A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 39: The Leader (Two)

Chapter 39: The Leader (Two)

From the third person

Shiro calmly looked at the bunch of dissatisfied and thought.

Well, what are you looking at, huh? I thought no one would tell you anything, since now you've become a big shot!?

Everyone focused their eyes on Shiro, waiting for an answer.

Yes, I'm thinking of kicking you out or just putting you to sleep, like a pack of rabid dogs. Shiro replied in a calm but icy tone.

Everyone present was shocked and felt a chill run down their backs from his voice.

Those to whom such a harsh "text" was addressed were the most discouraged. They were simply stunned and for a short time did not know what to say and do.

The rest of the audience was also puzzled, but did not hurry to get into the argument, but only began to look at the group of "whiners" with extreme interest, waiting for at least some reaction.

What?! Are we dogs waiting to be put to sleep?! Kick us out?! Madman! Crazy youngster!

Who do you think you are, brat!? The king?! Do you think someone will listen to you?! People, look who you have chosen!

Ahahah! Idiot! How quickly the power turned your head! I've just become a leader, and I've already decided to kill the undesirables!

The discouragement and shock of the whiners were instantly replaced by rage and anger.

Hysterical indignation poured out of the mouths of the "crybabies" like fresh slop. Their goal was simple, to try to win the crowd over to their side and at least prevent their exclusion, and at most the overthrow of the newly elected leader.

Shiro understood this perfectly well, so without giving time to stir up the people, he immediately replied.

The reason for such a tough decision is far from personal. The fact is that your group is like parasites stuck in this camp. Do not bring benefits, but only harm. And on a large scale ... you just take it, but you don't give anything in return, and you interfere with the work of others. In battles, you are not even a burden, but just pests that reduce the chances of survival of the whole group. If before the pandemic it could be tolerated, now it is absolutely impossible, because if you are in our camp, there is no "I", only "we". Every mistake, every miscalculation, is the lives of your comrades. So answer me. Well, wouldn't I be a fool if I left enemies inside when there are already a lot of them outside? Shiro said calmly and clearly to everyone present.

After the speech, an alert was immediately displayed to him.


A new skill has been learned!

Leader [Level 1]

A skill that increases your ability to lead people. The higher the level, the better you manage your subordinates.

(Optional: With each increased level, the effectiveness of your management increases by 10%.)

Leader - level up!

Leader - level up!

Leader - level up!

Leader - level up!

Leader - [Lvl 1] -> [Lvl 27]


Various knowledge about "leadership" flowed into the hero's head. Leadership and diplomacy. How to arrange a stranger with a couple of words or inspire people to new achievements.

Thanks to the high wisdom, the experience gained from historical books, and a large number of now "his" people, the skill instantly rose to many levels.

The familiar silence again engulfed the surroundings. People first thought about it, and then imbued with the speech of the hero.

The whiners began to get noticeably nervous, realizing that the smell was fried. Some looked at Shiro with fear and embarrassment, and some with anger and hatred.

Shiro-san is right! Parasites! There is no better name for them!

Really! It's all true! How long have I endured them! They constantly dripped on the brains and prevented me from doing my job! And now I need to protect them!? NO WAY! To the wall of them! A bullet in the back of the head, that's it!

During yesterday's mess, they were the ones who caused panic and riots! It was they who hid behind our backs yesterday, and then poured mud on us! How can I trust such people with my back in a difficult moment?!

At one moment, the calm crowd erupted magically, like a pinch of gunpowder. The rage, anger and contempt lurking in their hearts were instantly released and directed at one group of people.

Such pressure of criticism and indignation made it clear that people are on the side of Shiro, which means that the rebels are in bad shape. Yes, they understood it themselves.

I'm sorry! I didn't know what I was doing! Don't banish me!

You can't do that! Do you hear! You can't!

Damn you and your whole family, sucker!

Cornered like rats, they each reacted differently. To the best of his character.

Shiro saw that the situation was on his side and it was extremely easy to drive out these blockheads now.

But he also understands that people are currently the most limited and valuable resource. And it's not worth squandering this resource so easily.

On the other hand, forgiving these idiots will not work. In this case, no one will understand him, not even himself.

A compromise was needed. In a good way, you just need to kill you right away, so as not to feed the zombies. But~oh... Okay, let's do this. There are exactly twenty of you and only half will be able to stay. The other half is leaving. Here and now, each of you in turn is given time to tell the story. In it you will talk about your profession and skills. And to even the odds for people without useful skills, you are also given the opportunity to "confess".

The rebels began to look cautiously at their former comrades.

Yes, you got it right. Quite a long time has passed and all of you should know who among you is worthy to stay in the camp and who is not. Tell us about the ugly deeds of your comrades and you will be rewarded. Shiro spoke in a calm voice.

But for the guilty, this calm voice was like the tempting whisper of the devil.

Is everything clear? Yes? Excellent. So who wants to stay raise your hand. Everything? Seriously? You, for example, just cursed me. Aaa... Is this a joke? All right, all right... You're the first. the hero was talking serenely to the dummies.

My name is Fukuda Jun and I am forty years old. By profession, I am an auto mechanic with fifteen years of experience. I also understand a little about plumbing... That's all...

Not bad, not bad. Shiro nodded, then pointed to the girl You're next.

"I'm Miyamoto Amy and I'm twentyone years old. I worked as a cook in kindergarten, so I know how to cook. It's also better for you not to leave Fukuda. He stole food several times, and also tried to **** me yesterday! the girl spoke calmly and finally broke into a scream.

MIYAMOTO! Shut the fuck up! She lies everything! HE'S LYING!

Really? Shiro asked in a serene voice.

At least that's what it seemed to everyone present, but not to Fukuda. Shiro stared into his eyes like a hawk at prey, and his serene voice made the hairs on his lower back stir. The hard glint in his eyes and murderous intent suppressed every cell in Fukuda's body. The mind of the rapist was under incredible pressure and threatened to go out with every moment.

- "F####y demon! Heck! Heck! Heck! DAMN!" the rapist screamed in his head.

The surrounding people saw the alleged rapist sweating nervously. Everyone has already realized that he is guilty and just waited for the climax.

But the unexpected happened.

Fukuda's eyes rolled back, after which his body fell and shook. Less than three seconds had passed, when suddenly he stopped shaking, and foam started coming out of his mouth. Died. I couldn't cope with Shiro's pressure. A heart rupture or a stroke, or maybe something else.

Everyone was shocked by such a climax. But the fanatics were most impressed.

God has punished the sinner! God sees everything!

Truly the will of the Lord! He punished the rapist!

They spoke excitedly, interrupting each other.

"I wonder what their reaction will be to the fact that I can control the power of life... Funny." thought Shiro as he looked at the fanatics.

After a while, ten people were chosen to stay. During this time, they told about all the sins of each other. Well, about skills.

That's it. The rest are free to go anywhere. Shiro said to the nine exiles.

Good, damn it! We're leaving! Give us weapons and food for a week!

no. It's impossible. the hero shook his head The camp is in a difficult situation, every crumb counts. There are not enough weapons even for all the guards. Most of the people are either dead or have died so that you can easily find both provisions and weapons If of course you want to.


"Get out of my sight before I change my mind," Shiro said in a chilling voice.

The thirst for blood consumed all nine fools.


Murderous Intent - Level up!

Murderous Intent - [Lvl 27] -> [Lvl 28]


On trembling legs, with a wooden gait, they quickly rustled away from the camp.

Haaa, it's been sorted out. Shiro said softly, sighing Now we need to figure out what to do next. Let's go discuss this," he said to Yuriko and Hasegawa. Well, his team, too. Where without them.

After that, he went to one of the rooms that could comfortably accommodate them.

And already there, having gathered together, they began to discuss their further actions.


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