A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 12: Battle

Chapter 12: Battle


Once she jumped into the air towards the man. The man quickly sent out beams of spiritual energy at her.

Although she doesn't have the power of flight, but she now had superhuman strength, agility and flexibility because of the form she had taken.

Despite her scaly body seeming to be so hard and rigid, they could contort to an astonishing level.

Once the multiple beams reached her, she twisted in the air dodging them. Before she could reach a close range of the man at a height of sixty feet, the man sent out many powerful beams.

These beams caused the air to vibrate terribly because of their tremendous destructive power. She dodged a few of them but she was struck in the end. She could not dodge so many massive attacks.

These destructive beams would punch through six meters-thick steel like a knife though butter. But when they struck her, sparks only jumped off. They couldn't penetrate through her impervious scales.

But because of the force the beams struck her with, she was hurled hardly into the earth. This resulted in her being sent hundreds of meters into the earth.

Few minutes later, she climbed out and growled like a beast. She looked at the man and jumped again towards him.

What creature is this?

The man's face became solemn. It was like she was indestructible. He quickly launched several other beams at her again.

This time, her eyes glowed intensely in black light. The scales around her body also glowed. Then she roared at the incoming beams.


Her roar sounded like when thousands of mighty ancient beasts roared. The instant she roared, a black wave of energy discharged from her mouth.

As it travelled towards the beams, it caused the air around it to explode. This caused terrifying booms to ring out rampantly.


An intensely loud explosion occurred when the wave struck the beams. Then a large sphere of vacuum appeared which was instantly accompanied by ripples carrying destructive power.

The ripples swept both Helena and the man to extremely far places to the ground with tyrannical force. Helena did not receive as little as a white mark but the man had lost an arm and pain racked his entire body.

The man hurriedly stood up and uttered an invocation word. Then a massive spear appeared behind the man.

The spear-form Calaendrian entity that had materialized behind her had abstruse inscriptions over it entire surface. These inscriptions glowed in light and the entity gave the feeling that it could pierce through everything, and to give a hint of it lowest penetrative power, it could pierce through a massive planet of pure steel like a needle through butter.

It gave the feeling it would penetrate through everything without resistance. This was the 'Infinite Worlds-piercing Great Spear spirit, Spyr'uelth'. It was a spirit that had the form of a spear

"Immortal bleeding spear". The man quickly uttered a spell in a shout to magically augment the strength of his attack. Then he hurled the spear at her with all the strength he could muster.

Helena had already appeared at a close range of the man but she was struck by the spear that was suddenly thrown at her.


A grating sound could be heard as the spears pierced though her body all the way to the back and out. It continued into the distance before it vanished in a blinding flash of resplendent light.

A large hole could be seen on Helena's chest, she knelt on the ground as pain racked her entire body. Then her awareness slowly returned. She was now conscious of what was happening to her. She saw the form had body changed into and the wound on her chest.

She looked at the man that had done this to her and anger welled in her heart again. With a roar, ignoring the traumatic pain that racked her, she stood up and rushed towards the man. The man was astonished.

Not dead yet?

Before he could charge up for another attack, Helena got his side and past him.

Then his head fell to the ground rolling multiple times before it stopped.

Slowly, the large hole in her chest began to heal up albeit slowly. It healed from within towards the outside. But this regeneration rate was very slow, at least, the pain that racked her there had mysteriously vanished. Then her heart shook when she heard a male voice that was targeted at her.

"You have the indestructibility abilities of the extinct Nelphereim beasts? How is that possible? Hmm..... you must be the Alexa everyone's looking for" a male voice rang out from everywhere.

Once Helena heard his voice and what he said, she became frightened. And did he just called her Alexa? Was that her real name?


He appeared before her and Helena's face turned pale white from fear. "Look at you, so adorable, just like your mother." he said. Then Helena looked at her mother in the distance.

The man too looked in that direction and scoffed. "Oh. I get. I am not talking about that woman you are looking at. She is nowhere close being to your mother" the man said and smiled.

Then he gave a pill to her. "Take it. It would help you to rapidly recover from your wounds" he said still smiling.

Helena accepted the pill and put in her mouth. Then she asked. "Who are you and what do you want from me?" the man nodded in approval of her courage and smiled. She could look up at people that only whispers of their name would terrorize nations. "Well, let's just say I want you. As well as every other person that preside over a kingdom or society." he replied. "What's it I have in my possession that you and the others you mentioned want from me? Am just an ordinary girl" she asked.

"Haha!! No, you are not. If you are, how would you explain the indestructible beastly form you took earlier. Eh? Well, to your question. It's because you are the girl prophesied to bring change to our world, that you would be born with calamitous power and bring an end to the great disorderliness that has engulfed our world. So any of us would want to kill you to stop that prophecy from coming true. But I wouldn't kill you, I want you to work for me and everything you desire would come to you. Is it power? Fame? Riches? Glory? Fear? Terror? or all?" he asked.

"What prophecy is that and how does everyone know about me?" she asked. The man smiled "Well, your mother kept you extremely well hidden. A word about you never came out, until someone she trusted so much, her right-hand person went out there to sell the information for riches to many powerful men who were founders of many societies, brotherhoods, sisterhoods, churches and covens. To just every group you could imagine out there. She is really wealthy now and has a lot of Spiritual Warriors at her beck and call." he replied.

Her eyes shone with anger on thinking of this person's betrayal and the doom that befell her family "So she brought disaster to my family and thinks she can go away with it? I would come for you even if you run beyond the ends of our world" Helena vowed.

The man simply smiled "Well, you would be able to avenge your mother and father with my help as I would provide you with all the aid you need. I would give you your own army of spiritual warriors. Avengement is something you can't do in any way by yourself or can you face more than ten thousand spiritual warriors yourself? I don't think so. Would you join me or not?" he asked.


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