A Gorgeous White

Chapter 125: Lured In (2)

Chapter 125: Lured In (2)


The wind turned colder and colder as every second passed. The heels of their boots have frozen and even the gloves failed to resist the cold. Several minutes have gone and their sole master of shield manipulation still knelt with frozen knees and palms. The ice prickled beneath him as his mouth released a warm exhale. Probably releasing the last of the heat in his body.

Moulin wanted to clear the ground of snow for his noble friend, however, the naked patch of the snowy ground might be visible from the wandering eyes from afar. He only focused to clear the cold away from the team, providing them a hint of comfort. It should be the least that he could do.

"I... I found a way!" Alsander resisted the urge to shout as he lifted his head and open his eyes. The first to react was Sir Rowan who was silently watching over him.

"What should be done?" Asked Rowan.

Alsander shivered under the cold gaze but he replied. "F-From our perspective, the fortress seemed to be facing east. I manage to sever a small part of the barrier at the back of the stronghold. It will not last long so you must hurry."

Rowan turned to Lord Hadrian as he calmly explained, "Without a seer with us, we cannot map the interior of the fortress. We will be walking blind."

"We split. If things go wrong. Move north. A distraction of the north part of the fortress. It will give us time to search for the prisoners." Hadrian clutched his sword belt. "Since our company hasn't arrived, this is no longer an invasion. We will rescue the hostages without causing disturbance... If only we had an insider..." He shakes his head.

He commanded his men to prepare to depart towards the lake. They will have to rely on Alsander to cast a barrier to conceal them while they travel on the water. Moulin eyes followed their movements until he watched their figures rapidly flew after a step, released from the powerful strength of their knees. They moved in the air as if they were gliding. A series of ripples trailed the water. One after the other.

Alsander kept his hand flat on the ground as he concentrated. It was clear that he exerted more than he could offer. Although the frigid wind had brought nothing but coldness, Moulin could see a bead of sweat trail down his friend's forehead.

The last to depart was Hadrian. His golden eyes stared briefly. For a moment, Moulin could see a trace of reluctance and worry but before he could discern it entirely, the golden-haired man turned and leaped from the lakeshore with great speed and power. The wind from the lord's departure brushed Moulin's face. And the one's left on snowy grounds were Alsander and Moulin. Their figures became smaller and smaller as they were left alone from those who had left the lakeshore 

Moulin watched their quick figures leave ripples on the still water. The sky's reflection turned distorted on the lake's surface.

Minutes later, Alsander breathed a sigh of relief. "They're in... I'm going to have to stay like this until they vacate the stronghold." He exhaled. He glanced at Moulin with a faint smile, "Is this the experience of a sentinel I wonder? The strain of exertion could rupture one's soul if not careful. Honestly, you sentinels are so heroic."

Lifting an eyebrow, Moulin returned Alsander a glance. "Yes, it is always like this..." Not that he had undergone more of the kind of experience Alsander was asking.

The young master chuckled, "This reminds me of the rumors circling you..."

"What?" Moulin narrowed his silver eyes.

"It hasn't completely abated yet" He smirked. "The disappearance of the third young master of the Grand Fraunces Household in the Northern Mountains. Your survival and change is a mystery"

Moulin turned his gaze away. Thoughts complicated...

"Is it true?" Alsander pressed. His eyes looked undoubtedly inquisitive. "Did you survived the life in the Northern Woods alone? Did you meet your Mystic beast during your disappearance? When did you awaken?"

Moulin rolled his eyes. He resisted the urge to pick his ears. Honestly...

Why does he always poke his nose around people's personal life? Is it truly is nature? Any naive person would become his victim in a snap of his fingers.

Alsander continued to babble and interrogate Moulin as the hour passed. Moulin didn't have the time to entertain the amber-eyed Maeruthan. His eyes continued to stare at the black fortress. More and more time passed...

The skies had darkened... Dark clouds rolled and blanketed the entire lake. 

There was a slight mist in the air. Moulin could sense it. He grew confused and suspicious.

"Something is wrong..." He muttered. Silver eyes staring at the skies obscuring the black fortress sitting still on the restless lake.

Worry and fear washed Alsander's expression. "Am I going to survive this? I am so young and inexperienced. I will shame my forefathers if I die so early!" He pressed his lips together. "The gods should at least spare me a bit of time to release all the horrible secrets people have kept in their disgusting lives." He muttered disapprovingly.

Moulin gave him a bland look before he continued to observe their surroundings.


Both of them flinched.


"What was that?" Alsander wanted to hold unto Moulin but then he remembered his duty. Cursing under his breath, he turned to Moulin with begging eyes akin to Snow's pleading ones. "Dear brother, please protect me with your life..."

With his hands occupied, he felt extremely vulnerable. Was it those hellions again? Did they found them?

Moulin rolled his eyes. He turned around and narrowed his gaze cautiously. His expression was calm as he alone faced the dimming woods. The dark skies mercilessly covered the depth of the woods with darkness. Moulin could not make of what was coming towards them. 


Suddenly, his expression calmed.


Alsander flinched. With a pale face, he took in a sharp breath as he glanced at Moulin. "If I'm going to die. There is a secret compartment by my bedside. I want you to release it to the world and don't forget to name me a hero"

Moulin snorted, "Shut up. You're not going to die..."

Alsander grumbled before stiffening. Oh, it was coming! It is coming...





Moulin smiled faintly as he saw a small ball of fur scurrying towards his feet. It hurried with its legs buried in the slight depth of the snow. It was like watching a puppy trudging through the deep snow towards Moulin. Large beady eyes blinked at him as tiny front paws reached up to his calves. Silver pupils adorably met Moulin's emotionless gaze.

Snow gave a cheerful yip as he blinked his eyes at Moulin, pleading to be carried on his master's arms.

When Alsander saw who it was, relief exploded in his chest. He let out a breath as he looked at the adorable little fox, seeking his master's attention. 

"Didn't I tell you to stay at the camp?" Moulin chided. Snow only stopped and a pitiful whimper was released. 

Alsander squinted his eyes as he watched the pair's little scene beside him. He still could not believe how Moulin was able to tame such a rare mystic beast. He dismissed his thoughts and concentrated on guarding and observing the barrier.


Moulin furrowed his eyes. Helplessly, he crouched and lifted Snow in his arms. Once again, he turned and continued to observe the lake shrouded with dimness. The breeze grew colder and the ambience was dreadful and bleak. 

And when Moulin thought that nothing would become even stranger...

'Come... Closer...'

It was as if the cold breeze was speaking to him. Whispering to him with an ambiguous tongue. This time, he believed he wasn't hearing nonsense. Unknown to him, Snow had gone quiet in his arms. The curiosity receded in his eyes as he veered his gaze to the open land by his right. Again he saw nothing... How did he know it was by his right?


The weight abruptly left his arms and he watched as the fox landed on the deep snowy ground. Alsander noticed the sudden movements and his amber eyes slightly glanced at the pair. A flash of light blinded his vision and he had to squint. As the light receded, what met his shocked gaze was the magnificence of an Opallian Fox. The Mystic Beast stood in full glory. Its large tails swaying menacingly and gracefully. The golden marks crowning its head gleamed even without the light of day.

"Snow?" Moulin was confused.

The massive fox nudged Moulin to his side. As though wishing his master to mount him.

A frown appeared in Moulin's expression. "This is not the time."

Alsander quickly interfere. "What is it? What's wrong?"

Moulin shook his head, glancing at the confused Alsander behind him, "Nothing..."

Snow made a mewling sound as if pleading. He sounded hurried and pitiful. Moulin ignored him and continued to watch the lakeside. His silver eyes grew complicated. Not a minute later, he heard a sound far from his side. When he shifted his gaze to the direction of the sound he stopped.

Several meters away from him, in the open ground far from where he and Alsander were situated, a gorgeous Mystic beast of pure white stood and waited. Moulin didn't know when Snow had got that far from him but he was more concerned about the brat's persistence. 

What was he doing?

"Snow come back here..." He called. His voice turning authoritative and cold as he watched the fox refuse, not bulging from where he stood.

"Moulin, what's wrong?" Alsander furrowed his brows. He sensed something not right about his friend's current situation.

"Nothing. It's just-... I will be right back..." Said Moulin as he quickly moved his feet seeing that Snow had started to move further and further away from him. Moulin could not help but become wary. The cold on his skin suddenly felt unusual.

"Moulin wait!" Alsander called out. However, his voice could no longer reach Moulin. Stuck helplessly to continue his task, he was left to watch as his aphrodite friend strayed from him. Walking away filled with uncertainty. He cursed as he resumed to concentrate on his task he could not cease to do. He only wished the Lord would return soon.

Meanwhile, as Moulin hurried to chase after Snow, he felt irritation and helplessness rising inside him. He glanced to his left and noticed the flashes of light within the rolling dark clouds above the lake. He breathes out. This really wasn't the time to be chasing around. He gritted his teeth. He should've left Snow in Thundralln.

When he finally reached the foolish brat, his eyes glowered annoyingly. He rasped, "What are you doing? Don't trouble me! This is not the time to play around."

Snow lowered his head, feeling wronged.


Sighing, Moulin reached out his hand and caressed Snow's furry head. His rosy fingers tracing the golden marks on the silver-white fur.

"Turn back... Let's go..." Muttered Moulin, gently. 

Snow gave a sound of agreement as he nuzzled his large snout on Moulin's warm palm. The large beast transformed back to his small form and hopped into his master's embrace. Curling his body in his master's embrace, Snow yipped. His silver eyes massively staring at Moulin. 


"Moulin! Come back!" 

Moulin turned his head and faintly sighed at the rattled form of the young master. Alsander looked looked extremely unsettled and nervous. Moulin gazed down at Snow.

"Let's go..."

He took a step forward...

Out of nowhere, the ground beneath his feet collapsed! Shocked by the unexpected situation his body fell in the earth, swallowed by the ground along with the snow.


"Moulin!" Alsander yelled.



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