A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 813 The Everrose Family

Chapter 813 The Everrose Family

Archer watched as Olivia jumped, spinning around before smiling when she saw it was him. The older woman bowed, her neat bun of snow-white hair glinting in the light, "My Lord, I thought you were sleeping on the balcony."

He admired her gorgeous pink eyes, which gleamed with intelligence. Her presence exuded a comforting, maternal energy that Archer found irresistible.

"I was, but a sea monster beside the ship roared and woke me up," he said. "Damn thing annoyed me, so I killed it. We'll have it for dinner."

Olivia laughed; a sound made some flutter inside. "Only you would do something like that, My Lord. But I'll be busy for the next couple of weeks. We've got too many recruits and not enough instructors or barracks to house them all.''

She looked toward the shipyard where they were assembling a Flagship and continued, ''Once the builders finish more ships, we can assign the new sailors to them and field many fleets that the kingdom can support."

Archer nodded thoughtfully. "If the navy needs any help, just ask Queen Aisha. She can assign some people to aid you with anything you need."

Olivia agreed with a smile, ''Can we go on that date once I get off?''

''Yes, but I may be a couple of hours as I have to fly to the Summerfield Duchy to help Fianna out as the Swarm is besieging Valoria City,'' Archer answered.

''Okay, just meet me at the base gates and tell the guards to come to get me when you get back from the mainland,'' Olivia said before softly kissing his cheek.

Then, she walked toward the command center after saying her farewell because she was getting back to work, and Archer summoned his wings. With a powerful flap, he took off and headed Northwest. While flying, he used Mana Manipulation to speed up.

A sonic boom was heard across Draconia as Archer sliced through the air and left the island behind. He flew over a peaceful sea before looking into the depths, and thanks to his eyesight, he could see thousands of sea monsters roaming below the surface.

'This world is so beautiful and I can't wait until its all mine,' Archer thought excitedly.

It took him about thirty minutes to arrive at the Summerfield Duchy and witness utter chaos. Fields were burning, and towns were charred black as creatures ran wild.

Without thinking, Archer stopped flying and cast Stone Warden thousands of times, causing an army of ten-foot-tall Stone Men to drop to the ground below. Once he summoned them all, he ordered them to hunt down any monsters.

After that, he gave them a second order to collect all the hearts they could and bring them to him at Valoria City, which is at the center of the Summerfield Duchy. Once Archer did that, he sped up and rushed to help Fianna in her struggle against the monsters.

It took him another five minutes to reach Valoria, only to spot thousands of horrifying monsters scaling the walls while the defenders threw large rocks and other debris. When Archer, a grin stretched across his face before casting Plasma Missile.

Once he did that, thousands of burning hot violet projectiles appeared around him. Without a second thought, he waved his hand, sending them flying toward the creatures. The missiles soared through the air while making a whistling noise.

This caught everyone's attention and caused the monster to turn in his direction just as the Plasma Missiles slammed into the horde. The explosion that happened rocked the whole city and sent the soldiers on the wall tumbling to their backsides.

Archer noticed the Swarm was still attacking. Seeing this, he took a deep breath before letting out his Dragon's Breath, which washed over the remaining creatures and burned them to ash.

When the Avalonian soldiers saw this, they intensified their attacks, and a wave of arrows rained down on the Ratling's siege engines. Archer watched the city gates open just as hundreds of heavy cavalry rushed out, only to crash into the monsters.

They washed over the Swarm like a tsunami and ended the threat against the city. Archer didn't wait and flew toward the castle in the city's center, surrounded by high walls and numerous soldiers guarding it.

Archer passed over them and soon saw Fianna standing outside the mansion with a beautiful smile while looking at him, but he soon noticed she wasn't alone and was with a group of people his age or older. 'Are these her children?' he internally questioned.

He shrugged, 'It doesn't matter Fianna's mine.'

After thinking to himself, Archer descended before landing in front of the Everrose Family. He soon noticed Lucius hiding in the back, avoiding eye contact. But soon, Fianna rushed out and hugged him as she whispered, ''Thank you for coming to help us, Arch.''

''Anytime, Fi,'' Archer replied lovingly before it turned cold as he scanned his surroundings. ''Where's your husband?''

Fianna grimaced but answered, ''He is seeing to the city's defense but should be back now the attack is over.''

Archer nodded before turning his attention to the others who accompanied Fianna, whom she quickly introduced, ''You already know Lucius, but my second son is Finnian Everrose.''

He looked at the boy who seemed to be his age and had brown hair but the red eyes of his mother. Finnian nodded in greeting but watched him with narrowed eyes as Fianna moved on to the three girls.

''These are daughters, Fiona, Faith, and Farrah,'' Fianna beamed. ''They are my three angels.''

Archer looked at all three girls, and two looked like younger versions of their mother. Fiona was thin and slender, standing taller than most siblings, while Faith was slim and petite. Her hair was cut short, reminding him of the notorious rare species known as Karens on Earth.

The last daughter, Farrah, had brown hair and was the odd one out of the siblings as she was the only chubby one, but to Archer, it only added to her charm. While looking at her, he noticed how she was looking at him caught his attention.

He shook his head of the thoughts before greeting them all, but when it came to Lucius, he jumped back in fright. When Fianna saw this, she scolded him in a stern voice, "The history between you two boys should stay in the past. It was your fault anyway; reports to your father confirm you started the altercation."

Lucius finally lifted his head, his face contorted with hatred as he glared at Fianna. With venom in his voice, he retorted, "Defending a lizard over your son, Mother? Father was right—

you're infatuated with someone younger than Finnian! Don't judge me when you're disloyal to our family!"

'Oh, so they know about us? This isn't good,' Archer thought while watching the blonde-haired boy speaking to Fianna.

The older blonde woman recoiled when she heard that, and Archer saw the look of heartbreak on her face, causing him to get angry. He quickly cast Blink to reappear in front of Lucius, which shocked the boy.

He swiftly grabbed Lucius by the neck and raised him into the air, saying, ''Don't ever talk to her like that in front of me, human.''

Archer brought Lucius closer before whispering with a smirk, ''I'm going to marry your mother and have her give birth to my children,'' he said. ''If you're ever rude to her again, or even if I hear whispers of it, I will turn you into a cripple and have your inheritance handed to your brother because my Fianna will need a puppet to control the Duchy while she tends to me.''

After speaking, he threw Lucius down the hall like a tennis ball before summoning two Shadow Creatures and ordering them to terrorize the boy until he lost his mind, which they happily agreed to.

The shadows vanished, leaving the other Everrose children shocked and pale-faced. Fianna sighed as she approached. Archer smiled, but the older woman bonked him on the head, ''Don't come in here and threaten my son, Arch,'' she said with a smile. ''Now, would you like to stay for dinner, darling?''

Archer nodded as Fianna started walking down the hall; her three daughters followed behind. Finnian stepped forward and asked, ''Have you crossed the line with my mother?''


Finnian sighed, ''Because father thinks she's having an affair with you and accuses her every day.''

''Has he hit her?'' Archer questioned.

The brown-haired boy shook his head, ''No, he isn't a violent man, but there's a dark side to him,'' he revealed quietly. ''He will be kind to you but send assassins during the night to slit your throat.''

Archer chuckled when hearing this before nodding, ''Thank you, Finnian, but I can handle it.''

''Okay. Follow me, I will lead you to the dining hall,'' Finnian said.

He nodded before the two of them caught up to the four women. Archer noticed the full-figured sister Farrah was staring at him, so he blew her a kiss, causing her to spin back around.

Archer chuckled, but Finnian asked in a curious tone, ''Why are you trying to flirt with my sister Farrah? I know you're a degenerate, but I thought you would have gone for Fiona or Faith.''

''What's wrong with Farrah?''

Finnian cringed when looking at his sister, which irked Archer for some reason, but the boy spoke, ''Because she's a slob and has no motivation to lose all that disgusting weight. She's a shame to the Everrose name, and my opinion of you has dropped even further due to your attraction to a fat girl who eats too much.''


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