A random pokemon journey



Naturally there was still some suspicion that I was bullshiting them when I said Gaia was responsible for the sandstorm but I simply pointed out that the storm had already shrunk after I told her to do so. It was rather hard to deny my claims with evidence like that available so the matter got left there. I also had a message from Wes and Rui that bothered me quite a bit. While I was gone from the region Cypher had made a move on Mt. Battle to get an item supposedly capable of summoning Celebi.-

The admin that had gone to get it was a man that was nearly as tall as I was apparently but had facial tattoos and red hair. He was named Dakim and it was the shadow pokemon he had that bothered me the most, an Entei. 'How the fuck did Cypher manage to get their hands on a legendary? Even stranger is how the fuck they managed to turn one into a shadow pokemon when all legendries learn how to use aura shortly after they are born?' I thought alarmed by the news.-

The only saving grace here was that Wes had stolen it from the admin so I sent a message telling them to bring it to me as well as my concerns. Apparently the region dynamic duo was currently in a rut for investigating Cypher and had the free time to travel all the way out to the Hub today. I had Gaia let them approach and greeted them as they arrived. "Wish we didn't have to keep meeting like this and could just relax and chat for once." I said with a shake of my head. "Maybe after all this is over." Wes said clearly having dramatically mellowed out with Rui's subtle influence over the time since I last saw them.-

"Perhaps, but enough about that show me this Entei you've "recovered" from that admin." I said pointing to the empty spot nearby. Vulcan and Hades were nearby ready to intervein if the pokemon went haywire. Wes took out a great ball and clicked the button releasing the pokemon within. The red laser light shifted and changed to form the shape of the pokemon before solidifying and revealing it in it's normal state. Appearance wise the Entei looked entirely normal as it stood there but the thick billowing black aura coming off of it was anything but.-

I wasted no time circling the pokemon while secretly appraising it to try and ascertain it's origins. "Ah so that was how they did it, sneaky devils aren't they?" I muttered when I got my answer. "What is it?" Rui asked worried. "Before I can explain that I need to educate you two on legendary pokemon a bit. Recall it and lets go take a seat, this may take a while." I said calmly before heading into the building of the Hub.-

Once we got settled in our seats I began to speak again. "Well to start off with I should explain how legendary pokemon are born as it's a complicated topic. There are in fact a total of four ways roughly that a legendary pokemon can come into the world. The first is via the normal mating route where another legendary mated and produced an egg. Not all species of legendary are capable of mating mind you so this only applies to certain species. The second method is how Entei, Suicune and Raikou are born which is via natural genesis or to put it simply the world itself spawning them when an unclear set of conditions are met."-

"The third method is via divine intervention from one of the godly legendries in which case a legendary is forcefully created by them somehow. Don't bother asking because I also have no idea how they pull it off. The final method is semi-taboo because it applies to those same godly legendries and they do NOT take kindly to it, cloning. Yes legendary pokemon can be cloned but, and I can't stress this enough, WHICH legendary you decide to clone is extremely important."-

"None of the godly ones are on the table for cloning because in most cases they WILL sense it and they WILL turn violent which ends up badly for everyone involved, trust me there are records of this stuff. Anyways like normal pokemon cloning you can only clone one of the legendries with actual flesh and blood which excludes a few but still leaves a decent selection. Now when a legendary is born via any method other than cloning members of the species can apparently feel it somehow, not clear on that part myself, and an elder of the species seeks out the new member to teach them."-

"The thing is however that ALL legendries are born able to utilize their auras and are taught how to control and hone this ability by their elders. This naturally means that turning them into shadow pokemon after being captured from the wild, a feat in and of itself, is pretty much impossible. Care to take a guess at how Cypher pulled it off despite this?" I asked. "Clones." Wes said with a look of grim understanding. "Bingo, a clone neither has any memories nor does it have a guide to using it's aura. Cypher capitalized on this to create a shadow version of an Entei, to put it bluntly the pokemon you have is a clone and not a naturally born one." I said seriously.

"If they could clone one Entei whats to stop them from creating an army of the things!?" Rui exclaimed in horror. "Relax, it's not so easy to clone a normal pokemon much less a legendary that naturally have a little extra to them. Cloning is both a time and resource consuming thing when using normal pokemon but for legendries? Cypher would have to be ridiculously wealthy to clone more than three."-

"Giving one to each admin as a status symbol is doable but anymore than that and it simply isn't worth the amount such a thing would demand of them. Thankfully there is a bright side to this situation if they cloned a single legendary for each admin." I said with a grin. "What is it?" Wes asked curiously. "If you capture and purify each of them you could have that many legendary pokemon on your team without having to worry about infighting amongst them. You could be one of the extremely rare few to ever pull that off." I said honestly.-

"But what if they are all the same species though?" Rui asked and I scoffed at the question. "It wouldn't be much of a status symbol then now would it? No if I'm right there are probably a cloned Suicune and Raikou in the possession of one of the admins each remaining. Well I mean they could have cloned a different legendary but having the full set of legendary dogs would be a impressive show of status for them so I doubt it." I said honestly.


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