A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 29: Confrontation Within.

Chapter 29: Confrontation Within.

Susan was smiling sweetly as You Xi Wang held her in his embrace. They both were wrapped around each other like clothes on a body, they kissed and felt each other with no constraint. His wrist band vibrated, and he saw his sister calling him. He distanced himself and picked up the call.

"Bro, your future in-laws are here, along with your girlfriend, they want to meet you. Aunt and Granny Xin are attending them. Get home soon." You Zhichi sounded excited.

"Say, big sis, why do you sound like taking pleasure in my misery." You Xi Wang said in a depressed tone, only to hear his sister laugh in delight.

"Who told you to get yourself all three of them altogether?" You Zhichi teased him again.

"Okay, fine, just you wait, I remember that Zack O'Neill got hots for you, I will support him. Then we will see who will laugh." You Xi Wang teased his sister by using the name of the School hunk, who always pester his sister, and she would just ignore him.

"Bro, I am sorry, I will not tease you again... Sob." You Zhichi sounded depressed and there was a tiny sobbing sound that made her brother panic.

"Big sis, don't cry I was joking, please, I beg you don't cry. I will never do that ever again, I will kill that 'numb nut' if he pestered you ever again. I am sorry. I am coming home right now." he hurriedly disconnected the call and grabbed Susan's hand and looking into her eyes, he continued speaking, "We need to head home. Forgive me, I will make it up to you later."

Susan shook her head and said, "It is fine, let's not worry about making it up to me, what you did earlier was enough."

They both fixed their clothes and moved out holding hands. You Xi Wang turned to Robert and said, "Get us home, ASAP."

Robert felt a sense of urgency in his voice and sprang into action. The trio was out in a few seconds and just like a gust of wind they boarded the vehicle and it started moving towards their destination with a whoosh.

They arrived in front of the mansion in just a few minutes, thanks to Robert driving as if his life depended on it. The vehicle entered the parking area and a shadow burst forth from it, it was You Xi Wang and he ran at his fastest speed heading to his sister's room. He knocked on the door, but no one answered and this silence from the other side was like a banshee's cry to him, piercing through his heart.

You Xi Wang used his special access and entered the room. He searched for it, but his sister was not here. He was getting anxious with every passing moment. He came out of the room and he saw a maid walking by, he stopped her and asked in a shaky voice, "Have you seen big sis?"

The maid replied, "Young master, Miss is in the guest hall." she heard him shouting 'thank you' as he ran towards the guest hall. After he reached the guest hall, he saw his sister, whose back was facing him, and her body was slightly trembling. He thought she was crying.

Every other human being inside the hall vanished from his sight and he walked towards You Zhichi, he stood in front of her and knelt and slammed his head straight on the marble flooring with a BANG the floor cracked from the impact, blood started flowing out and he said in a shaky voice, "Please forgive me, big sis I swear, I will never tease you, I am a fool, please don't hate me, I beg you.." he was now crying like a child, You Zhichi was shocked to see him react like this and so was everyone else.

Chen Qianbei gained her composure back, and she quickly tried to pick him up from the floor but he did not budge, she turned and glared at You Zhichi, everyone in the room was aware how she teased her brother and when he retorted she acted as if she got hurt and after that, he hung up and hurried here, they never imagined him to bang his head on the floor in apology.

You Zhichi sensed the glare from her aunt and quickly helped her to pick You Xi Wang said, "I am not upset or hurt look at me, I was just acting." she held his face with her palms and raised it so he could see her, but all she saw was her brother crying tears of blood.

You Xi Wang was influenced by his predecessor's remnant soul sense. His predecessor inside, he was crying in grief and trying to take control while the system was busy preventing that. Soul sense was like instincts of the dead soul they gained strength from their emotions. The previous You Xi Wang depended on his family for emotional support, and that was the reason he died from shock.

After merging with the new soul, this predecessor's soul sense had been growing stronger by absorbing You Xi Wang's emotions and was now detected by the system and thus began the struggle. It was this soul sense which made You Xi Wang react the way he did. This very moment he was asleep while the system has been confronting this soul sense inside the spirit pond.

They were not engaged in hand to hand combat, but a logical argument of who should stay in this body. As they both noticed You Zhichi and others getting worried for You Xi Wang.

The system stated, "Do you not know how you used to make them worry in the past and now just in a few minutes you gathered enough energy, you did it again. Are you not ashamed of yourself? Look at your sister who is crying so much after watching all the blood, tears on our face."

The predecessor's soul sense sneered and said, "So what this was my body before you came and took control also they are my family why are you so worried?"

The system sighed, "I was worried when you said logical discussion but now let's go. They are your family? Where were you when your sister faced everything alone? You were laying in a hospital and did nothing other than die-off in shock. I took your place and took care of these people, but what did you do?"

"You were and you still are only a worthless crybaby. What do you want to do now? Come back again and made your family cry to their deaths until you grow up and accept your fate. Nobody else was at fault. Okay, you piece of shit, died when you did not even have energy."

The system lashed out hard which made the remnant soul-sense calm down a little, the system pushed forward and said, "I have a proposition, are you interested?"

The soul-sense hesitated but agreed to listen to what the system was proposing. The system said, "Why not let me merge with you completely? This way you can still become me and I will become you in the true sense."

The soul-sense pondered and asked, "Does that mean, I will cease to exist?"

The system replied bluntly, "Yes, but we both will become one. There will be no you or me."

The remnant soul heaved a sigh and agreed. The soul sense knew that it cannot survive alone and merging was the only way possible. The system started the process and You Xi Wang in the real-world woke up.

He looked around and found his sister shedding tears, he hurriedly hugged her and said, "Don't cry big sis, I overreacted and right now my brain just got upgraded. Sorry."

He consoled her and others too. After a few minutes, a servant came in and informed, "Young master, Council official Takeshi Kinben and Ushijima Yuki are here to meet you. Should I bring them here?"

The siblings looked at each other and laughed a bit.


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