A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 32 - 23: Eradicate Completely (Vote for

Chapter 32: Chapter 23: Eradicate Completely (Vote for


Translator: 549690339

1‘ I agree with your point of view,”

Bailuo’s voice came from ahead; Ouke immediately stopped in his tracks and, along with his companions, turned to look forward in surprise.

“They are indeed very foolish!11

Bailuo was riding Sherri, blocking his path.

“How could this be…”

Ouke had been taking a steep mountain path where there was simply no place for horses to gallop.

Moreover, it was such a dark night, who would dare to ride a horse at a full sprint?

“Captain, be careful!”

“Captain, you go first!”

The four mercenaries were very loyal to Ouke. This scene caught Bailuo’s eye, and he remarked, “Your brainwashing skills aren’t bad, Sherri.”


The Pegasus, with a mind linked to its master, let out a neigh and a pure white glow burst forth. Invisible sonic blades tore through the earth, moving so swiftly that the mercenaries didn’t even have the chance to react.

“Swish, swish, swish!”

In the blink of an eye, nothing was left but severed limbs and remains scattered across the ground.


“There’s another breath; one is still alive.”

Up ahead, the five people who had been standing were now all down, but Bailuo wasn’t reassured. So he asked Sherri, and indeed, there was one survivor.


Bailuo calmly rode Sherri forward, simultaneously drawing the Long Spear hanging at Sherri’s side.

Since he had issued a kill order, he wouldn’t be at ease unless he pierced the opponent’s head with his spear.


Just as Bailuo rode Sherri up to the side of the corpses, a figure suddenly burst forth—it was Ouke.

“Go to hell!!!”

The moment he noticed the light, Ouke didn’t hesitate to drag two of his comrades in front of him, using them to block Sherri’s attack.

The comrades were dead; the first was completely split open, and the second had his abdomen pierced through.

But Ouke hadn’t died; he had survived.

This mercenary captain was a figure to reckon with, and Bailuo’s accolade of

“quick-witted” was fully displayed by him.

He chose to play dead.

No matter how humiliating, he had to survive; he was determined to live.

But how could Bailuo be so cautious as to make sure by delivering another blow! This forced Ouke to make a choice.

Life or death hung on this moment!


However, just as Ouke’s sword was about to reach Sherri, it shattered with a thunderous sound.

The next moment, a huge force erupted from Sherri, sending him flying six or seven meters away.


Ouke felt as if all his bones were broken, and his chest was in extreme pain with several shards of the sword blade embedded in his body.

“What’s going on? What is this? And what about the white light just now?”

He lay on the ground, unable to get up, only letting out cries of agony.

Ouke, a mere local mercenary captain, had never seen a Miracle and didn’t know what Miracle Power was.

The power of Sherri nearly overturned Ouke’s entire worldview.

Twice in a row, Bailuo had used miraculous power, and only then did Ouke understand why Bailuo was so composed—he had been sure of their defeat from the start.

“You really are tenacious.”


As Bailuo drew nearer, Ouke attempted one last try, “Please wait a moment!” Using all his strength, Ouke knelt in front of Bailuo, pleading, “In my home, there’s a daughter not yet eight years old. If I die, she won’t survive either.” “I beseech you, please spare me.”

After speaking, Ouke raised the broken blade in his hand and decisively cut off his own tongue.

“Wuu, wuu, wuu.”

The man covered his blood-filled mouth and then uttered pitiful pleas.

Having lived two lives, Bailuo felt he had seen many people. Aside from his uncle and senior sister, in the outside world, Ouke was definitely one of the more unique individuals he had ever encountered.

To survive, he could betray his teammates, dare to surrender, and immediately flee after a failure, only to counterattack when faced with a desperate situation.

In the end, when he had no other recourse, he played the sympathy card and even cut off his tongue first to ensure he wouldn’t speak carelessly.

“This guy is ruthless,” Bailuo thought.

Even Bailuo felt that he would not be an easy character in the future.

“You have a lot of guts,” he said.

“You didn’t hesitate to use those who trusted you as human shields.”

Ouke had a way with manipulating others; he didn’t actually have deep feelings for them but seemed more like he was using them.

Bailuo didn’t like such people, not one bit.

Unlike Ouke, Bailuo highly valued his companions and family, willing to shelter them from the storm.

“But the fact proves that you were right,” he added.

The outcome validated everything; Ouke’s choices had no issues. He was right because he survived.

“But do you take me for a fool?!”

Just when Ouke thought he still had a chance to live, the long spear in Bailuo’s hand thrust out, piercing Ouke’s heart.

“Your daughter? Didn’t you sell your daughter long ago?”

Lifting Ouke’s corpse into the air, Bailuo said indifferently, “What a boring, little trick.”

Bailuo was familiar with Ouke and had seen him before. However, at that time, the People of Yatun followed a principle of keeping a low profile, with Bailuo never showing off his strength.


Removing the long spear, Bailuo lifted Sherri, letting her swing her energy blade in the air toward the ground, decapitating all the corpses’ heads until he was sure they were truly dead. Only then did he ride away on Sherri.

“You’re back?”


In the camp, his senior sister was quicker than Bailuo.

At the moment, she was tallying numbers, “You encountered five of them. Are they all dead?”


Afterward, Nors and Jiera returned, and everyone checked the numbers.

For safety, Bailuo had Sherri scan the skies for human scents, as she possessed special navigation and reconnaissance abilities.

Unless the opponent harbored some Miracle Power to conceal themselves, there was no escaping Sherri’s perception.

“Everyone, help pack the stuff and load it onto the carts,” he said.

Afterward, Bailuo directed everyone to begin gathering the spoils of war.

Upon collecting, it turned out there was quite a bit.

Apart from Gold Coins and other currencies, the supplies included a large amount of ironware and, essential to the People of Yatun, a significant number of horses.

Currently, Bailuo had only one battle-capable Miracle Creature, Sherri. According to his uncle, Sherri had the Ability to breed new Pegasus.

But the prerequisite was having enough horses.

Therefore for Bailuo currently, horses were something he could never have too many of.

“In total, there are sixteen horses. Excluding the nags for pulling carts, there are five good horses and three battlehorses,” Nors listed.

“Nors, Jiera, these two battle horses are yours now,” Bailuo said.


“Make the most of them. With horses, your mobility will be much stronger.”

Bailuo: “Later, get fodder from Elder Shan, and take good care of them.”


The two agreed, knowing they were among Yatun’s very few fighting forces. The stronger they were, the better they could protect their tribespeople and guard Bailuo.

“Senior sister already has Radish…”

“Me, I, I as well! Don’t forget me!”

Inya raised her hand, jumping up and down. Smiling broadly, her intentions were clear.

“Yes, yes, see how anxious you are,” Bailuo said.

Bailuo gave the last battlehorse to Inya. That girl was so delighted she hopped and skipped, even excitedly hugging Bailuo, “Big brother, you’re the best! Hehe!”

Sometimes, this sister was truly Bailuo’s Little Cotton-padded Jacket.

Of course, it would be more perfect if she didn’t eat so much, grind her teeth at night, kick off the blankets, talk in her sleep, and if she were just a little bit smarter.

And so, riding horses, with carts full of supplies, they transported everything back to Yatun Village.

Because there was so much, they couldn’t take mountain paths.

They chose to traverse the forest, which, despite its many risks, was calm on the way home with Sherri by Bailuo’s side, and his senior sister’s formidable strength.


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