A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 11: Gerard II

Chapter 11: Gerard II

Gerard II

Linda woke up and stood up from where she laid on Gerard's body with his stuff slipping out. It had relaxed now and was soft unlike moments ago, where it was firm, straight and hard.

"I really enjoyed myself riding you, pretty boy." Linda said with a smile. By now the restraining force had disappeared. Gerard stood up from the bed and shook his head in displease. "Were you able to gain enlightenment?" she asked with a smile.

"What enlightenment, you raped me!" Gerard shouted. "Oh. That's how a gentle woman behaves." she said and laughed. "I am leaving and I would so miss you. what would you say to me back?" she asked in a childish tone.

"That I hope never to see you again and that you get to be double penetrated in a **** by two hundred men" he said in an infuriated tone. "That would be fun too. I look forward to that, I hope you would be in their group" she said smilingly. Then a cloth appeared all over her and she vanished from here.

Gerard remained on that spot on the bed for hours. He was having a strong emotional turbulence. But several hours later, his mind slowly calmed when he figured out a few things.


He took a deep breath. Then he exhaled slowly. He thought back to what he went through and a slight smile blossomed on his face.

He felt it wasn't that bad that he was raped. Although he was very unhappy being raped by an older but extremely beautiful young woman with absolutely nothing he could do about it. But when he thought of it again, it was a really wonderful thing that happened to him.

Those large busts that rested heavily on his face as she arched her back and rode him, slapping her waist against his caused him to smile from ear to ear. He remembered her sucking the living daylight out of him. A blowjob on his corded fleshy staff and a suck on the mouth and nipples had made him feel like he had transcended the human realm.

I enjoyed that so much. Is that what sex is like? Such a wonderful feeling. I hope to get more in future from beauties like this or should I go for it myself? I can't expect to be raped all the time. Hmm... anyways, one mustn't totally indulge oneself in pleasures like this or one would be carried away and become nothing which would be pretty bad for me. I have to work hard to enter the society of magical healers and become their head.


Day in, day out. Helena continued to practice but she just could not use her spirit vision ability.

She had even begun to think she was just an ordinary person and that the lady, Alyssa by name might have made a mistake. But she didn't give up. She had a stubborn will. She would continue to practice even till the world comes to an end.

** Many weeks later **

The ground started shaking. Everyone were surprised by what was going on and came out. Then they saw a large number of people on beasts riding furiously towards them at full speed.

Their eyes shook. Their small town was being invaded. Many people rushed into their homes to take one or two things and turned to leave. But before they could, beams of light shot over from the skies and cut the people who tried to escape in halves.

The beam had been shot over by a someone afloat in the air. He had now turned visible. What he did was a warning to stop others in their actions to escape. People started shaking and some started crying.

Their doom had come!

Helena too was outside at this point. She saw how a dozen of people were cut into two like their lives was insignificant. Being the first time she would see blood gush out from people separated into two, she shook and her mind roiled. Her body trembled nonstop as terror filled her heart.

The other men on the beasts caught up. They all jumped down. Then one said to the others. "Kill all the men. We would take their kids and wives back with us". Then they dragged all the men to the centre. Helena's father was among the men dragged out. He looked at his wife and child with a gaze that showed that they should stay strong.

Helena and her mom began to cry as well as the other kids and wives in here when they realized the doom about to fall on their husbands and fathers.

Helena thought of what to do. Then she tried using the vision but to no avail. Her heart and brain became frantic and erratic.

Suddenly, a blue fireball was launched at the men. It detonated sending out flames that engulfed all the men in here. The men howled and wailed in pain. After a few minutes, They had been burnt to ashes.

All these did not escape Helena's eyes. She saw as her father got burnt down and tears welled up in her eyes and her mother's and the rest as they began to wail. Then an anger she had never felt before rose up from the bottom of her heart and shot into the sky.

She roared and this roar was like the bellow of an angry primordial beasts. This roar produced a wave that flung every one away into the far distance.

Only the man in the air remained but his ears bled. He was shocked by what he was seeing. Helena's eyes had turned black, black scales then appeared all over her body and she looked taller. A scintillating purple crystal could be seen in her forehead.

At that point in time, she didn't realize who she was anymore. She looked at these men with beastly ferocity.

Claws extended out from her entire fingers.


Then she ran at them, at a speed impossible to see. She didn't even leave after-images.

One after the other, she used her long claws to cut their heads off. Despite the men being fully armored, the claws cut through their neck armor like a hot knife through butter.

In twelve seconds, she had cut off the head of a hundred men. Once she killed the last person, she jumped into the air to go face the man that sent out beams that slashed those people in half earlier.


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