A Gorgeous White

Chapter 124: Lured In (1)

Chapter 124: Lured In (1)


A flicker of disbelief flashed in those dazzling silver eyes. The pale hand that hanged by his sides clenched and a burst of fury exploded within Moulin's chest. He gnashed his teeth as he summoned his sacred weapon within his clenched hand. The opal-like color gleamed with a sharp light as Moulin drew the bowstring and shot an arrow.

The burst of wind sharply flew past Hadrian's cheek. The man didn't even bother to look behind him as he only set his eyes on the dazzling slender figure, poising with his bow with undeniable fierceness in front of him. 

He heard a painful roar... A whimper... and then a heavy thud.

Moulin narrowed his eyes as he turned around to hunt down the rest of the damn animals. Lord Hadrian's expression did not even twitch as he slowly turned his head.

Shot right between the eyes. The beast laid on the snow-covered ground unmoving. Red eyes bulged out as black blood streamed from the eyes, nose, and mouth before freezing completely. Hadrian turned his head and flicked the blood off his sword as he walked away.

'I was being fucking careful! If it wasn't for that damn girl, you wouldn't have seen me like that!' Moulin's thoughts ran wild.

He should've let that mage get mauled to death. Let hose hideous teeth rip her flesh into shreds. Moulin narrowed his eyes sharply as he pulled his string, three long arrows materialized. He released his grip and struck between the eyes of three hellions. Their wolfish bodies stiffened as their internal organs turned into ice, from the interior to ghe exterior. Not even a whimper of pain was released as they all fell to the ground like stone statues.

His feet were nimble and his body flexed as he dodged an incoming claw. The bowstring was drawn and released. A stake-like arrow pierced through the animal's skull. Black blood and brain matter splattered. Although it pained Moulin to see the pure-white snow stained and fouled by the pungent smell of iron, he didn't have time to care.

Not long after, the battle was inclined to their side as the hellions realized the corpse of their alpha. They retreated with haste into the deepest parts of the woods, hurriedly distancing themselves from their supposed targets. Their numbers were few and the rest of the company wanted nothing more than to avenge their fallen and kill the rest of those damn beasts.

Panting heavily, Moulin maintained a furious expression as he let his sacred bow vanish within his hold. He eyed the dead around him. The blend of both red and black blood degraded on the white ground. Visceral organs and limbs laid scattered around them. It was bound to catch their attention. 

Rowan checked what was left of their group and he out a mournful sigh. Death was inevitable... 

Moulin looked around and found Alsander heaving with a sword in his hand. He turned his gaze away, landing a stare at Hadrian and Rowan.

"Your mage sure is worthless." He mocked as he shifted his gaze to the cowering girl hiding at the back of the team. When she caught Moulin's eyes, he scoffed. "I should have let you die, ungrateful wench"

She lowered her head in shame and fear. She felt like she couldn't breathe.

Rowan narrowed his eyes at the girl before returning his gaze to Lord Hadrian who sheathed his sword.

"It is strange... It seems the hellions were sent... "

"They know we are here..." said Hadrian. As he started straight through the woods in front of him. "Our location is compromised..."

"Orders, Milord." Rowan bowed his head.

"Send the rest to the east." He commanded. With a turn of his head, he pointed out names of who will be staying with him. As his eyes found the female mage, he glared as he ordered her to send for reinforcements. Relena's group should be arriving at their camp by now.

As the group divided, Moulin leads the team ahead. They proceeded to head northwest while Moulin exerted himself to let the snow disrupt any detection spell possibly conjured. In less than half an hour, they emerged from the edge of the forest. The cold breeze greeted them making them shiver at the cold.

They arrived at an open area. Nothing but Snow met their view but as they moved closer, a huge lake appeared as if it was the wide sea. It was calm. Its stillness made it looked ominous and its darkness showed its abysmal depth.

Far beyond at the center of the lake was a black fortress. Truly, it was here. It appeared as though it was floating on water. Looking as small as an inch from far away. 

Their small team walked forward. 

"Should we wait for reinforcements?" Rowan inquired.

The Lord glanced at Moulin briefly. The youth was staring intently at the lake. "No..." Hadrian turns to Alsander. "Start..."

"Yes, Milord" 

The young master of the Vernallia family rubbed his hands as he kneeled on the snow. The freezing ice beneath his leathered knees gave out a numb sensation but he ignored it. He spread out his gloves hand on the snow. His eyes closed and a breath was released. Moulin and the rest of the group curiously watched him.

"What do you see?" Rowan asked. The others patiently waited.

"A barrier..." Alsander replied with closed eyes. "It is strong... It will take time to break through without being detected."

"Do it..." Hadrian ordered as he thought about a way to get across the lake without being spotted. "The rest of you, see to your wounds"

The rest of the group fell on the snow, exhausted. They tended to their wounds as they waited for the lord's orders. 

Silver eyes kept their gaze at the black fortress on the lake. 


The eye of Malefic... 


He lets out a warm breath, calmly gazing. Silent and solemn.

"Moulin..." Hadrian's voice abruptly caught Moulin's attention. The youth turned to face the man who was impassively walking towards him.

"Yes, Milord..." He responded with a straight back, consciously noticing the eyes around them.

"You will stay here with Alsander. Wait for us by the lakeshore... Notify us when Lady Relena's company will arrive"

"Yes, My lord" Moulin bowed his head. When he witnessed Hadrian's eyes narrow, Moulin briefly gave a smile. 

'I will be alright just come back to me safely...' 

Silver eyes expressed deep worry and concern to the man in front of him. Golden eyes softened. Hadrian wanted to caress Moulin's tender cheek and carefully brush his thumb beneath those his eye. However, he couldn't. He reached out to grasp Moulin's shoulder and squeezed. 

"Be safe..." He whispered.

Moulin softened his gaze as he watched his lover turn his head and walk away from him. Moulin clenched his hands. His heart pounded heavily. Hadrian will be alright... He knows he will be alright... He will come back to him safely...

It was his first time worrying so much about his lover... Although he knew Hadrian was stronger. He possessed abilities and strengths no man could hold.

Yes, he will be alright...

Moulin pressed his lips together as he returned his gaze to the black fortress. His eyes squinted. He wonders what awaits them within.

'Hurry... And... Find me...'

Moulin flinched. His limbs stiffened. And as the wind brushed his cheek, he whipped his head to his right side. He heard it. The child's voice like an ominous whisper.

As if it was spoken just beside his ear...

But what met his gaze was nothingness. The cold snow. The rows of naked trees surrounding the clearing. The frigid breeze.

Moulin furrowed his eyes brows... He had clearly heard it...

What does this place hold for him?...



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