A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 28: Oath of love.

Chapter 28: Oath of love.

You Xi Wang asked everyone to take some rest and not to overexert themselves. After some short talk with some family members, he left the main hall. He told You Zhichi that he was going out to meet Dr. Susan before he called Robert to drive him to the hospital.

You Xi Wang sat inside the car and gazed outside the window. After a minute it occurred to him and he said to Robert: "Do we have any flower shops on the way I want to buy some flowers for Susan."

Robert nodded and drove the maglev to a flower shop and parked the car in front. You Xi Wang alighted and looked around at the various flowers, some were like the flowers in his old world while some were different. After looking around for a few minutes he decided on ninety-nine blue roses like a flower bouquet. This flower was called 'Ciel d'amour' in the French language, this meant sky of love, the logic was simple, it was blue like the sky and its smell had a calming effect on one's heart.

You Xi Wang paid for the bouquet and boarded his car again, heading to the hospital. They arrived at the destination in ten minutes. After the vehicle was parked Robert followed his Young master to the reception and made the inquiry about Dr. Susan. The receptionist who was a genial looking middle-aged lady noticed You Xi Wang was holding a beautiful bouquet in his hands and she gave him a knowing smile as she informed them about Dr. Susan's whereabouts. Just as You Xi Wang was about to pass her, she said: "All the best, Lad" You Xi Wang turned to her and smiled while replying: "Thank you."

You Xi Wang and Robert arrived in front of a cabin which had its door closed and saw a nameplate hanging from it, saying 'Dr. Susan Watson- Attending Physician'. He turned and signaled Robert to stand guard as he knocked on the door. Robert nodded, and they heard a voice from inside which sounded like a ghost's scowl: "Come in." he gulped and pushed the door open slowly and took a deep breath as he entered and closed the door from inside.

Robert who stood on the outside mumbled: "Damn, our young war god was looking nervous, I am glad I stayed single."


Inside the room Dr. Susan had her gaze fixed to holographic picture hovering in front of her, It was a picture taken during the banquet party You Xi Wang held her waist and she leaned her head on his shoulder as a serene smile adorned her face and her eyes looked content. She would open this picture whenever she had free time in the past two weeks, she felt very warm when everyone in You family consoled her and did not blame her for You Xi Wang's condition at all, her mother was also very grateful and gave her approval and blessings for finding You Xi Wang as her beloved, but she still could not get that sight of his pale looking face out of her mind and whenever she remembered why he ended up like that tears would start falling from her eyes uncontrollably.

It has only been a few moments since she answered the door and she was already immersed in gazing at the picture forgetting about everything, she did not know why she had loved You Xiwang so much in such a short time but something about him made her feel like he was someone she could rely on, someone with whom she can share all her feelings, doubts and secrets, the way he acted cheekily and how he easily blushed when teased, she liked everything about him.

She mumbled in a low voice to herself: "I am so sorry for hurting you Xi Wang, I told you, I am not good enough for you and that I will end up making a mess. See what has happened now." tears fell unceasingly from her gem-like eyes. Suddenly she sat upright when she heard a soft and calm voice behind her saying in a mellow tone.

"Don't doubt yourself, for I will always trust you.

You are not in the wrong, my darling, I still love you."

You Xi Wang moved closer to her and took her hand and helped her stand up from her chair and continued,

"The shards of broken hope dropping from your eyes pierce through this heart of mine.

Rein in your grief, my love, for we are fated to be together till the end of time."

He now slowly moved his arms engulfing her slender waist and embraced her in his arms and continued, this time his voice was smooth like silk and it went straight to her heart

"When you smile blooms like a flower, it fills my soul with a blissful desire.

Don't you worry about anything, my dear, for you I will happily walk through the seas of fire."

Dr. Susan buried her face into his chest as tears kept falling on his shirt making it slightly wet, You Xi Wang kept stroking her back slowly with a smile on his face and said: "Did you thought I would hate you after that night, Susie?" his voice was filled with love and warmth, Susan nodded and he said: "You are such a dummy, look at me,"

Susan reflexively raised her head, and You Xi Wang moved his head close to her and touched her forehead with his own and while looking straight into her eyes said: "I may be many things, but I am not narrow-minded enough to hate you over something which was my mistake and that night I left so quickly because I knew you would not pay attention to your mom if you kept worrying about my condition."

Susan wanted to say something, but stopped and kissed You Xi Wang on his lips and said after breaking away: "Xi Wang my entire being belongs to you, I swear to the heavens that in this world, I will follow no one else and I will only be loyal to you and you only, my love, my soul, my body, everything is yours." and before he could object she kissed him and lightning flashed in the sky witnessing her oath of love.

You Xi Wang broke away from the kiss and spoke to her: "I, You Xi Wang, swear in the name of my blood that I will always have a place for you in my heart and no one will ever replace you in my life, I will ask no disrespectful thing of you."

They both just stood there in each other's embrace.


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