A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 18: Bounty Hunters Group

Chapter 18: Bounty Hunters Group

Bounty Hunters group

The moment the incomprehensible, mysterious words were uttered. A force suddenly came upon every sharp objects in here.

Pins, knives, just about everything having sharp edges and sharp points floated into the air and began to glow.


They shot towards the old woman at extreme speed. The woman's eyes widened in unbridled horror.

She quickly put out a hand to her front and condensed a large shield from magical energy.


The shield was pierced through like a knife through butter. They pelted the woman and because of the furiousness and momentum they were coming with, they carried her with them and pinned her to a wall in the distance.

When Helena saw that she successfully produced a magical attack, she instantly became elated. Even though she may not be special, at least, she could leave here and take this kids her age along with her. She couldn't afford to spend anymore time here or it could be disastrous for them. She believed this old witch wouldn't go down so easily.

She looked at the door to leave this place. But she thought of another way to leave here as she knew the door had magical enchantments that would blast anyone other than the old woman.

Then she directed her gaze to the wooden wall of the house. And with rage still blazing in her eyes, she uttered.

"Raza Mala Kul Aza Resa Puni"

A blue energy erupted from one of her hand and transformed into a large fist that struck the wooden wall.


The fist shattered the wooden wall. "Let's go!" she shouted. She and the kids then left the house through the place opened up by the fist when it smashed hardly into the wall. Few seconds after they left, the entire wooden house collapsed.

They rushed into the forest and tried looking for a way to any place where humans or people from other races lived.

After a few hours of running in one direction with the hopes of discovering someone who would protect them, they met some people on horse-like beasts. These people had long ears, intense blue eyes and silver hairs.

They were all attractive in appearance, both male and female. It seemed people from this race had it in them to produce offsprings that were striking in appearance. These were the people of the fey race.

They were on chuorses, beasts that were half-horse and half-cheetah. They had cheetah's face and the body of a horse and were red in colour. The mane was wine in colour.

"What are you kids doing out here in the wilderness and why is there blood on your clothes?" a male fey asked. He was the one leading this team of feys. They were on a hunting mission as they were hunters. Bounty hunters to be precise.

"Something terrible happened to us. It's this girl that saved us. Please, bring us away from here. We fear that witch might resurrect and come for us." one of the girl in Helena's group said and pleaded.

The male fey was surprised, "What witch? In this place? All witches have been killed off by the powerful members of the Order of Greater Good before they were wiped out" the male fey asked and said in a curious tone.

"We know what we are saying. She is powerful and she is frightful. Please, take us away from here first and then we would explain everything to you." another boy said.


A loud evil cackle sounded from far.


Every fey looked around to know where the sound was coming from. While the children had their eyes full of terror. They should have left here since.

While the feys looked around with furrowed brows to know the direction the sound came from. An old woman suddenly appeared behind the boy who spoke last and dug her sharp, yellow teeth deep into the boy's neck.


The boy screamed out in pain. Before the feys could do anything. The woman vanished along with the boy.

Dead silence returned to this place.


A loud evil laughter broke it as it was heard again in the distance, but it still sounded from all directions. Then the feys realized that she was truly a witch. They quickly produced weapons. Swords, halberds, blades, machetes and bows with arrows appeared in their hands.

The blue glow in the feys eyes intensified and the leader shouted, using his race's bloodline power to augment the destructive capacity of his scream.

"Come out, old miserable witch!!".

The instant he shouted, visible waves of blue energy discharged from his mouth and rushed into the distance.

This wave caused the air in it path to become vastly kinetically charged. That is, they possessed the kinetic energy that would be obtained when air around a hundred-ton bomb explodes.

These immensely destructive air currents rushed into the distance and brought destruction to the wilderness.

Once the male fey shouted, he employed a fey-related defensive ability, 'Heavensfall aegis'.

A large sphere of unknown energy appeared around everyone protecting them from the destruction brought about by the devastating air currents.

Many minutes later, after the air had wreaked havoc. No sign of the old woman could be felt. They thought perhaps she had been killed off.

While within the sphere, a thin piece of wood that glowed in dark purple shot towards them at extreme speed. Once it got to a close range of the sphere, it suddenly transformed into a log of wood that was larger than a hill. This log of wood had abstruse inscriptions in it and a sharp point that glowed brilliantly in purple.


It pierced through the shield like a knife through butter. But before it could impale the leader of this team, his fist began to glow in blue and scales appeared all over his hand.

He stepped forward and created a barrier of energy between him and everyone else. Then he punched out.


A powerful wave of energy erupted from the point of collision. It caused the earth directly beneath the point of impact to shatter in a rippling fashion. His powerful punch hurled the wood back into the distance.

This piece of wood that could grow large in size and shrink at any time was a weapon owned by the old witch.

But he didn't go unscathed. His hand began to bleed. He looked on to see if the old woman would appear but she didn't. The member of his race passed through the barrier and came to meet him.

"Are you okay?" one of the female fey in their group asked. "I am fine. That old witch is still around. I can feel her presence. Let's leave here" he hurriedly said. "Alright."

They carried the children, climbed onto their chuorses together with them and dashed away speedily.

While on the beasts that ran at extreme speed. They heard an evil laughter in the distance. And this laughter still seemed to come from everywhere. The source couldn't be identified. When the laughter stopped, they heard words that boomed and echoed in all directions.

"Great spirit of despair, Kahleyrn. This summoner calls upon you to grant her your power of forlornness. Afflict every soul that opposes me with despair, fill their hearts with hopelessness."

Then a large, black figure appeared. Even in the far distance, they could see it head almost wanted to touch the sky.

Once it appeared, it caused the sky in this region to darken. Bitingly cold winds that roared like primordial beasts began to move about.

When this being materialized in that area, it brought with it a dark, gloomy atmosphere that came upon everyone around for thousands of meters.

The instant this atmosphere came upon them, the fey race hunters suddenly became gloomy and felt hopeless. They knew this wasn't true as it was a power of a Caleandrian spirit, but it was hard to fight back the feeling that overwhelmed every inch of their entire being. Their souls, minds, spirits, everything that made up their being was deeply immersed in this feeling.

Their faces turned grim and their looks grave, as they felt they were in a completely hopeless dire situation and can only wait for their death.

Not only the fey races felt this. The kids too felt this. Their hearts turned gloomy and cold as a powerful thought invaded their minds, souls and every inch of their body and began to take over it.

As everyone were trying their best to fight back the overpowering feeling of hopelessness, the spirit which had just appeared for a brief moment vanished. It had entered into the body of the summoner which was the old witch.


She appeared before one of the fey race hunter and with a sword in her hand, she swung it powerfully, cutting off his head.

She was able to do this easily as when the fey race hunter saw her, he just gave up his struggles and received his death. Since despair had swallowed up his heart, he believed there was nothing that can be done except be slain.

And like that, she began to cut off their heads. They saw her but they couldn't take any action against her. They had been completely suppressed and overwhelmed by the feeling of helplessness and depression that had engulfed everything that constituted them.

At this moment, only four of the twenty fey race hunters remained. As she slashed off their heads, the kids became excessively frightened that they became pale white from fear and terror and began to tremble uncontrollably in fear.

Helena too was filled with terror and sorrow. People who she thought would be able to protect her and the other kids couldn't do anything about the situation before them. It was a completely hopeless situation. She started to sob sorrowfully.

The fey race bounty hunter group boss was one of the four that was still alive. Seeing how his members were killed off like rams. He felt terrible pangs of pain in his heart, then his eyes shone with unbridled fury.


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