A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 40: Assembly

Chapter 40: Assembly

From the third person

In the room, a group consisting of Shiro, Yuriko, Hasegawa, Takashi, Saeko, Sai, Kota, Shizuki, Rei and Kiriko were sitting at a long table.

The whole team, except for adults and Saeko, drilled the hero with their eyes.

From your glowing looks, my clothes will catch fire now... Can you at least say something? Shiro asked calmly as always.

Hearing this, they were a little confused at first, but then their indignant glances only intensified.

The first one decided to break the silence of the pink stripe. We are just silently waiting for an explanation. Shiro, tell me, how did it happen that you managed to become a local boss in one night? she asked a little angrily.

The reason for anger is simple. She planned to persuade Yuriko to abandon people and sail to a place where it is much safer for her mother. And now... Now all this is in question.

"I'm not thrilled about it myself, Saya, but your mom begged me to do it. And that's what it all came to. he said and this quickly threw the hot potato into Yuriko 's hands Passed the baton, so to speak.

Mom! Why would you do that? We should have just boarded the boat and sailed away. Sayu asked her mother with annoyance.

I can't just leave these people, my daughter. And I don't remember raising you to be so immoral and cruel. Yuriko replied.

This is not cruelty, Mom, and not immorality, but reality. Father died yesterday protecting them and now you want the same for us? her daughter calmly spoke to her directly into her eyes.

Yes, yesterday he died protecting people and if we abandon them now, then his sacrifice will be in vain. The fate of the Japanese people and all people in general depends on us. You have to understand that, Saya.

But why us? There is a government for this! There is an evacuation place, so let them take care of them there! my daughter tried to find a way out with zeal.

"You're right. That is why Shiro's goal is simply to transport people to the evacuation site.

It's still stupid! We don't have to do this!

Maybe, but I can't and don't want to do it any other way. I've been a man all my life and I want to die with him.

Good, good But we'll talk more. In private. Saya grumbled.

After that, Shiro and Yuriko answered questions for some time. Most of the questions were about whether it was possible to help people at the same time and sail to the island. Naive. As if if there were simple solutions, Shiro wouldn't have thought of them right away... Although yes, I might not have thought of it

Finally, the time has come for what they have gathered here for.

And now that you have received the answers, it's time to discuss what we are here for. Shiro leaned back in his chair.

After hearing him, everyone became serious and prepared to listen.

We know that the evacuation site is in an elementary school, but we don't have transport to transport people there, and walking is suicide. I propose to send a group of people to the evacuation site and inform them of our location. The military should definitely have equipment on the move. You also need to secure the port itself and get provisions. We don't know how much time will pass while we wait for evacuation. he explained it to everyone clearly and deliberately. I'm not going to do everything myself, and therefore... Hasegawa, you are appointed responsible for the defense of the camp and the extraction of provisions. After clearing the port, put guards around the perimeter, and let the remaining people gather resources.

Good Shiro-sama. Hasegawa said seriously with joy in his eyes. Such a position promises him comfortable conditions in the new world.

Yuriko, you will be in charge of arranging the camp and provisions. Take Sayu as your assistant.

Okay, I think Saya and I can handle it.

And so, for today, the task is as follows. Hasegawa recruits everyone to guard, cleans the port and puts up protection. Yuriko and Saya will conduct a census of people in the camp. Find out about their professions, skills and direct them in the right direction. Today, try to organize a warehouse and a dining room.

We are in the port, which means there should be a security building here. They definitely have weapons, and people could quite fight back. I am sure that there are survivors here and they need to be rescued if possible. This is a port, which means there should be a lot of utilities here. Bring everything you can, medicines and food are a priority. And don't forget to do something about the cold.

Good plan. Yuriko smiled.

It will be done. HasegawaI said... Shirou-sama, can we use the fuel that is stored in the port? The ships must refuel in large numbers. he asked in a submissive voice.

Shiro, scratching his neck, said Yes, but this fuel is usually not allowed to refuel cars, but still there will be a use for it too. This will be enough for the first time. I'm going to go now and kill particularly strong zombies to make it easier for you.

Sir, can you take a few fellows just in case? Of course you are strong, but anything happens. "What is it?" he asked timidly.

But before the hero could even answer, Saeko stepped forward. I'm afraid that your people will only interfere with him. Shiro is extremely strong and more than one zombie will not be able to make him become serious. she said calmly with a note of condescension.

Well, all right. Hasegawa quickly faded away.

Shiro looked around his teamAs for the others... Well, you can join and help Hasegawa or Yuriko with Sai. For example, Hirano will be able to cover you perfectly with Hasegawa. he said. Kota, in turn, straightened his posture for praise.

I think we've all seen his skills already. I was about to invite him... How's Hirano? Will you go to the "security"?

- yes! Oh, that is That's right! When will the operation begin?! An hour? Two hours? I need to get ready. Cartridges, cleaning of weapons... oh! And disguise! Hirano answered positively, after which he began to mumble maniacally to himself, going over the details.

Hasegawa raised his handsStop! Stop! Stop! Wait! Everything will be in time! Let's finish and I'll explain everything to you!

- OK. said the Cat and finally relaxed.

Saeko slowly approached the hero I'll go with you on the way, do you mind? I will train against zombies under your supervision.

no. Don't mind, honey. Development is always good. he answered her in a gentle voice.

As a result, Shizuka, Rei and Kiriko went to help Yuriko with Sai, and Takashi went after the Cat. Alice was also taken to be Yuriko's assistant.

Well, it seems to have been sorted out. Getting to work. Shiro said and thus ended the first meeting. Everyone had a lot of work to do.

The beloved became the leader... no wonder. Among all, he is the most worthy. No one has the temperament and abilities like him.

I used to think that only oblivion awaits the camp, but now, under Shiro's leadership, only success and prosperity inevitably awaits it.

This is obvious, because I know the dear one best of all. It's not his style to throw something halfway. It's not his style to lose at all.

That's why I don't believe that there is an evacuation in his plans, because he will not be able to transfer or abandon his people, his subordinates. He either does not take up the case at all, or brings it to the absolute.

Also interesting... How was Yuriko able to persuade him? No, of course Shiro is not an insensitive creature and could just want to help... But I feel the pitfalls. There are many pitfalls...

And Yuriko was looking at him strangely all the time. What did she say to him? Very interesting. If I ask him, he will definitely answer. But it's better not to do that. I think he'll tell me himself on occasion.

God... it seemed only recently that we started dating, and today the apocalypse came and Shiro became the leader of the survivors.

How fast time flies... and how everything developed

Even then, at the first meeting, right after sparring, I realized that he was my ideal. Of course, he is smart and handsome, but I was captivated by his character and strength.

I was raised by my father, and he had old views and traditions. And in general, a warrior. Therefore, my ideal boyfriend, first of all, had to be like him. All this made it difficult to find a soul mate. Especially in the modern world...

Shiro has exceeded all my fantasies... That day I fell irrevocably in love with him.

Three months later we started dating. At that time, I was learning something new about him every day. Everyone knew that he was extremely intelligent, but few knew that he was simply a divine teacher.

Knowledge flowed from him like a river, and most importantly were easily understood. Not even like that. The information seemed to be absorbed by the brain against its will. You couldn't help but understand what he was teaching.

But he is also a master craftsman and an incredible warrior. And his books? A magnificent plot, a stunning world and characters that seem to come to life on the pages of books. It's like you're diving in and living with them for a lifetime.

And now a lot of time has passed, it seemed to me that nothing would surprise me anymore, but how wrong I was.

The night we became one, I found out that my boyfriend is an amazing lover. Literally a sex machine, but the most incredible thing was waiting ahead.

That evening, Shiro opened prana for me and immediately healed all my wounds with it. My body was brought into peak condition. All ailments. what accumulated over the years of life and training, just left. Physical and mental fatigue disappeared. The body was overflowing with energy, the head became clear, the speed of thinking increased.

With the discovery of prana, my life has undergone even more drastic changes. Fatigue, lack of sleep, depression and other negative everyday life are gone. Even menstrual cycles have sunk into oblivion.

Life literally became even brighter and more colorful, although I didn't have to complain before. Learning has also become much easier and more desirable.

And all this new, colorful life was complemented by the constant presence of Shiro.

He hardly needs sleep, which means that while I'm sleeping, he can "take a break" from me. If he gets tired of me at all I've never got tired of his campaign, and I won't get tired of it. That's because for me he is not only a guy, but also a friend and teacher.

He knows everything about me, and I know everything about him. Or almost everything. It's funny, but the only mystery for me about Shiro is his character. He's weird... For such an ideal person, he has surprisingly low self-esteem and a modest character.

And no, I don't think that all beautiful and intelligent people are arrogant tyrants, yes bastards, but still... This is strange. It's like another person was put into this perfect body. Of course it's complete nonsense, but such thoughts sometimes visit me...

It's also worth noting that Shiro is mostly calm and serene, like a monk, but that doesn't mean he's always like that. Sometimes very cheerful and groovy, sometimes passionate and romantic, sometimes melancholic and sad, and also, rarely, furious and angry. Basically it all depends on the circumstances, like everyone else.

It would seem that such an ideal and strong person has no weaknesses, but this is not the case. He has one weak spot. And that weak spot is me.

Yes, I am his weakness. It doesn't take a genius to realize how much he values me. Even frighteningly strong The scary thing is that I'm afraid to imagine what he might do if I'm in danger. I'm not talking about death anymore.

He is also aware of all this. Most people in such a situation would hide the girl in a safe like a fragile emerald, but Shiro understands that this is not an option at all. That's why he decided to train me. Decided to make me stronger.

And I give all of myself in these trainings so as not to be his weak point. Well, of course I also like getting stronger and more perfect.

Also, I will not allow future women to be his weakness. After all, I want only the best for him, and not the other way around.

Therefore, I'm going to take an active part in the selection of women for my beloved. Only the best are worthy of my man. The rest can only dream about it.

All this is certainly not an absolute defense against betrayal and mistakes, but what prevents me from protecting him like this? He does everything and more for me... So why can't I also guard him, though not physically, but spiritually?

As the main wife, I'm going to surround Shiro with love and comfort.

And those who will try to hurt him

Those who will try to betray him

Those who will try to take it away from me

Even the Gods will not be able to hide you from my wrath.


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