A random pokemon journey

Return to Orre

Return to Orre

The trip through the mountains was not exactly pleasant as we had to deal with the locals that didn't appreciate us passing through. We didn't have any real issues though as it was more the locals chasing off out of their territory before ignoring us. Thankfully we didn't run into the pack of hunting Skarmory that most likely survived. We also didn't run into anything that we couldn't handle with the type combination of Rune, Tank and Hades. To be fair though between all three of them I had almost every typing covered so that wasn't all that great a boast.-

Still it took us a good seven days of early morning to dark out flying to return to Orre from the coast. The horrifically old and powerful Crawdaunt had vacated the area thankfully when we reached that beach so we were able to stop and camp out there with Vulcan that was unhappy that it was left in it's ball for most of this trip. I could only apologize for that as there was simply no moment when it would be appropriate to release it. I allowed Vulcan to run back to the Hub as an apology which it relished eagerly.-

Entei were nomadic in nature so just staying in one place was driving Vulcan nuts. This run would help it calm down a lot if only temporarily. It probably didn't need to be mentioned again but Vulcan was FAST when it really let loose and ran full tilt. If the pokedex entries from the games were any indication it wasn't alone in this either but rather all Entei were like this. The entry from the games specifically states this speed as one of the most well known features of the species in fact.-

My only gripe really was that when Vulcan went full tilt I had to bury my head in it's back while holding on for dear life. The sheer wind resistance of this speed along with the sand getting kicked up meant if I sat up I got stung with the sand and had my skin on my face pressed and pulled by the wind. Soon though Vulcan slowed down and I found out why immediately after looking up. Gaia's sandstorm was not so small anymore but if my map was right had now grown miles wide which was overkill to say the least.-

"Fucking Christ is that girl trying to cover the whole bloody region?" I muttered exasperated. The sandstorm parted for us which proved that even at this distance her senses still allowed her to feel our approach. That was a rather terrifying discovery because it meant once she got really good and entrenched in a desert she practically got a form of pseudo-omniscient perception. Now that merely sounds impressive but useless beyond scouting. However add on this sandstorm that was so powerful it was a danger to even rock and ground type pokemon and you have a recipe for legendary intervention.-

If she could truly sense and control the entirety of the desert Gaia would have all she needed to forcefully evict literally everyone and everything she didn't want here. It was a sort of unspoken rule but you DIDN'T do that kind of thing because the legendries don't take kindly to it. Don't get me wrong they understand and more or less respect the idea of territory but when that territory extends to an entire region they make an exception. And I'm not talking about just for nonlegendary pokemon either but even when one of their own kind gets a bit out of hand like that.-

The most famous example was when a Deoxys fell to the coast of Kanto and began rampantly claiming more and more of the region until the legendries decided that it went to far and stepped in. No godly legendries got involved but then again they weren't needed either. An Articuno, a Zapdos, a Moltres, a Hoho , a Darkrai and a lesser Mew all ganged up on the Deoxys and killed it. While I doubted something like that would happen in this situation due to the unique nature of Orre I also wasn't willing to risk it.-

The moment I got to the mound of sand outside the Hub I immediately told Gaia to shrink the storm back down. She complained and pouted but did what I told her in the end which was all that mattered to me. While I was happy she was getting to stretch her legendary wings as it were I would prefer if she did it in a way that didn't have the possibility of bringing the wrath of the legendries on us. Death by overwhelming force was probably not a fun way to go, I would know after delivering it to the criminals of Hoenn.-

I suppose I should also mention that the moment I checked my messages on my PC I found that there were several asking me what the fuck I was doing over here to create this sandstorm. When it was small nobody cared but at the size it was at when I returned it was starting to become VERY concerning for everyone in the region. Sandstorms weren't unheard of or even really all that uncommon here but one this violent and seemingly never ending was new.-

It was pretty damn obvious to anyone paying attention that the new guy in the region who had just so happened to set up shop in the eye of the storm probably had something to do with the storm. There was apparently a whole bunch of theories about what I had done to create the storm with some be close to the truth and others being wildly inaccurate. My favorite was the one about me looking to terraform the region and that this was a wind up to see if the device was working. It was some top notch bullshit and amusing to hear about but totally wrong.-

I sent out messages both letting my contacts know that I was back in the region and reassuring them that the storm was well under control. This was technically true before as well but it probably didn't seem that way from the outside looking in. It didn't take long before my PDA went off as I got replies both asking what the fuck happened and where I was the last two and a half weeks. I replied honestly though I left out the information about Gaia's divinity since that information was best kept close to my chest.-

The best part was that no one could really say that it was impossible for a Tyranitar like Gaia to do something like this as pseudo-legendries did crazy shit all the time. Hell I can't even say how many times one of them just casually rearranged the landscape in an area because they were in a bad mood. There was a whole ass forest that got burnt down because a Dragonite had a toothache and went haywire trying to ease the pain for example.


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