Han Li and Gu Qianxun were sent flying toward the cluster of spatial rifts without any time to react.

Right at this moment, Han Li suddenly let loose a loud roar, and a series of profound acupoints lit up over his right arm, releasing a layer of hazy starlight that was a little reminiscent of the cloud of misty starlight that E Kuai had created earlier.

Having said that, there was naturally still a vast disparity in their auras.

Even so, Han Li didn't hesitate in the slightest as he lashed out with his fist, and the starlight radiating from the profound acupoints on his arm and fist formed a huge white fist projection that crashed into the mass of spatial rifts with tremendous power.

The white fist projection instantly exploded upon contact with the spatial rifts, sending formidable shockwaves sweeping through the air in all directions, and as a result, the Star Falcon Flying Boat was pushed slightly further to the right.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Han Li activated all of the profound acupoints on his legs and instantly rushed over to Gu Qianxun's side, then wound an arm around her slender waist before vanishing from the spot, only to reappear a moment later near the front of the boat.

Ultimately, the flying boat wasn't able to completely avoid the spatial rifts, and a string of loud cracks rang out as the midsection of the left side of the boat crumbled away like a piece of rotten wood.

However, it was only thanks to that punch from Han Li that the boat didn't crash straight into the mass of spatial rifts. Instead, it only grazed its way past the spatial rifts, and even though a part of the boat had been destroyed, the damage wasn't all that severe.

Mistress Liu Hua heaved a long sigh of relief upon seeing this, and at this point, E Kuai and Sha Xin had also returned.

"What was that thing just now?" Mistress Liu Hua asked.

"I've never seen a creature like that before, but it seems to be a scaled beast that's unique to this black abyss. It wasn't all that powerful, but it almost sent all of us to our deaths," E Kuai replied with a shake of his head.

"Thankfully, the crisis has been averted, and we're not that far away from the other side of the abyss," Sha Xin said, but right as her voice trailed off, a chorus of beastly roars suddenly rang out across the surrounding area as one gargantuan head after another emerged, surrounding the Star Falcon Flying Boat from all directions.

All of the heads were completely identical to that of the creature that E Kuai and Sha Xin had just slain!


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