A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 33 - 24 Inya, you silly

Chapter 33: Chapter 24 Inya, you silly

Translator: 549690339

The next morning, Uncle waited with everyone at the entrance of the village, to welcome the heroes home.

“They’re back!”

Upon seeing Bai Luo and the others return, the children were overjoyed, with Abadun running the fastest: “Wow, so many things! Brother Bai Luo, Brother Nors, are these spoils of war?”

“Yes, we’ve taken our revenge.”

Bai Luo smiled at Abadun, “From today onward, the people of Yatun will never be humiliated again.”

Hearing Bai Luo’s words, the people of Yatun wept for joy.

“Long live Lord Bai Luo!”

“Long live Yatun!!”

For the first time in ten years, the people of Yatun could hold their heads high, as their long-suppressed emotions were finally released.

Unfortunately, now was not the time for celebration.

Uncle interrupted the joyous mood, indicating that the victory feast would have to wait until they reached the overseas islands.

Bai Luo understood the stakes and accepted Uncle’s suggestion.

“By the way,”

Uncle spotted Inya on her warhorse, “Girl, did you give her the horse?”


Bai Luo nodded, but Uncle said, “You should take it back.”

“Uncle, why are you coveting Inya’s horse? If you want a horse, I’ll help you find a good one.”

“I don’t want her horse, I want it for someone else.”

Damn, you really are her true father, huh? Taking your daughter’s horse to give to someone else, are you joking?

“For whom then?”

“Anyone is fine.”

Alright, Bai Luo realized that Uncle was clearly not inclined to let Inya have a warhorse.

“She’s all grown up now, this policy of yours doesn’t seem right.”

Bai Luo was brought up by Uncle, as was his senior sister, including Nors and Jiera; they were all Uncle’s students, in fact.

But Uncle always taught according to one’s ability. When it was time to be kind, he was kind, and when it was time to be cruel, Uncle could be truly fearsome, never showing mercy.

Thus, he raised a new generation of people from Yatun who were hardy and unafraid of hardships.

“Didn’t you teach us to be fearless and unflinching in death?”

Bai Luo: “Why change when it comes to Inya?”

“Do you hope for her to fight and kill on the battlefield?”


Bai Luo was stumped by Uncle’s question.

In his heart, when it came to his sister Inya, Bai Luo only wished for her to be safe and sound.

“We all feel the same!”

Uncle patted Bai Luo’s shoulder, “Don’t worry, Uncle will be the bad guy; you, just be the good big brother to the girl.”

“But this…”

Bai Luo wanted to say this wasn’t right, but when the words reached his lips, he didn’t know how to speak.


In the end, Bai Luo let go of the hand he had raised to call Uncle back.

Uncle’s arrangements for Inya resonated with Bai Luo’s sentiments.

Inya was not outstanding enough and did not have the talent and aptitude like his senior sister’s.

If that was the case, why make her go to the battlefield?

Bai Luo couldn’t resist Inya’s requests; he knew he couldn’t do it, as he doted on the girl too much.

But Uncle, he wouldn’t!

“Perhaps this is also quite good, isn’t it?”

As a princess of the Yatun Clan, Bai Luo felt that this title suited Inya better.

“Brother! Brother! Look at my new mount, how is it, isn’t it better than the one just now?”

Inya came to find Bai Luo, her face brimming with a smile, as if she had gotten a great bargain.

However, upon carefully examining Inya’s horse, Bai Luo really wanted to tell his sister: ‘Big it is, but this horse, it isn’t fast enough.’

This was a horse specially meant for pulling carts, strong and sturdy, but not about speed, let alone on the battlefield.

It would be left behind by the enemy in a matter of minutes!

Fortunately, it was great at running away, managing to last for the better part of a day without a problem.

Uncle probably chose this horse for Inya, considering this factor.

“Ah, yeah, it’s definitely bigger than the one you had before,” Bai Luo’s voice trailed off: “Did Uncle exchange it for you?”

“Yes! How did you know, brother?”

Bai Luo internally rolled his eyes, thinking, Inya ah, you’re already fifteen years old, why are you still like a child tricked out of New Year’s money by adults?

“I, I guessed it, ha, haha.”

Bai Luo’s heart ached, but for Inya’s safety, he went against his conscience and thoroughly praised her new mount.

And so, he watched Inya leave and sighed.

For the next few days, everyone was mostly packing.

Because they were about to set out, everyone needed to rest up for the ensuing trek through mountains and rivers.

The caravan’s affairs won’t be a problem.

Their round trip takes at least half a month, and by the time someone notices and investigates their danger, another half a month will have passed.

Back and forth, the People of Yatun are likely to have already reached the islands overseas.

This was also why my uncle agreed to Bai Luo’s intervention.

They truly do not care.

They didn’t venture out to sea before because the People of Yatun lacked miracles and struggled to rise anywhere.

But now it’s different.

With the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch and the Pegasus, plus the Yatun themselves, they are confident in growing strong anywhere they go.

“Sister Alaya, Brother Bai Luo is so amazing, the Pegasus just whooshed and blew all the beasts away.”

With her hands outstretched, Miya vividly described the scene to Alaya, who was being led by the blind girl Shuster on their way home.

Several days had passed since the Yatun Clan’s revenge.

And tomorrow was the day for everyone to depart to their new home across the sea.

The group had been packing for days, taking with them everything possible.

In addition, Bai Luo distributed weapons to anyone in the village capable of fighting.

Some received short swords, others daggers.

All Yatun are warriors; even a 10-year-old child can kill an adult soldier when provoked.

This is Bai Luo’s final assurance to them—if a situation truly arises, they must fight.

“Perhaps someday, Miya will also receive Miracle Power, right?”

The Master of Miracles can bestow his own power upon absolutely loyal followers, enabling them to acquire Miracle Power and become Miracle Citizens.

As for the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch, that’s still uncertain.

But Sherri of the Bai Luo Family definitely possesses such power.

Eventually, when Bai Luo develops the Yatun Army, those among the People of Yatun will surely be the first choice.


Waving her hands, Miya said, “Impossible, I have no talent for fighting, even Sister Feiya said so.”

” That’ s why it’scalledamiracle.”

Alaya felt Miya’s disappointment and gently stroked her head, coaxing a smile from her, “Yes, exactly, it’s a miracle!”


Shuster murmured to himself as Alaya stroked his hair and smiled, “Little Shuster, you’re not planning on stealing from Abadun, are you?”


Shuster understood Alaya’s meaning—miracles would still be first given to those with more natural talent.

The resources of Yatun prioritize training their own.

“But, you know, there are only 80 People of Yatun.”

Alaya’s words reignited the once-dimmed spirits of Shuster.


Shuster nodded emphatically.

They knew Bai Luo’s character very well.

No matter how talented outsiders were, Bai Luo valued loyalty and trust even more. With so few Yatun, Shuster’s turn would inevitably come.

“Get some good rest tonight.”

Under Alaya’s care, the two children soon fell asleep, dreaming of becoming Bai Luo’s Miracle People.

Tonight was the best rest for the People of Yatun, as they would embark at dawn.

After that, they had to cross the continuous mountain roads until they reached the coastal city—the Ancient City Xilu’en.

They would not pass through the small town Bai Luo had previously arrived at, to avoid more contact with others, the uncle and master sister unanimously suggested ignoring all villages along the way and heading straight to the Ancient City.

There, they would still need to acquire boats.

The island suitable for the Yatun’s settlement was a distance away from the mainland, so they had to obtain sufficiently large or enough boats.

Otherwise, the 80 People of Yatun might need to travel in batches to reach their destination, yet this would cause many uncertainties.

Bai Luo chose to move as one group instead of splitting up most.

Fortunately, the uncle had visited the Ancient City Xilu’en many times before. He was familiar with the area and even knew some local gangs.

The best outcome would be to buy boats at a high price, and if not, well, the uncle had a Plan B.

As for money, that wasn’t an issue at all.

Bai Luo could simply trade black pepper, which was equivalent in value to gold dust.

The Initial Sprout Holy Pouch had brought vast wealth to the People of Yatun; they were not short on money.

For the Yatun now, any problem that money could solve was no problem at all!

Similarly, if they encountered a situation requiring battle,

The Yatun themselves are very strong, and teenage warriors like Nors and Lyon could handle various challenges.

In the face of a significant crisis, there was still Sherri.

Even if the entire Yatun Clan came together, they couldn’t devise a strategy against Sherri’s power.

With her, Bai Luo had absolute confidence in cutting a bloody path through the Ancient City Xilu’en if needed.

Of course, that was the worst-case scenario.

If they could arrive at the overseas island without exposure and start the Yatun’s farming and development, quietly enduring this accumulation period, that would be best.

The People of Yatun were not afraid of challenges, but they weren’t fools, either —they knew what to do when.


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