A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 19: Anger of an entire race

Chapter 19: Anger of an entire race

Anger of an entire race

He wanted to shout and use his race's bloodline power to turn the air into devastating waves. But before he could, a thin horizontal line slowly surfaced on his neck before his head fell off the neck to the ground.

Helena's eyes widened. "It's over." she said in horror. Then she became so terrified that her heart started crushing upon itself. She felt great, agonizing pain in her heart due to the horrifying event she was witnessing at the moment. And the feeling of absolute hopelessness that had grown deeply rooted in her heart caused the terror she felt to increase to astronomical proportions.

When the old woman was done with the members of the fey race hunter group, she smiled evilly when she looked at Helena and with a gaze that meant she should be getting ready to die a bad death.

Helena closed her eyes with tears unrestrainedly flowing down her eyes.

The old woman licked her lips with her tongue. Then she began to move closer to Helena. "I am going to tear your skin apart and chew them, and break your bones. Hahaha!" she laughed raucously.

She got to Helena's side and stroked her raven-black hair. Then she caressed her face with a wicked smile. Her eyes glowed in an evil light.

She raised her index finger which had very long, sharp nails, it was like a claw. She rubbed it across Helena's face and in the process cut her.

Helena began to bleed from the cut made in her face. Then the old woman pushed the nail deep into Helena's shoulder. This nail had magic infused into it. It pierced deeply through Helena's shoulder like a knife through butter. The bones that made up her shoulder couldn't resist the penetrative power of her claw-like nails.


Helena cried out in pain and misery. The old woman didn't pull out her nail. Instead she moved it around playfully in Helena's shoulder and this caused Helena to shriek unstoppably in great pain.

She pulled it out and pushed in the nail of the index finger of her other hand into Helena's other shoulder. Helena wailed again. "Yes dear, cry out, wail. Very soon, all this would be over. I believe you are enjoying this, yes? It's fun right? Having those nails dug into your shoulders. Haha. Enjoy baby girl, very soon, you would go join these people." she said and laughed in a sinister tone.

When she removed her nail, her eyes turned black and her entire teeth grew longer. She opened her mouth wide and snapped her jaws on Helena's neck. The teeth pierced deeply into Helena's neck.

Helena screamed out in misery and began to vibrate as the woman sucked blood from her. Very soon, her body turned cold as there was no blood in her body again to conduct heat.

The old woman removed her mouth and Helena fell to the ground dead. The others saw this and the glow of fear, terror and misery in their eyes intensified. Their unstoppable shaking increased when they realized It would soon be their turn.

She got to one and began to play with her face then she cut it with her claw-like nails. She laughed in bliss as the girl shrieked.

As she laughed in satisfaction at the way she was terrifying these kids, her laughter came to an abrupt stop as she felt her body within strangely, slowly heat up.

"What's going on?" she asked inwardly with a furrowed brow. The heat began to rise until her body spontaneously caught fire.


She screamed in pain. The fire that appeared on her body was violet in colour and burnt with the aim to burn all to ashes.

She began to utter magical spells to extinguish the flame burning her body. But to her horror, she discovered that none of the spells could extinguish the flame.

Instead, they continued to increase in size. Her skin at the moment began to fall off. When the spirit of despair realized that this summoner couldn't do anything about the fire burning her body. It leaped back into the dimension it was summoned from, the Caleandrian realm.

It returned there because it felt if it remained in the body of the summoner, it would be destroyed along with her.

The instant the spirit left, the oppressive feeling of hopelessness that everyone felt before disappeared. Once this feeling vanished, the children's eyes shone with surprise and elation.

"It's gone." They said. When they recovered from their shocked states, they looked at the old woman and saw that she was still burning and that she was having a hard time in putting out the fire.

Since she wouldn't have time to deal with them as she was having trouble dealing with her's, they would hack her to pieces to avenge the friends that had lost their lives to her. Their eyes shone when they thought in this direction.

They rushed to where the dead bodies of the fey hunters lied in and picked up their weapons. Then cautiously, they slowly neared the old woman. Why they moved closer to her was because they discovered to their amazement that the fire burning her body didn't affect them one bit. They couldn't feel any heat but they knew the heat she was enduring would be at an extreme degree.

This was an unordinary fire. They thought.

Wielding all forms of sharp-edged weapons, they slashed and hacked at the old woman. They swung the blade of their weapons against her body heavily.

After slashing her body so many times and seeing no cut appear on her body, they realized that her body was impervious to physical damage and that only the fire would be able to harm her.

They backed and decided to watch the woman burn to death. It gave them joy to be able to see her shriek. "Miserable old bitch, so you can cry out like this?" one of them asked in a mocking tone.

While observing the old woman scream in agony, Helena's lifeless body which had turned cold slowly began to turn warm again. Her ice-white skin which was caused by her death slowly regained its colour and the wounds on her body, the ones on her shoulder and neck slowly healed up.

A few minutes later, her eyes snapped open. If one looked into her eyes, one would see her eyes didn't glow in their previous colour. Instead they lustred intensely in purple and her hair had changed from raven-black to golden.

When she woke up, she thought she was in the afterlife. But then, she felt her heart thumping. She put her hand on her chest and saw that she could feel it beat.

Besides, she could touch her flesh. It was corporal unlike the ones of ghost that were in the immaterial form. Her heart gladdened that she was still alive.

But she didn't know that her appearance had changed. When she looked around, she saw the kids wielding weapons and looking at the woman.

Then she looked at the woman and saw that she was burning in a massive purple fire. She was surprised and wondered where the flames came from.

But then, anger surfaced in her eyes. She then began to move closer to the woman.

"Die" she uttered.

Like the flames were waiting for a command. Once she uttered the word 'Die', the flames grew to a larger size and the temperature increased to astronomical levels.

It gave out a bright purple light that illuminated hundreds of meters as it burned furiously.

When the flames went off. Nothing could be seen of the old woman again. Not even her ashes were left. The ground the flame burnt on had become a very large hole that was extremely deep. The flame had surprisingly burnt deep into the earth, about two thousand feet in depth.

The other boys and girls looked at her in awe. This girl wasn't dead yet. How's that possible? Helena nodded at them with a smile when they looked at her.

But when they looked at her, they could discover an anger in her eyes which seemed unquenchable. It was like the anger of tens of thousands of people. This anger gave them the feeling that if it became flames, it would burn all things to the ground, incinerate all to cinders.

They were marveled by this feeling that suddenly surfaced in their mind. But they wouldn't know the anger in her eyes was the fury of an entire race.

After a while, her body returned to normal. Her eye and hair colour reverted. The others were surprised by this reverse transformation.

Who was this girl and where is she from exactly. They thought.

One of them, a girl came to her and said "I am extremely happy that you are alive. Thanks for saving all of us back there and now you have saved us again. Let us get out of here before we face any other problem." Helena nodded. Then she and the others left here.

They had an idea. They carried the bodies of the fey race bounty hunters and placed them onto the back of the chuorses. Then they climbed atop the horses and told them to carry them to where the fey race where residing. These beasts could understand what they wanted them to do as they were intelligent beasts.


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