A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 812 How Is This Possible

Chapter 812 How Is This Possible

Archer charged into the thunder dragon, used his claws to brutalize it, and stole the yellow scales that fell off it like a bandit. His enemy became furious and started acting more predictable, allowing him to dodge the attacks.

He started using Blink to confuse the yellow dragon and kept blasting it with Azur Cannons, which damaged its body. While doing that, Archer summoned the Shadow Creatures to go around collecting all the scales that littered the sea's surface and the ones that fell from the sky.

Following that, the thunder dragon blasted him with several Thunderblasts that struck Archer, locked his limbs in place just as the water dragon appeared, and hit him with its tail, sending him crashing into the ocean.

Archer was engulfed by water pouring into his mouth, but suddenly, something washed over him. He knew this magic, which excited him. 'Mary!' he thought.

That was when he could move normally while underwater like he was flying, as his body was covered in a translucent shield. When he figured this out, Archer took a deep breath and fired his violet dragon breath, which shot out of the water.

The volatile beam of flames slammed into the water dragon, burning a hole right through its body, causing it to plummet toward the surface as the life left it. Archer spotted this and rushed forward using Blink.

He quickly reached the blue dragon and stored its corpse in his Item Box before checking his surroundings. Archer spotted Demetra and Kassandra battling a legion of sea monsters, losing to the two titan girls.

That's when he spotted Mary tearing through sea serpents and dragon turtles with ease; the surface above lit up as cannons fired. Archer noticed ships sinking below the waves and were struck by the monsters.

Seeing the debris, Archer felt a pang of guilt upon spotting Draconian ships among the wreckage. Determined to end the battle swiftly, he surged out of the water, taking several deep breaths before unleashing a torrent of flames upon the enemy vessels.

The violet blasts struck many of the Swarms' ships, causing them to explode into bits. This allowed the DRN to get the upper hand, as the Flagship started targeting the bigger vessels and striking them with their Titan Wrath Cannons.

Archer watched as the sizzling mana shells struck the metal hulls, causing mighty explosions that ripped the ships apart like they were made from paper. He was amazed when Demetra suddenly hit a swarm vessel and took it out using her dorsal fin.

Then, a dozen tentacles erupted from the water and tangled around two smaller ships before crushing them. The battle lasted another hour as the enemy ships were mopped up and sank to the sea floor.

Once the battle ended, Archer landed on the bridge balcony of his Flagship, which was littered with scorch marks caused by the enemy cannons. He scanned the horizon and saw dozens of his ships patrolling the waters, looking for monsters to put down.

Following that, Archer entered the bridge and saw Olivia resting on her command chair. He smiled at the white-haired woman before speaking, ''Order the fleet back to Seafire Naval Base. We need to see how many sailors we lost.''

Olivia nodded and gave out the order. Following that, Archer sent Kassandra, Mary, and Demetra a message to meet him at Drakonia City, which they agreed to. Once he had finished all that, he stood by the window and looked out over the battlefield.

The sea blazed with flames as the mana incinerated the wreckage of sinking vessels. Archer watched as dozens of his ships passed, their silhouettes cutting through the fiery waters. That's when the Flagship pivoted as the last Battleship moved ahead, falling into line behind them.

They sailed for an hour until they reached the Northern Sea Wall Gate, which was open, allowing them to cruise through. Archer exited the bridge and looked at the nearest ship while traveling down the Dragonfire River.

He spotted hundreds of injured, and his guilt increased, but he decided to help by summoning his wings. Archer took off and looked down at Archer's Pride's deck, where he saw injured sailors.

With a wave of his hands, he cast Aurora Healing, which washed over all the injured while sucking out a large chunk of mana. He flew over the remaining fleet, doing the same to the other sailors.

Most of the soldiers had to sleep due to the stress of their injuries but would wake up soon. Once Archer was done with that, he headed for the Flagship, and when he got closer, he used Blink to return to his spot on the balcony.

Archer felt drained as he used a lot of his mana to heal everyone and collapsed to the floor. He pulled some pillows and a blanket from his Item box before wrapping it around himself to get comfortable.


[Olivia Anderson's POV]

Olivia guided the Archer's Pride into the Seafire Dock and came to a stop. Once they were docked, she dismissed the crew, who tended to the sleeping crew members, and the king healed.

She looked around and wondered where he was going off to. Olivia stood up and thought, 'Reports say most of the injured were healed by the king before he vanished.'

Afterward, she walked onto the bridge balcony where she had last seen him and found him curled under a blanket. This caused a sweet smile to appear as she crouched down and ran her finger through his silky white hair.

'Outside the kingdom you're seen as a monster,' Olivia thought. 'But to Draconia you're a beacon of light in this dark world.'

She knew Archer would be fine up here, so she left to see the causality list and walked through the ship's corridors. While traveling through the massive ship, Olivia saw holes in the hull due to the Swarms shells penetrating the mana shield.

But in a few hours, the Shipyard Workers would pour onto the 1st Fleet to repair the damage and refill the ammunition. Olivia soon exited the ship to see that the base was a hive of activity. Some sailors were taken to the hospital to get checked out while the other staff rushed around.

She soon found the 1st Fleet commanders waiting for her off to the side. Olivia noticed a few were missing, which caused her to sigh as they were good people. The senior captain stepped forward when she arrived in front of the group.

He was an older man named Bernard Harrington and was Olivia's second in command. The man had salt and pepper-

colored hair, stood six feet tall, and was board-chested. The commander saluted her as a greeting.

Olivia returned it before asking, ''How many did we lose?''

Bernard looked down as guilt crossed his weathered face as he answered, ''Two Battleships, ten Cruisers, thirteen Destroyers, and twenty Frigates along with most of their crew, but we did manage to rescue 5000 sailors andDragon Marines.''

She felt bad as the navy lost over 20,000 personnel in the last few days, which was a big hit, but Bernard informed her of some good news, ''Ma'mm, people have flocked to the navy and joined in waves.''

Olivia's eyes widened as she scanned the paper Bernard handed her. Nearly 2 million applicants for the Navy? The number was staggering, almost unbelievable. She glanced back at Bernard, her brow furrowing in confusion.

''This can't be right,'' she murmured, more to herself than to him. 'How could so many people want to join us so suddenly?'"

'Has the kingdom been growing that quick? I know refugees flood in daily, but this much? Impossible,' she thought.

She looked at Bernard, ''How is this possible? There couldn't be that many people fleeing here.''

The older man shook, ''The Kingdom has been accepting anyone and everyone who swears a mana oath to the king and realm,'' he revealed. ''And when they see how our people live, they swear it without thinking, giving the realm countless loyal subjects, Ma'am.''

Olivia nodded before looking at the paper and seeing a dozen different races, from barbarians to cat demi-humans. It didn't matter who they were; they joined in droves and allowed them to build a dozen fleets.

When she saw this, Olivia got excited and spoke to the group in a determined voice: ''We may have lost friends, but they knew the risks by joining the 1st. '' She looked at her captains and continued, ''We will become the greatest naval power Thrylos has ever seen! Now, find us suitable leaders, no matter the race. Bring them here as long as they know how to lead a ship.''

The surrounding commanders agreed before rushing off to carry out their work. Olivia thought she was alone, but a voice made her jump: ''My beautiful Liv, this is why I will be making you the overall commander of my navy. You will be allowed to command the 1st, but you will need someone to handle business here.''

Olivia spun around and spotted Archer standing there. He looked at her with his glowing violet eyes, which always captured her with their intensity. She examined the Draconian King, whom she'd grown to like.

He was taller than her and reached six and a half feet tall and wasn't massive, but she could see his bulging muscles under the beige shirt he was wearing, causing her to think, 'Why is this boy so damn handsome! His making me wet by just looking at him.'

She shook her head to clear such dirty thoughts because she was in her late thirties, and no young man would be interested in her, especially the king. Olivia knew he was a flirt with every woman he encountered, so she thought nothing of it when he flirted with her.


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